View Full Version : Georgia & US

August 16th, 2008, 15:45
Can the United States really point their finger at Russia and say "shame on you-you're a bully" when the United States attacked Iraq? Because of the Iraq war, I don't think the Americans can be looked at as a good role model anymore.
I do not like what has happened with the small democratic country of Georgia, but I think NATO or just the countries of Europe should have been the loud protesters. Any opinions to enlighten (or educate) this disappointed American?

August 16th, 2008, 17:07
Can the United States really point their finger at Russia and say "shame on you-you're a bully" when the United States attacked Iraq? Because of the Iraq war, I don't think the Americans can be looked at as a good role model anymore.
I do not like what has happened with the small democratic country of Georgia, but I think NATO or just the countries of Europe should have been the loud protesters. Any opinions to enlighten (or educate) this disappointed American?

An enlightened American...... :idea: Now there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one!