View Full Version : Olympics opening

August 6th, 2008, 23:14
I want to hit some gay clubs Friday night but what time would the Olympics opening ceremony be on TV in Thailand? I think it starts 8pm in China. (can't wait to watch the men's gymnastic and swimming events) :naka:

(Yes, I tried to look it up on Google)

August 7th, 2008, 00:36
google says it's at 12.00UTC (GMT), so in Thailand I think currently 18.00.
I am sure someone will correct me

further google searches reveal that the mens swimming and gymnastics will start on the 9th

August 7th, 2008, 01:19
I'll be keeping an eye on the young Thom Daley, the British diving sensation - cute as hell!

August 7th, 2008, 01:26

August 7th, 2008, 01:37
Of course not! What do you take me for? (no answer required!). He's a very talented diver who just happens to be exceptionally cute (for an English boy)

August 7th, 2008, 01:42

Brad the Impala
August 7th, 2008, 02:55
He is 14 years old. It seems inapropriate to be perving over him.

August 7th, 2008, 03:01

August 7th, 2008, 05:37
Ok So he is good looking. Think of what this kid has accomplished. He will be 14 at the olympics and competing. Won this honor at 13. Who on this blog can make claim a like that. All I can say good looking eye candy, Thomas go for it I know I will be watching and routing for you and I am for the US. Why to we have to transsend to the level that we some times can't see where our minds are taking us.

August 7th, 2008, 08:22

August 7th, 2008, 08:26

August 7th, 2008, 11:25
Any pic of this guy you discus?

August 7th, 2008, 11:28
Any pic of this guy you discus?Is he a discus person? I thought he was a swimmer?

August 7th, 2008, 11:42
A hot fourteen year-old? Yeah, sign me up for some of that, too!

August 7th, 2008, 11:44
Any Thais in the Equestrian teams?

We kick off on Saturday if this wretched typhoon aftermath holds off. Be sure to stay tuned, many men in tights, bareback and hungry for victory.

Rodrigo Pessoa's hot his little arse kisses the saddle like a....... oh well I'll leave that up to you lot. He is well within the legal age at least, who could resist supporting a hot Brazilian. I suspect he's one of us despite refusing to pluck his eyebrows and all the little girls thrusting panties into the back of his trailer. He was all over me in the sponsors lounge in Bruxells. Least I hope it was him, his lips tasted like sweet wet juicy melon straight from the vine. Studforlife.com.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeGstfx1 ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeGstfx1D2U&feature=related)

August 7th, 2008, 15:48

August 7th, 2008, 18:51
one of the brit team

August 8th, 2008, 00:33

August 8th, 2008, 09:01
Jinks I am compelled to request that the picture posted of Tom Daley by ViaRosa be removed from the forum. It's in extremely poor taste to have posted it along with the words "perv away" on this forum. Even without the words I still find it in in poor taste for this particular forum.

I myself cannot be accused of always being on the right side of political correctness and there are extremes of that too, but even though the legal age of consent on these matters differs from country to country, in his home town Tom Daley is considerd underage by a good two years, by definition a child.

I think we should respect that as he will be representing his home country as a citizen of Great Britain not as a child sex object but as a fucking good diver.


August 8th, 2008, 10:14
I suspect we make much of nothing, there is nothing pornographic about the picture of the boy. I was as interested as anyone as to what he looked like after all the post about him. Now that I see him, I see nothing totally special about him other than the imagination of what he will look like at 23. Now that will be a body from hell. I think we often overstate the obvious. he is a diver a good one if the posts are right and I am sure the whole pervy world will be watching him by TV. So, to have a pic here is no big deal in my opinion. Me thinks we protest too much.


August 8th, 2008, 10:28
I suspect we make much of nothing, there is nothing pornographic about the picture of the boy. I was as interested as anyone as to what he looked like after all the post about him. Now that I see him, I see nothing totally special about him other than the imagination of what he will look like at 23. Now that will be a body from hell. I think we often overstate the obvious. he is a diver a good one if the posts are right and I am sure the whole pervy world will be watching him by TV. So, to have a pic here is no big deal in my opinion. Me thinks we protest too much.


The royal "we" is not impressed with your argument.

Now I see him I see a little boy with unbelievable dedication etched across his face as he gives his absolute all in an attempt to make an Olympic qualifying dive of his life.

The fact that you are looking for a potential fuck is what bothers me, the fact that you are disappointed makes that doubly troubling. He is obviously not in good company here. Perv all you want on the TV when you see him in action but to implicating him here on this forum made up of a majority that are sex tourists or expats is not admirable, not at all in my opinion, not for 14 year old boy.

August 8th, 2008, 10:48
I was stating the obvious, they will look they will perv, they will do it here and on TV and I'm not into kids , but obviously he has the makings of a wonderful looking young man and I never mentioned anything about having sex with him now or at 23. Hot is hot. I prefer they are of age and I prefer they not be looked at as a sex a object at any age. I certainly hope you do not look at me that way. Its demeaning... (Joke )To say a guy is handsome and gifted is assuming I am like you or people you know who see him as a sex object . I see him in no such light. I can agree, he will likely be a great looking guy some day. I say the same about my nephew and I have no sexual intent for him or anyone that is not of age. You wrongly assume the whole forum is made of all pervs except you.


August 8th, 2008, 11:05
other than the imagination of what he will look like at 23. Now that will be a body from hell

And then......

I can agree, he will likely be a great looking guy some day.

I never offered an opinion on what he will one day look like, but yours is definitely confused? I also dont assume "everyone here" is a pervert, after all i am here myslef, the post with his picture however invites the perv's here to feast their eyes on a 14 year old boy?

August 8th, 2008, 11:22
other than the imagination of what he will look like at 23. Now that will be a body from hell

And then......

I can agree, he will likely be a great looking guy some day.

I never offered an opinion on what he will one day look like, but yours is definitely confused? I also don't assume "everyone here" is a pervert, after all i am here myself, the post with his picture however invites the perv's here to feast their eyes on a 14 year old boy?

if you know people here like young men, and many are not exactly in line with your standard of ethics when why post here. Find some gay forum who agrees with you and you will never have this problem. As for me until some freak says he wants to do something with the guy I assume the best about people until people like Homi prove me wrong. I have no need to convict some one of anything until they have done something wrong. After the comments I was interested to see the boy, it had nothing to do with sex. he is likely straight and likely will never go to Pattaya. I see pics on here all the time of guys I know are not 18. I think smiles posted one of guys on a motorbike once with 7 guys on one bike. It was a great pic. I lusted after none of them and heard no one else mention it. I do admit that pervy people do look for sites like this but I suspect they find much more in other places.

I still think you protest too much, its a kid diving, nothing more nothing less.

I hope he wins he gold.


August 8th, 2008, 11:40
if you know people here like young men, and many are not exactly in line with your standard of ethics when why post here.

Er big difference between young men (I include myself in that catogary) and 14 year old children dont you think? As I said before I dont make the assumption that everyone here is a pervert.

But how exactly can he go from a potential "body from hell" to a future demigod in a few short taps of the return key? You first say he isn't worth perving over and that he will one day have a body from hell, then you say he will tun out to be a great looking guy?

I think this is all besides the point for a 14 year old boy. You are looking at him like meat. Which is the intention of the poster putting his picture here, is it not?

Brad the Impala
August 8th, 2008, 12:17
Has jinks been captured by aliens? Discussing 14 year olds in a sexual way has no place in this forum, is contrary to the guidelines, and lastly what has this 14 year old got to do with Thailand?

August 8th, 2008, 12:21
I think I am stating the obvious, its really up to you. if you feel that way then don't look. I think I can look at him with out perving over him or assuming he is a side of beef.

you have a point, its just over stated I think.


August 8th, 2008, 14:58
I never offered an opinion on what he will one day look like, but yours is definitely confused?Wesley? Confused and not thinking clearly? No! Surely not?

August 8th, 2008, 15:28
Has jinks been captured by aliens? Discussing 14 year olds in a sexual way has no place in this forum, is contrary to the guidelines, and lastly what has this 14 year old got to do with Thailand?

I was just wondering the same. He probably dropped dead of boredom. Maybe his pussy can tip toe over the corpse and reach the computer to do some editing. Hope he left a saucer with some kibbles.

August 8th, 2008, 16:10
Regarding the Olympic Games the topic is ok.
Respect for a 14 years old guy who make it to the Olympics.
I did joy the Games last 1996 in Atlanta in cycling.
Here one nice pic more (watch it sportive)

August 8th, 2008, 23:08
Hope some of you could watch the grand opening celebrations of the Olympics... amazing. How does one out do that?
Next: watching the gymnastic competition... (sorry Cedric, I'm not into horses.)

August 9th, 2008, 02:16
As a newbie, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly people jump in with accusations, criticisms and general ill-feeling.

I made reference to Thom Daley as a bit of a joke. He's a good looking kid. He's very talented in what he does. I admire both things about him. I don't think that makes me a 'perv'.

If this is what prolonged exposure to the Pattaya climate does, I may rethink my decision to retire there.

August 9th, 2008, 02:46
me thinks VIAROSA aka UKLOVER aka NARUK has got you arguing between yourselves and is pissing his self in the south Shetland isles or where-ever he is now purporting to be from

August 9th, 2008, 02:51

August 9th, 2008, 03:01
Fantastic opening ceremony! Loved it.

August 9th, 2008, 03:42
Now let see the games at 11am local time) 10am in Thailand today (August 9) the Road Cyicling starts - that ws my sport 20 years long.

Here the full program:
http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/S ... ndex.shtml (http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/Schedule/index.shtml)

August 9th, 2008, 04:09

August 9th, 2008, 04:57
Fantastic opening ceremony! Loved it.

If you like displays of nationalism by brainwashed communist automatons then this was the show for you. I heard that the whole shebang is costing $40 Billion.

It seemed that every country in the stamp album was there waving its flag: from the smallest tin-pot potentate through to the banana republics and on to the mightiest superpowers тАж all pretending to like each other and all willing to swindle and cheat their way into the medal listings.

As for the team costumes they were, in the main, reflective of the national characteristics of their countries. I liked the grass skirt outfits worn by Kiribati (pop. 105,432), the Luxembourgers were dull as ditchwater and the Canadians were slobs to a man.

The music accompaniment was just a little incongruous, with bagpipes playing тАШScotland the BraveтАЩ as the team from Yemen marched by.

In the crowd we saw: George & Laura from the Land of the Free; P.M. Samak and his son from Thailand (no sign of the Taksins), Princess Anne from GB and Putin from Russia sat uncomfortably next to a very large negro from who cares where.

It all makes me wonder what London can do to тАШtopтАЩ this carnival in 2012?

August 9th, 2008, 05:15
If this is what prolonged exposure to the Pattaya climate does, I may rethink my decision to retire there.We're much more sophisticated here in Bangkok :cyclopsani: (except in the Soi where boygeenyus lives)

August 9th, 2008, 08:25
Lighten up Bwana... you sound like a Fox News fan that was already bashing the Beijing Olympics before it even started...

All countries spend large amounts of $$$ when hosting the Olympics. Yes, the Chinese spent billions and billions but for the Chinese, this was also their "coming out" party to the world. One can bad mouth the Chinese about their human rights record, pollution, censorship...but I would rather see this kind of China (slowly making progress towards a better life and freedoms) than what it was heading back 30...40...50 years ago. This is their first time to host the Olympics and to be "exposed" to the world; of course, they want it to be perfect.

--For me when watching the grand opening of the Olympics and seeing all the nationalities from all over the world full of zest and excitement (and not talking politics) is great for my spirits. I don't do a fashion critique on each group--- I notice how great these athletes look and how they are proud to represent their country; when I saw the world leaders sitting in the stadium cheering for their athletes representing their countries, I thought " Maybe sports can unify this world." (I know, a bit syrupy); and with the drums being played... I realized that there were about 4-5 different "kinds" of music being played to represent various regions from around the world.
...I guess my glass is half full --not half empty.

August 9th, 2008, 09:54
Fantastic opening ceremony! Loved it.

...and Putin from Russia sat uncomfortably next to a very large negro from who cares where.

It all makes me wonder what London can do to тАШtopтАЩ this carnival in 2012?

Very interesting choice of words. Putin didn't seem to look any more uncomfortable than the rest of the dignitaries in that oppressive heat.

Anyway, I thought the opening ceremony was an impressive display of ingenuity, talent and precision from an accommodating host country.

This will definitely be a hard act to follow for the next host country.

August 9th, 2008, 10:18
of course there are goign to be Boy-genus remarks about anything under 50, not to worry, good looking is good looking in anyones language. To admire a person for his achievements and looks is not a bad thing. pay them no mind. Cedric is not as bad as he seems and he has a right ot his opinion as much as I do.


August 9th, 2008, 14:33
In moment Road Cycling and maybe some of you like it because of the nice dresses of some teams.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 9th, 2008, 14:47
I'll be keeping an eye on the young Thom Daley, the British diving sensation - cute as hell!

yes diving is one of my favourites and this young man is superb. Diving and gymnastics..wonderful.

Does anyone get the feeling this lad may also be a "fellow traveller" in the making ?

# was that the best opening ceremony ever or what !..didn't we know China would do it bigger and better than anyone ever has ?

## for all the waffle about the Beiijing smog does anyone remember the pea-soupers we used to get in London that make China's smog look like a bright summer's day ??

August 9th, 2008, 16:30
Maybe I will book a membership in his club.

Two-time Olympic champion Tian Liang, kicked out of the Chinese national diving team for disobeying the team's rules after the 2004 Olympics, officially retired last month. But for the 27-year-old, it is too early to leave sports and he took the job as deputy director of Shaanxi Sports Center in northwest China.

August 9th, 2008, 17:16
I love China - will look the Olympic Games for sure.

August 9th, 2008, 17:47
I did notice when the England team was walking into the stadium, Tom Daley, the swimmer, was the only one the NBC camera focused on. The basketball player Ming holding the 10 year old, who saved two of his classmates during the China Earthquake, was a moving moment in the ceremony. Guess I'm getting a bit old and my emotions are a wreck as I had tears in my eyes a few times watching the spectacle.

August 9th, 2008, 20:26
I did notice when the England team

You didn't. There is no such team.

August 9th, 2008, 21:00
Silly me,, The teams from England.

August 9th, 2008, 21:32
You get sillier and sillier. The British team is from Britain. Tell Andy Murray he's from England and he might demonstrate his backhand.


August 9th, 2008, 22:02

August 9th, 2008, 22:42
Olympics opening

Ach opened by Jacques Rogge, one wold one dream and keep Belgium and Bruges popular ! :flower:

August 10th, 2008, 00:10
This photo cries out for super-sizing:


Cheers ...

August 10th, 2008, 00:26

August 10th, 2008, 02:40
I never offered an opinion on what he will one day look like, but yours is definitely confused?Wesley? Confused and not thinking clearly? No! Surely not?

What ever


August 10th, 2008, 02:58
I just happen to think after so many years of arguing about pervs and kids, that maybe we take it much to personal. I have been known to say things like "hang them all"in times past only for Smiles to bust me on that statement. I mellow up a a bit and see the Swimmer in a different light as an athlete And good looking one at that and now I'm a pervert. There has to be some place in between where we can discuss openly this subject with out breaking some moral code of ethics, or some unwritten rule. To show the guy full frontal and with his left ball hanging out of his speedo's would have been one thing. But, it was a pic that has probably appeared on every site that has discussed the Olympics at all and most newspapers of the world and we show the same pic on here and its obscene. I'm sorry I think its an over reaction to an over imaginative mind. I never saw in the boy in any such light. I have a nephew who is much younger , surely if you look at him one day he will be a Lady's man. Is it wrong for me to admit that he is going to be good looking some day and am I a perv to think it. I think not.

You guys have been around Sunnee and the Homi way too long.


August 10th, 2008, 05:57
" ... I have been known to say things like "hang them all"in times past only for Smiles to bust me on that statement ... "
Wes, please provide a link to the exact thread and quote where I ever said that. If you can't then please retract.
If you can't retract, get a lawyer.

Hey! An idea! Gone Fishing might stand in for that ... after his daily dildo session.

Cheers ... :cheers:

August 10th, 2008, 15:22

August 10th, 2008, 23:00

August 10th, 2008, 23:35
All i can say is Good luck Tom Daley and all the UK is behind you

August 11th, 2008, 00:05
He is 14 years old. It seems inapropriate to be perving over him.

What a word for a "pervert" to use!

Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Do you call Barack Obama a "queer" and his wife a "dyke?"

Myself, I looked up the boy in question on Google and posted a link to what I found.

For my tastes, he was a bit young -- but also a bit old. If you look at his face, you will find it lined with worries about his diving career.

Why should a 14yo boy have a face like that? I suspect: look to his "Loving Mum & Dad," who have been pushing him to his limits since he was EIGHT YEARS OLD.

Who is the "perve" here?

August 11th, 2008, 00:59
oh dear your a sicko arnt you via rosa, your not funny and your sick pervert brain comes up with linkin the kid to Sunnee.
You seem to sit and comment on nearly all the posts with stupid little snipes, Get a life geezer.

August 11th, 2008, 19:58
The equestrian games are going of extremely well.

The cross country course rode beautifully today, given our heat and humidity. Only three near fatal horse crushings took place, one at the "rockery" a very young inexperienced Chinese rider on Gorgeous George (lovely horse) and a real pity for his first Olympic outing, one to watch for the future. The other an American without a clue. She fell at the 'bird cage". She looked like a lump of lard, no control what so ever, legs like putty, arse like "jello" it's a wonder she could sit up after the fall she could hardly do that in the saddle. The other came down in the water, just approached too fast got in too deep, technical hitch, think he was Japanese, rotten luck.

The weather was perfect for spectators as well, even princess Ann had no problems walking a full circuit of the course dressed from head to toe in bright scarlet, the Chinese lucky colour. A light rain helped keep us keep cool.

You couldn't but help feel HRH Ann's satisfaction that the American team and any individual placing where knocked sideways by the stunning show of technical and brilliant daring of the Australians, Germans and New Zealanders.
Not far from where we strolled the seedy and paunchy Captain mark Philips, the washed up chef d' equipe of the American team was dealing with his pathetic failure.

Lovely day out was had by all, horse riders and spectators. Couldn't have wished for a better organised event and more spectacular course.

Well done honkers. Grand Prix Dressage and show jumping starts Wednesday, for these just a little less rain might be in order as the spectators stands are not covered.

August 11th, 2008, 20:03
Oh, Cedric. You are just so posh.

August 11th, 2008, 22:47
Cedric, you sound like you are anti-American no matter what the situation is... Hopefully, you don't have to visit the USA in the future...it doesn't need "wanna-be's" fake aristocrats that think they were from a special clone just because they grew up white in a developing country. :pukeright:

The Olympic equestrian is the perfect event for you to attend since it is full of horse arses. :blackeye:

August 11th, 2008, 23:34
For once (at least recently) I am forced to agree with Cedric and Brad the Liar. This topic has no relevance to Thailand (gay or otherwise) and would not be in accordance with the posting guidelines even if it were moved.

I have never felt the need to be "proud" to be gay, or seen the point of it, possibly because I have been fortunate enough to have never been singled out or subjected to any abuse or discrimination because of it. If posting pictures of a 13 year old boy, particularly one such as this, and commenting on his possible sexuality on a gay forum is considered acceptable and "normal" by members of that forum (including, evidently, the moderators) it is no wonder that such discrimination and distrust exists.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing",

Tolstoy, War and Peace (also attributed to Edmund Burke)

August 11th, 2008, 23:46
[quote=" This topic has no relevance to Thailand (gay or otherwise) [/quote]

please explain? What are Olympic Games? Just comercial games for the western counties?

August 12th, 2008, 00:58
that the opening ceremonies were particularly "heartwarming" due to the spectacle of two thousand Chinese young men, all gorgeous and all shirtless, banging away on their drums and generally making him froth at the mouth.

Is there video? :-) :-)

August 12th, 2008, 10:03
Equestrian cross country or triathlon after second day. Germany Australia then the united Kingdom team and individual. I have absolutely nothing against the Americans, losers are losers its all part of sport. No S's at the end of sport plural.

I have to admit to having being a little embarrassed for the men's Yank medley swimming team when they won by three seconds. You could've been forgiven for thinking that someone had let out the great apes for their morning forage of maggots and rotten apples. The leader of the troop someone called Michael Pholeps or something odd. It caused quite a stir, distracting from their achievements, their behaviour was splashed across the evening news in disgust amazed horror. The barbarians have landed.

I think losing graciously is as important as wining graciously, something the Americans have never been able to achieve. The Chinese seem to have it in bucket loads along with gold medals. More deservedly so is the general consensus, I tend to agree.

August 12th, 2008, 11:25
Gosh smiles I don't think you posted it you were just the one who counted one more on the bile than everyone thought. It was a great pic of a bike full of so many kids that all of us were arguing about how many were on there. Then you popped up and found another in back. I think like most you blew it up or made it more clear but I defiantly remember the post. Since you dint post it originally I am not sure how to find it. but I assure you its there. I will take a look.


August 12th, 2008, 12:37
It was smiles, though not originally (things I remember) but the point was it was posted because it was such a riot of joy. No one was asked to "perv" over it. It has remained on my desk top ever since.

August 12th, 2008, 12:47
Looks like the winning team all forgot to pack their undies. You can tell the time on those things.


August 12th, 2008, 12:49
You can tell the time on those things.Bed time?

August 12th, 2008, 23:22
[quote=" This topic has no relevance to Thailand (gay or otherwise)

please explain? What are Olympic Games? Just comercial games for the western counties?[/quote]

Explanation, Thai-Magic, as requested:

Unless they have changed dramatically since I last looked the Olympic games are a global event not one specific to Thailand, thus this entire topic, if anywhere at all, should be in the "Global Forum - Serious, in-the-news, funny, politics, religion, outrageous, whatEVER??" not in "Gay Thailand - About all things Thai."

Don't worry, though, jinks apparently does not understand the posting guidelines either.

And, Cedric, it appears that Thrillbill and Chao Na have spotted the phoney. The Princess Royal is correctly referred to as Princess Anne , or HRH Princess Anne, never as "HRH Ann" (sic).

August 13th, 2008, 04:04
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympic ... 552526.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/diving/7552526.stm)

August 13th, 2008, 20:11
An update for the Daleyaphhiles. Tom Daley did not gain a medal the the Olympics. Since he raised the blood pressure of so many, I thought it might be nice to let you know how he did. Also as part of the team from England, he acquitted himself well. For all the anal retentive among us, UK, Britain or British are all applicable. Wake up, limp wristed darlings. All of the above nomenclatures are acceptable.

August 14th, 2008, 08:36
He is 14 years old. It seems inapropriate to be perving over him.

Wait till the Sunee Plaza lot get going :bom: :bom: :bom: :bom:

The Sunee Plaza lot will be nothing to the girly magazines' and the 'teen tv' affair with the young diver.
The young perverts should all be whipped- fancy fantisizing over someone who's agile, handsome but under-age! What's human nature coming to?

August 14th, 2008, 08:44
well, his partner sounds like a real bitch.

Tom isn't done yet. He has he individual platform competition next week.

August 14th, 2008, 09:22
, I thought it might be nice to let you know how he did. Also as part of the team from England, he acquitted himself well. For all the anal retentive among us, UK, Britain or British are all applicable. Wake up, limp wristed darlings. All of the above nomenclatures are acceptable
Now you are just stirring the excrement. What are you; some hill-billy from Greater Kentucky? Don't you know that it is the privilege of British Imperialists, and only British Imperialists to lecture the peoples of the world on what they may call themselves, their cities and countries.

August 14th, 2008, 09:44
hey guys , have u ever heard a news about cheating by chinese in the olympics opening ceremony. the little gal who appeared to be singing has actually only lip syncing and the gal who actually sang was allowed on to the stage only because she was not pretty!!!!!!

Oh my god, i can't imagine how much that 7 yr old gal would have been hurt

and then the eye catching fireworks in the posters, pictures were not real fireworks, its just a computer graphics.

oh my gosh

August 14th, 2008, 18:32
My Thai boyfriend reports... that the opening ceremonies were particularly "heartwarming" due to the spectacle of two thousand Chinese young men, all gorgeous and all shirtless, banging away on their drums and generally making him froth at the mouth.

Is this the same boyfriend with the extremely low sex drive??

August 14th, 2008, 19:03
My Thai boyfriend reports... that the opening ceremonies were particularly "heartwarming" due to the spectacle of two thousand Chinese young men, all gorgeous and all shirtless, banging away on their drums and generally making him froth at the mouth.

Is this the same boyfriend with the extremely low sex drive??

He didn't have a low sex drive when I had him :love8: ... must be something about Henry.

August 14th, 2008, 20:28
My Thai boyfriend reports... that the opening ceremonies were particularly "heartwarming" due to the spectacle of two thousand Chinese young men, all gorgeous and all shirtless, banging away on their drums and generally making him froth at the mouth.

Is this the same boyfriend with the extremely low sex drive??

No, I made a typo. This was my Former Boyfriend (FBF) who has a sex drive that would leave you panting at the starting gate. :-) He's a nice guy as well!

August 16th, 2008, 00:22
Since this topic is as inappropriate on this forum asMind the Gap's recent posts (ie of no relevance whatsoever), it is small wonder that the content is as inacurrate as ever.

Sanitree: "Overhyped spoiled brat" Based on what - certainly not the BBC reference given, which indicated the reverse.

Bing: "An update for the Daleyaphhiles. Tom Daley did not gain a medal the the Olympics.... Wake up, limp wristed darlings." Wake up indeed. He has only competed in the synchronised diving so far, not the individual diving which starts on 22 August. He is also not expected to gain a medal, as he himself says.

fedssocr: "well, his partner sounds like a real bitch". Hardly, as his view was reflected in most of the sports reports and when looked at in context and in its entirety (something which seldom happens here) was fair: "I wasn't on the top of my game, but I out-dived Thomas and that's not something that normally happens. That to me is because he had a lot more pressure on him than I did. It was hard work for me today. Tom was very nervous, more so than ever before. I think he really struggled to get through the competition. I certainly think the media played a part in that and also just the Olympic Games, it is a massive event."

Henry Cate:"If you look at his face, you will find it lined with worries about his diving career. ... look to his "Loving Mum & Dad," who have been pushing him to his limits since he was EIGHT YEARS OLD.". This, as usual, is totally groundless and a figment of HC's overactive imagination.

August 16th, 2008, 07:15
" ... I have been known to say things like "hang them all"in times past only for Smiles to bust me on that statement ... "
Wes, please provide a link to the exact thread and quote where I ever said that. If you can't then please retract.
If you can't retract, get a lawyer.

Hey! An idea! Gone Fishing might stand in for that ... after his daily dildo session.

Cheers ... :cheers: I did look I did find it , it was 3 Am by the time I sifted though all the posts it and by the time I wrote a reply I really was to tired to spell check and edit the post. You are right, it was not you but some one else ho mentioned it after I said hang them all then alter in another post when I repeated it in another post another subject you made a comment right after. So, I got your last post confused with the first poster. Sorry.

August 16th, 2008, 07:41
I have spent years railing about the mess in Sunnee and never went to take a look for myself. I walked though in about 30 minutes and looked in one bar. I think too many of us have done the same. My plan is to look for myself. I need an update on the Thai calendar after I get there , If I get it now I will forget how it works. I do think many of us who complain about it have never looked for themselves. If I find it to be bad I may say it was a disappointment but I won't take pages and pages of drivel about the boys in Sunnee. I will simply say how I feel about it and go on. I think we post much too much and I agree, Boys town has become a place for straight people and the tourist who have never seen a real faggot before and go though Boystown to see a real girl.

I had a guy that was a lover when I was younger...much younger, who said after he would dress up for the drag show in my city. He would say I'm a real girl nah. He went on to make first Runner up miss Gay America. Now, he was a real girl. Once in a fancy hotel they had a Halloween party and a prize for the best costume. he came as a maid. He won and he looked so much like a real woman he actually had to show his chest to prove he was a man before they would do give him the prize money.

August 16th, 2008, 12:42
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

August 16th, 2008, 14:13
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

Aunty I have read your posts for years but cannot recall you mentioning anything about visiting . Have you ever been to Thailand and if so where and when.

August 16th, 2008, 16:03
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

Aunty I have read your posts for years but cannot recall you mentioning anything about visiting . Have you ever been to Thailand and if so where and when.

I visit Thailand regulary, Bradley, but where I go, when I go and the purpose of my visits there are none of your business.

August 16th, 2008, 22:53
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

Aunty I have read your posts for years but cannot recall you mentioning anything about visiting . Have you ever been to Thailand and if so where and when.

I visit Thailand regulary, Bradley, but where I go, when I go and the purpose of my visits there are none of your business.

Well said Auntie. Brad is never happy unless he knows the in and outs of a ducks arse.

Choc Dee,


August 17th, 2008, 05:50
I have spent years railing about the mess in Sunnee and never went to take a look for myself. I walked though in about 30 minutes and looked in one bar. I think too many of us have done the same. My plan is to look for myself. I need an update on the Thai calendar after I get there , If I get it now I will forget how it works. I do think many of us who complain about it have never looked for themselves. If I find it to be bad I may say it was a disappointment but I won't take pages and pages of drivel about the boys in Sunnee. I will simply say how I feel about it and go on. I think we post much too much and I agree, Boys town has become a place for straight people and the tourist who have never seen a real faggot before and go though Boystown to see a real girl.

I had a guy that was a lover when I was younger...much younger, who said after he would dress up for the drag show in my city. He would say I'm a real girl nah. He went on to make first Runner up miss Gay America. Now, he was a real girl. Once in a fancy hotel they had a Halloween party and a prize for the best costume. he came as a maid. He won and he looked so much like a real woman he actually had to show his chest to prove he was a man before they would do give him the prize money.

I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

oops, I thought I was in another thread, Homiterd will love that, but Auntie is definitely right, we need a handbag toss and a false boob to qualify

Brad the Impala
August 17th, 2008, 17:43
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

Aunty I have read your posts for years but cannot recall you mentioning anything about visiting . Have you ever been to Thailand and if so where and when.

I visit Thailand regulary, Bradley, but where I go, when I go and the purpose of my visits there are none of your business.

You seem to have added dyslexia to your other "problems" Aunty. The post to which you have responded is from another poster.

However given your response, on these regular visits to Thailand do you never find anything worthwhile or useful to others to post on this forum about Thailand?

Brad the Impala
August 17th, 2008, 17:50
I didn't know DRAG RACING was an Olympic event :cheers: :cheers:

Well apparently it is in the Gay Olympics, along with handbag tossing, and the 100 meter dash, in pumps.

Aunty I have read your posts for years but cannot recall you mentioning anything about visiting . Have you ever been to Thailand and if so where and when.

I visit Thailand regulary, Bradley, but where I go, when I go and the purpose of my visits there are none of your business.

Well said Auntie. Brad is never happy unless he knows the in and outs of a ducks arse.

Choc Dee,


Did you find your wallet yet George? I can see no traces of any significant recent donations, either in your name or anonymously, to the running costs of the forum.

Didn't you promise/boast of the largesse, wasn't it $800, that you were about to bestow?

August 17th, 2008, 20:23
VIVA ROSA wrote ;

Who Shouts The LOUDEST


Write down everything that you desire, no matter how little or simple. It is something that makes you happy ! :flower:

August 19th, 2008, 22:38
Did you find your wallet yet George? I can see no traces of any significant recent donations, either in your name or anonymously, to the running costs of the forum. Didn't you promise/boast of the largesse, wasn't it $800, that you were about to bestow?

It seems that Brad the Liar is as incapable of understanding any posts on the board as he is of accurately reporting them, no matter how many times the original poster tries to explain them to him in basic terms.

Sad when a great mind (or even a small one) fails.

As ES posted on 8 August that "The bills are under control. This board more than pays for itself" it appears that, yet again, Brad the Liar is a protester without a cause.

Brad the Impala
August 20th, 2008, 00:07
[quote="Brad the Impala":3f7hh04q]Did you find your wallet yet George? I can see no traces of any significant recent donations, either in your name or anonymously, to the running costs of the forum. Didn't you promise/boast of the largesse, wasn't it $800, that you were about to bestow?

It seems that Brad the Liar is as incapable of understanding any posts on the board as he is of accurately reporting them, no matter how many times the original poster tries to explain them to him in basic terms.

Sad when a great mind (or even a small one) fails.

As ES posted on 8 August that "The bills are under control. This board more than pays for itself" it appears that, yet again, Brad the Liar is a protester without a cause.[/quote:3f7hh04q]

George offered a deal which I accepted. The deal included him making a donation of $700 to the running of this board. Whether this board now needs it or not is irrelevent. What's to understand? He said that he would make a donation anonymously, he didn't. Now that's what I call lying!

If this board doesn't need it, he could make the donation to another Pattaya Charity of his choice.

www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/you-guys-just-go-at-it-i-m-off-to-get-laid-t15100-30.html#146613 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/you-guys-just-go-at-it-i-m-off-to-get-laid-t15100-30.html#146613)

August 20th, 2008, 01:38
George offered a deal which I accepted...What's to understand?

"What's to understand" is, as usual, beyond you - although I now note that I was not the first to have his posts carefully edited by you to suit your own agenda and I almost have a sense of d├йja-vu when reading George's "You obviously missed this part in my last post Brad ..... Try and meet me half way in this please Brad, by at least reading my post".

George, despite trying to explain it to him no less than seven times Brad the Liar continues to misquote and misunderstand one particular post I made - there are those who cannot understand and those who just do not want to understand, and Brad is one of the latter.

For the first time I can appreciate UK Lover's view: "Brad you're a boring cunt. Give it a rest."

Brad the Impala
August 20th, 2008, 02:45
George wrote:

"How much was the donation that you made? 70 dollars wasn't it? Fuck, how Spike would have managed without that donation of yours, I just do not know. Without it he would no doubt probably have had to shut the forum down.

I will let you into a secret shall I Brad, I would willingly give you back 10 times the amount that you donated, if in doing so, it would shut you the fuck up from ever reminding us of your donation again."

I replied:

"Instead of giving me back my donations tenfold, why don't you just donate that figure as your first contribution to the running of this forum, in which case I'll promise never to solicit for funds for ES again."

Got it yet?

All mouth and no trousers the pair of you!

August 22nd, 2008, 00:18
All mouth and no trousers the pair of you!

Well, that's preferable to all mouth, no trousers and no brain. Brad, you really are a complete fucking idiot. You are incapable of understanding basic English or following any form of reason apart from your own.

Firstly, George made it clear from the start that any donation he would make / has made would be anonymous (a crucial point you have overlooked, as you usually do), so you would not be in a position to know if he had donated anything to anyone, so your question of whether he had found his wallet was pointless.

Secondly, had he made such a donation it would have been in vain as you have not "shut ... the fuck up from ever reminding us of your donation again" and you have not kept your end of the deal you "accepted" - you have instead reminded anyone bored enough to read about it here yet again.

Brad the Liar, I usually try to refrain from swearing here or anywhere else, but you really must be absolutely fucking stupid if you think that anyone apart from those as stupid as you only read what you quote, rather than what was actually written in full (although, sadly, there are obviously a few). You lie repeatedly about what others here post and when challenged you either edit and misquote them or, when you cannot do that (as with Mind the Gap) you fail both to reply or to withdraw your statements. It is a waste of my time and the board's space to respond to you any more - anyone with half a mind to do so (and that is all it requires) can check the relevant topics and see you for the liar you now clearly are and treat your posts accordingly.

Brad you're a boring cunt. Give it a rest

أحْمَق خدا حاف

Brad the Impala
August 22nd, 2008, 02:19
Well, that's preferable to all mouth, no trousers and no brain. Brad, you really are a complete fucking idiot. You are incapable of understanding basic English or following any form of reason apart from your own.

Firstly, George made it clear from the start that any donation he would make / has made would be anonymous (a crucial point you have overlooked, as you usually do), so you would not be in a position to know if he had donated anything to anyone, so your question of whether he had found his wallet was pointless.

ALL donations are recorded, whether anonymous or not! The total of anonymous donations since George made his promise is ZERO

Secondly, had he made such a donation it would have been in vain as you have not "shut ... the fuck up from ever reminding us of your donation again" and you have not kept your end of the deal you "accepted" - you have instead reminded anyone bored enough to read about it here yet again.

Point out one occasion where I have mentioned this again, other than in the inevitable context of pointing out that George has failed to deliver on his side of the agreement.

www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/lwdonors.php (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/lwdonors.php)

August 22nd, 2008, 02:38
Catch 22!!

"It is a waste of my time and the board's space to respond to you any more."

Brad you're a boring cunt. Give it a rest

أحْمَق خدا حاف

August 24th, 2008, 12:30
(Let's get back to the original topic...not an Olympic squabble between two ?)

Diver Matthew Mitcham, the only openly gay male athlete in the Beijing Olympics, won gold in the 10m platform. He beat Chinese favorite Zhou Luxin by 4.8 points, preventing China from sweeping gold in diving events. Mitcham is the first Aussie to win diving gold since 1924, but that's not the only thing that makes him a trailblazer.

He is hardly the first gay athlete to compete but he is one of the first to be out while competing. American diver Greg Louganis did not share his orientation until his diving career was over. To Mitcham, he is just living his life as a gay man and as a diver, and there is nothing extraordinary about that:

тАЬBeing gay and diving are completely separate parts of my life. Of course thereтАЩs going to be crossover because some people have issues, but everyone I dive with has been so supportive."

August 25th, 2008, 03:23
And Thom Daley managed to do well despite all the guff posted earlier!

August 25th, 2008, 03:49
And Thom Daley managed to do well despite all the guff posted earlier!So how old is he? Someone I thought said 14 but then there's been all this hoo-hah about a 14 year old Chinese girl being disqualified since apparently 16 is the Olympic age of consent for athleticism (and in the Olympic Village for other activities one assumes)

August 25th, 2008, 06:08
He is 14, announced on TV last night. He finished seventh - remarkable for his age. He will be a force in the next Olympics 2012 in Great Britain. The Chinese girls were said to be as young as 13, 5 of the 6 under age is the claim. The Chinese government was asked by IOC to provide proof of age. Fat chance. There are different age limits for different sports - 16 for gymnastics, does not apply to diving.

August 25th, 2008, 10:55
I am sure a government such as China's will be able to present documents proving those girls are of age for their events. Shiny new ID cards.... freshly minted birth certificates.If not they could always try Khao San Road. However the person who first presented evidence that they were under-age apparently discovered cached spreadsheets on Goodle from multiple sources all giving the same DOB