View Full Version : Whine (not wine)

August 3rd, 2008, 23:36
Is Pattaya the best place for a good whine? or are Bangkok and Chiang Mai as good. I always enjoy a good whine and since Pattaya is home of many old grumpy falangs, I think the best whine is found there.

August 4th, 2008, 00:39
Wherever the old expats gather, you can find the good whines.

August 4th, 2008, 01:02
Try The Garden Bar. It sometimes has some lovely whines.

The one I remember most clearly was from a man who used to be a friend, a retired British soldier. I met him in the 1992 years, when the typical "tip" was 300-500 baht.

Fifteen years later, he had turned into a WGF ("Whining Gay Farang.") He used to pontificate at the Garden Bar, that the "correct price" for a boy was 300 baht. I later understood that it was even worse than that: he had procurers, and paid them the 300 baht. What the boys actually got, I do not know.

Yes, folks, that's just how low it goes. And the Nasty Queer in this movie has the frigging nerve to complain about Thailand.

I think I once called this dude for being a cheapskate, and he replied that anything more would spoil them for life on the streets when you threw them back there.

Oh, yes. And his Classic Whine! During the Toxin war on drugs, this guy registered his vehement opposition to that war. "This is a very bad idea!" said the former British soldier.

Why? Because it would drive the price of drugs up!!!

I think I refrained from asking him whether he thought that Thai boys needed cheap drugs. Upon reflection, I understand that his very low price for boys had been hit by Drug Inflation, and so he was angry.

How much lower can human beings go?

August 4th, 2008, 04:02
Regrettably, most of the old foreign whines in Thailand have not improved with age. Maybe it's something to do with the climate there? Inevitably they are corked, and are best spat onto the ground otherwise they will leave a very nasty sour taste in the mouth.

August 4th, 2008, 04:10

August 4th, 2008, 05:29
How much lower can human beings go?

OK, I'll say it .... A dachshund :cheers:


Lunchtime O'Booze
August 4th, 2008, 10:32
Wherever the old expats gather, you can find the good whines.

this is true..gay or straight..full of wine and whine.

August 4th, 2008, 21:32
How much lower can human beings go?

OK, I'll say it .... A dachshund :cheers:


Oh, Bwana, you've done it again...insulted the dachshund! :-(

August 4th, 2008, 23:27
I always enjoy a good whine and since Pattaya is home of many old grumpy falangs, I think the best whine is found there.

You may be right - when asked what I work at and what I do here I often answered that I was a forensic proctologist carrying out case studies.