View Full Version : What will happen to America if Obama gets elected?

September 6th, 2008, 17:14
Here's some of the filthy trash, low-life lies and desparate scare tactics being spread by the MacCain/Palin smear campaign through America's email system. It's sorta an "over the top" in order to get the joke thus everyone kinda already knows the fact (the LIE that Obama is Muslim) nazi scare tactics designed to BRAINWASH the American into believing that "if Obama wins" then catastrophic change could be on the way.

It doesn't end here. Stay tuned. There's more. I just gotta get my sister in law in Connecticut to dig it up more.

September 6th, 2008, 18:39
If any of this was real I would worry, as it is it is good for a chuckle or two.


September 7th, 2008, 01:05
Oh my god it election time in the good oud USA. Just think we only have to put up with this bull shit two year ahaed of the election. Thats why the jokes just start comming and keep on comming. Other wise we would all go crazy. That is if we are not already there. . . . . . . May the best person win. Whom ever that may be. This is the way we handle our elections. A lot better than guns and fighting. We leave that up to our gangs.

September 7th, 2008, 10:53
Oh my god it election time in the good oud USA. Just think we only have to put up with this bull shit two year ahaed of the election. Thats why the jokes just start comming and keep on comming. Other wise we would all go crazy. That is if we are not already there. . . . . . . May the best person win. Whom ever that may be. This is the way we handle our elections. A lot better than guns and fighting. We leave that up to our gangs.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Seabee, thanks for your comments, so true. This particular election in the USA has not been boring and I think it is the first one where the internet has played a big factor in giving the voter information (and lies) and humor about each candidate. And it is amazing the rubbish one gets about each candidate though the internet.

You pointed out something Americans take for granted, 99% Americans are able to disagree without getting crazy and using violence against one another. Humor is a good release. :clown:

September 7th, 2008, 11:16
... 99% Americans are able to disagree without getting crazy and using violence against one another. Humor is a good releaseHmmm, let's see now. 1% of 300 million is 3 million crazy Americans who will use violence. Someone asked the other day if Americans thought Obama was a Muslim and therefore a terrorist and they wouldn't vote for him. I replied in the affirmative. Adenoids has just illustrated my point, although it's interesting to see that thrillbill regards this sort of dis-/mis-information as "harmless humour". One wonders what sort of "harmless" solutions thrillbill imagines possible for the Thai political situation, about which I see he has posted a hand-wringing thread recently

Adenoids has also proved the Forum has another bug - even if you have someone on {Ignore}, if they post pics in the way he has, everyone can see them

To help with the informed nature of US political discourse, I offer the following pic of the US Vice-Presidential nominee for the Republican Party - clearly a member of the 1% mentioned approvingly by thrillbill. And before the Board loonies start posting ... yes, I know it's a fake

September 7th, 2008, 22:36
"If Obama is elected, will they still call it the White House?"

I'm an undecided voter; I can't decide what country to move to if John McSame gets elected.

September 7th, 2008, 23:28
"If Obama is elected, will they still call it the White House?"

As if on cue, in my inbox this morning.

Her email gets deleted on her but she promises more examples of these insidious attacks maybe Monday morning from work.

September 12th, 2008, 22:13
Here it is (see quoted). From the third of four emails (the fourth, the most dialbolical, is still lost in the system) of the widely circulated, deepest NJ garbage dump, Dante's-hells e-lies and desparate scare tactics being spread by the MacCain/Palin "supporters" intimidation-of-the-voter campaign through America's email system. There's little humor in this one! It would be scary for everyone, not just the rich, if it were completely true, which it is not. But in the process of analyzing it I come to the conclusion that this highly circculated missinformational email IS, well, partly TRUE! It adds to the issues of the SOUP of decision making over who what which IMPORTANT issues one should vote fro president for: race, religion, women's issues, oil drilling, ... and, of course, MONEY, in the upcoming 2008 "drive-through" US elections.

NO ONE ever, to my knowledge, suggested getting rid of the one-time exclusion on capital gains related to principal homes. The Obama tax-change claims in the email as to income, dividends, and capital gains are extreme, DISTORTED (a couple calculations of my own suggest the that for the <30K group esp.). There seems to be a little miss-information regarding the sunset provision (ahem!). The "new tax" claims are just excuses to slander other important issues.

Yes, through the sweeping (-ly complex) Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (acceleration of the 2001 act) both voted heavily FOR by Republicans over Democrats, in order for "spurring sufficient job and economic growth" most have probably, at least, saved 100's of dollars of cash. I won't argue it more with anyone, but after 8 years of Bushnomics it is QUITE CLEAR TO ME that any claims to success of the Bush tax cuts to achieve their stated goals have little ground (no consistent growth in stocks, at least!). And did anyone pay off their debt with their Bush tax cut and "stimulus" money?. I know of a lot of job LOSSES over his two terms!. Recession? Deficit? BTW, excluded from the Bush cuts were taxes on bank and CD interest which might have spurred SAVINGS.

A couple Wikipedia links if you want to read up on America's tax 'restructuring' of the early 2000's ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Growth_and_Tax_Relief_Reconciliation_Act_ of_2001
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobs_and_Growth_Tax_Relief_Reconciliation_Act_of_2 003

But the truth is that by the end of the next presidential term the Bush tax cuts WILL be rolled back somewhere between the pre- and post-Bush term and the more Democratic the next government is (really a Congressional issue), the more likely it will result toward slightly higher taxes for all, So what is it? IF you vote for MacCain and the government is therefore more republican THEN there WILL be a few more bucks of retail spending money in YOUR pocket (not enough to pay off your debt, but maybe help you with your gasoline!), at the expense of the deficit. And maybe if MacCain is elected another "stimulus" will be more likely? What do you call this? Some one PLEASE help me out here. OK all u high-IQ Sawatdee posters, what MIGHT this be called, plain and simple ... ?

This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard. It should make you worry.
Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election



0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples) McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales

How does this affect you?

If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.
If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your
home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you
make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the
elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.


MCCAIN 15% (no change)

OBAMA 39.6%

How will this affect you?

If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama become president. The experts predict that 'higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.


MCCAIN (no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750

Under Obama your taxes will more than double!

How does this affect you?

No explanation needed. This is pretty straight forward.


MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax

How does this affect you?

Many families have lost businesses, farms and ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will not only lose them to these taxes.


* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine

September 12th, 2008, 22:44
First question, Arnie: if it's hate mail, why are you re-publishing it? And, if you're an "unbiased reporter," what about the non-stop cr*p about Sarah Palin coming, not from just the hate-mail crowd, but the Democrats and the MSM? "It appears that her only qualification is the fact that she hasn't had an abortion," "Her eyeglasses are weird [Roger Ebert]," "McCain has a 1/3 chance of dying during his first term [Matt Damon],and all that?

But you asked for a simple explanation about all these changes in the tax laws proposed by Obama. Actually, Sarah said it quite plainly (and I paraphrase): "My brother and his wife have just finished building a gas station and are open for business. How will raising their taxes help them? How will it help a working-class man struggling to buy gas and food and make a mortage payment?"

But she's just a dumb (failed beauty queen/sportscaster/hockey mom) -- take your pick.

The REAL question is why she has thrown panic into the heart of someone who wants to be our Commander-in-Chief.

September 13th, 2008, 03:33
have just finished building a gas station and are open for business. How will raising their taxes help them?

Taking (taxing) from oil corporation windfall profits isn't a tax at the pump. But let's do what Palin did and just DROP taxes at the pump and further destroy the country with its heavy deficit.

The more I read about Palin the more confused I am, esp. by her record. I'm not alone, even oil corporation execs agree fwbusinesspress.com/display.php?id=8372.

I just don't see the point in McCain's pick. Is it that difficult to find a republican Veep that supports drilling in Alaska? It's only one vote in the Senate. What's the big deal?

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2008, 13:22
* If you're a minority and you're selected for a job over more qualified candidates you're a "token hire."
* If you're a conservative and you're selected for a job over more qualified candidates you're a "game changer."

* Black teen pregnancies? A "crisis" in black America .
* White teen pregnancies? A "blessed event."

* If you grow up in Hawaii you're "exotic."
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you're the quintessential "American story."

* name you kid Barack you're "unpatriotic."
* Name your kid Track, you're "colorful."

* If you're a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting the individual you're "reckless."
* A Republican who doesn't fully vet is a "maverick."

* If you spend 3 years as a community organizer growing your organization from a staff of 1 to 13 and your budget from $70,000 to $400,000, then become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new African Amerian voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law
professor, then spend nearly 8 more years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, becoming chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, then spend nearly 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of nearly 13 million people, sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you are woefully inexperienced.

* If you spend 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, then spend 20 months as the governor of a state with 650,000 people, then you've got the most executive experience of anyone on either ticket, are the Commander in Chief of the Alaska military and are well qualified to lead the nation should you be called upon to do so because your state is the closest state to Russia.

* If you are a Democratic male candidate who is popular with millions of people you are an "arrogant celebrity."
* If you are a popular Republican female candidate you are "energizing the base."

* If you are a younger male candidate who thinks for himself and makes his own decisions you are "presumptuous."
* If you are an older male candidate who makes last minute decisions you refuse to explain, you are a "shoot from the hip" maverick.

* If you are a candidate with a Harvard law degree you are "an elitist-out of touch" with the real America .
* if you are a legacy (dad and granddad were admirals) graduate of Annapolis , with multiple disciplinary infractions you are a hero.

* If you manage a multi-million dollar nationwide campaign, you are an "empty suit."
* If you are a part time mayor of a town of 7000 people, you are an "experienced executive."

* If you go to a south side Chicago church, your beliefs are "extremist."
* If you believe in creationism and don't believe global warming is man made, you are "strongly principled."

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
* If you have been married to the same woman with whom you've been wed to for 19 years and raising 2 beautiful daughters with, you're "risky."

* If you're a black single mother of 4 who waits for 22 hours after her water breaks to seek medical attention, you're an irresponsible parent, endangering the life of your unborn child.* But if you're a white married mother who waits 22 hours, you're spunky.

* If you kill an endangered species, you're an excellent hunter.
* If you have an abortion, you're a murderer (forget about if it happened while being raped.)

* If you teach abstinence only in sex education, you get teen parents.
* If you teach responsible age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If you're a Republican senator who solicits gay sex in an airport bathroom, you get to return to your job in the Senate and are encouraged to run for re-election.
* If you're a Democratic Senator who is out of public office and have an affair, your political career is over and your wife who has terminal cancer is to blame.

September 13th, 2008, 22:25
* If you're a minority and you're selected for a job over more qualified candidates you're a "token hire."
* If you're a conservative and you're selected for a job over more qualified candidates you're a "game changer."

* Black teen pregnancies? A "crisis" in black America .
* White teen pregnancies? A "blessed event."

* If you grow up in Hawaii you're "exotic."
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you're the quintessential "American story."

* name you kid Barack you're "unpatriotic."
* Name your kid Track, you're "colorful."

* If you're a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting the individual you're "reckless."
* A Republican who doesn't fully vet is a "maverick."

* If you spend 3 years as a community organizer growing your organization from a staff of 1 to 13 and your budget from $70,000 to $400,000, then become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new African Amerian voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law
professor, then spend nearly 8 more years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, becoming chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, then spend nearly 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of nearly 13 million people, sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you are woefully inexperienced.

* If you spend 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, then spend 20 months as the governor of a state with 650,000 people, then you've got the most executive experience of anyone on either ticket, are the Commander in Chief of the Alaska military and are well qualified to lead the nation should you be called upon to do so because your state is the closest state to Russia.

* If you are a Democratic male candidate who is popular with millions of people you are an "arrogant celebrity."
* If you are a popular Republican female candidate you are "energizing the base."

* If you are a younger male candidate who thinks for himself and makes his own decisions you are "presumptuous."
* If you are an older male candidate who makes last minute decisions you refuse to explain, you are a "shoot from the hip" maverick.

* If you are a candidate with a Harvard law degree you are "an elitist-out of touch" with the real America .
* if you are a legacy (dad and granddad were admirals) graduate of Annapolis , with multiple disciplinary infractions you are a hero.

* If you manage a multi-million dollar nationwide campaign, you are an "empty suit."
* If you are a part time mayor of a town of 7000 people, you are an "experienced executive."

* If you go to a south side Chicago church, your beliefs are "extremist."
* If you believe in creationism and don't believe global warming is man made, you are "strongly principled."

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
* If you have been married to the same woman with whom you've been wed to for 19 years and raising 2 beautiful daughters with, you're "risky."

* If you're a black single mother of 4 who waits for 22 hours after her water breaks to seek medical attention, you're an irresponsible parent, endangering the life of your unborn child.* But if you're a white married mother who waits 22 hours, you're spunky.

* If you kill an endangered species, you're an excellent hunter.
* If you have an abortion, you're a murderer (forget about if it happened while being raped.)

* If you teach abstinence only in sex education, you get teen parents.
* If you teach responsible age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If you're a Republican senator who solicits gay sex in an airport bathroom, you get to return to your job in the Senate and are encouraged to run for re-election.
* If you're a Democratic Senator who is out of public office and have an affair, your political career is over and your wife who has terminal cancer is to blame.

Somehow, I "sense" that this is a cut-and-paste job, and that Mr. O'Booze did not actually write it. That's because (for one thing) it's entirely too weird for him, condemning people who shoot moose, and giving a pass to women who abort babies.

I don't actually have a "position" on abortion. But I have known women who had an abortion, and they all regarded it as an extremely serious decision.

Unlike shooting a moose, where the main problem is FINDING the moose! (My doctor brother shoots deer, as well, but he's a bit on the "organic" side of things, so he shoots them with a bow-and-arrow. He was astonished to discover how god-damn HEAVY a dead deer is!)

But for me, as an independent, the most fascinating thing is watching the entire left-wing pile on Sarah Palin, and somehow remain oblivious of the fact that all this hostility BOOSTS her popularity.

American voters may be dumb, but they are not cretins. When the MSM set out to examine EVERY SINGLE EXPENSE REPORT EVER FILED by Sarah Palin, the question arises: um, did you do that for Obama?

And let us compare the relative importance of (a) shooting moose and (b) being the creature of the terrorist Bill Ayers? These are two questions, one of almost no importance, and the other of tremendous importance. But where is the press?

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2008, 22:44
Sprung again !

Off course I didn't write it you silly sausage.

I dictated it to my secretary.

September 15th, 2008, 19:53
remain oblivious of the fact that all this hostility BOOSTS her popularity

BINGO. You got it. What is this all about? And why do Americans vote?

It is all clear now starting with the HORRIBLE email i got a month or two ago (the 'fourth') on oil drilling in Alaska. It was so infantile I deleted it. If I ever manage to "recover" it, I won't post it here.

Let's turn this election into a referendum on that. The plan is revealed.

As to my initial post I'll just say maybe a little humor will help Obama.

I decided my vote eight years ago. Luckily I'll just get to cast that mid-October and forget it through Nov. 4 when I get back to Bangkok. 'Til then ArNolD is on vacation and no longer in the lands of dependable ICafes. So until then ...