View Full Version : Was Thaksin's policies the best to uplift the Poor and Middl

September 1st, 2008, 08:09
Did Thaksin had the best policies to uplift the poor and move them into the middle class to broaden the middle class base to strengthen the economic base of the country and fuel the growth engines of the economy with infrastructure development, increased productivity, technological advancement and empower the ordinary people of the country: a solution feared by the few previlaged Bangkokian's which resulted in his over-throw?

Guys lets us have an intellectual inter-change here to help understand the real solutions to the current situation in the country.

September 1st, 2008, 08:12
You'll have to rephrase your question in English before we can respond.

September 1st, 2008, 09:04
Did Thaksin had the best policies to uplift the poor and move them into the middle class to broaden the middle class base to strengthen the economic base of the country and fuel the growth engines of the economy with infrastructure development, increased productivity, technological advancement and empower the ordinary people of the country: a solution feared by the few previlaged Bangkokian's which resulted in his over-throw?No. Thaksin's policies are best described as "populist". He bought popularity by introducing policies that cost him nothing - they came out of government coffers - but were popular with the great mass of rural voters (ie. the very poor). Having attained government he then used his position to further enrich his family

To uplift the poor, Thailand desperately needs an overhaul of its public education system. However that flies in the face of the interests of the elite, from the very top down (you know who I mean), whose sole interest is in keeping the masses in their (low) place. In that respect, Thaksin was no different; reforming the education system was nowhere among his priorities. In fact one of the early scandals of his administration had to do with how his own kids bought their exam results at university

September 1st, 2008, 09:17
Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon.

September 1st, 2008, 09:20
How about his 1 District 1 Scholarship project which send every year 900 Odd students to study abroad and his Free medical policy for 30 Bhats?

September 1st, 2008, 09:22
Did Thaksin had the best policies to uplift the poor and move them

NONE of the above. NOTHING!

Nothing to credit the Taksim regime with. There is nothing at all (aside maybe anew health care scheme).

At least GB changed DST.

September 1st, 2008, 09:36
Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon.

Hummingturd and Fattman are obviously conversant in gibberish. I apologize that mine is a little rusty.

September 1st, 2008, 09:42
Free medical policy for 30 Bhats?Yes, it's only 30 baht IF you live in your home district. So all those bar boys from Isaan don't get 30 baht treatment as they don't live at home. Bangkok landlords generally won't let someone transfer their house registration - certainly not some low-class rural migrant. If they did live at home it might be worthwhile. However the effect has been that hospitals that rely on patient funding for the bulk of their monies are now seriously impoverished. But it didn't cost Thaksin a single satang

September 1st, 2008, 09:43
Point well made. NOTHING nothing at all to his credit.

September 1st, 2008, 09:44
Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon.Hummingturd and Fattman are obviously conversant in gibberish. I apologize that mine is a little rusty.You usually do just fine.

September 1st, 2008, 09:46
Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon.Hummingturd and Fattman are obviously conversant in gibberish. I apologize that mine is a little rusty.You usually do just fine.

While you may disagree with my content -- as is your right -- I think you will agree that at the very least I am able to express myself in grammatically correct English.

September 1st, 2008, 10:06
Did Thaksin had the best policies to uplift the poor and move them into the middle class to broaden the middle class base to strengthen the economic base of the country and fuel the growth engines of the economy with infrastructure development, increased productivity, technological advancement and empower the ordinary people of the country: a solution feared by the few previlaged Bangkokian's which resulted in his over-throw?

Guys lets us have an intellectual inter-change here to help understand the real solutions to the current situation in the country.

His English is ok (not perfect)... but sentence is too long and hard to comprehend 1st time round.

September 1st, 2008, 10:14
Actually Homi, I believe some of the rules have changed. I know an employee of a Bangkok firm who is registered upcountry but has been allowed to change the hospital he is registered to use, to one in Bangkok. This may only apply (not sure) to employees paying monthly social security charges. As you note, bar boys etc are going to be stuck in the old situation.I'm sure you are right. The best thing you can do if you have a boyfriend (and close readers of my scribblings will already know that I do not) is to buy him some health insurance - and then stop him riding his motorbike. Claims for injuries caused by motorbike riding are discounted 50% before payment by at least one local insurer

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 1st, 2008, 12:34
Guys lets us have an intellectual inter-change here to help understand the real solutions to the current situation in the country.

personally I prefer an intellectual intercourse....

Given time, of course Thaksin's policies would have prevailed and all would have been raised to billionaire status like him. All Thais would one day have been able to walk onto a jet with 40 Louis Vuitton suitcases bulging with US dollars.

For instance: remember how he solved the drug problems of Thailand within 6 months by shooting 2000 dealers ! Viola !..no more junkies !

September 1st, 2008, 12:37
Given time, of course Thaksin's policies would have prevailed and all would have been raised to billionaire status like himO'Booze gave me a demonstration of trickle-down theory last time we lunched together. It trickled down his leg and the poor bloody waitresses had to clean up after him

September 1st, 2008, 13:55
Was Thaksin's policies the best to uplift the Poor and Middl ........

Why the question Steve, if his policies had been working then why has his wife been convicted of corruption and he is on the run. No other ruling or ex Thai Prime Minister of recent times has had his wife convicted and himself put on a wanted list. You can not offer the people a carrot, but keep the donkey for yourself!

September 1st, 2008, 14:04
Was Thaksin's policies the best to uplift the Poor and Middl ........

Why the question Steve, if his policies had been working then why has his wife been convicted of corruption and he is on the run. No other ruling or ex Thai Prime Minister of recent times has had his wife convicted and himself put on a wanted list. You can not offer the people a carrot, but keep the donkey for yourself!

Whether the policies would have worked isn't affected by whether they were corrupt. Maybe, given time the policies might have worked (though, from what I've heard, this is mostly unlikely). But if they were corrupt, this rules him out as leading the country.

It's a shame... you would think, being a self-made billionnaire and then a successful politician, he would do better to keep his record clean. Sure, everyone wants to make more money, but when you're already so wealthy, why do it the wrong way?

September 1st, 2008, 14:12
It's a shame... you would think, being a self-made billionnaire and then a successful politician, he would do better to keep his record clean. Sure, everyone wants to make more money, but when you're already so wealthy, why do it the wrong way?

Because that's the kind of people who get to be billionaire politicians in the first place. And thats the same the world over.

September 1st, 2008, 15:17
But if they were corrupt, this rules him out as leading the country.It's worked for Berlusconi

September 1st, 2008, 15:31
Taksin is a victim of his own avarice and vanity full stop.

September 1st, 2008, 19:40
Free medical policy for 30 Bhats?Yes, it's only 30 baht IF you live in your home district. So all those bar boys from Isaan don't get 30 baht treatment as they don't live at home. Bangkok landlords generally won't let someone transfer their house registration - certainly not some low-class rural migrant. If they did live at home it might be worthwhile. However the effect has been that hospitals that rely on patient funding for the bulk of their monies are now seriously impoverished. But it didn't cost Thaksin a single satang

Actually Homi, I believe some of the rules have changed. I know an employee of a Bangkok firm who is registered upcountry but has been allowed to change the hospital he is registered to use, to one in Bangkok. This may only apply (not sure) to employees paying monthly social security charges. As you note, bar boys etc are going to be stuck in the old situation.

I believe you may be confusing the 30-baht health care system with other types of government and private health care schemes offered through employers.

September 1st, 2008, 20:04
To uplift the poor, Thailand desperately needs an overhaul of its public education system. However that flies in the face of the interests of the elite, from the very top down (you know who I mean), whose sole interest is in keeping the masses in their (low) place. In that respect, Thaksin was no different; reforming the education system was nowhere among his priorities. In fact one of the early scandals of his administration had to do with how his own kids bought their exam results at university

And, of course, the children of someone at the very top (yes, I mean the same one) also have suspiciously good exam grades, university qualifications, research papers, etc. etc. to their credit as well. Must just be naturally brilliant, I guess...

And before anyone points out that some of these people's qualifications have been awarded by academic institutions outside of Thailand and so must be genuine, I'll just point out that the late Romanian dictator's wife Elena Ceausescu received both a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and membership of the Illinois Academy of Sciences in spite of never even completing elementary school (where her best marks were in needlework). It is now known that Romania's top scientists wrote all her papers for her.

And, of course, nearer home, we all know that Prince Charles fully deserved entry to the University of Cambridge, even though he had only taken two 'A' levels (not the three usually expected) and only scored grades B and C.

And then there was the scandal, some years back, about allegations that Prince Harry's submissions in the Art A-S level exam had been "improved" by a teacher - another teacher who had made the allegations won her case against the school for unfair dismissal.

September 1st, 2008, 20:10
And before anyone points out that some of these people's qualifications have been awarded by academic institutions outside of Thailand and so must be genuine

Anyone who did that would be a complete idiot. All the diploma mills I know are based outside of Thailand.

September 1st, 2008, 20:11
Thaksin's policies are best described as "populist". He bought popularity by introducing policies that cost him nothing - they came out of government coffers - but were popular with the great mass of rural voters (ie. the very poor). Having attained government he then used his position to further enrich his family

And of course he was brought undone by the forces of the ultimate populist. One of the more interesting analyses in Handley is that HMK's programs are actually funded by benefactors seeking merit by giving to a pseudo deity. Not even Thaksin could dream up a scheme like that, let alone get all the glory for it. Given the CPB's exposure to the Asian economic crisis, it does seem to have made a rather spectacular recovery, doesn't it ? Perhaps because it's unencumbered by having to help the Thai people.

Sending students abroad to study under scholarships has been done by the Thai government (and others) for years before Mr T came along.

Ah yes, but if I recall correctly it was only Thaksin's clowns who came up with the inspired idea of only sending students to non-English speaking countries under this scheme. After one poor girl committed suicide in Germany one heard very little more about the scheme.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 1st, 2008, 20:13
But if they were corrupt, this rules him out as leading the country.It's worked for Berlusconi

Oh you are talking about Italians though who love to do things differently. Who else would elect a stripper to Parliament ?

Incidently-that trickle down trick works everytime on you and I laugh myself silly everytime I excuse myself to the gents-you still haven't noticed yet that it always occurs as the bill arrives ! :thumbright:

September 2nd, 2008, 03:42
you still haven't noticed yet that it always occurs as the bill arrives!On the contrary, I've commented here more than once on your facility of avoiding payment at our get-togethers. However, I think to myself, "How sad. I guess Pattaya attracts the poorer retiree."

September 2nd, 2008, 06:53
Did Thaksin had the best policies to uplift the poor and move them into the middle class to broaden the middle class base to strengthen the economic base of the country and fuel the growth engines of the economy with infrastructure development, increased productivity, technological advancement and empower the ordinary people of the country: a solution feared by the few previlaged Bangkokian's which resulted in his over-throw?

Guys lets us have an intellectual inter-change here to help understand the real solutions to the current situation in the country.
Did Thaksin HAVE the best policy to........uplift...fuel the growth....empower....blah blah blah- of course he had....as well as the best policy to enrich himself and his family.

September 2nd, 2008, 08:41
Did Thaksin HAVE the best policy to........uplift...fuel the growth....empower....blah blah blahActually he had the ONLY policy. Thai politicians don't much care for what happens to the rural poor

September 2nd, 2008, 10:03
Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon.

Hummingturd and Fattman are obviously conversant in gibberish. I apologize that mine is a little rusty.

perhaps an MD also for a tetanus shot then...

September 2nd, 2008, 10:23
" ... Cho na I am sure if others could understand you could if you really understand English. You have been a real spoiler in this forum. You need to see a doctor soon ... "
Perhaps before inviting others to seek medical help, you should try cleaning up your own spelling, syntax, grammar, and proof-reading skills. Though I do concede that Chao Na (not Cho Na) desperately needs a decent therapist.

Cheers ...

September 2nd, 2008, 11:08
Though I do concede that Chao Na (not Cho Na) desperately needs a decent therapistHedda once memorably claimed to know every psychiatrist between Pattaya and Bangkok. I'm sure someone's name could be suggested