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August 5th, 2008, 23:27

A few comments:

Row One: Ton is lots of fun in the sack but a complete flake
"C" is a great guy, a Shan from China. A Thai woman took him off for months.
Row Three: Noom 2 is a good guy, lots of fun.
Row Six: Dan is one of the superstars.
Row Seven: Korn (Gone) is also very cute, and a lot of fun.
Row Eight: Pe and Ke have vanished.
Row Ten(?): Keng is one of the cutest and nicest boys I have ever met. Vanished, alas.

I have not commented on my favorite guy! :-)

August 5th, 2008, 23:55
Thanks for the info, will check out Free Guys...any other info that you wanna share?. Will be there for 1 week

August 6th, 2008, 14:30
The site distinguishes (at least in pricing) between bar and "non-bar" boys. Are the photos of any particular group. By non-bar boys do they mean they have a seperate listing and are more by appointment? The lads are really rater good looking particularly when placed against other offerings such as the BBB group http://thaiboy.net/bbb/index.php?p=db - I am now changing plans to head to Pattaya the week after next and will head north instead :-)

August 6th, 2008, 16:38

A few comments:

"C" is a great guy, a Shan from China. A Thai woman took him off for months.

The BITCH, coming up country, with her high fallouting ways, .astealing our decent menfolk and leading them astray.

August 8th, 2008, 10:47
Sounds like a perfect place for Henry Cate, being well accustomed as he is to getting nothing more than a cuddle and a wank from his "bf".

August 8th, 2008, 11:20
I think you'll be disappointed!

Some further comments:

- Some of the pictures are several years old.
- Many of those boys don't work there anymore; try here instead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphoe_Wiang_Haeng
- Several are in now Gaol for selling Yaa Baa
- AFAIK only three in the gallery are actually gay - and none of them work there anymore (sadly as one was spectacular in bed :tongue7: ). I heard currently only one boy there is gay
- The "non-bar" boys thing is just a scam - you'll get sent one of the manager's relatives ;) or Ken (Row 5 - real asshole)

Yes, Free Guy does have some handsome well hung boys there, if all you want to do is take some eye candy for a cuddle and a jerk off you'll do fine. But, if you were after real sex, forget it. That said, a couple of the boys can be malleable if they've done enough substance abuse - AYOR :crazy: . These comments aren't meant to be derogatory; I know many of these guys; fun to go partying, karaoke, snooker etc with them, but forget the bedroom.

Depends what you want, but "New My Way" bar has more variety of selection than Free Guy - though still also mainly straight Shan. If you're brave and want some real slags try Doi Boys :8(

Don't let me dissuade you from Chiang Mai, the city is packed full of cute , willing gay boys. But you'll find them in shopping malls, regular bars and restaurants etc (hint - if you speak some Thai try Santitham plaza - big student hangout :happy7: try Knock Bar, or Radchada Cafe http://www.radchada.com). Forget the commercial gay scene here - it sucks.

Also my opinion. In this bar they also should learn that gintonic should have some gin inside. Best gayplaces have been doi boys and house of male and of course the area around night market.

August 11th, 2008, 00:13

A few comments:

"C" is a great guy, a Shan from China. A Thai woman took him off for months.

The BITCH, coming up country, with her high fallouting ways, .astealing our decent menfolk and leading them astray.

I could not agree more!! The BITCH! :-) However, bitch that she is, she has tired of C, and so he is up for grabs again!!

August 11th, 2008, 00:28
I think you'll be disappointed!

Some further comments:

- Some of the pictures are several years old.
- Many of those boys don't work there anymore; try here instead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphoe_Wiang_Haeng
- Several are in now Gaol for selling Yaa Baa
- AFAIK only three in the gallery are actually gay - and none of them work there anymore (sadly as one was spectacular in bed :tongue7: ). I heard currently only one boy there is gay
- The "non-bar" boys thing is just a scam - you'll get sent one of the manager's relatives ;) or Ken (Row 5 - real asshole)

Yes, Free Guy does have some handsome well hung boys there, if all you want to do is take some eye candy for a cuddle and a jerk off you'll do fine. But, if you were after real sex, forget it. That said, a couple of the boys can be malleable if they've done enough substance abuse - AYOR :crazy: . These comments aren't meant to be derogatory; I know many of these guys; fun to go partying, karaoke, snooker etc with them, but forget the bedroom.

Depends what you want, but "New My Way" bar has more variety of selection than Free Guy - though still also mainly straight Shan. If you're brave and want some real slags try Doi Boys :8(

Don't let me dissuade you from Chiang Mai, the city is packed full of cute , willing gay boys. But you'll find them in shopping malls, regular bars and restaurants etc (hint - if you speak some Thai try Santitham plaza - big student hangout :happy7: try Knock Bar, or Radchada Cafe http://www.radchada.com). Forget the commercial gay scene here - it sucks.

Also my opinion. In this bar they also should learn that gintonic should have some gin inside. Best gayplaces have been doi boys and house of male and of course the area around night market.

Well, the next time you go, take your own bottle and pour it to your satisfaction.

I note that cnx4shan is still trying to decide where the best free pickup joints are. A while ago he was on about Mandalay, and now he's on about Santhitam Plaza (?) and other places.

Well, OK, cnx4shan, I will sit back and let you and my former BF duel it out. My former BF is an extremely appealing guy about 32yo, who has been striking out quite a bit since he turned 30.

And your age is?

Oh, you didn't mention that! :-0

In the meantime, in the short while before the gods take me to the afterworld, I think I will be enjoying the "commercial scene" in Chiang Mai.

You say that it sucks, but that's because of your pride. ("I have never paid for it. Never!!!!")

In reality, it's very very good. Much better than the options in Bangkok and Pattaya, because the boys are actually friendly.

August 12th, 2008, 01:18
Hmm, more things I never said:

But if all you want is friendship why go to a go-go bar?

What I said was that the guys were friendly -- and I have not found this to be true in Bubben or Mandalay or WarmUp.

But I am very far from asserting that this is all I want, although I think I do attach more importance to friendship and mutual respect than some of the more shark-like posters on this board.

As a good example, I will cite X -- my favorite guy from Free Guy. He has been coming around the house for months to study English (MONTHS), and a completely new level of friendship has been reached between us. A lot of little things on his part: he always turns down the idea of a glass of water or a Coke because he is "krengjai," he's REALLY being diligent about his language studies, and he's just a heck of a nice guy -- in addition to being (in my opinion) a physically perfect young man. My former boyfriend (FBF) got to know X in a similar way, while working on the special birthday show, and emerged very impressed. "Henry! He's handsome! He's wonderful!"

As a result, on the day after my birthday, when I requested an evening of his company, something fairly unusual happened between the bar-host and his customer: we looked at each other and realized that we actually liked one another, and wanted each other to have fun -- and then followed a real night to remember.

So I would say that I am looking for both friendship and sex. If the appeal is only sexual, then the affair will fizzle fairly soon. When friendship enters in, life becomes truly a thing worth living.

August 12th, 2008, 02:27
Best gayplaces have been doi boys and house of male and of course the area around night market.

My reaction: I live across the street from House of Male and have never liked the people patronizing the place. Mostly older gents with a Thai bf who spoke some variety of English, and they mostly complained -- when they were not trying to get their claws into the latest piece of fresh meat who wandered into the place.

Doi Boy? Well, there's one vote for the place.

"And of course the area around the Night Bazaar." Somehow my indelible images there are of an old German chain-smoking and grimly putting down his bottle of Thai spirits -- looking as though his cat had died as well - plus the brief flurry of reports that you could actually get wanked at the bar.

In all of my visits to those bars, less than 10 over a period of 8 years, I have met one really nice boy. His name was Lay (!), he was Akha, and he promptly vanished. But he was memorable because he had just been evicted from his room -- therefore slept overnight at my place -- and was very enthusiastic about a second title match the next morning! He came out of the morning shower already excited...

August 14th, 2008, 23:50
If you are 30 years younger than me, you're 32!

Have a wonderful time!

September 14th, 2008, 13:51
Free Guy really took a dive ...We'll have that idiot Wesley along soon, asking if Free Guy means you don't have to pay

September 14th, 2008, 21:18
My source confirms that See (C) is no longer among us. He says that See jumped to his death from a condo. Your sources say a fight. Maybe it was a fight in a condo.

Too bad, a nice guy, barely started on his life...

[More information] My source says that involved the woman who took him off.

September 15th, 2008, 04:04
Yes, apparently a fight in a condo where quite a few of the boys live. But I understand pushed rather than jumped (I'll keep an open mind on that). A couple of the guys I know got a call to go join in some gang fight, but arrived to find the place swarming with BIB so didn't stay to investigate.......you know how it is.But so many of our posters burble on about "the lovely, gentle Thais". Does this mean that they're wrong, that the Thais are human beings just like us?

September 15th, 2008, 17:05
OMG...they are all so ugly......I would not have sex with any of them even if they pay me.
Are these the best that you can get??

September 15th, 2008, 18:53
May he Rest in peace.

September 15th, 2008, 20:14
The pictures on the website were taken very carelessly, almost as if they didn't realize that this was a marketing effort. It's also not up-to-date, but keeping it up-to-date would be a big job.

I also believe they misspelled C's name (in Thai). It should be ซี้ with a high tone, which means "buddy." But I just looked it up again and discovered that it has a horribly appropriate second meaning: "to die, dead."

As for "they're all so ugly...." Pictures usually don't tell the story. Drop in some night and see the show; it's one of the hottest shows I have ever seen. But "New My Way" is also a lot of fun.

September 20th, 2008, 01:24
Interestingly enough...the website has actually been updated, and the photo of See (C) is gone.

This is something I have noticed before....the Shan really do not looking at pictures of people who have died. It's a fairly major bad thing. I first picked up on this when another nice guy was killed instantly (with his girlfriend) in a Saturday night motorbike accident.

September 20th, 2008, 01:38
Interestingly enough...the website has actually been updated, and the photo of See (C) is gone.

This is something I have noticed before....the Shan really do not looking at pictures of people who have died.

How many Shan do you think there are actually looking at the Free Guy website?