View Full Version : Can you fall in love with a face?

August 22nd, 2008, 01:38
Well, look at this young man!


August 22nd, 2008, 04:26
Well, look at this young man!But what's the awful scar or deformity on his chest?

August 22nd, 2008, 09:04
Henry, are you what they call a "boy lover"?

August 22nd, 2008, 09:21
He looks legal and over 18 or more, he is cute and I would nto throw him out of my bed. if he were has a number I would look for it and I like my guys 23 to 28, When in Thiland I jsut go for who makes the eye contact and I feel like wants to be with me, not that is a sign he might just be hugry for food not sex. But I tend to watch body language as much as the body.


August 22nd, 2008, 09:27
uh, maybe.
But not with that one.

Not bad but it don't make my heart go thumpa-thumpa....

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 22nd, 2008, 10:55
Well, look at this young man!


most definetely ..and I have !

History has shown us that many a powerful man will lose his empire for the sake of a pretty face.

Gordon of Khartoum being one..who it's claimed delayed his departure from Khartoum while he waited for the arrival of his Indian boyfirend and was thus forced into a losing battle that subsequently demolished he and his army. ( no record of what happened to the b/f-possibly hooked up with another British officer)

and was Alexander the Great poisoned whilst in the thores of devestation over the loss of his handsome lover Hephaestion ? ( or was it suicide having already lost the beautiful Hector and Euxenippus ?)

Even Adolph Hitler encased himself in a world of unreality at the Berghof, cacooned by the famous nonentity Eva Braun ( a fine example of Aryan womanhood), whilst Germany crumbled about him.

oh yes..one can fall in love with a face !

August 22nd, 2008, 17:05
Gordon of Khartoum..who it's claimed delayed his departure from Khartoum while he waited for the arrival of his Indian boyfirend

Are you sure it wasn't you who 'claimed' it in a moment of alcohol-fuelled inspiration? News to me anyway.

August 22nd, 2008, 17:08
News to me anyway.Careful, Doris. PeterUK rather fancies himself as an historian

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 22nd, 2008, 18:18
Gordon of Khartoum..who it's claimed delayed his departure from Khartoum while he waited for the arrival of his Indian boyfirend

Are you sure it wasn't you who 'claimed' it in a moment of alcohol-fuelled inspiration? News to me anyway.

it's all true..the tale was related to me in person when I channeled dear old Gordon via my medium.

August 22nd, 2008, 18:47
it's all true..the tale was related to me in person when I channeled dear old Gordon via my medium.

Oh well, that's okay then. Sorry to have doubted your word.

August 22nd, 2008, 20:41
Henry, are you what they call a "boy lover"?

Chao Na, are you what they call a "troll?"

August 22nd, 2008, 20:44
I am sometimes called a "troll" by self-righteous people who believe that anyone who does not agree with them should be called that.

As for the boy in the picture, dream on if you think he is 18.

Check out Nick Jonas, a member of the current hot boy-band the Jonas Brothers, for reference. He is 16.


I think if are a middle-aged or elderly man lusting after sixteen year-olds, you have a mental problem -- no matter what you call it.

August 22nd, 2008, 22:03
Are both pictures the same guy, its hard to tell with clothes on lol.

Certainly you are no troll and have a valid beef, I think there is a difference between lusting and appreciating a good looking guy. As said I prefer guys older but that dos not mean I can not appreciate beauty in any person. My Nephew is 6 and cute as a button but, it dose not denote lust to appreciate the fact that he is cute. I have heard a lot about the Jonas bothers however, I had no idea they were younger than 18, he does not look 16. Are you BG in disguise? I hesitate to reply. I donтАЩt want to bring on an attack or get into an argument. I have never viewed you as a troll. However, I have noted in the past the people who make the most noise about such things have the biggest problem with it, that is not an accusation just a life observation.


Lunchtime O'Booze
August 22nd, 2008, 22:37
well he certainly is rather pretty in that young Jewish way..but as he's 16 I have absolutely no interest in him whatsoever !

As for the first pic..what floats my boat are those little blonde hairs on his arm..I've come over all funny just looking at them and feel a bit queer! :geek:

August 22nd, 2008, 22:45
I am sometimes called a "troll" by self-righteous people who believe that anyone who does not agree with them should be called that.

As for the boy in the picture, dream on if you think he is 18.

Check out Nick Jonas, a member of the current hot boy-band the Jonas Brothers, for reference. He is 16.


I think if are a middle-aged or elderly man lusting after sixteen year-olds, you have a mental problem -- no matter what you call it.

Hmm. Who died and made you Pope?

August 22nd, 2008, 23:19
I'm not allowed to have an opinion? Sounds rather Papal of you yourself.

My opinion, and I'll state it again: it is creepy and pathetic for a middle-aged or elderly man to be drooling over a sixteen year old.

You obviously think it is cool, and you are entitled to your opinion. I just wouldn't do it anywhere besides an anonymous message board, if I were you.

August 22nd, 2008, 23:40
I'm not allowed to have an opinion? Sounds rather Papal of you yourself.

My opinion, and I'll state it again: it is creepy and pathetic for a middle-aged or elderly man to be drooling over a sixteen year old.

You obviously think it is cool, and you are entitled to your opinion. I just wouldn't do it anywhere besides an anonymous message board, if I were you.

You don't think it is "creepy and pathetic" to be hanging around message boards as a troll?

I mean, duh. YOU decided that the boy was 16, without any evidence other than your Papal Infallibility. YOU decided that I was "drooling" over him. And now you come shovelling in with your advice to "not do it anywhere else."

Huh? I've been living with, and associating with, good-looking boys all of my life! You are obviously entitled to your opinions (duh), but your freedom to express yourself carries a risk with it: some other people just might tell you that you are full of it.

And you are, you know. It should come as a Special Warning to you when a jerk like Homintern places YOU on his Ignore list.

After all, history and sociology are just crammed full of societies where men found adolescent boys attractive. If you don't know about them, you might try reading up on ancient Greece and Rome, early medieval Islam, and Tokugawa Japan -- just for starters. Have you ever looked into the Greek Anthology? The poetry of Abu Nuwas? Anything at all which might educate you about the true origins of gay love?

Or must we all bow the knee to the Peasant-Pope, and his First Lady, Hillary Clinton? (Hillary is remembered for telling the manga crowd in Japan that they were WRONG. Just imagine...a creepy lesbian nutball married to a sex-maniac husband, telling the Japanese that they were way out of line. Sounds like Chao Na to me!)

August 22nd, 2008, 23:51
well he certainly is rather pretty in that young Jewish way..but as he's 16 I have absolutely no interest in him whatsoever !

As for the first pic..what floats my boat are those little blonde hairs on his arm..I've come over all funny just looking at them and feel a bit queer! :geek:

My boat floats, too! And from those little blonde hairs!

August 22nd, 2008, 23:59
Ah yes, the ancient Greece/Rome/China response. How typical.

I'm sure you also embrace all the other things those societies were famous for as well? The slavery, throwing Christians to the lions, all that fab stuff? Yes, we should bring that back, too. And why not? After all, it's only those silly church leaders who have convinced us it's bad.

August 23rd, 2008, 00:08
Ah yes, the ancient Greece/Rome/China response. How typical.

I'm sure you also embrace all the other things those societies were famous for as well? The slavery, throwing Christians to the lions, all that fab stuff? Yes, we should bring that back, too. And why not? After all, it's only those silly church leaders who have convinced us it's bad.

Yeah, and the typically stupid RESPONSE. As if admiration for the society which invented democracy involved throwing Christians to the lions.

Check your brain, Peasant-Pope. It is not working well tonight.

Actually, the thought of throwing Christians to the lions does make me feel rather...comfy. And I support slavery...for convicted felons, why not?

But you will (perhaps) note that I myself am not throwing anybody to the lions, or enslaving anyone. In fact, right now, I am putting three (3) Thai boys through school.

But you probably have a problem with that, too, because you are (simply put) a diaper-rash baby.

August 23rd, 2008, 00:15
I'd be more impressed if you'd put the occasional girl, or ugly boy, through school. It's not only kids you find sexually attractive, and therefore want to hang around with, that need occasional help. That's not what you're about, though, is it?

August 23rd, 2008, 00:29

I'll let YOU put the ugly girls through school.

"I am about" (your terms, Popie) helping people I like. I find this much more effective than handing the funds off to civil servants, who will make a living from punching the clock and taking long lunch-breaks.

In particular (and note this well, Mr. Pope-Peasant) the house right next to mine is full of fesbians (feminist lesbians) who are devoted to helping the Karen WOMEN (women only!) living along the Burmese border. So, their house is full of women who love other women, and my house is full of men who love other men. The American Indians (or "Native Americans," take your pick) called this the "two-wigwam system." One wigwam for the women, and one for the men.

In my case, I can actually supervise the people who are studying on my dime. But I'll bet five baht that's not what you have in mind, Mr. Peasant.

I find it particularly interesting that you attempt to blame me for helping people. But I am sure you have a good explanation for that.

August 23rd, 2008, 00:36
Hillary Clinton? A lesbian?? (I knew it!).

Cheers ...

August 23rd, 2008, 00:41
I find it particularly interesting that you attempt to blame me for helping people. But I am sure you have a good explanation for that.

Yes, actually, I do. You are interested in helping only those people in whom you have a sexual interest. Not exactly selfless, is it, when you clearly have ulterior motives.

Perhaps one day you will try an act of charity that is not in fact just a clumsy and pathetic attempt to get into somebody's pants.

August 23rd, 2008, 00:43
You haven't actually come out and said that you are doing that yourself, have you?

I mean to say, are YOU YOURSELF putting ugly girls (e.g. Chelsea Clinton) through school? Or are you just sitting on the sidelines, yammering away like some southern farmer retard -- say, Jimmy Carter?

Try to say, Mr. Pope, what YOU are doing, instead of just finding fault with those who are doing something.

After all, TALK IS CHEAP. Putting three boys through school is NOT.

You must begin to talk sense, Mr. Chao Na, or I will never read another word from you.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 23rd, 2008, 00:46
Ah yes, the ancient Greece/Rome/China response. How typical.

I'm sure you also embrace all the other things those societies were famous for as well? The slavery, throwing Christians to the lions, all that fab stuff? Yes, we should bring that back, too. And why not? After all, it's only those silly church leaders who have convinced us it's bad.

no let's just bring back the orgies and nude Olympics ! :cheers:

August 23rd, 2008, 00:57
[quote="Chao Na":f86ne0l8]Ah yes, the ancient Greece/Rome/China response. How typical.

I'm sure you also embrace all the other things those societies were famous for as well? The slavery, throwing Christians to the lions, all that fab stuff? Yes, we should bring that back, too. And why not? After all, it's only those silly church leaders who have convinced us it's bad.

no let's just bring back the orgies and nude Olympics ! :cheers:[/quote:f86ne0l8]

I have often said, and you may quote me, "If I were King of the World, I would require all boys to exercise in the nude and take older male lovers."

It worked for a thousand years -- and not one complaint!

But I bet the Peasant-Pope has Issues here! :-) :-)

August 23rd, 2008, 01:05
But I bet the Peasant-Pope has Issues here! :-) :-)

You're goddamn right I do. But at least you have now sufficiently answered my question as to whether you are a boy-lover or not.

August 23rd, 2008, 01:21
This was a real nice flame war,
We're mighty glad you came.
The issues we got
Were good, or not,
The company was the same.
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full,
And we are feeling prime.
This was a real nice flame war,
And we all had a real good time.

Fust come Peasant-Pope
Cooking with ideals,
Some slop floating on the top,
Coming from things that are real.

I throw'd in ribbons of common-sense

And he spewed it up with a keyboard,
Tied onto his Christian d*ck.

This was a real nice flame war,
We're mighty glad you came.
The issues we got
Were good, or not,
The company was the same.
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full,
And we are feeling prime.
This was a real nice flame war,
And we all had a real good time.

Remember when we raked them Ugly Girls
Out of the driftwood fire?
They sizzled and crackled and sputtered a song
Fittin' for an angels' choir.

Fittin' for an angels,
Fittin' for an angels,
Fittin' for an angels choir.

We slit 'em down the back and peppered 'em good,
And doused 'em in melted butter.

Then we tore away the claws and cracked 'em with our teeth
Cuz we weren't in the mood to putter.

Fittin' for an angels,
Fittin' for an angels,
Fittin' for an angels choir.

Then at last come the Virtue.

Steamed under rockweed and poppin' from its shell.

Just how much if hit were thrust down our gullets,
We couldn't say ourselves, oh,

This was a real nice flame war,
We're mighty glad you came.
The issues we got
Were good, or not,
The company was the same.
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full,
And we are feeling prime.
This was a real nice flame war,
And we all had a real good time.

August 23rd, 2008, 01:24
Tied onto his Christian d*ck.

You've just insulted me in the lowest possible way. A Christian? Not on your fucking life. Never have, and never will, had any time whatsoever for baby Jesus.

August 23rd, 2008, 01:27
[quote="Henry Cate":fr26rv4m]
Tied onto his Christian d*ck.

You've just insulted me in the lowest possible way. A Christian? Not on your fucking life. Never have, and never will, had any time whatsoever for baby Jesus.[/quote:fr26rv4m]

Good! I meant to do that, you clueless creep!!

August 23rd, 2008, 03:19
Henry, are you what they call a "boy lover"?


I am editing this comment to define my terms. The term "boy" is particularly problematic in Thailand, especially if you've lived here for a while. Then you forget little things like dek bar -- if badly & literally translated, means "bar child." ("Dek" can refer to boys or girls, although I don't think that "dek bar" is used for bar-girls -- I don't have enough experience there to know...)

The language being used is, when literally translated, absurd. According to one dictionary, "child" refers to pre-adolescents, and some think the same with regard to "boy." And then we hear our grandpappy say that he's "going out with the boys tonight" --- so the term "boy" can be unacceptably vague.

I obey age-of-consent laws without question. I am not even vaguely attracted to children in that technical sense just mentioned ("preadolescent"). Kids can be cute as hell, but this is hardly news to anyone. My dogs are cute! So?

Now, one reason Wesley did not ask a dumb question when he called for a definition of terms is a "small" but relevant problem. It has to do with knowing the law, because one has to know the law to be sure one is obeying it. In the United States, the age of consent varies by state. It is typically either 15 or 18. Fine, no problem there. But somehow, during the Clinton era, when "child pornography" was defined as anyone under 18, there began to be a rather weird idea that the world had now been given a worldwide age of consent law. And there is a rapidly growing "feeling" that anyone under 18 is a "child" incapable of giving informed consent. Thus Chao Na complained that the boy with the pretty face was "not 18."

The problem here is The Vanishing Adolescent. There used to be a continuum (child-adolescent-man) which is now collapsing into child/man. If you're a day under 18, you're a helpless infant. The next day, you get a gun and can go kill people, in the Army. Well, it's the LATTER category that I am attracted to -- young men of 18 and over, who are frequently referred to as "boys."

Now that I've cleared that up, Chao Na will go back where he used to be, on "ignore."

August 23rd, 2008, 04:47
I guess the emphasis is on Baby in the phrase baby Jesus. Don't forget the Disciple whom Jesus loved. and the one who laid his head on his shoulder. I'll bet either of those were just masculine moments long forgotten.


August 23rd, 2008, 08:21
Oh goody! A new feud. :popc:

August 23rd, 2008, 08:30
Oh goody! A new feud.And for me an interesting one - I have The Lad on {Ignore} and Henry Cate has me on {Ignore}

August 23rd, 2008, 10:16
[quote="Chao Na":kipq6noy]Henry, are you what they call a "boy lover"?


See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? If you had just answered the question at the beginning, we could have avoided all this nastiness. I just wanted to hear you say it.

August 23rd, 2008, 11:30
I think the whole board has admitted it,


August 23rd, 2008, 11:57
I think the whole board has admitted it,


I may be going out on a limb here, but I think/hope that many of our members will recoil at your having cast them as admitted boy-lovers. I think/hope that the interests of most of here are limited to adult males.

Khor tose
August 23rd, 2008, 12:08
Chao Na, if looking at this incredibly handsome young man, and finding him desirable makes me a boy lover then so be it.

No sooner met but they looked;
No sooner looked but they loved;
No sooner loved but they sighed;
No sooner signed but they asked one another the reason;
No sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy;
And in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage...
-- William Shakespeare, As Your Like It

Why are you any different then the people who look at two men who are partners and find that disgusting. Oh I see , with you it is okay if they are the same age, but older and younger how obscene. Does your black and white world contain any shades of Grey?

August 23rd, 2008, 12:13
Oh I see , with you it is okay if they are the same age, but older and younger how obscene.

I did not say that. Older and younger is no problem. Adult and child is not. A sixteen year old is not an adult.

Does your black and white world contain any shades of Grey?

Only when I happen to spot hummingturd's head bobbing up and down in the cheap seats at a suck cinema.

August 23rd, 2008, 13:31
I think the whole board has admitted it,


I may be going out on a limb here, but I think/and hope that many of our members will recoil at your having cast them as admitted boy-lovers. I think/hope that the interests of most of here are limited to adult males.

I think we all can discriminate between loving a boy, in the legal sense, and appreciation of a good looking boy that is illegal are acceptable. It does not mean that I would bed the illegal boy but it does mean that I can appreciate the beauty of a young man or young boy without going into the gutter with either. To assume that an appreciation for a good looking guy is a good looking guy defies the fact of gay nature. Good looking is good looking. I can admire even think he is sexy with out wishing to bed him. I can even love him and still yet not want an illicit relationship. You confuse the art of a young boy or man or guy. All though History it has been admired and accepted but to take advantage of a child is another thing entirely. However, it does not mean I cannot appreciate how good looking the guy is or have an occasional thought that may not be absolutely correct socially especially in a western sense. However, looking lusting and doing are all different scenarios. You take your argument too far and protest too much. I will not assume you would nor anyone would but to say that a good looking or strikingly good looking boy can not be appreciated as they are a good looking boy is absurd.


Lunchtime O'Booze
August 23rd, 2008, 20:06
[quote="Chao Na":pz9xhkg4]Henry, are you what they call a "boy lover"?


surely one can love boys in a purely spiritual or asthetic sense, yet not actually do anything physical ?

for instance I was fortunate enough to meet one of my idols a few months ago-the French star Catherine Denueve who I've adored for years ( along with dishy Alain Delon) -but I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole ! :cyclops:

Khor tose
August 23rd, 2008, 22:07
I think if are a middle-aged or elderly man lusting after sixteen year-olds, you have a mental problem -- no matter what you call it.

Yes, I did misquote you, but the meaning of your sentence is to vague. Let me see, if a middle age or elderly man lusts after an eighteen year old, that is okay with you? How about if the middle age or elderly man lusts after a 16 year old in, say, England, where it would be legal. Is that okay with you? Or what about if an middle age or elderly man lusts after a 21 year old, who looks 16, is that okay with you? I am especially interested in the last question as many Thai boys do not look their age. My BF is past 30, but when I ask my friends how old they think he is they come up with answers from 18 to 25. So I apologize if I got the wrong meaning, but these questions illustrate what I meant when I asked you if you can see any grey in your black and white world.

August 23rd, 2008, 22:55
Legality has nothing to do with it.

A sixteen year-old is not physically an adult -- regardless of what the law says. An adult is a fully developed human being. At sixteen you are still growing -- both your body and your mind are still immature. It is not until around 18 for most people that the process is complete.

As for your second question, yes -- I think it would be pretty creepy and pathetic for a middle-aged or elderly man to specifically hunt out individuals who looked like children (children being, of course, not-yet-mature human beings) even if they were 18. If they are 18 and they look 16 (or 13, or 10), they are probably slow developers and, therefore, cannot be considered adults regardless of their physical age.

I don't see how anyone could consider savory a relationship between an adult and a child, or a particular and specific lust on the part of an adult for children or individuals who look/behave like children.

Khor tose
August 24th, 2008, 00:19
Legality has nothing to do with it.
A sixteen year-old is not physically an adult -- regardless of what the law says. An adult is a fully developed human being. At sixteen you are still growing -- both your body and your mind are still immature. It is not until around 18 for most people that the process is complete.

You cannot narrowly define adult the way you want it to be defined. "Adulthood can be defined in terms of biology, psychological adult development, law, personal character, or social status." Legality does have something to do with it. If you are not an adult you are a minor. Second the brain is fully developed by sixteen as far as physical development. Being mature, responsible, rational, objective, emotive, enduring of hardship, etc., comes with time. There are many men who do not meet these requirement at 60 and some who meet them at 14. That is where the law comes into play. There is no test for adulthood, so we set an age of consent. This age is to signify when can a person enter into a contract or be responsible for themselves to the extent that they may have sex, and start a family. I really do not believe that most of Europe is filled with Pedos who want to exploit children. Socialogist, psychologist, doctors, and law enforcement came up with this age of consent and they did so after a lot of thought, careful examination of psychological studies, and personal introspection. Appartently they did not consult with you when they did this, but I do not understand how you think you are wiser then they are.

As for your second question, yes -- I think it would be pretty creepy and pathetic for a middle-aged or elderly man to specifically hunt out individuals who looked like children (children being, of course, not-yet-mature human beings) even if they were 18. If they are 18 and they look 16 (or 13, or 10), they are probably slow developers and, therefore, cannot be considered adults regardless of their physical age.
I don't see how anyone could consider savory a relationship between an adult and a child, or a particular and specific lust on the part of an adult for children or individuals who look/behave like children.

Based on the profile of the pederest/child molester you are only half right. It is not really the body that attrachs these men, but the innocence of their victims. Child molesters are often molested children who cannot quite grow up. Often child molester will molest both boys and girls. So a man who goes with an 25 year old seriously retarded person could be a pederest, but the man who goes with 18 year olds who just looks, but does not act like a child, then no. However, If you can find a study that says differently I would be glad to look at it. Being creepy to you is not a determinate of what is appropriate behavior, anymore then seeing two men kissing being creepy to some straights is a determinate of what is appropiate.

August 24th, 2008, 00:25
Being creepy to you is not a determinate of what is appropriate behavior

Never said it was. That is why I do not use terms like "right" and "wrong", which imply some kind of black and white absolute. "Creepy" is an entirely subjective word, and I am perfectly within my subjective right to be creeped out by 70 year-olds slobbering on sixteen year-olds. If you think that is appropriate, well I guess that's within your right as well. Wouldn't try it anywhere in public other than Sunee Plaza, Pattaya, Chonburi Province, Thailand, though, because you are in the distinct minority.

Khor tose
August 24th, 2008, 01:10
Being creepy to you is not a determinate of what is appropriate behavior

Never said it was. That is why I do not use terms like "right" and "wrong", which imply some kind of black and white absolute. "Creepy" is an entirely subjective word, and I am perfectly within my subjective right to be creeped out by 70 year-olds slobbering on sixteen year-olds. If you think that is appropriate, well I guess that's within your right as well. Wouldn't try it anywhere in public other than Sunee Plaza, Pattaya, Chonburi Province, Thailand, though, because you are in the distinct minority.

I have no interest in being with a man who looks that young, and you are correct it would not go over anywhere outside of the places you mentioned. However, kissing another man in public would not go over anywhere outside of some of the biggest US cities, and you might have troubles even in some of them. However, in both cases the actions would be legal. Chao Na, what it comes down to is whether you think you are better or wiser then other human beings, and thus can sit in judgement on them and call them names,--because they make you feel a certain way-- and/or that you do not have the ability to realize that one of the greatest things about the human race is our diversity. As long as we can stay within a contract with each other on what is appropriate (law), then we should suspend forcing our feelings on others. Yes, you can be creeped out, but to call another person creepy, when he is doing nothing wrong under the law, shows a severe lack of empathy on your part. It is just plain wrong in my book, and the fact that you do not understand that places you in the minority. You seem totally unaware that we are all different and often imperfect in some way. What do you think Christ meant when he said, "Judge not least ye be Judged." (Please, I am an atheist, but recognize the universal and very sound wisdom.)

August 24th, 2008, 01:21
Oh, for Pete's sake Mother Theresa.

You have never in your life thought to yourself, "that guy is creepy/strange/weird/disgusting" when he was doing nothing that was illegal?

If so, you are surely the second coming. We all judge people every hour of every day, and that is a fact. Nowhere did I say that anyone else has to find behavior creepy that I find creepy. You can give a pedo in a rain coat a big old bouquet of flowers and kiss on the cheek for all I care.

August 24th, 2008, 01:24
[quote="Chao Na":1cfjfq5k]Legality has nothing to do with it.
A sixteen year-old is not physically an adult -- regardless of what the law says. An adult is a fully developed human being. At sixteen you are still growing -- both your body and your mind are still immature. It is not until around 18 for most people that the process is complete.

You cannot narrowly define adult the way you want it to be defined. "Adulthood can be defined in terms of biology, psychological adult development, law, personal character, or social status." Legality does have something to do with it. If you are not an adult you are a minor. Second the brain is fully developed by sixteen as far as physical development. Being mature, responsible, rational, objective, emotive, enduring of hardship, etc., comes with time. There are many men who do not meet these requirement at 60 and some who meet them at 14. That is where the law comes into play. There is no test for adulthood, so we set an age of consent. This age is to signify when can a person enter into a contract or be responsible for themselves to the extent that they may have sex, and start a family. I really do not believe that most of Europe is filled with Pedos who want to exploit children. Socialogist, psychologist, doctors, and law enforcement came up with this age of consent and they did so after a lot of thought, careful examination of psychological studies, and personal introspection. Appartently they did not consult with you when they did this, but I do not understand how you think you are wiser then they are.

As for your second question, yes -- I think it would be pretty creepy and pathetic for a middle-aged or elderly man to specifically hunt out individuals who looked like children (children being, of course, not-yet-mature human beings) even if they were 18. If they are 18 and they look 16 (or 13, or 10), they are probably slow developers and, therefore, cannot be considered adults regardless of their physical age.
I don't see how anyone could consider savory a relationship between an adult and a child, or a particular and specific lust on the part of an adult for children or individuals who look/behave like children.

Based on the profile of the pederest/child molester you are only half right. It is not really the body that attrachs these men, but the innocence of their victims. Child molesters are often molested children who cannot quite grow up. Often child molester will molest both boys and girls. So a man who goes with an 25 year old seriously retarded person could be a pederest, but the man who goes with 18 year olds who just looks, but does not act like a child, then no. However, If you can find a study that says differently I would be glad to look at it. Being creepy to you is not a determinate of what is appropriate behavior, anymore then seeing two men kissing being creepy to some straights is a determinate of what is appropiate. [/quote:1cfjfq5k]

Well, what the frick are you trying to say, you pathetic loser? (I refer to the Peasant-Pope).

Here is my confession:

Once upon a time, in Tunis (the capital of Tunisia), in the bitter cold of winter, I was out stalking the streets and looking for sex. This is known, dear Asshole, as cruising. I was, at the time, about 23 years old, and VERY horny. I was not quite horny enough to f*ck a tree, but I was most certainly "cruising for gay sex."

A young man looked back.


He was VERY cute, and, as I undressed him back at my place, I discovered that he had a wonderful, muscular body. On the "physical level" (which can be important) he was superb -- tall and a superb athlete.

We began with the usual kissing and embracing (completely wonderful) and then I tried to please him via "smoking." After some minutes, it became clear that this was not what he wanted.

So I turned him over, and penetrated that beautiful derriere of his.

Summary: a nice, successful night of cruising in Tunis. A really good-looking, tall, and muscular guy.

As he was leaving, I kissed him (again) and said:

"I'm terribly sorry that I didn't ask...What is your name?" (Quickies are quickies, after all.)

He gave me a wonderful smile and said "Hassan!" (This means "handsome" in Arabic, and that he was!!)

Then I asked him, as an afterthought, "How old are you?"

He cheerfully replied "14!"

I almost had a heart attack.

But, to speak the truth, he was a really cute gay boy, and he was out cruising for sex. He could not have been aware of Madame Mao's edicts about "childsex" because Herr Mao Clinton had not yet been elected. We are talking Nixon here.

But (dare I admit it?) a really cute boy. And a really good phick.

August 24th, 2008, 01:29
I don't think any of us will find this surprising, Hank. What I will find surprising if your ode to child sex is allowed to remain by the Moderators.

Khor tose
August 24th, 2008, 02:02
Oh, for Pete's sake Mother Theresa.

You have never in your life thought to yourself, "that guy is creepy/strange/weird/disgusting" when he was doing nothing that was illegal?

If so, you are surely the second coming. We all judge people every hour of every day, and that is a fact. Nowhere did I say that anyone else has to find behavior creepy that I find creepy. You can give a pedo in a rain coat a big old bouquet of flowers and kiss on the cheek for all I care.

Yes, of course we do, we just don't throw it in another person's face. Why hurt someone else (and that is what calling someone a creep does), because you do not like what they are doing, especially when what they are doing is their legal right to do. You just called me Mother Theresa, and your meaning seems to be that I am some kind of goody two shoes. Does it make you feel better to call people names. Does it add strength to your argument. Is it compassionate. Do you understand what the word empathy means?

August 24th, 2008, 02:09
I think the whole board has admitted it,


Please don't make assumptions...

I said I "Think" I never sid the are . feel happy to sit alone.