View Full Version : Toni6969, snoopy, gwm4asiam and the El Duo Saga!

August 21st, 2008, 09:06
I am posting the following email that I have received this morning from gwm4sian. I am doing so as I believe it is absolutely disgusting the way he appears to have been treated here as a member. Not only has he failed to to receive a reply from the pm he sent to Spike detailing all of the information in his email below, but to add insult to injury, he believes he has been suspended from the board as a result of the message he gets when he attempts to log on. He believes the action taken against him, is as a result of his threat to take legal action against Toni6969.

This threat of legal action against Toni6969 by gwm4sian, was in my opinion one that I believe to have been 100 per cent correct and and totally justified on his part. Just what snoopy was doing by involving himself also in this saga, is totally beyond me. That said, I would personally like to ask him if he has any evidence whatsoever, to justify the outrageous libel against gwm4sian that is contained in his pm to him. I happen to know for an absolute fact that he doesn't, as it would be impossible for him to have any, as every word in gym4sian's pm to spike below, is completely true.

Yet again, we are experiencing a clear case of false and malicious accusations being made by a member here, whilst hiding behind the anonymity of a board name. I wonder if Khun Snoopy would care to make the the exact same accusations again, but this time, do so using his real identity. I think we can all can hazard a pretty accurate guess of what the answer to that question would be. I am at a total loss to understand, why action is not taken in the form of a suspension against such gutless members, as opposed to what appears to the one handed down to gym4sian instead.

As far as Toni1969 goes, I must admit I had you down as being someone totally different to the person you have shown yourself to be. Boy, what a bad error of judgment that was on my part. Pay attention Messuir Toni and let me enlighten you about some things that you are obviously totally ignorant of: gym4sian is someone that is very well known to me and I can state without any fear of contradiction by anyone, who unlike you, know him, is a person who has never shown me or anyone else, anything other than the highest degree of honesty at all times. He is also a person of the highest integrity as well as being one that is trusted implicitly by all that know him. In addition to this, he is also one of the most respectable persons I know of in the ex-pat community here in Pattaya and whose company is sought by many other ex-pats, for social gatherings, dinners and functions

I believe it is high time that you did the right thing and gave him the apology that is warranted for your outrageous libelous accusations, deserved and is well overdue. That is of course, unless you have the balls to confront him personally with your accusations, along with proof to back those accusations of yours up. Like your Oppo snoopy, whom you are so obviously and for whatever warped reasons most definitely in co-hoots with, I happen to know for certain, that you don't possess any proof either.

Those of you here, which I am sure will be many, who know gym4sian as the valuable member that he is, will be aware that he could not be accused of ever having made a post that was even in the remotest trollish and whom to the contrary, has contributed many posts on this board that have been both extremely informative, as well as being very helpful to other members.

I am of the opinion that the larger majority of the members here, are ones that have principles, hold values and perhaps most important of all, ones that believe in common decency. I hope that after reading gym4sian's email at the bottom of this post, you guys will be equally as enraged and disgusted, as I am by his treatment in all of this sordid affair. I would also like to think that you would agree with me, in believing that the way gym4sian has been treated over this incident, not forgetting of course, that he is the only innocent party in all of it, is downright bloody deplorable.

Spike, I respectfully request of you, that as the owner of this forum, instead of doing the easiest thing for you or jinks to do, which would be to remove my post, you show us that you share some of those principles and values I spoke of above. You could make a start on this by showing some common courtesy to gym4sian, in providing him with a reply to the pm that he sent you. Than, when that is taken care of, you could deal with this matter in the correct way and the way it should have been dealt with from the start.

In the extreme unlikelihood that you do not have gym4sian's email address, please check your pm's where you will find I have sent it to you. My thanks in advance Spike, as I believe that although the dealings which I have had with you in the past have been very limited, you will handle this matter fairly and as soon as it is possibly for you to do so. Let's correct a very big wrong that's been done, hey Boss, what do you say? :salute:

Last of all, I would like to say that up to now I have stayed well clear of the El-duo threads, but I would suggest to both Richard and DK, that they seriously consider their future relationship with Khun Toni after my having pointed out how he is representing them on this board. Trust me guys in what I say, he is doing you far more harm than he is good, by the despicable behavior he has displayed in this unsavory incident, along with his way way OTT postings in regard the two of you. It's not necessary for you guys to have the likes of him singing your praises in a way that I can only describe, as one that resembles a pantie peeing star stricken schoolgirl. Believe me, I know many here are sick of his posts about the two of you. You can do without it guys and more importantly, you don't need it.

On a personal note where Richard and DK are concerned, I think they are two of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. Along with having impeccable manners, they are polite, display courteousness at all times to everyone and are two extremely affable guys. Contrary to the negative opinions of a few members on this board about you guys, those few members no doubt who wouldn't know the difference between a treble cleff, a bass cleff, or a palate that is cleft, I personally think that you two guys rock and are very talented.

Keep up the very enjoyable and professional performances you are turning in at Le Cafe Royal guys. I know by observing those present when I dropped by the other night, they were all having a great time and enjoying your show. My best wishes to you both and I hope as discussed, we get the opportunity of working together in the very near future. It's something that I know, I can very much looking forward to.

Choc dee guys. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/music_64.gif


gym4sian's email to me. I think that after reading the following, the only obvious conclusion you will have is: Game set and match to gym4asian.

George, this is the text i have tried to send to Spike.

I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight regarding recent allegations made on the Sawatdee board by Toni6969 against me, gwm4asian.

In a thread on the subject of El Duo, Toni6969 suddenly made an accusation that I had cheated El Duo out of money by promising to deliver a website for them, but instead registering a web site using their name which redirected to my business.

I was horrified by this groundless accusation, and challenged him to put up evidence and proof or retract the accusation.

He refused to retract, and continued making allegations. I also received a PM from another username (snoopy) who appeared to be working with Toni6969.

тАжтАж..You got paid 5000 Baht from DK for the domain and a website. Nothing was ever on the net since this payment. Not even a note like Here is the website from EL Duo under construction.
Easy for you to get an authorisation code and give it to DK and for the time being you better redirect the website to www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com) and they put a banner of you on the links and partner siteтАжтАж..

I decided to do some investigation at this point. The тАЬofficialтАЭ El Duo web site is www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com) Trying a few possibilities immediately showed up that the site www.el-duo.net (http://www.el-duo.net) redirected to the site www.liberty-computers.com (http://www.liberty-computers.com) Both www.el-duo.net (http://www.el-duo.net) and www.liberty-computers.com (http://www.liberty-computers.com) are registered by Christopher Munnerley, trading as Liberty Computers Ltd with an address in Pattaya.

I would like to make the following statements. They are all true, and I am willing to have them verified.

1) I have never spoken in person to DK and Richard of El Duo

2) I have never taken money from El Duo for any reason whatsoever

3) I am not Christopher Munnerley, and as far as I know I have never met him.

4) I have no connection whatsoever with Liberty Computers in Pattaya. I have never been there.

5) I do not own any web sites, certainly not www.el-duo.net (http://www.el-duo.net)

6) I post on the 4 main gay boards, Sawatdee, Gay Thailand, Ting Tong, and Baht Stop. I use the same handle on all boards except for Gay Thailand where a typographical error has me posting as gwm4sian.

7) I have not posted on the 4 main gay boards using any other handle.

I still insist that I have done nothing wrong, and would like an apology from the other users concerned

20th August 2008

August 21st, 2008, 09:11
In addition to this, he is also one of the most respectable persons I know of in the ex-pat community here in PattayaRespectable people live in seaside brothels?

August 21st, 2008, 10:04
Whatever gripe these annonymous users have with each other is no longer the problem of this board. The post in question has been deleted, and both parties blocked from posting.

Problem solved, as far as I'm concerned.

August 21st, 2008, 10:57
The post in question has been deleted, and both parties blocked from posting.

A very Solomonic solution ........ or quite Moronic in the case of the party allegedly defamed.


August 21st, 2008, 12:26
Well, I don't think it is quite as moronic as threatening to sue me to get information I don't have regarding an alleged defamatory remark (long since deleted) made by an annonymous poster (now blocked from posting) against one's annonymous posting handle on this board.

Chok Dee Khap!

August 21st, 2008, 12:44
Well, I don't think it is quite as moronic as threatening to sue me to get information I don't have regarding an alleged defamatory remark (long since deleted) made by an annonymous poster (now blocked from posting) against one's annonymous posting handle on this board.Spot on!

August 21st, 2008, 13:38
Well, I don't think it is quite as moronic as threatening to sue me to get information I don't have regarding an alleged defamatory remark (long since deleted) made by an annonymous poster (now blocked from posting) against one's annonymous posting handle on this board.

Chok Dee Khap!

Good for you Spike. You give us all a lot of pleasure with this board. If two posters are at each other under anonymous names, which often happens here on Sawatdee then why should you have the headache of threats of legal action?

My views are that the any person threatening to sue you for another posters remarks should be kicked out for good.

I was sympatetic with your post but you didn't tell us that Spike was threatened with legal action by your friend. Either he or you left that important bit out. Game set and match you say. I thing disqualified sounds better

August 21st, 2008, 16:20
Well done spike, last thing the forum needs is a political battle between members. I think most people including me have a laugh on here and somtimes heated debate but to bring the law into this board is out of order. If people feel that strongly towards each other then let them do it outside this board. Enough said i think

August 21st, 2008, 16:42
I was sympatetic with your post but you didn't tell us that Spike was threatened with legal action by your friend. Either he or you left that important bit out. Game set and match you say. I thing disqualified sounds better

Hi allieb, Please let me assure you that there was no deviousness on my part in leaving out Spike's allegation that gym4sian had threatened him with legal action. The reason this was left out by me was for a very good reason: I was totally unaware of it.

With the greatest of respect to Spike, his allegation that he was threatened by gwm4asian with legal action, something I have been made aware of since my post above, is not quite like it seems. I am sure that Spike who has since also received communication on this issue, will agree with what I am saying.

To totally clarify this issue so there is no doubt in anyone's mind as to how a missunderstanding was arrived at, was as a result of a post by Patexpat. I would like to quote the post that he made which was:

and whilst we are about it, that link is actually to MY company. The allegations made by Toni are nothing short of libel, and unless he retracts them 100% then I will persue the matter further.

I regard these allegations with utmost seriousness and a slur to my personal and business reputation.
I have NOTHING to hide.

I hope that my quoting of this post will show emphatically that there was never any attempt on my part to cover anything up and would be a practice I would not consider for one second. Although sometimes taking it's time to surface, only the truth ever establishes the real facts.

I am now in private correspondence with Spike and will be making no further posts in this thread. As the starter of the thread, I would be perfectly happy for any member of the admin team, to close it.

Choc dee Ali,


August 21st, 2008, 17:12
Just a thing is disturbing me, George : if I understand well toni6969 and Gwm4asian have been banned of this forum, and you made a post, to clear this "saga", but only in 1 way, and only with 1 point of view.
Then if Toni6969 himself, or by a friend editing his email, want to give his point of view, and if this post his closed, how him do ?
And how long this "saga" will exist ?
That's why I prefer to believe as allieb said : "I think disqualified sounds better"

August 21st, 2008, 18:43
Following the answer of toni6969 he ask me to post here:

Thats more the Thaksin style just one mind and thats it. Sawatdee Gay Thailand is now good for China too with this style.

I thought this case was closed.
If this what George wrote in his message is all true and the e-Mail below of gwm4asian too - I will apologize to gwm4asian.
Hard to believe. But anyway - this was long time forgetten but there are other stories going on in Pattaya and the involved people are angry now of getting no answers anymore from some chatmates. Long story but please not again.
What is not so good from George: That he posted now the real company name and person regarding the whole case in the forum. I never did. That would be the next question at the court: gwm4asian against toni6969 - Thats funny -No wonder why the Thais laughing about the falangs so much.
It was never my target to damage any business of a Falang here in Thailand. It's hard enough for everybody. Have enough evidence but dont need to present this here on this forum. I did not the big case of that. But some other threaten with leagal action. Guys - better not. George and you dont know anything. Why you not present the full name of gwm4asian too? Send it to me in pm.

Regarding the posts about EL DUO: Nobody is pushed to open this topics to read it if someone dont like.
For the administration: I did nothing wrong. I not threat someone, not mention any name or else. There are more worst posts as my one - but please keep going on.

August 21st, 2008, 22:47
Have toni's aliases also been purged?

August 22nd, 2008, 04:39
... that a couple of mediocre Filipino crooners and their publicity machine could provide so much amusement (even with Chao Na on {Ignore}), and a lovely sermon from Our Resident Bodhisattva