View Full Version : McCain Picks Palin

August 29th, 2008, 22:11
I go to the Guardian UK for my news on Thailand, Dragon Castle for Pride news, and Fox (1st again?) for the US election. What is it coming to?

It's confirmed. Americans are going to have quite a choice to make this November 4.


Alaska Gov. Palin to be Named as McCain Running Mate
by FOXNews.com
Friday, August 29, 2008

DAYTON, Ohio тАУ John McCain will introduce Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate at an event here at noon Friday, senior campaign sources confirmed to FOX News.

Palin emerged earlier in the day as the hot name in the VP sweepstakes after reports circulated that two short-listers тАФ Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty тАФ were out of the running.

Adding fuel to the Palin candidacy was a report that a charter aircraft from Anchorage owned by a McCain supporter had arrived at a small airport outside Dayton, Ohio, where McCain has scheduled a noon ET rally to announce his choice.

FOX News reported the jet flew to Flagstaff, Ariz., on Thursday before heading landing in Middletown, Ohio.

Palin is considered a rising star in the Republican Party. She is the stateтАЩs first female governor, the mother of five тАФ and at 44 is its youngest chief executive.

FOX News confirmed Thursday that McCain had made his selection and would appear with his pick at the Dayton rally.

Born in Idaho, Palin moved to Alaska with her parents, to Charles and Sally Heath, when she was 3 months old.

She grew up in Wasilla, just outside of Anchorage, and played on the Wasilla state championship girlsтАЩ basketball team. She was crowned Miss Wasilla in 1984 and was a runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant.

Palin studied journalism and political science at the University of Idaho and graduated in 1987. She eloped with her high school boyfriend, Todd Palin, in 1988 to save money on an expensive wedding. She helped out in her husbandтАЩs family commercial fishing business and appeared occasionally as a television sportscaster.

Palin won a seat on the Wasilla City Council in 1992 as a new face and a new voice, and by opposing tax increases. Four years later she was elected mayor at 32 by knocking off a three-term incumbent. At the end of her second term, party leaders encouraged her to enter the 2002 race for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. Against veteran legislators with far more experience, Palin finished second by fewer than 2,000 votes, making a name for herself in statewide politics. She was elected AlaskaтАЩs youngest and first woman governor in 2006.

Sarah and Todd Palin have five children: boys Track, 19, and Trig, 4 months, and daughters Bristol, 17, Willow, 13, and Piper, 7. Track Palin joined the Army last September and will deploy to Iraq on Sept. 11. Palin gave birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome, in April and returned to work three days later.

Palin will be the second female vice presidential candidate from a major political party. The first was New York Rep. Geraldine Ferrarro, who was Walter MondaleтАЩs Democratic running mate in 1984.

Earlier in the day, sources told FOX News that Romney was not going to be McCainтАЩs choice, even
though the former Massachusetts governor is scheduled to appear at the
Dayton rally.

And Pawlenty told a Minneapolis radio station that he was not going to be in Dayton for the McCain announcement.

тАЬIтАЩm going to be at the [Minnesota] state fair,тАЭ Pawlenty said on WCCO.

тАЬI will not be in Dayton, Ohio, so I think thatтАЩs a fair
assumption,тАЭ the Minnesota governor said when asked if this was an
indication that he would not be McCainтАЩs running mate.

тАЬIt was an honor to be considered,тАЭ he added.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who like Romney was a rival to
McCain in the primaries, sent an e-mail to supporters on Thursday
evening saying he would not be at the rally. Sources later told FOX
News that Huckabee was not in the running.

August 30th, 2008, 05:33
Alaska Gov. Palin to be Named as McCain Running MateAt least we know who the next two Presidents of the US will be - McCain won't survive his first term; he's too old (I speak as a contemporary). Being US President is a younger man's job

August 30th, 2008, 06:50
If Snow White gets to be president, then all those messianic plans of the Christian right may come to fruition. She is a fundamentalist pro-life.

Talk about a clear choice for this upcoming election.

Khor tose
August 30th, 2008, 06:57
Give McCain some credit. This is a very smart choice for several really good reasons. He is still going to lose, but the choice was smart.

August 30th, 2008, 11:41
When I first saw the title of your thread Ponbkk, I thought you meant Michael. That said, having heard her, Sarah that is, talk on TV last night, you have to agree with me that she does sound a little like Michael, when he was using one of his funny Python voices. McCain may just as well have chosen Michael as far as I am concerned, as he would have been a much better running mate, would have been more qualified and has a higher academic background than the other Palin.

I believe it was desperation tactics on McCain's part in making the selection that he did and one, that will loose him a lot of credibility, well for the people that believe he had some in the first place that is. For the two of them between them, McCain and Palin, along with their evil publicity machine, to genuinely believe for one minute, that they will pick up Hillary's 18 million voters, is nothing more than an illusion and pure fantasy on their part.

What a great choice for Vice President, if McCain should win the election and something happens to him whilst he is serving his first term, which would undoubtedly be the only one he would be likely to serve anyways. His choice as his running mate, goes a long way to showing I hope, how good his judgment really is. Let's take a closer look at this selection, McCain was 72 yesterday and if he did win the election and were to die before the end of his term, take a good look at who he has chosen for his fellow Americans, if such an event should happen, to take over from him as their Commander in Chief. May Buddha save us all from that fate being bestowed upon us, even if McCain hasn't. P e r l e a s e. Am I being unfair to Snow White? I know that the honest ones among you, will know that I am not.

Personally and thankfully, I don't think anyone need to worry their heads about any of the above, as from where I am viewing all of this, apart from the fact that we all know that Presidential elections are won as a result of who is standing for President, not who is standing for Vice President, the only thing that I can see stopping Obama from being sworn in on inauguration day on Jan 4th next year and taking up residence in the White House, after first fumigating it of course; is a snipers bullet.

Unfortunately, that is something that sadly; no one could make a bet with total confidence, if they are honest with themselves that is, against happening. Well, could they? Lets hope that the dream, a dream that I know a lot of people in the States are sharing at this time, doesn't end in the same way, as the one of that great man, that had the most famous dream of all, 45 years ago to the day yesterday.

For the sake of the US of A, as well as the rest of the free world, that is something we should all pray doesn't happen, because there is something about Obama and what fate has thrown in his path, that has given me a belief and I know a lot of people the world over are sharing that belief, that Obama really will make a difference to America. Thanks to the worst President in the US of A's history, Obama would have the enourmous task as one of his very first duties, of attempting to restore the way the country and it's people are looked on by the rest of the world, to the same favourable way it was looked upon in the past. I believe that not only is Obama capable of succeeding in that task, but more capable of succeeding than anyone else.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Bill Clinton and who has and who hasn't, smoked his cigar; he is arguably the best orator America has had as it's President, as well as being one that was enourmously popular with his people. The thing that stuck in my mind the most from his speech at Wednesday's Democratic Convention, was when he said: "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power".

I believe Obama will set those examples again given the chance to do so. I also believe he could well be remembered in history, as a man that was much more than just the first black man to win his party's nomination, as their Presidential candidate. Surely the American people will not fuck up in a way they have never done before in their entire history and as they did when they put Georgie junior in the White House not once, but twice, by electing McCain to take his place............ Will they?

As much as I believe McCain to be a good man at heart and one that is without doubt patriotic, he is not going to deliver anything in the next four years, that is a whole lot different from what Americans have suffered and let's be fair, they haven't been the only ones to suffer, than what has been delivered up to them all, during the past eight years.

Hopefully every American will be as aware as I am, that McCain voted in the Senate with and, in support of Bush's policies during his two presidential terms, in those eight long years, and did so in over 90 per cent of his votes. I hope that statistic frightens every American as much as it does me, because at the end of the day, whether Obama gets the chance to restore America's standing in the world and really give it the change it so badly needs, is down to everyone of it's citizens and, those citizens alone.

I wish him every bit of Choc Dee in the world in accomplishing this, because as well as being an optimist, I am also very much a realist and am well aware, believe me; that Obama will need every bit of that Choc Dee that comes his way.

And Now it's over to Bill for the weather. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011.gif


August 30th, 2008, 12:17
Give McCain some credit. This is a very smart choice for several really good reasons. He is still going to lose, but the choice was smart.

You're kidding, right? It's an insane choice. An article on the Guardian website gives a good summary of the case against. I'm sure there'll be many others.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... 2008.palin (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/29/uselections2008.palin)

August 30th, 2008, 12:42
An article on the Guardian website gives a good summary of the case against.Sadly most Americans don't read the Grauniad - it's in a foreign language (English)

Khor tose
August 30th, 2008, 22:47
An article on the Guardian website gives a good summary of the case against.Sadly most Americans don't read the Grauniad - it's in a foreign language (English)

Actually a friend of mine writes for that paper, but the NYT is a better read. Obama's #1 campaign theme is about change. McCain just took some of that thunder away from him by bringing in someone completely new to the political scene, and a women. Yes, all the papers know about that little scandel with the ex of her sister (Yawn). Did you know she upset an incumbent Republican governor, and she cleaned up much of Alaska's corruption. She can communicate extremely well with working class people and her views are 100% conservative right wing. McCain cannot win without the 100% support of this group, and she can guarentee that. I repeat, she is a smart choice.

Question, does anyone from Merry Old ever read or quote the London Times?

August 30th, 2008, 23:02
Grauniad - it's in a foreign language (English)

That's a generous assertion.

August 31st, 2008, 16:26
Actually a friend of mine writes for that paper, but the NYT is a better read.

As far as I know, the New York Times is the only newspaper ever to inspire an almost-monthly magazine (├втВм┼УLies of Our Times├втВм

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 31st, 2008, 20:50
"When I first saw the title of your thread Ponbkk, I thought you meant Michael. That said, having heard her, Sarah that is, talk on TV last night, you have to agree with me that she does sound a little like Michael, when he was using one of his funny Python voices."

McCain's campaign is becoming more Pythoneseque by the day.

I think it just went from a walk-in for Obama to a landslide.

August 31st, 2008, 22:02
"When I first saw the title of your thread Ponbkk, I thought you meant Michael. That said, having heard her, Sarah that is, talk on TV last night, you have to agree with me that she does sound a little like Michael, when he was using one of his funny Python voices."

McCain's campaign is becoming more Pythoneseque by the day.

I think it just went from a walk-in for Obama to a landslide.

I'll bet you 50 baht that Nobama does NOT win in a "landslide" -- and a "landslide" means specifically LBJ vs Goldwater (1964) or Ronald Reagan vs WhatsHisName (1984).

Fifty baht! That's more than ONE DOLLAR! Do you have the balls (oops, sexist language) to back up your say-so's with hard freeping cash?

And if you lose, my gang will come down to Pattaya and break your legs! :-)

Of course, I would have to find a gang first....(duh)

August 31st, 2008, 23:58
тАЬI woke up and my e-mail was just going crazy,тАЭ said Charmaine Yoest, head of the legislative arm of Americans United for Life and a former top official in Mike HuckabeeтАЩs presidential campaign. тАЬAnd then when it was announced тАФ it was like you couldnтАЩt breathe.тАЭ

The media elite тАФ as well as elite members of the GOP consulting community тАФ have all but mocked Palin as a former small-town mayor with zero Washington experience. But that view of her totally misses the cultural resonance she carries to crucial Republican power centers and could not be more at odds with the jubilation felt among true believers that one of their own is on the ticket.

Palin, say conservative activists, has instantly changed how they feel about McCainтАЩs campaign and spurred them to go to work for the Republican ticket.

First, though, theyтАЩre expressing their newfound fondness for McCain with their checkbooks. Since tapping Palin, the campaign has raised nearly $7 million online, according to McCain aides.

Most importantly for McCain, the two constituencies who are most energized by Palin just happen to be the twin grassroots pillars of the GOP: anti-abortion activists and pro-Second Amendment enthusiasts and sportsmen. Without these two camps making phone calls, stuffing envelopes and knocking on doors, Republican presidential candidates would severely lack for volunteers. They are critical to the health of the conservative coalition that has dominated Republican politics for a generation.

Let's see how this all pans out!

September 1st, 2008, 02:43
McCain's campaign is becoming more Pythoneseque by the day.

i don't think he's quite as funny as George W. but he gets my vote


September 1st, 2008, 11:18
Give McCain some credit. This is a very smart choice for several really good reasons. He is still going to lose, but the choice was smart.

No. McCain, as usual, was shooting from the hip. That's his style. He's not a "Maverik" he's a KOOK. It's a kooky decision and its gonna haunt him bigtime.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 1st, 2008, 12:20
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":29mqdd7u]"When I first saw the title of your thread Ponbkk, I thought you meant Michael. That said, having heard her, Sarah that is, talk on TV last night, you have to agree with me that she does sound a little like Michael, when he was using one of his funny Python voices."

McCain's campaign is becoming more Pythoneseque by the day.

I think it just went from a walk-in for Obama to a landslide.

I'll bet you 50 baht that Nobama does NOT win in a "landslide" -- and a "landslide" means specifically LBJ vs Goldwater (1964) or Ronald Reagan vs WhatsHisName (1984).

Fifty baht! That's more than ONE DOLLAR! Do you have the balls (oops, sexist language) to back up your say-so's with hard freeping cash?

And if you lose, my gang will come down to Pattaya and break your legs! :-)

Of course, I would have to find a gang first....(duh)[/quote:29mqdd7u]

I only bet in champagne..so it's a bottle of Bollinger thank you when I win !..and the highly unlikely case I don't-Homitern will pay up.

September 1st, 2008, 13:51
Obama would have the enourmous task as one of his very first duties, of attempting to restore the way the country and it's people are looked on by the rest of the world, to the same favourable way it was looked upon in the past..

I think you will find you are mistaken with your choice of the words restore and past? America hasn't been looked upon favorably by anyone ever. Ok perhaps the lunatics in Israel and pre liberated South Africa.

September 1st, 2008, 15:12
I think you will find you are mistaken with your choice of the words restore and past? America hasn't been looked upon favorably by anyone ever. Ok perhaps the lunatics in Israel and pre liberated South Africa.I think you'll find, Young Master Cedric, that there was a modicum of gratitude following the 1939-1945 War

September 2nd, 2008, 04:08
Obama would have the enourmous task as one of his very first duties, of attempting to restore the way the country and it's people are looked on by the rest of the world, to the same favourable way it was looked upon in the past..

I think you will find you are mistaken with your choice of the words restore and past? America hasn't been looked upon favorably by anyone ever. Ok perhaps the lunatics in Israel and pre liberated South Africa.

America hasn't been looked on favorably by anyone ever. So you missed out on Lafayette, the French attempt to copy the American Revolution, the liberation of Europe on D-Day, all the way down to the surprising (and ignored) massive Korean welcome given to (shudder) Bush, a few weeks back.

Nope, nobody has EVER looked on America favorably. They just copy American culture slavishly, right down to walking around in hip-hop gear.

I hope, dear Cedric, that your mind has not been taken over and consumed by envy. You know, people used to look up to the British and admire them, world-wide. My explanation for this is that the British were by MILES the most generous and benevolent colonial power. But I suspect that British public-admiration shares have fallen a bit.

Especially with such repellent nonsense as granting ministerial interviews to the PETA kooks, while all the time overlooking much more serious problems at home and abroad. Games are fine, and equestrian games are fine -- but there's a bit more to life than that.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 2nd, 2008, 09:28
shouldn't that really be black-American hip hop gear ?

I adore America and lived in New York for 2 years-it was the happiest time of my life but the place is built on so many myths-possibly why we love it so much.

My historical ( and sometime hysterical) readings reveal so much that has been invented-like the famous Boston Tea Party where the the colonialists had only ever paid a 169 pounds in tax to the UK which had spent nearly 200 thousand pounds trying to collect it..the original tax dodgers who began a wonderful movement..or that Paul Revere never made it through that great ride but got arrested a third of the way..and even the Declaration Of Independance was the colony really divorcing itself from ther insane King George-rather than England whose traditions the colonialists wanted to keep intact..afterall-that is where they mostly came from !

I think the nuttiest of all is the declaration that "All men Are Created Equal.."..equal to what ?..certainly not each other..they come in all sizes and shapes and colours and most certainly at birth-the one thing they are most defintely not-is equal ( and this written by men who kept slaves !). Presumably they really meant.."should be born equal"..or "will have the opportunity to become equal in wealth and opportunity etc"..but we know that's never going to happen.

but it's the idea of America that is wonderful and I fully subscribe to it and adore it..even though it's one of the greatest myths
perpetuated ! :cheers:

vote John McCain / Sarah Palin '08 Dumb & Dumber !

September 2nd, 2008, 15:39
Yes all a myth. Europe is far nicer, more substance somehow, Asia too. Not sure that I envy the Americans in any way, certainly not culturally. I do have a small weakness, Gap jeans, slim fit in extra large, waist size 33. Im not large but I like the cut with a loose fit at least two sizes. We don't have Gap here so I am forced to travel there every once in awhile and do some shopping, usually LA.

America is more like a little convenience store. New York (and London) I think are the most over rated cities in the world. Hot dogs yeach! I prefer San Francisco the deli's are better and memories sweeter.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 2nd, 2008, 15:54
Oh I wouldn't be quite so hard Cedric-although New York has lost much of it's joy since that terrible 9/11 and London is just so bloody expensive now it spoils the place for me.

But one thing I'll never forget-I travelled when young-from the north to south and from the east coast to the west of the US by Greyhound bus ( something I couldn't possibly do today) and amongst the breathtaking scenery there are just so many bizarre and wacky places ( with similar people) you just have to love the place.

Amongst all that conformity-there is an amazing diversity like none on earth. It's as though you will find the very best of things and the worst.

But the most memorable thing..apart from a lot of very fat people ( which is just from a bad diet) ..I don't think I have seen more beautiful and desirable boys and men anywhere on earth. Afterall-with the amazing combination and mix of every race on the planet..something wonderful came out of it !!

September 2nd, 2008, 16:20
Oh I wouldn't be quite so hard CedricYou're forgetting, Doris, that Young Master Cedric totally lacks what is often called "generosity of spirit" - sadly he's not alone in that

September 2nd, 2008, 17:32
Oh I wouldn't say that hovelturd. Yes I agree in part Outtolunch. Just its been very difficult with Bush and wars, and for so long.

As far as looks go no, more and more I am finding Americans to be rather plain, nascar sporn. Not like in/on lets say Sardinia or Vietnam or Thailand where the majority are rather stunning. Its the dilution of all those handsome types in America, though the Hispanics etc still have an edge. But then Mexico is just across the border and there its wall to wall.

Im not sure when you travelled across America but things have changed Im sure. All those rather quaint backward people are now rather mad raving Bush supporters and war mongers who are also financially in a bit of a mess. You don't want to get involved with that lot.

Sure it will all change when Obama gets into power, at least for as long as it takes for someone to kill him.

September 2nd, 2008, 18:01
Oh I wouldn't say that hovelturd.I think it's rather like those thoroughly humourless people who claim to have a sense of humour because they have a repertoire of jokes. My father was rather (too) fond of quoting Burns' line about "seeing ourselves as others see us"

September 2nd, 2008, 19:14
Palin's daughter has gotten knocked-up. I wonder if Palin's daughter is underage? What are the laws covering underage sex in Alaska?

Also, I see some are questioning the paternity of Palin's own most recent offspring born only this year. That whole family is one hell of a baby factory it seems. Come to think of it, I would like to see a paternity test done on the daughter's offspring. This is going to be a fun time for Americans.

Then also, I see her husband was arrested for drunken driving. Quite a family this gang of galoots consists of. And to think that she potentially could be a heartbeat away from the presidency if that senile old fart McCain corks-off in office were the Yanks so fucking stupid as to elect him in the first place.

But then they put George W. Bush in office twice, albeit under a cloud, but still he's the prez. So maybe the Americans get what they deserve after all. More karma! More fun! More laughs!

September 2nd, 2008, 22:33
Grizzly Palin, known as Alaska's Governor Palin, will probably tip the scale in the close U.S. elections for the Republicans to be in another 4 long, drastic years. Though the career, educated American woman who is well read will not vote for her just because she is a female, there ARE many American women that will vote Republican just because there is a woman on the ticket. But also the conservative Bible thumpers (and there are many of them in the US) and the pro- gun NRA folks will also find her appealing over the democratic ticket. She was giving her "credentials"the other night.... soccer mom, PTA president, mayor of some podunk Alaskan town, and now governor of Alaska. Alaska does not have the problems similar to other states such as California, Illinois, ...well all the rest of them. Alaska is financially well off (due to oil) and a low population. She has no challenges of unemployment, decaying infrastruture, run down schools like other governors would have in the more populated states. (Well, she does have to worry about hunting regulations and how to expand oil expansion.) She believes that Creation Science should be taught in the classrooms but not evolution; she is against teaching sex education to teenagers in schools believing that it should be taught at home. (She sure did a good job with her 17 year daughter that is now 5 months pregnate from some guy named Levi.) I am sure Palin doesn't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan, Zambia and Zimbabwee; or Austria and Australia... I am scared that most Americans are so clueless, that they will vote Republican. (Maybe after November, PAD can go to Washington and protest.)

September 4th, 2008, 21:13
Grizzly Palin, known as Alaska's Governor Palin, will probably tip the scale in the close U.S. elections for the Republicans to be in another 4 long, drastic years. Though the career, educated American woman who is well read will not vote for her just because she is a female, there ARE many American women that will vote Republican just because there is a woman on the ticket. But also the conservative Bible thumpers (and there are many of them in the US) and the pro- gun NRA folks will also find her appealing over the democratic ticket. She was giving her "credentials"the other night.... soccer mom, PTA president, mayor of some podunk Alaskan town, and now governor of Alaska. Alaska does not have the problems similar to other states such as California, Illinois, ...well all the rest of them. Alaska is financially well off (due to oil) and a low population. She has no challenges of unemployment, decaying infrastruture, run down schools like other governors would have in the more populated states. (Well, she does have to worry about hunting regulations and how to expand oil expansion.) She believes that Creation Science should be taught in the classrooms but not evolution; she is against teaching sex education to teenagers in schools believing that it should be taught at home. (She sure did a good job with her 17 year daughter that is now 5 months pregnate from some guy named Levi.) I am sure Palin doesn't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan, Zambia and Zimbabwee; or Austria and Australia... I am scared that most Americans are so clueless, that they will vote Republican. (Maybe after November, PAD can go to Washington and protest.)

Well, that is clear, at least. You give a rather muddled list of reasons not to like Sarah Palin -- some of which are total fabrications -- and then conclude by openly stating that you are scared that Americans will vote Republican.

I also note that this thread has absolutely died since Sarah Palin gave her immensely interesting speech at the Republican Convention. Before that, all the pundits were theorizing that she would resign because her daughter was pregnant (?!).

Oh, they picked the Wrong Target! As Sarah herself noted, in an offhand remark, "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull." Pause. Smile. "Lipstick."

Seems to me that the Dems are making the same mistake with Palin as they did with Reagan: underestimate your foe.

By the way, for all the gay people on this forum, the Log Cabin Republicans endorsed McCain. They didn't endorse Bush.

Also note that sixty percent of Americans define themselves as "very conservative" or "conservative." They don't WANT to follow the European path. They don't WANT socialism. They want to build up a small business and operate it.

September 4th, 2008, 21:17
This is not in reply to anyone else.

I would simply note that everyone's former hero, Hillary Clinton, glided to the top by being married to The Boss.

Sarah Palin, by contrast, did it all herself. So, in this sense, she strongly resembles Margaret Thatcher.

The current election in America has become even more interesting.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 4th, 2008, 21:42
Oh I wouldn't say that hovelturd. Yes I agree in part Outtolunch. Just its been very difficult with Bush and wars, and for so long.

As far as looks go no, more and more I am finding Americans to be rather plain, nascar sporn. Not like in/on lets say Sardinia or Vietnam or Thailand where the majority are rather stunning. Its the dilution of all those handsome types in America, though the Hispanics etc still have an edge. But then Mexico is just across the border and there its wall to wall.

Im not sure when you travelled across America but things have changed Im sure. All those rather quaint backward people are now rather mad raving Bush supporters and war mongers who are also financially in a bit of a mess. You don't want to get involved with that lot.

Sure it will all change when Obama gets into power, at least for as long as it takes for someone to kill him.

did I forget to mention that when I say Greyhound Bus they were actually covered wagons and Teddy Roosevelt was president.? :alc:

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 4th, 2008, 21:45
This is not in reply to anyone else.

I would simply note that everyone's former hero, Hillary Clinton, glided to the top by being married to The Boss.

Sarah Palin, by contrast, did it all herself. So, in this sense, she strongly resembles Margaret Thatcher.

The current election in America has become even more interesting.


It was Bill Clinton who glided to the top by being married to The Boss !

September 4th, 2008, 23:31
Henry Cate said about my comment on Grizzley Palin: "Well, that is clear, at least. You give a rather muddled list of reasons not to like Sarah Palin -- some of which are total fabrications -- and then conclude by openly stating that you are scared that Americans will vote Republican.

I also note that this thread has absolutely died since Sarah Palin gave her immensely interesting speech at the Republican Convention. Before that, all the pundits were theorizing that she would resign because her daughter was pregnant (?!).

Oh, they picked the Wrong Target! As Sarah herself noted, in an offhand remark, "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull." Pause. Smile. "Lipstick..." "

Question: What information about Palin in my post was "fabricated"? Ok, maybe Palin knows (after being briefed the last 5 days) where Taiwan and Thailand are. If McCain happened to have medical problems and Palin had to take over the job as presidency, would Americans REALLY want this "pit bull with lipstick" really be in charge? If the Republicans had to select a woman as a running mate, they could have chosen a more worldly, experienced person. Choosing Palin is an embarassment to most educated, career women in the United States. And the USA doesn't need any more "pit bulls" in the White House.It needs someone that can think calmly and willing to communicate to the international community even when there are disagreements instead of calling them "evil doers".

September 5th, 2008, 03:50
This is not in reply to anyone else.

I would simply note that everyone's former hero, Hillary Clinton, glided to the top by being married to The Boss.

Sarah Palin, by contrast, did it all herself. So, in this sense, she strongly resembles Margaret Thatcher.

The current election in America has become even more interesting.

Well, Henry, this comment is posted in reply to that.
Although I am no fan of Hillary Clinton, what you say about her is absolutely untrue. You obviously don't have
a clue about her history (other than that she's been married to Bill Clinton). Nobody - even the Republicans - argued
she wasn't qualified to be president.
Comparing Sarah Palin to Margaret Thatcher is like comparing a pony on a carousel to Secretariat. Hardly in the same
class. And, if you truly believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to be either the vice president or the president, I still think
you're a nice guy but a nice guy with half a brain. I like Palin personally - seems like a nice lady - but she isn't even
close to being qualified or experienced enough to be anywhere near the white house!

September 5th, 2008, 05:35
Although I am no fan of Hillary Clinton, what you say about her is absolutely untrue. You obviously don't have a clue about her history (other than that she's been married to Bill Clinton). Nobody - even the Republicans - argued she wasn't qualified to be president.I think on this one you may be missing Henry's point (not that difficult to do since he always argues from his Libertarian textbook rather than any principles of logic). You are right - I don't recall anyone arguing that she wasn't qualified to be president. What they have argued is that she wouldn't have been favourite to be nominee at one point, and then just missing out on the magic 50%, had she not been Bill Clitoris' wife. That is a perfectly valid point, and I think it's the one poor dear muddled Henry was trying to make

However, comparing Palin to Maggie is just textbook Libertarianism. The Republican publicity machine is in overdrive. Speaking of which, where's Henry Cate's soul-mate, bucknaway?

September 5th, 2008, 07:17
.... I like Palin personally - seems like a nice lady ....

Yeah, and Dan Qualye seemed like a nice guy at first too. Then after a bit everyone found out what a boob he was.

Palin might seem like a "tough cookie" but remember she's another of these anti-abortion/no sex before marriage/creationism in schools/guns for everyone- right wing nut cases.

And Henry says she "made it to the top". Right....of ALASKA. Less people live there than in San Francisco.

The husband is a real yahoo also.

This is all part of the old Republican ploy to paint themselves as "average folk" and the Dems as "elitists".

McCain and his mega-rich wife and their 8 houses "average folk"? Gimme a break.

oh, we'll be finding out a LOT more about Sarah Palin, beleive me.

September 5th, 2008, 07:59
Palin might seem like a "tough cookie" but remember she's another of these anti-abortion/no sex before marriage/creationism in schools/guns for everyone- right wing nut cases.No only no sex before marriage but no sex education either ... with a 17-yo unmarried daughter who's up the spout. I love politicians!

September 5th, 2008, 09:31
Just back in the states after a week and a half through Japan I am surprised by a very apathetical public. The most answers I get to what do u think of all this is a very serious "I'm moving to Canada" (I am near Canada) because the choices are so bad. Most disturbing of all is how many times I have been asked why I would vote for a Muslim. I didn't know that he was a Muslim. However I can vouch that a lot of people here really do believe Obama is Muslim. I think they got this idea in their email.

September 5th, 2008, 09:59
Are American that prejudiced?

In a word, yes they are.

September 5th, 2008, 10:24
Are American that prejudiced? Do they see all muslims as being 9/11 style terrorists?Yes - that's their beef about Obama - he's "really" a Muslim

September 5th, 2008, 10:28
Palin,is a tough lady and I would hate to be in her cross hairs either by gun or at work, best not to underestimate this move. by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. best to wait before you count either of these fighters out.


September 5th, 2008, 10:35
Her state has the population of Charlotte, NC.

Her city has the population of DJ Station on a good night.

Experience my ass, Wes.

September 5th, 2008, 11:34
...by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. ....

Let's see. Obama is a Harvard graduate, was head of the Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional Law, community organizer, State Legeslator and US Senator.

Palin was a runnerup in the Miss Podunk contest, a weather-lady on the news and is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck where she just takes orders from large oil companies. Wow, great resume.
As for running a home, she did a great job of "abstinence only" education with that randy daughter of hers.
Boy, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they "explained" to the boyfriend his choises were either marry the girl or Uncle Cheney will write a first class ticket to the Iraq Front for you.

Splash some cold water on your face and wake up Wes.

September 5th, 2008, 11:48
" ... Palin . . . is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck ... "
Come on now Kenc, that's a bit unfair don't you think? Over the top? Hyperbolicky?
Anyway, I couldn't find Bumfuck (outer or inner) on the map. Is it in Thailand?

Cheers ....

September 5th, 2008, 15:42
Ok, maybe Palin knows (after being briefed the last 5 days)

The concept of Five Days is very important to Palin as a creationist. She knows that Her Lord created the Earth in 5 days. She's getting close to a position where she could destroy it in one.

As long as she's wearing lipstick at the time, I guess that's OK.

September 5th, 2008, 19:00
...the Fox News commentators are praisng Palin for being a down to earth hometown girl. --That's nice but that doesn't mean that she is fit for the Washington scene (yet). If pro-Palin folks want to see how she suffers from "tunnel vision" look up some of her talks/sermons to the Assembly of God Church on YouTube, then defend her as an rational candidate. (sorry I can't get the YouTube video on here)

September 5th, 2008, 22:54
...by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. ....

Let's see. Obama is a Harvard graduate, was head of the Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional Law, community organizer, State Legeslator and US Senator.

Palin was a runnerup in the Miss Podunk contest, a weather-lady on the news and is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck where she just takes orders from large oil companies. Wow, great resume.
As for running a home, she did a great job of "abstinence only" education with that randy daughter of hers.
Boy, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they "explained" to the boyfriend his choises were either marry the girl or Uncle Cheney will write a first class ticket to the Iraq Front for you.

Splash some cold water on your face and wake up Wes.

Whereas Sarah Palin has 13 YEARS ( yes THIRTEEN YEARS ) in elective office.

I really hate to suggest this to you, Ken, but Sarah Palin would have made a great mayor for a small town like San Francisco.

And she has a lot more executive experience than Obama OR Hillary.

I like Victor Davis Hanson's commentary on the whole affair: the whole liberal establishment just got hit by a cruise missile from Middle America.

She shoots MOOSE, Ken. Her husband is an actual MAN.

The liberal media immediately accused her of using a Bush speechwriter. This is most likely true, but it is also beyond doubt that she used that speechwriter better than Bush EVER did.

September 5th, 2008, 23:53
...by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. ....

Let's see. Obama is a Harvard graduate, was head of the Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional Law, community organizer, State Legeslator and US Senator.

Palin was a runnerup in the Miss Podunk contest, a weather-lady on the news and is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck where she just takes orders from large oil companies. Wow, great resume.
As for running a home, she did a great job of "abstinence only" education with that randy daughter of hers.
Boy, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they "explained" to the boyfriend his choises were either marry the girl or Uncle Cheney will write a first class ticket to the Iraq Front for you.

Splash some cold water on your face and wake up Wes.

Hey kenc, Ease up, I just said not to count them out, going to Harvard is not a prerequisite for ruining a country or a state, at least she has a bit more than community organizer, and Junior senator. As well she has been responsible for an actual budget small or large it was at least a budget. She is an expert on energy and this is a big deal here now.

I am not saying I would vote for them I am just saying she plays well to the blue collar guys and ladies who clutch their Guns and Bibles. Like it or not, she has energized the Republican base. ItтАЩs just too early to count them out if you look at the polls. IтАЩm not taking up for her although I would prefer not to vote than vote for Obama. The Rev Wright thing finished it for me; he is not running for president of Europe. You do realize that right? Those guys with Bibles and guns will turn out to vote, now that Hillary is out and there is a woman to vote for, some women will vote for that reason only. Being a woman (Joke) should make you want to vote for her.

I know you probably hate Bush but keep in mind, big eared Obama is running against an actual war hero and has little to offer as a record. If you are looking for a socialist state then he is the man for the job. I am liberal but I am not all the way to the left and he is the most liberal senator in the senate who has voted 95 times present rather than have any history at all to see how he would vote on anything. The Troops are already coming home, The surge Brigades are already home and the war is pretty much over whether all are in or out. The Booodiest region of all is now under Iraqi control and Bush himself is bringing the troops home. So, he can't run on that issue any longer.So since that is no longer an issue, why vote for him other than he is Black. The issue now is the economy and Oil and the transition to an energy free future that does not include people that do not like us very well. Other than the basic liberal issues there is really no reason to vote for him. If I have to take the far left to get the center of the road then I prefer to not vote at all. I look at his record and there is no record for me to look at in order to cast a vote for him. I have no idea what he believes in, other than change in which he has yet to define



September 6th, 2008, 00:24
...by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. ....

Let's see. Obama is a Harvard graduate, was head of the Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional Law, community organizer, State Legeslator and US Senator.

Palin was a runnerup in the Miss Podunk contest, a weather-lady on the news and is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck where she just takes orders from large oil companies. Wow, great resume.
As for running a home, she did a great job of "abstinence only" education with that randy daughter of hers.
Boy, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they "explained" to the boyfriend his choises were either marry the girl or Uncle Cheney will write a first class ticket to the Iraq Front for you.

Splash some cold water on your face and wake up Wes.

Hey kenc, Ease up, I just said not to count them out, going to Harvard is not a prerequisite for ruining a country or a state, at least she has a bit more than community organizer, and Junior senator. As well she has been responsible for an actual budget small or large it was at least a budget. She is an expert on energy and this is a big deal here now.

I am not saying I would vote for them I am just saying she plays well to the blue collar guys and ladies who clutch their Guns and Bibles. Like it or not, she has energized the Republican base. ItтАЩs just too early to count them out if you look at the polls. IтАЩm not taking up for her although I would prefer not to vote than vote for Obama. The Rev Wright thing finished it for me; he is not running for president of Europe. You do realize that right? Those guys with Bibles and guns will turn out to vote, now that Hillary is out and there is a woman to vote for, some women will vote for that reason only. Being a woman (Joke) should make you want to vote for her.

I know you probably hate Bush but keep in mind, big eared Obama is running against an actual war hero and has little to offer as a record. If you are looking for a socialist state then he is the man for the job. I am liberal but I am not all the way to the left and he is the most liberal senator in the senate who has voted 95 times present rather than have any history at all to see how he would vote on anything. The Troops are already coming home, The surge Brigades are already home and the war is pretty much over whether all are in or out. The Booodiest region of all is now under Iraqi control and Bush himself is bringing the troops home. So, he can't run on that issue any longer.So since that is no longer an issue, why vote for him other than he is Black. The issue now is the economy and Oil and the transition to an energy free future that does not include people that do not like us very well. Other than the basic liberal issues there is really no reason to vote for him. If I have to take the far left to get the center of the road then I prefer to not vote at all. I look at his record and there is no record for me to look at in order to cast a vote for him. I have no idea what he believes in, other than change in which he has yet to define



Sometimes you get things absolutely right, Wes.

September 6th, 2008, 12:28
It took a while but it finally came to me.
At first Palin reminded me of Wilma Flintstone with that hairdoo of her's.
But there was just something that kept nagging at the back of my mind.
Finally I got it!

She's just another Anita Bryant or Phyllis Schlafly

I can't believe in a GAY forum we have to fight the same battle we fought 30 years ago.

I did have some vague hopes that McCain woukd break the mold but he was taken over by the Pod People. He embraced the Right Wing Religous bigots in order to secure his "base" so he could win the election.

Oh, haven't you heard? Palin HATES FAGS!

That means YOU Wes, and YOU Henry.

These religious Right Wing nut cases are behind all the Customs "strip searches" of gay travelers and the pedo witch hunts of gay men.

We are in a great civil rights battle right now. This is not just about "who is most qualified" or "who can win in Iraq".
This is about who will appoint the next Supreme Court justices and weather America should continue to hold people in Guantanamo without counsel or Habeas Corpus.

Above all this is an election where gay people need to GET A FUCKING GRIP and realize which side their bread is buttered on.

September 6th, 2008, 13:06
" ... Palin . . . is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck ... "
Come on now Kenc, that's a bit unfair don't you think? Over the top? Hyperbolicky?
Anyway, I couldn't find Bumfuck (outer or inner) on the map. Is it in Thailand?

Cheers ....

Oh come on. Why should Fox News and Rush Limbergher get to have all the fun?

And BTW, I'm willing to argue my case that Alaska is "Outer Bumfuck".
It's as far away from nowhere you can get in the US.

(edited for spelling- sheesh)

September 6th, 2008, 13:48
And BTW, I'm willing to argue my case that Alaska is "Outer Bumfuck".For the geographically-challenged among us (I'm thinking particularly of poor old Henry Cate from his postings), where exactly in Inner Bumfuck? And on a completely different topic, apropos of your assertion in a completely different thread, that boyfriends don't stay 22 forever - they do if you trade them in :cyclopsani:

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 6th, 2008, 13:56
personally she just sounds like another right wing nutter to me but the kid who knocked up her daughter looks pretty hunky.:sunny:

September 6th, 2008, 14:34
personally she just sounds like another right wing nutter to me but the kid who knocked up her daughter looks pretty hunky.:sunny:They don't do eye tests in Pattaya these days, or are your eyes still blurred from lunch?

September 6th, 2008, 14:34
It is surprising that this fascist femme is being put in a position to become the most powerful person in the world in a system that is said to be democratic. Makes one wonder if Monarchical government has its merits after all.

September 6th, 2008, 14:56
Makes one wonder if Monarchical government has its merits after all.Many historians assert that the Presidency under the US Constitution is merely an 18th century elected monarch, having roughly the same powers as King George III

September 6th, 2008, 18:29
It took a while but it finally came to me.
At first Palin reminded me of Wilma Flintstone with that hairdoo of her's.
But there was just something that kept nagging at the back of my mind.
Finally I got it!

She's just another Anita Bryant or Phyllis Schlafly

I can't believe in a GAY forum we have to fight the same battle we fought 30 years ago.

I did have some vague hopes that McCain woukd break the mold but he was taken over by the Pod People. He embraced the Right Wing Religous bigots in order to secure his "base" so he could win the election.

Oh, haven't you heard? Palin HATES FAGS!

That means YOU Wes, and YOU Henry.

These religious Right Wing nut cases are behind all the Customs "strip searches" of gay travelers and the pedo witch hunts of gay men.

We are in a great civil rights battle right now. This is not just about "who is most qualified" or "who can win in Iraq".
This is about who will appoint the next Supreme Court justices and weather America should continue to hold people in Guantanamo without counsel or Habeas Corpus.

Above all this is an election where gay people need to GET A FUCKING GRIP and realize which side their bread is buttered on.

So, let them hate me, the have been doing that for 40 years now, so far I am better off than most of them. I donтАЩt begrudge them their inept opinion just to vote for a bum head like Obama, it he were not so far to the left it would be different, I could have voted for Hillary. But their guy after the Rev Wright thing makes me wonder if he does not hate America as much as some on this forum. I am gay but remain a patriot. I donтАЩt think you can say you canтАЩt have one with out the other. Gay people serve in Iraq and Afghanistan and are gay yet are able to separate their gay rights from their patriotism. I find the man revolting and full of hot bloviating air. He has all Air and no substance and a great orator. However, I prefer a guy like McCain to some young upstart who has yet to define his own feelings. He has written two memoirs of himself and no legislation. If I catch McCainтАЩs personality right he may has said okay to the evangelicals but still curses like the sailor he is. Palin on the other hand may be and evangelical and balance the ticket but I am not voting for her I'm voting for McCain if I vote at all.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 7th, 2008, 00:25
Makes one wonder if Monarchical government has its merits after all.Many historians assert that the Presidency under the US Constitution is merely an 18th century elected monarch, having roughly the same powers as King George III

certainly the current president is as mad as King George ! :geek:

September 7th, 2008, 03:10
...by contrast she has more experience than Obama and can run a state a town a home and balance all that with keeping a good looking husband happy. ....

Let's see. Obama is a Harvard graduate, was head of the Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional Law, community organizer, State Legeslator and US Senator.

Palin was a runnerup in the Miss Podunk contest, a weather-lady on the news and is now the Governor of Outer Bumfuck where she just takes orders from large oil companies. Wow, great resume.
As for running a home, she did a great job of "abstinence only" education with that randy daughter of hers.
Boy, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they "explained" to the boyfriend his choises were either marry the girl or Uncle Cheney will write a first class ticket to the Iraq Front for you.

Splash some cold water on your face and wake up Wes.

Hey kenc, Ease up, I just said not to count them out, going to Harvard is not a prerequisite for ruining a country or a state, at least she has a bit more than community organizer, and Junior senator. As well she has been responsible for an actual budget small or large it was at least a budget. She is an expert on energy and this is a big deal here now.

I am not saying I would vote for them I am just saying she plays well to the blue collar guys and ladies who clutch their Guns and Bibles. Like it or not, she has energized the Republican base. ItтАЩs just too early to count them out if you look at the polls. IтАЩm not taking up for her although I would prefer not to vote than vote for Obama. The Rev Wright thing finished it for me; he is not running for president of Europe. You do realize that right? Those guys with Bibles and guns will turn out to vote, now that Hillary is out and there is a woman to vote for, some women will vote for that reason only. Being a woman (Joke) should make you want to vote for her.

I know you probably hate Bush but keep in mind, big eared Obama is running against an actual war hero and has little to offer as a record. If you are looking for a socialist state then he is the man for the job. I am liberal but I am not all the way to the left and he is the most liberal senator in the senate who has voted 95 times present rather than have any history at all to see how he would vote on anything. The Troops are already coming home, The surge Brigades are already home and the war is pretty much over whether all are in or out. The Booodiest region of all is now under Iraqi control and Bush himself is bringing the troops home. So, he can't run on that issue any longer.So since that is no longer an issue, why vote for him other than he is Black. The issue now is the economy and Oil and the transition to an energy free future that does not include people that do not like us very well. Other than the basic liberal issues there is really no reason to vote for him. If I have to take the far left to get the center of the road then I prefer to not vote at all. I look at his record and there is no record for me to look at in order to cast a vote for him. I have no idea what he believes in, other than change in which he has yet to define



Sometimes you get things absolutely right, Wes.

Agreed Henry and seconded by me.

One things for sure where The US of A is concerned, it's possible for absolutely anything to happen. I believe that what has been witnessed so far and up to the conclusions of both the Democratic and Republican conventions, is nothing in comparison to the drama and quite possibly dramas, that I have a gut feeling will unfold themselves before this particular election is over.

I wish I could say that the gut feeling I have, is also telling me that those drama/s will be positive ones as well as ones that will as a result of their having happened, be beneficial for everybody. Unfortunately however, it is not. I can assure everyone, that there will be no one hoping more than me, that I am wrong.


September 7th, 2008, 03:49
Another attack almost of any kind not to mention that Musharif is no longer President and Putin is in Georgia and new Missile Silos' are now in Poland makes foreign policy a bigger deal I dare to say if there is another attack of any kind on American shores or anything blows up in the mid-East will almost definitely assure a Republican win. Say all you want about George Dubia, he has prevented any attack since 9-11. Should one come now in his lame duck presidency, it would assure a republican win. I do believe in government conspiracies although not to the extreme. However, if they were to let something slip and an attack small or great were to happen it would kill any hope of an Obama win. This is not to say that he puts himself at unusual risk in big stadiums where security is almost impossible. I am sure there are people out there that would like to see him dead and after so many presidential attacks on so many great Charismatic presidents similar to the attraction Obama has, seems to bring out the crazies with a gun. He personally is at risk more than any person I have seen in recent history for assignation. SO, it may be the poor guy who got all of 9,000 votes in the primary we may be voting for against McCain.

Talk about a bad feeling George, I have felt this way for sometime. I hope I am wrong.


September 7th, 2008, 05:54
certainly the current president is as mad as King George !

George the Third had the excuse of porphyria. George the W has the excuse of being brought up to treat Bushes with respect. Perhaps his father deserved it. It's difficult to respect the electorate or system that returned W to power.

September 7th, 2008, 07:43
I see Palin's Assembly of God church in Wasilla is trying to convert gays to heterosexuals. Another try at conversion therapy. Henry and Wesley should attend. Nothing worse than right wing wacko fags.

September 7th, 2008, 07:53
For those desiring to be converted, here is a link to the story

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080906/ap_ ... alp3hh24cA (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080906/ap_on_el_pr/palin_gays;_ylt=AscfpNM7cRfL9vASxsalp3hh24cA)

September 7th, 2008, 08:14
I know you probably hate Bush but keep in mind, big eared Obama is running against an actual war hero and has little to offer as a record. If you are looking for a socialist state then he is the man for the job. I am liberal but I am not all the way to the left and he is the most liberal senator in the senate who has voted 95 times present rather than have any history at all to see how he would vote on anything. The Troops are already coming home, The surge Brigades are already home and the war is pretty much over whether all are in or out. The Booodiest region of all is now under Iraqi control and Bush himself is bringing the troops home. So, he can't run on that issue any longer.So since that is no longer an issue, why vote for him other than he is Black. The issue now is the economy and Oil and the transition to an energy free future that does not include people that do not like us very well. Other than the basic liberal issues there is really no reason to vote for him. If I have to take the far left to get the center of the road then I prefer to not vote at all. I look at his record and there is no record for me to look at in order to cast a vote for him. I have no idea what he believes in, other than change in which he has yet to define

Ok Wesley, I take exception to your supposed neutrality. Refer to Obama as big eared, a nice childish comment. Obama running against an actual war hero. I think not. Yes, McCain was a prisoner of war hero, not the same as a war hero. Let's face it if he was a good, smart pilot, he would not have been shot down. He graduated near the bottom of his Anapolis class. Something like fourth from the bottom. He was after all a legacy admittance because his father and grandfather were Admirals. Similar to GW Bush's admittance to Yale. McCain had crashed several planes previously because of poor piloting skills. Yes, he stood up to being a prisoner of war and deserves credit for that.

Wes, continue America's downward spiral, vote McCain

September 7th, 2008, 08:56
I see Palin's Assembly of God church in Wasilla is trying to convert gays to heterosexuals. Another try at conversion therapy. Henry and Wesley should attend. Nothing worse than right wing wacko fags.

Thanks Bob, he pushed my button, I guess its another of those what ever posts.


So, now i fine she was formerly Assemblies of God and no longer belongs to that particular church or denomination. not sure where she goes nowor denomination only that Fox rep[orts this morning she is no longer and for some time been affiliated with this church or the Assemblies SO, Check out your facts before you begin to quote rouge internet postings.


September 7th, 2008, 09:02
I know you probably hate Bush but keep in mind, big eared Obama is running against an actual war hero and has little to offer as a record. If you are looking for a socialist state then he is the man for the job. I am liberal but I am not all the way to the left and he is the most liberal senator in the senate who has voted 95 times present rather than have any history at all to see how he would vote on anything. The Troops are already coming home, The surge Brigades are already home and the war is pretty much over whether all are in or out. The Booodiest region of all is now under Iraqi control and Bush himself is bringing the troops home. So, he can't run on that issue any longer.So since that is no longer an issue, why vote for him other than he is Black. The issue now is the economy and Oil and the transition to an energy free future that does not include people that do not like us very well. Other than the basic liberal issues there is really no reason to vote for him. If I have to take the far left to get the center of the road then I prefer to not vote at all. I look at his record and there is no record for me to look at in order to cast a vote for him. I have no idea what he believes in, other than change in which he has yet to define

Ok Wesley, I take exception to your supposed neutrality. Refer to Obama as big eared, a nice childish comment. Obama running against an actual war hero. I think not. Yes, McCain was a prisoner of war hero, not the same as a war hero. Let's face it if he was a good, smart pilot, he would not have been shot down. He graduated near the bottom of his Anapolis class. Something like fourth from the bottom. He was after all a legacy admittance because his father and grandfather were Admirals. Similar to GW Bush's admittance to Yale. McCain had crashed several planes previously because of poor piloting skills. Yes, he stood up to being a prisoner of war and deserves credit for that.

Wes, continue America's downward spiral, vote McCain

Any man who could have left and stayed in my eyes is a hero in his own right, yes he like others were wild and craszy in their youth, I had a few of them myslelf. No matter how he got there is not important, it is how and when he came out of the POW camp that is important. he could have left being his father was an Admiral but stayed . That in itself makes him a hero and a much better man than I am. I suppose you have done more. I suppose you deserve the right to vote. If you are not an American then this is no topic for you. If you are then vote you heart as will I.


September 7th, 2008, 09:51
For god's/buddha's sake, Wes, the thread is about Palin and we're in an internet forum called Sawatdee Gay Thailand. Do we really have to listen to some pompous diatribe from the pulpit? Rather than try to convert posters you don't know (and who are just winding your chain), you'd be better off chiseling your pronouncements in stone and then using the stones to weigh down your pickup in the winter snows. (i.e., lighten up, dude)

Back to the topic of the thread. Being the governor of a state of 600,000 for 19 months and being the mayor of a rather dinky town do count for something - but not much on the national scene. When asked about her views on Iraq, she responded that she hadn't been following much about that. It seems to me that whoever is selected as vice president ought to be somewhat qualified to be president and I can't see Palin as anywhere near qualified for that. I don't blame her for her predicament, I blame the bad judgment of McCain (in spite of that fact I think he's an honorable guy).

September 7th, 2008, 10:42
My couple previous comments about Palin (which were negative) stands for her as a person...not because she is a woman or a Republican. BUT, many of us "Independents" are sick of what the Republican party has done to the United States the last eight years. It's reputation around the world (and the economy) has gone down the drain ;thus, we DO want a different party in. I think most of the world would agree.

Though Americans usually do not pay much attention to the vice-presidency candidate, who runs for THIS republican vice-presidency ticket does make a difference since McCain's golden age means that Palin may have to fulfill his position if he becomes sick or passes away. I don't care if she was on the Democratic ticket or on the Mother's Teressa ticket, would you really want her to be in one of the most powerful positions in the world with her prejudices and narrow mindedness?

September 7th, 2008, 17:49
I donot agree wth the article, aboaut the Assemblies of God thing, I know them. They have nothign to do with Gays on any level historically and theologically. The odds they would give a shit that we are going to hell seems some what unlike that particular group. However, I guess there are a few nut cakes around any denomination. I would not bet she has gotten where she has with the Assemblies of God tied arond her neck or being willing to accept all of the far right poistions. for most it, her stand on abortion, not gay rights and for that I would agree that it gives her a certain pro-life boost to the Republican party. I am sure the Repubilcans really care less about Gays as long as there is marraige defined as between a man and a woman. I could not say the Assemblies would aaccpet either abortion or gays but there are pletnty of it that goes on in the church on both fronts.

I am not taking up for her but the article that was suggested I am part the Assemblies was a slap in the face, and the Assemblies would feel the same way about me. I long ago broke any serious ties with the church. If they don't help the kids find if they do fine. As I said befoer if Satan writes me a check to help the kids I will take that too. When anyone gets personal about religion on here in my opinion they have crossed over the line. Any persn including Palin should be allowedd to believe what they believe. I persoanlly don't give a shit. But if it makes a difference to you then vote your cinscince. I persoanlly think McCain is a Maverick, he stood up to Bush and any one else who was wrong. I just don't feel that hanging him for 8 Years of a failed bush presidency is fair to the ticket. He is no religious freak. He is old yes, but his Mom is in her 90's. I would say he likely will out live most of us.


September 7th, 2008, 22:00
Let's face it if he was a good, smart pilot, he would not have been shot down.

Tell us all about it, expert pilot.

Frankly, the reason this thread has exploded with comments is because Sarah Palin has totally changed the character of this election. Of course, those who are knee-jerk Democrats have nothing but nasty things to say about her -- but that can be discounted in advance, because they would have been nasty about Lieberman (TURNCOAT! HYPOCRITE) and they will say nothing but nasty things about the Republican ticket.

I would like to say once again that I am not a member of any party. I would like to be a Libertarian, but can't accept their little statement about all use of force being everywhere wrong.

So I guess I am challenging myself to say something nice about Obama. This is very difficult, because my perceptions of him have worsened over the last few weeks. Right now he strikes me as a typical Chicago machine politician, who did not actually expect to win the nomination, and who has been running on a wing and a prayer ever since. Much worse than that -- some Internet gangsters have been apparently making up fibs about Sarah Palin's religious affiliations, but Obama's religious affiliations are a matter of public record. And (amazingly) nobody seems to CARE about his 20-year association with Jeremiah Wright, or his equally long association with Bill Ayers -- which Obama has LIED about ("He's just a guy who lives in the same neighborhood.")

And it took Sarah Palin to state the obvious about Obama and the "surge!" Obama admits that the surge has worked beyond "any of our dreams," and Palin calls him on it! The fact is, Obama was wrong -- dead wrong -- about the surge, and now he wants to rhetorically imply that "everyone" was similarly mistaken. Not John McCain, who put his career on the line defending it against the likes of Obama. Obama's position on the surge is now Theater of the Absurd. "I was mistaken, but I was right," or something like that.

Why doesn't anybody ask this man the hard questions -- aside from Sarah Palin?

Anyway, the world will little note nor long remember what we say here....but at least everyone who cared to has come out and shown their party colours (the "u" is for our British friends :-) )

Now I have to dive down the memory hole and find the name of that excellent old blog, since given up, which made a career out of exposing the follies of the Guardian.


September 7th, 2008, 22:19
Like you, Henry, I'm not a member of any party (either because I don't agree with their positions or on the general Groucho Marx theory of "I wouldn't belong to any organization that would have me as a member!").

Okay, given I'm fairly independent and not arguing with you (I could) about some of your other statements, how about a simple statement as to your beliefs as to whether Sarah Palin is or isn't qualified (adequately experienced) to be president.
I ask you this because it's difficult for me to believe anybody can make a rational argument that she is indeed qualified in that regard.

September 7th, 2008, 22:59
Thanks to all of you giving your opinions. It is healthy to hear what other people are thinking on this issue. (and I am not going to go crazy with people that disagree with me.)

September 7th, 2008, 23:10
Check out the differences between McSame here:


September 7th, 2008, 23:41
Frankly, the reason this thread has exploded with comments is because Sarah Palin has totally changed the character of this election.

You are correct Henry, we can't imagine this wacko a heartbeat away from a 72 year old man, which could make her President.

He is old yes, but his Mom is in her 90's. I would say he likely will out live most of us.

Yes Wes, his mom is in her 90's, however, his father died at age 70. It is not unusual for many older women in their late 80's and 90's to outlive their children.

I would say he likely will out live most of us.

I didn't know you were an expert on gerontology?

September 7th, 2008, 23:57
Rincondog, try to say something intelligent or be quiet.

Ronald Reagan was 71 when he took the oath of office.

As for the "sudden death" idea -- well, take your pick: Joe Biden or Sarah Palin?

I pick Palin. You may like the trendy old hack with hairplugs who has been wrong about everything, but I doubt it.



By the way, you may have noticed that "The One," in a new panic fear, summoned Hillary to "help him" with the "Palin crisis."

How much do you think the Hillary is going to help the man who didn't even consider her for Vice-President?

I wrote then, and believe it still, that the failure to select Hillary as his VP was an absolutely fatal mistake.

Harvard graduate? Let's be relevant here: Bush has an MBA from Harvard (duh).

September 8th, 2008, 01:30

Rincondog, try to say something intelligent or be quiet.

Typical response from a right wing wacko, comments are only intelligent if they agree with your point of view. Stop any discenting opinions.

You may like the trendy old hack with hairplugs

Then of course the attacks on someone's appearance, because you lack the intellectual ability to refute their ideas without stooping to childish attacks on appearance.

You know Henry, you sound so excited about Palin that I guess you can get by without Viagra now.[/quote]

September 8th, 2008, 02:05
I metnion what I hear, and all I know is if its in the genes then its in the genes, so who knows he looks good for an olld fart who has ben beaten half to death. I dare to say if Obamma chances of living without a snipers bnullet is as good as McCain will live with his health. If the Doctors Say he is in great health then who am I not belive them. At any rate its certainly not about Biden he has been wrong on ever forgien policy Debackle there was. He may have been around a while but he has not been right about anything so far, lets hope both of them live.

So I thimnk the real debate is about the presidential candidates, I am sure McCain will live long enougth for Palin to get some experience and certainly if we are Lucky some on will finally release the truth about Aliens taking over the world. LOL.

So this is not so serious as it seems it will or will not be one or the other and I doubt any of us are going to change our minds, best to hope for the best in whoever gets in.


September 8th, 2008, 02:10
Rincondog, try to say something intelligent or be quiet.

Ronald Reagan was 71 when he took the oath of office.

As for the "sudden death" idea -- well, take your pick: Joe Biden or Sarah Palin?

I pick Palin. You may like the trendy old hack with hairplugs who has been wrong about everything, but I doubt it.



By the way, you may have noticed that "The One," in a new panic fear, summoned Hillary to "help him" with the "Palin crisis."

I agree on one thing, if he had swallowed some pride and took Hillary as Vp this would nt be a dbate at all. thanks Henry.


How much do you think the Hillary is going to help the man who didn't even consider her for Vice-President?

I wrote then, and believe it still, that the failure to select Hillary as his VP was an absolutely fatal mistake.

Harvard graduate? Let's be relevant here: Bush has an MBA from Harvard (duh).

I agree with Henery, if he had swalloed some pride nd took Hillary there would be no debate now at all. It would have been a shoo in for Obama, bnut no, he had to do it all alone.

September 8th, 2008, 20:50
In a quite remarkable way, this column by Willie Brown in a San Francisco newspaper basically confirms everything I have been saying about Sarah Palin. (Note: Willie Brown was the happy and utterly corrupt mayor of SF for a number of years...)


Always glad to be of service!