View Full Version : krazy Dragon ?

August 6th, 2008, 12:03
Do you think Go Go bars should charge less for soft drinks and water,than alcohol ?.

August 6th, 2008, 13:44
Partly agreed however the cost of providing the drink the overheads
(i.e. rent taxes wages BIB etc etc)
are the same for every seat and these must be reflected in the charge for each drink served.

August 6th, 2008, 18:28
a very timely thread ... no doubt next Tuesday many bars will be open but not selling alcohol. Last time I ventured out on an alcohol free day I was charged B150 for a glass - not even a can - of diet coke! My wallet still winces at the thought!

August 6th, 2008, 18:39
Last time I ventured out on an alcohol free day I was charged B150 for a glass - not even a can - of diet coke!

Come on, dear. It wasn't the Coke that cost 150 baht. It was the opportunity to enjoy someone else's air conditioning for hours while watching a parade of near-naked Thai boys that cost 150 baht. Doesn't sound like such a bad deal to me. Of course, if you wanted a cheap Coke, you could have gotten one from the nearest 7-11 for 13 baht. Right?

August 6th, 2008, 18:58
MARK, since you asked...
I can tell you I will order several drinks for myself and be a sport with the boys and buy one or more of them drinks as well, if the drinks
are priced reasonably..
Each of us has a different idea of what is reasonable but most of us resent paying 140B or 150B. for a glass of flat Coke but I will buy several
boys drinks if they are priced around 100B. It ends up costing me more in the end but I don't feel cheated or penny pinched.
Krazy Dragon is the best value in Sunee and one never needs to worry if the boy has reached puberty yet.

If you make the water or soda too cheap then the place will fill up with the cheapos who sit on their hands when a tip is appropriate and
hog up a big table for hours as they nurse their water.

Pitchers of beer might be a novel idea and encourage the punters but be careful of going too cheap or the dregs will make your bar their
new home.. Check out the 2 for 1 places and try to see what bargain prices attract. Of course, a gross generalization but mostly just
my fear that the flotsam and jetsam will gather around KD if it becomes bargain watering-hole for the sad sacks to nurse their beers/drinks until the lites go out.. :cat:

August 6th, 2008, 21:37
Every club has overhead, but I have to agree that it seems silly for a bar coke to cost as much as an alcoholic drink. It seems to me there must be some way of making things a little more even.

If there is some sort of show it justifies the cost, but it's difficult to classify guys essentially just standing around as a "show," and that's what most say of the clubs in forum posts here.

Maybe charge a bit more for the host drinks, maybe raise the price the half hour before a scheduled show, I don't know. I don't have a real solution, but I do find myself less than happy with the soda/water prices sometimes.

August 6th, 2008, 23:06
Some bars don't get it though... If they charged a bit less than 150 baht for one drink, they would get more customers. And most likely after ONE drink, the customer orders another... and maybe another. Most of the alcoholic drinks I get in Pattaya are mostly watered down. (Panorama is ok)

:cheers: I'm still surprised how DJ Station charges 200 baht to enter (on weekends) and that entitles you to two drinks...AND the drinks are not water down. The bartenders are very generous with the alcohol. DJ's is not charging 150 baht or 180 baht for one drink but they make the big profit off volume.

August 6th, 2008, 23:06
It seems reasonable that the difference in wholesale prices should be reflected in bar prices.

it's also reasonable that when you order a beer you get a bottle, when your order a coke you should get a can, not just a glass of ice with coke to top it up. Unless the pricing reflects the fact. On this basis a coke should be 15Bht to 20Bht cheaper than a beer. The bar makes same mark up what ever you drink. And you might actually sell more......

August 8th, 2008, 05:17
I paid 150 Baht for water in a go go bar in Boyztown , they closed in 5 minutes , I borrowed the toilet and was thirsty so I asked for water. 5 minutes and 150 baht. No boys too look at , I was angry and I said I wont pay . mamasan said ok I call the police. So I paid and never been there since.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 8th, 2008, 08:47
Do you think Go Go bars should charge less for soft drinks and water,than alcohol ?.

I made this argment at Annabels in London once and never got anywhere. In fact I say it at every club in the world. No-one takes notice.
my advice-always try and get someone else to pick up the tab.

August 8th, 2008, 08:50
I paid 150 Baht for water in a go go bar in Boyztown , they closed in 5 minutes , I borrowed the toilet and was thirsty so I asked for water. 5 minutes and 150 baht. No boys too look at , I was angry and I said I wont pay . mamasan said ok I call the police. So I paid and never been there since.

You know what a drink costs at a go-go bar, regardless of its closing time -- so why did you order one, instead of buying a bottle of water at 7-11? You think the bars exist to provide you free water and bathroom services, while allowing you a quick look at their goods (as you were obviously doing as well)? Pathetic.

August 8th, 2008, 09:50
I remember of having a decent price for a glass/bottle of water.
Some years ago, I sometimes ordered a bottle of water together with another drink.
The water for the thirst and the other drink for the genocide of my liver.
As far as I can recall, I paid for the mixed drink about THB 100 and for the water THB 60. Pretty reasonable that time for a bar in BoyzTown.

Obviously, more people started ordering water and 'forgot' to order another drink and stuck to the one bottle for hours, so I can imagine that the prices for a bottle of Shinga light (read: drinking water), went up to a normal softdrink price.

August 8th, 2008, 13:28
:cheers: I'm still surprised how DJ Station charges 200 baht to enter (on weekends) and that entitles you to two drinks...AND the drinks are not water down. The bartenders are very generous with the alcohol. DJ's is not charging 150 baht or 180 baht for one drink but they make the big profit off volume.

High turnover low markup and the prices have not changed in almost 20 years

There is not one single gay bar in Pattaya that would have even a small fraction of that turnover. The comparison is pointless on a forum, where a recent thread complained of a 10 baht increase in a late night motor bike ride

August 8th, 2008, 14:51
Do you think Go Go bars should charge less for soft drinks and water,than alcohol ?.I think they should charge what they can get away with. The whole point is to discourage Cheap Charlies from sitting in the front rows all night while hugging their 40 baht glass of soda water. The more interesting question is why alcohol prices are so markedly more expensive in gay go-go bars than "straight" ones

August 8th, 2008, 15:13
Do you think Go Go bars should charge less for soft drinks and water,than alcohol ?.

For sure alcohol should cost more. After all don't you want all the hard drinkers to subsidize the water and soft drinkers? Let the boozers pay for the show and overhead and give the water sippers a free ride.

August 9th, 2008, 08:44
It's a business. They should charge whatever they want and, as customers, if we don't like it we can go elsewhere.

And the flip side of the coin is we don't want to hear any bar owners pissing and moaning about how tough they're having it in the low season. We don't owe them a living.

Ain't Capitalism fun? :geek:

August 9th, 2008, 08:55

August 9th, 2008, 09:21
We stopped by Krazy Dragon late last nite and the joint was jumping.. Every table had customers and the table
dancers still had energy, althou they did seem a bit pushier than usual for attention and doubtlessly a 20B. note.

It was a change of pace after going to Euro Boys nearby. Euro Boys is a pretty bar with comfortable seating, good a/c
powerful speakers and very cute boy dancers. Even thou there were are 6 or 7, most were far more attractive than
average and they wear adorable white shorts with side lacing and white neckties and socks.. A bit too brite and a bit
too loud for the old codger but plenty of eye candy considering so few few boys dancing last nite..worth a look :cyclopsani:

The farang manager of Top Man was decked out in full drag last nite and is a big Frenchman.. We thought of checking out
Top Man to see current status as show bar? go go boy bar? but the farang manager in full drag was enough of a taste of what
was happening inside.. The closed Forrest bar seems busier than it used to be while using the old Ozone Boy above it and the
outside terrace of Forrest Bar.. With Top Man also using the outside terrace, this corner has become much busier than it used to
be.. Oud's Cafe also adds to the lively street action especially later at nite. :cat:

August 11th, 2008, 03:27
The first time I go to the Krazy Dragon I enjoy very much, I enjoyed myself with the boys and they all seem to be very friendly and some of them are very funny with a good sence of humour. I also enjoyed the show there I liked the funny act they had. I have visited most of the gay bars in Pattaya but this bar I enjoy the most even though there are other good bars.

August 11th, 2008, 05:21
Do you think Go Go bars should charge less for soft drinks and water,than alcohol ?.I think they should charge what they can get away with. The whole point is to discourage Cheap Charlies from sitting in the front rows all night while hugging their 40 baht glass of soda water. The more interesting question is why alcohol prices are so markedly more expensive in gay go-go bars than "straight" ones

While we are at it anyone who thinks drink prices are too high should start up their own bar to get the benefit.

I've no idea how much price difference there is between straight & gay gogo bars, or why the price differences arise. However of course it has to be much more easy to organise a cartel in a smaller sector of the market?

August 11th, 2008, 08:35
i went to the krazy dragon last night that it my first visit to sunee which it i never been befor and i really do enjoy very much.you have very nice bar ,boys,and all your staff they are very friendly and the drinks you have it very good price not expensive .importen thing is you can talk to the boys during they dance and no mamasan push me to the boy that it make me very comfortable :colors: and i looking forword to visit your bar again