View Full Version : Lovely pix of guys..

September 1st, 2008, 03:18

If you click on the link, you will then want to click one Boys One (set), and, when that works, click on Detail.

All of these photos are in "good taste," I believe.

September 1st, 2008, 03:29
Works fine... I vote for number 8 , That young man can do pullups for me anyday.

September 1st, 2008, 03:35
He is a really cute boy, with a great smile.

Like the boy in the 7-11 tonight! <pant> But my dating card is now full-to-overflowing, and the pix and boy-watching have become spectator sports.

But who doesn't like spectator sports, in the country which has @The Most Beautiful Boys in the World?

September 1st, 2008, 04:02
Nice site. My picks are 1. Jayle and 2. Team Buddies love those speedos.

September 1st, 2008, 07:39
Absolutely fabulous site. Best pictures I have ever seen in one collection. I fell in love with number 6, and then number 7, and number 8 was also a show stopper. How can a photographer capture so many good ones????

September 1st, 2008, 18:12
These are mostly pics noticed on the Internet, and saved to a local folder. Over the months and years, a lot of them got thrown away, and I tried to keep the most striking ones: a handsome face, sparkling eyes, or a great torso -- or some hint of a nice personality. I only took one picture in there -- it would take a very busy guy to take them all!

September 1st, 2008, 19:48
You still have your album under your previous pre-meltdown name, Jaafarbutarab, active? Nice photos in that album.

September 2nd, 2008, 00:27
" ... under your previous pre-meltdown name, Jaafarbutarab, active? ... "
Yes, that was one of the Board's most memorable hissy fits. Actually, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop ... considering the rather 'uncomfortable' (for want of a better adjective) aura which Henry gives off just about all the time. That's not a criticism particularly, just an observation.

Other notable public Sawatdee meltdowns: Raksiam (playing the Pretension Card), Jingthing (or perhaps that was on Baht-Stop. Actually I think R & J are the same guy), Bucknaway (the 'N' word freak out), PaulyUSA2001 (or something like that. The "all Arabs are terrorist Sons-of-Bitches" thing). Wes has been known to lose it on occassion, but he calms himself down quickly by offing the nearest Thai guy ( would put that down to Steppe Sperm Buildup).

Some other classics I've forgotten.

Cheers ...

September 2nd, 2008, 23:12
" ... under your previous pre-meltdown name, Jaafarbutarab, active? ... "
Yes, that was one of the Board's most memorable hissy fits. Actually, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop ... considering the rather 'uncomfortable' (for want of a better adjective) aura which Henry gives off just about all the time. That's not a criticism particularly, just an observation.

Other notable public Sawatdee meltdowns: Raksiam (playing the Pretension Card), Jingthing (or perhaps that was on Baht-Stop. Actually I think R & J are the same guy), Bucknaway (the 'N' word freak out), PaulyUSA2001 (or something like that. The "all Arabs are terrorist Sons-of-Bitches" thing). Wes has been known to lose it on occassion, but he calms himself down quickly by offing the nearest Thai guy ( would put that down to Steppe Sperm Buildup).

Some other classics I've forgotten.

Cheers ...

Smiles gets all condescending again. Anyone surprised?

After all, these days, "It's all about me!"

September 2nd, 2008, 23:43

The photo you were looking for has been deleted.

You might like to ask henrycate75 about it!
What happened, Henry?

September 3rd, 2008, 00:17
[quote=Henry Cate]http://www.flickr.com/photos/henrycate/2803506539/in/set-72157606981562718/

The photo you were looking for has been deleted.

You might like to ask henrycate75 about it!
What happened, Henry?[/quote:du325unb]

Well, I guess it isn't working any more!

Bye bye, and sleep tight!

Now, tomorrow, you can post YOUR photos!

September 3rd, 2008, 01:59
Interesting, I am the one that outed you as previous weirdo (not that that's a bad thing) poster Jaafarbutarab but you attack Smiles. I like that.

I bet you did not know that jaafarbutarab still had an album? Love the boys in waterfall photos.

September 3rd, 2008, 02:15
how strange to point us to these apparant lovely pics that i missed out on seeing, then to delete them all, i dont get it?????

is it anything to do with your previous & detective Trongpaiexpat i wonder.........

September 3rd, 2008, 03:12
However, I do have a past history of making pics available "for a limited time only." In the case of this set, I noticed that one (and only one) photo was getting extreme attention -- where other photos had been viewed 20 or 50 times, this one photo had been viewed over 500 times!

So I said to myself, "Self, somebody else is posting links to this photo around the world." I didn't like that much, so I deleted the picture in question, and then everything stopped working. Since the photo-viewing halted a day or two ago, I figured that everybody else had seen all they wanted, and did not devote my time and energy to fixing that broken link.

Remember -- if you see a picture you like, right-click on it and see if the "Save Picture As..." option appears.

So, let's see your photo-sets!

September 3rd, 2008, 03:16
Interesting, I am the one that outed you as previous weirdo (not that that's a bad thing) poster Jaafarbutarab but you attack Smiles. I like that.

I bet you did not know that jaafarbutarab still had an album? Love the boys in waterfall photos.

Of course I know that my old photo album is still here. What's even funnier is that I gave $$ to the board a few weeks before they kicked me off.

They deleted me, but kept the money and the pix. Pretty clever.

You may notice that I now treat my money and my pix very differently. If SGT pulls the plug on itself tomorrow, I will sail on, knowing that my stuff is my stuff.

I can't see one single reason for attacking you, TrongpaiExpat ("Go straight, farang?") Smiles is another case entirely. He reminds me of what some neighbors of Jimmy Carter said: "At first you really like him, and then he does something that ruins that. After about twenty years, you finally start to understand what makes him tick, and then you REALLY begin to dislike him."

September 3rd, 2008, 05:17
" ... I can't see one single reason for attacking you, TrongpaiExpat ("Go straight, farang?") Smiles is another case entirely . . . you finally start to understand what makes him tick, and then you REALLY begin to dislike him ... "
That's an attack!?
I have a 16 year old de-clawed pussy who puts up a stauncher offense.

Carry on ... & cheers

September 3rd, 2008, 06:15
Henry Cate wrote :

Smiles is another case entirely . . . you finally start to understand what makes him tick, and then you REALLY begin to dislike him

I'm not sure about his " tick", but seems to be related to his heart beat.

So "What really makes him " tick", probably means litterally "Qu'est-ce qui fait battre votre coeur", in a figurative way. :bigsmurf:

So it could be translated by "Qu'est-ce qui vous fait vraiment kiffer ?" :clown:

September 4th, 2008, 20:48
" ... I can't see one single reason for attacking you, TrongpaiExpat ("Go straight, farang?") Smiles is another case entirely . . . you finally start to understand what makes him tick, and then you REALLY begin to dislike him ... "
That's an attack!?
I have a 16 year old de-clawed pussy who puts up a stauncher offense.

Carry on ... & cheers

It is actually kind of embarrassing when this sort of thing happens. "Smiles" urges me on to a fiercer attack, and then says, weirdly, "Carry on....& cheers."

So we are all cute little lab animals who exist ONLY for the amusement of Smiles. Engaging other people on the human level is something which "Smiles" does not do. Nope. This board is for his entertainment only.

This reply actually seems to add support to my current hypothesis, which is that this board has Homintern-the-Sadist as de facto ruler, and Smiles as his chief enabler.

Crazy queens, indeed.

September 4th, 2008, 22:00
" ... Crazy queens, indeed ... "
One would hope so :blackeye:

Cheers ...

September 5th, 2008, 13:28
Engaging other people on the human level is something which "Smiles" does not do. Nope.

I've heard this accusation levelled at Smiles before. It's just not true.

You must have missed his lonely terrified vulnerable little wanderings here when he eventually plucked up the courage to actually believe the rented BF and move to Thailand.
It was all quite human and pathetic. Oily well thumbed pictures of the BF standing alone awaiting his return. Little childlike excitements when BF wore the silly ill fitting freebies he had sent for Christmas, the ones he got using exchanged co-op stamps.
It was all short lived, of course but magnificent, you could almost see his quivering bottom lip and the spittle. It made you want to reach out and dab with an absorbent kitchen roll.

So sad it all never worked out. Now he's back into the old git mode, the ageing misanthropist of note the one which we all however love and know so well.

Brad the Impala
September 5th, 2008, 17:29
It was all short lived, of course but magnificent, you could almost see his quivering bottom lip and the spittle. It made you want to reach out and dab with an absorbent kitchen roll.

How strange. When you wrote about your hysterical excitement because a Room Service Waiter smiled at you, I also imagined "your quivering bottom lip and spittle"! I too wanted to reach out with an absorbent kitchen and dab your drool, and then, with a pat on your diaper, send you out into the world without your pacifier.

September 6th, 2008, 00:04
Engaging other people on the human level is something which "Smiles" does not do. Nope.

I've heard this accusation levelled at Smiles before. It's just not true.

You must have missed his lonely terrified vulnerable little wanderings here when he eventually plucked up the courage to actually believe the rented BF and move to Thailand.
It was all quite human and pathetic. Oily well thumbed pictures of the BF standing alone awaiting his return. Little childlike excitements when BF wore the silly ill fitting freebies he had sent for Christmas, the ones he got using exchanged co-op stamps.
It was all short lived, of course but magnificent, you could almost see his quivering bottom lip and the spittle. It made you want to reach out and dab with an absorbent kitchen roll.

So sad it all never worked out. Now he's back into the old git mode, the ageing misanthropist of note the one which we all however love and know so well.

Oh, how well we love the master who beats us well!

And..jes askin..how do you know that Smiles and BF have split up?

September 6th, 2008, 00:47
" ... And..jes askin..how do you know that Smiles and BF have split up? ... "
Thanks for mentioning that Henry. Frankly I was feeling ~ and this is apparently mutual ~ probably happier than I've ever been in my life.
Far from being broken up, we are closing in on the end of our 8th year together (in December).

I have observed many times over the years where Cedric just can't ever seem to get it right ... this being just one more affirmation.
And he's getting worse. But entertaining nonetheless.

Cheers ...

September 6th, 2008, 00:56
. Engaging other people on the human level is something which "Smiles" does not do. Nope.

Not true. Considering all the posing and striking of attitudes that inevitably goes on on a board like this, Smiles is one of the relatively few posters who will write from the heart on occasion, usually when describing some aspect of his life with Suphot in Thailand. The frankness, vulnerability, humour and cultural empathy of these posts make them a delight to read. Look through the archives if you're in any doubt about it.

September 6th, 2008, 01:10
. Engaging other people on the human level is something which "Smiles" does not do. Nope.

Not true. Considering all the posing and striking of attitudes that inevitably goes on on a board like this, Smiles is one of the relatively few posters who will write from the heart on occasion, usually when describing some aspect of his life with Suphot in Thailand. The frankness, vulnerability, humour and cultural empathy of these posts make them a delight to read. Look through the archives if you're in any doubt about it.

Sure, Petie. I am willing to concede that "Smiles" engages on a human level with Suphot. (Although there are rumors...those nasty rumors..)

But not anyone else on this board.

Well, enjoy your asparagus and tea.

September 8th, 2008, 06:00
" ... And..jes askin..how do you know that Smiles and BF have split up? ... "
Thanks for mentioning that Henry. Frankly I was feeling ~ and this is apparently mutual ~ probably happier than I've ever been in my life.
Far from being broken up, we are closing in on the end of our 8th year together (in December).

I have observed many times over the years where Cedric just can't ever seem to get it right ... this being just one more affirmation.
And he's getting worse. But entertaining nonetheless.

Cheers ...

Smiles is rather smart...he is hooked up with an older, not so attractive man which pretty much ensures his man will not cheat on him (who would want that?) while he is Canada. Good for you Smiles, and I wish you much success with your man.

September 9th, 2008, 01:11
we are closing in on the end of our 8th year together (in December).

Figuratively speaking, I believe, as to be strictly accurate you have actually been on opposite sides of the planet for the vast majority of that time.