View Full Version : Googie's Restaurant's

August 23rd, 2008, 17:42
Both of Googie's Restaurants are now up for sale.
5.6 Million Baht for the original Googie's in Soi Day Night and 1.2 Million Baht for the O'Brien's just round the corner near Luxor.
Interesting to see what happens as it never seems very busy and O'Brien's never started.

August 23rd, 2008, 22:06
Theyve not long had the place done up.

August 24th, 2008, 14:12
Theyve not long had the place done up.

Yes and it all seems to have been a bit of an ego trip. I am given to understand that there's many farang going to lose money here.

August 24th, 2008, 14:30
Some thais too because I understand that some staff members have not been paid for their work.

August 24th, 2008, 17:02
Some thais too because I understand that some staff members have not been paid for their work.

I understand that too. But I am told the estimated amount of loans to farangs and mafia is said to be up to 8 million baht. Theres no way anyone will get that money back.
This has been going on for a long time. So why expand the original shop and then open another restaurant round the corner. Does not add up !!

August 24th, 2008, 18:00
I guess those who have lost money have every reason to be angry at that irish guy. However I feel still more sorry for the workers even if the amounts are much smaller because they probably need the money more than the lenders.

August 24th, 2008, 19:21
Oh, goody! Unsubstantiated rumors, gossip, and innuendo. My favorite!

August 24th, 2008, 22:37
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure; for, there are too many of these establishments in Pattaya to make money. It's a no brainer. Do you know anyone that has opened up one of the above and is making a great profit???? (international chains don't count)

August 24th, 2008, 22:45
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure

Let's take it one step further: if you've decided that Pattaya is the place you want to settle, you're already a failure.

August 24th, 2008, 22:55
As my brain hurts most the time i think then i will open a restaurant and bar with a tailors shop upstairs in Pattaya. Proberly in soi Day night as that seems the place to be to make money

August 25th, 2008, 00:31
Our newbie Gordon has an obvious agenda and it is to spread gossip about a gay Pattaya businessman and hurt his businesses and his life..

This sucks a big one and I will dare to suggest that this garbage be deleted and
that the moderators take some responsibility with gossip about businesses without
having to be threatened with legal action.

I am no fan of googies and do know he has health problems and perhaps other problems
as well, but it is not anyone's right to publish this type of shit about a well known gay Pattaya
Some asshole has an agenda and it is totally fucked up to allow this here, even if smiles thinks I am spitting into the wind on this, this sucks!! :cat:

August 25th, 2008, 00:39
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure

Let's take it one step further: if you've decided that Pattaya is the place you want to settle, you're already a failure.

When this message board is your life , that is sad too Chao No , it seem that it is your life . please go find some hobby

August 25th, 2008, 00:44
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure

Let's take it one step further: if you've decided that Pattaya is the place you want to settle, you're already a failure.

When this message board is your life , that is sad too Chao No , it seem that it is your life . please go find some hobby

I'll have you know that I collect postage stamps in between posts. I hope you're satisfied.

August 25th, 2008, 00:47
it is not anyone's right to publish this type of shit about a well known gay Pattaya

What is there about being a "gay Pattaya businessman" that you feel should afford a person special protection?

August 25th, 2008, 03:43
Some asshole has an agenda and it is totally fucked up to allow this here, even if smiles thinks I am spitting into the wind on this, this sucks!! :cat:toni6969 has been allowed to push his "agenda", Chris was allowed to push his Niddy's Nook venture agenda; I'm not sure why agenda-pushing should be a banned activity

August 25th, 2008, 07:46
Stickman has taken note:

The recession is taking its toll in Gayland in Pattaya. In the area around the Day and Night Hotel are various French style eateries, many of which offer excellent value set menus. Now don't get any funny ideas about Stick's orientation - I am 100% straight - but that is an excellent area to dine. Sadly, I notice a number of venues have closed. The restaurant at the Flamingo Hotel has closed. O'Brien's has closed. Furniture moved out, signs taken down all indicate these venues have gone out of business.

www.stickmanweekly.com/StickMarkII/ThailandTheAdvantagesOfBeingWhite.htm (http://www.stickmanweekly.com/StickMarkII/ThailandTheAdvantagesOfBeingWhite.htm)

August 25th, 2008, 10:54
it is not anyone's right to publish this type of shit about a well known gay Pattaya

What is there about being a "gay Pattaya businessman" that you feel should afford a person special protection?

My point is that gay men who step forward and own businesses and use their real names
should be protected from cowardly men who hide behind handles and spread rumours (whether true or false is immaterial in this case).
If you want to say Bob of Bob's Bar is a thief or a pedo or whatever, then if you say you are Fred of Fred's Beauty Shop in Sunee, then go ahead.

Stand up and be a man, not a chicken shit who is not afraid to name businessmen but is afraid to identify themselves. I have no problem with saying BaaBaa is a this or that and BigLou is a fat slob, as long as true identity of the injured party is not exposed to the world.

I recall recently some scumbag who rejoiced in revealing the details of the now departed
Peter from Krazy Dragon and kept posting old newspaper reports using Peter's full legal
name. That same poster had it in for another German Sunee businessman and used his
full legal name as well. All this without revealing his name and this type of coward is unworthy
of my respect and a responsible moderator would not permit this. To save Smiles from repeating himself, I really don't think a moderator should only delete personal information when legal action is threatened and think it is very bad form to allow.

edited by author to delete incorrect assumption about a pm and my somewhat paranoid response to it..

August 25th, 2008, 11:06
My point is that gay men who step forward and own businesses and use their real names should be protected from cowardly men who hide behind handles and spread rumours (whether true or false is immaterial in this case).Why? Because they are gay? If not that, then why use the phrase "gay men"? If so, what's so special about a gay businessman? As someone in business myself, I acknowledge that I've acquired a public role simply by owning a business, and one of the risks that that involves is attacks on my reputation. Whether the source is anonymous or not matters not one jot. If you're dealing with a bureaucracy as I do (Thai Customs) then the term "faceless" takes on a whole new meaning. Ranting and raving about anonymity when you know some (anonymous) bureaucrat doesn't like your face and you can't do anything about it is utterly pointless, and expecting that my competitors (or anyone else of the legions I have offended one way or another) won't make anonymous complaints against me would be an exercise in futility

Perhaps you should go and sit at the feet of Our Resident Bodhisattva George, who will tell you that the inability to face reality (a characteristic of so many posters here - hullo, Soi 10 Tom, are you there?) is a cause of dissatisfaction as set out by The Buddha in the Four Noble Truths. Or at least George would if he understood the first thing about Buddhism - which he doesn't

August 25th, 2008, 11:44
I recall recently some scumbag who rejoiced in revealing the details of the now departed
Peter from Krazy Dragon and kept posting old newspaper reports using Peter's full legal

Surely, once something is in the newspapers, it is already out there, as in the public domain?

And are you equally vehement about criticizing a person if they are not in business? And not gay? And not in Pattaya?

August 25th, 2008, 12:43
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure; for, there are too many of these establishments in Pattaya to make money. It's a no brainer. Do you know anyone that has opened up one of the above and is making a great profit???? (international chains don't count)

Which just goes to show you the quality of the people [locals and farangs] who have been opening restaurants in Pattaya in recent years. A professional restaurateur can open anywhere and make it work, but so many places are opened by well-intentioned amateurs. Whilst I have had a few excellent meals in Pattaya [Bruno's before and after Bruno, and a few Thai restaurants with only Thai language menus] I have also had some of the worst meals I have ever experienced in Thailand [and Bangkok has some lulu's]. Disgusting Thai without taste, cooked by Thais but places owned by farangs, and a Swiss restaurant where I had to beg for a very quick table fo dinner, place packed and food was crap [and I love traditional Swiss food, bangkok's Chesa is one of my favourite Bangkok eateries].

A not unusual happening with tourist areas, Bali used to be the same till the tide turned 5-6 years ago. Just because you come from a particular country does not mean that you can necessarily run a successful restaurant of that cuisine!

August 25th, 2008, 12:50
and a few Thai restaurants with only Thai language menus

More details, please. I have never been able to find any decent Thai food in Pattaya whatsoever.

August 25th, 2008, 15:11
I recall recently some scumbag who rejoiced in revealing the details of the now departed
Peter from Krazy Dragon and kept posting old newspaper reports using Peter's full legal

Surely, once something is in the newspapers, it is already out there, as in the public domain?

And are you equally vehement about criticizing a person if they are not in business? And not gay? And not in Pattaya?

Surely, I have made myself clear on this subject. I know that if someone is named and
they threaten legal action, moderators on this and other similar forums rush to delete the
offending rumours,gossip,truth but unproveable, in a hurry..
I include rehashing old newspaper articles over and over as attacks on a person and his business, whether he is gay or not.
As someone once said about whether someone was gay, "I don't know, I never sucked his
cock", or something close to that. Owning a business that I frequent is sufficient for me to
be protective of anonymous slander and cruel reports of person's personal health matters for example..

I recall another incident where a notorious poster wrote about the owner of Guys Bar which predated Birdcage and was a far superior boy gogo bar and show bar. The poster wrote about the owners drug problems and other personal stuff and I was outraged. I feel strongly about this and can see few others do as well.
I don't expect Spike or jinks to ask me to be a moderator :idea: but I can tell you that there would be no be postings whose purpose is to embarrass, cause distress or financial problems, or exaccerbate them for any gay man who is proud and out enough to use their real name and be in business in this vipers nest.

I will continue to be very suspicious of newbies with obvious agendas attacking or promoting
businesses and that is the way it is.
I am aware it all sounds somewhat holier than thou but I tell it like I see it. Now, I have to go back and edit a previous diatribe, where I accused a newbie of a cowardly pm sent to me and as I said in the pm, I have no problem apologizing when I am wrong unlike many others who cannot admit they ever made a mistake or owe anyone an apology.. enough already.. :cat:

August 25th, 2008, 15:55
and a few Thai restaurants with only Thai language menus

More details, please. I have never been able to find any decent Thai food in Pattaya whatsoever.

Then I will send you a pack of this with the compliments of Saudi Arabia It will probably be the best food you've ever eaten

August 25th, 2008, 16:03
Anyone who opens a bar, restaurant,or tailor shop is already a failure

Let's take it one step further: if you've decided that Pattaya is the place you want to settle, you're already a failure.

Mr. Chao whatever, you must be having loads of friends in the place you have settled.
Readers of this, so called, well respected board, might expect a bit more of a veteran member.

August 25th, 2008, 16:11
Readers of this, so called, well respected board, might expect a bit more of a veteran member.I never have - that's why he's on {Ignore}

August 25th, 2008, 20:19
and a few Thai restaurants with only Thai language menus

More details, please. I have never been able to find any decent Thai food in Pattaya whatsoever.

Then I will send you a pack of this with the compliments of Saudi Arabia It will probably be the best food you've ever eaten

Thanks for the sentiment, but I wouldn't want you to take food out of your adopted countrymen's mouths.