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View Full Version : Thai Boys and Sleep - Universal Truths?

August 19th, 2008, 18:55
Are these universal truths for Thai boys with regards to sleep or is my boyfriend unique?

1) He seems to be able to sleep anywhere (a tile floor would not be a problem) and at any time.
2) AC and fans are not necessary (or desired) for a good nights sleep.
3) He appears to fall into a deep sleep within seconds of closing his eyes.
4) He can out-drink me 10-1 but looks great the next morning and never has a hangover.
5) Upon waking he will never be the first one to suggest getting out of bed.
6) He sleeps through anything (ie: hotel construction projects and/or the rising sun does not phase him).
7) Truth #6 will quickly be cancelled out by the ringing of his cell phone which will cause him to wake within seconds.

August 19th, 2008, 20:44
8? Mine won't sleep in the buff in bedl...has to have his undies or gym shorts on

August 19th, 2008, 22:19
My ex-bf came to visit me in Germany. We went to Munich and one day I took him to the mountains (for snow) and lakes. He managed to sleep 50 % of the picturesque tour.

Another Thai-friend asked me to pick him up at Frankfurt airport. We stayed there overnight and my plan was to go all the way up the river Rhine the next day. After breakfast he sat in my car, took a pillow out of his bag, pulled down the back of the seat and said "good night" (10 in the morning !!)
I skipped the Rhine and went home over the highway in 2 hours where he woke up. Cheers.

August 19th, 2008, 23:34
My Thai friend sleeps whit his eyes open and his ass closed .

August 20th, 2008, 00:20
Are these universal truths for Thai boys with regards to sleep or is my boyfriend unique? ...

1,2,3,6 &7 agreed, but not 4 &5.

August 20th, 2008, 00:36
Even though my boyfriend isn't Thai as such, I guess being Lao comes close enough.

1 agreed,
2 disagree
3 sometimes
4 no way he outdrinks me :)
5 again in the weekends, yes, during working days, he's out of bed earlier then me. (I start work later).
6 pretty much true, the same applies to me.
7 no, the phone could ring for hours, without he noticing, me on the other hand tend to wake up from the phone at some times, then I need to explain in my best Thai that the intended recipient of the call cannot answer....

August 20th, 2008, 08:30
Are these universal truths for Thai boys with regards to sleep or is my boyfriend unique?

1) He seems to be able to sleep anywhere (a tile floor would not be a problem) and at any time.
2) AC and fans are not necessary (or desired) for a good nights sleep.
3) He appears to fall into a deep sleep within seconds of closing his eyes.
4) He can out-drink me 10-1 but looks great the next morning and never has a hangover.
5) Upon waking he will never be the first one to suggest getting out of bed.
6) He sleeps through anything (ie: hotel construction projects and/or the rising sun does not phase him).
7) Truth #6 will quickly be cancelled out by the ringing of his cell phone which will cause him to wake within seconds.

don't forget #8: The smell of MONEY will definitely cancell all of the above :cherry:

August 20th, 2008, 09:18
don't forget #8: The smell of MONEY will definitely cancell all of the aboveI have to disagree - it seems extraordinarily difficult in some Thai restaurants ever to get the bill - and it's not because they think you haven't finished

August 21st, 2008, 08:24
Sorry, have to disagree with all your points except #6 - he'll sleep thru anything, even the cellphone.

He does talk a LOT in his sleep though. Since its in Thai I don't know what he's saying except once when he said "Ken! Why you go with him? Why you not come with me?"

I haven't a clue what he was thinking. Honest.

August 21st, 2008, 12:22
Sorry, have to disagree with all your points except #6 - he'll sleep thru anything, even the cellphone.

He does talk a LOT in his sleep though. Since its in Thai I don't know what he's saying except once when he said "Ken! Why you go with him? Why you not come with me?"

I haven't a clue what he was thinking. Honest.

Goodness me... sounds like he's traumatised by customers lol