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View Full Version : Feedback Opening Night El Duo

August 3rd, 2008, 02:28
Congratulation Cafe Royal - New stage, new sound system and new entertainment.
Finally sorry for all the guys who missed this first Opening Night of these two EL DUO guys Richard & DK.
I saw all 3 sets and and enjoy it as every time.
Great show - full house until 1am.
Look forward to the next shows on Tuesday and Thursday.

Thanks to all of you who have been there.
Thanks to www.gaytingtong.com (http://www.gaytingtong.com) forum who show up as promised

Who was there from you too?

August 3rd, 2008, 03:55
Don't waste your time asking that question in this forum! Many of the men in here are more ugly on the inside than they are on the outside, and that's saying something. All they will give you is a litany of moaning and snide putdowns of El Duo (whether they saw the act or not!) becuase that's all that's left in them.

August 3rd, 2008, 03:59
Just saw a pic on Gay Ting Tong forum.


toni is not the only one who think it was great.
Hope I find time to be there next time too.
Just back from Bangkok

August 3rd, 2008, 05:04
Just saw a pic on Gay Ting Tong forum.


El Duo are the only ones in that photo with a full head of hair in original color ....

August 3rd, 2008, 05:38
" ...Don't waste your time asking that question in this forum! Many of the men in here are more ugly on the inside than they are on the outside, and that's saying something. All they will give you is a litany of moaning and snide putdowns of El Duo (whether they saw the act or not!) becuase that's all that's left in them... "

And this hypocritical drivel from an old aunty of who's never missed an opportunity for a snide putdown:

" ... Turfed your sorry fat arse out of the joint, did he? What did he do to you, no more credit? Demand you pay your outstanding account? Figures ... "
Ease of dredging-up of examples of snide putdowns by Aunty? Priceless!!

And many more where that came from. What fun.

Cheers ...

August 3rd, 2008, 08:05
So Aunty, Snoopy, Bwana, Smiles and me weren't there. Question was: Who was there?

August 3rd, 2008, 08:27
So Aunty, Snoopy, Bwana, Smiles and me weren't there. Question was: Who was there?Me too (not). I liked the comment elsewhere "quite full". I assume no other boy bar in Pattaya had any customers, this being the low season

August 3rd, 2008, 08:41
I was there and it was a great show. Most of the people sit from 10pm to 1am and watched 3 sets each 45minutes.
After every song the people gave hands. I not see the Cafe Royal so busy in the past 3 month at this time between 10pm and midnight. The guys are very good.

Brad the Impala
August 3rd, 2008, 14:58
After every song the people gave hands.

I hadn't realised that it was a charity night for The Leper Centre.

Must have been quite a collection. Will someone be there to witness the handover? Snaps maybe?

August 3rd, 2008, 15:07
Brad.........That comment was very amusing. Was in stitches after reading it and imagining it happening.Some, I'm sure, were more interested in giving head

August 3rd, 2008, 17:19
I was there. So were about 60 others? Maybe more than that as i had to leave after 1st set for another gig.

August 3rd, 2008, 17:34
Congratulation Cafe Royal - New stage, new sound system and new entertainment.
Finally sorry for all the guys who missed this first Opening Night of these two EL DUO guys Richard & DK.
I saw all 3 sets and and enjoy it as every time.
Great show - full house until 1am.
Look forward to the next shows on Tuesday and Thursday.

Thanks to all of you who have been there.
Thanks to www.gaytingtong.com (http://www.gaytingtong.com) forum who show up as promised
Who was there from you too?

Toni I am told you are the new manager or promotions manager for Cafe Royale

Your over promotion is starting to give the irrits.

Please back off

August 3rd, 2008, 19:02
Toni I am told you are the new manager or promotions manager for Cafe Royale

Your over promotion is starting to give the irrits.

Please back off

Over promoting to give a feedback??? Wow!

I am very sorry but I am not. But honestly I congratulate the Management yesterday for the good work. You guys all have one problem: As long the thread is not regarding moneyboys you have a problem.
Yes when people risk to do something new and invest money they need to promoted.
Many of you want to know the El Duos and always happy to meet them, but anybody know how they manage the life the past 2 years? Suspecting and talking bad is easy. Maybe one day I will write down the whole story of these 2 guys here. Yes I am very interested that this cooperation will be a success story
Success is the best argue and Saturday Night was the first good argue for EL DUO.
But 100% sure I am not any related with Cafe Royal. I have a big bill last night and guess a Manager would have dicount. No discount for me.

Please dont hesitate to ask me more question about El Duo I am happy to answer you again as long you are fair.

Many answers you can get on follow link already:

Thanks for your interest

August 3rd, 2008, 20:02
toni, please keep informing us about El Duo and please ignore these jealous guys in this forum. They have no idea. Many of us would love to be so close to these guys like you.

August 3rd, 2008, 20:03
toni, please keep informing us about El Duo and please ignore these jealous guys in this forum. They have no idea. Many of us would love to be so close to these guys like you.

Haha...what could there possibly be to be jealous of?

August 4th, 2008, 00:11
chao na, I assume pascal means envious rather than jealous.. Many people use the two words interchangeably but incorrectly
if one is a sticker for such things.

I can imagine some bitter posters who envy the boys sexual attractiveness, youth, sexy bodies, popularity and all the
things that they are not and never were..
We are starved for entertainment in Pattaya/Jomtien and one more Dolly Sister show and I will end up in the same asylum
as aunty.
Entertainment is so horrible and amateurish in Pattaya/Jomtien that some people actually believe that the cabaret shows
are good and 150 + kilo farangs in blond wigs and tight dresses are worth seeing.. It is a nightmare and cultural desert if
one has any other interest than boys in the undershorts.
Out of this desperation comes El Duo and they are easy on the eyes, under 100 kilos (way under), under 50 y.o. (way under)
and can carry a tune.
With absolutely nothing else but drag queens lip synching and old men acting like old fools, I for one will go easy on the criticism
of these young guys and give them a chance.. The rest of you can watch the obscene parodies of decrepit Brits show off their
flab and behave like silly fools.. I would be ashamed if I resembled a walrus but these men don't understand how disgusting
they look and asinine they behave..
No one else seems to be steamed up over the drag creatures but do like to attack the handsome young men who actually sing
and entertain in English..

If we don't support young men singing their hearts out it will be just endless old obese men shaking their massive booties or
lip-syncing Thai lady-men.. The supply seems endless but young attractive men singing in English are rare and special, even if
they aren't up to recording company standards or ready for the big stage..

I will cease harping on this topic with this posting as I know I can beat a dead horse as I did with the cigarette smoking in the bars..
P.S. I pick on the Dolly Sisters because I remember their name but feel exactly the same about all of the grotesque farangs in drag acts.. :cat:

August 4th, 2008, 00:33
Cat, You have expressed my opinion better than I ever could. I heartily endorse your post.

August 4th, 2008, 01:12

August 4th, 2008, 01:28
Agree 100% with Catwampuscat's views on Pattaya so-called entertainment. Also agree regarding El Duo needing a decent chance to show their stuff ... though heartly divorced from LadyBoy add-ons or fat over-the-hill farangs in drag doing cartwheels on stage.
The unfortunate prioblem with El Duo's situation (and of no making of their own I assume) is that the touts-named-Toni-et-al on this Board (and others) flogging their praises endlessly do them no good at all, and perhaps harm at the end of the day.

Agreeing with Cat is getting to be a worrying habit.

Cheers ...

August 4th, 2008, 01:35
I hope some of the gay entertainment venues in Pattaya pay close attention to Cat's comments. Perhaps there is an un-met need in the market that can be tapped to bring and keep customers.

August 4th, 2008, 01:59
Why are certian people so negative about these two boys that sing ,surely it can only bring a bit more entertainment to Pataya Boys town ,why not ,it certainly needs something new ,it just gives people a change ,and to see something dfferent ,always enjoyed a few drinks in Cafe Royal about 1.00 am ,just to lisson to the guy sing ,so you got two boys now ,and you have them earlier in the evening ,Not every one in Pataya or that comes to pataya wants to Sit in a go go bar all night ,many would rather watch some one sing or seea bit of live entertainment ,and there is many that dont actually live in pataya ,like my self that only comes to thailand about 4 times per year ,but how nice to be able to come back and see something different .
People get tired with the same old brush .

I come to pataya to see my friends , and to See my boy friend who is not actually from pataya,but i take him there to have fun , i like to go out to the bars ,and it will be nice to see some type of new entertainment .

August 4th, 2008, 01:59
Agree 100% with Catwampuscat's views on Pattaya so-called entertainment. Also agree regarding El Duo needing a decent chance to show their stuff ... though heartly divorced from LadyBoy add-ons or fat over-the-hill farangs in drag doing cartwheels on stage.
The unfortunate prioblem with El Duo's situation (and of no making of their own I assume) is that the touts-named-Toni-et-al on this Board (and others) flogging their praises endlessly do them no good at all, and perhaps harm at the end of the day.

Agreeing with Cat is getting to be a worrying habit.

Cheers ...

Smiles you have no idea at all. Asking for a feedback is harming them. Some here said similar regarding the work permit before and what you say now? Whats next. Yes I guess Smiles prefer the Chang Beer promotion somewhere in a gogo bar for 69 Baht instead of qualified entertainment. Guess Smiles stop smiling long time already. Forget how to enjoy the life because not one day without any negative from him.
Smiles - I just wait for the day you say: "Good to hear that I am happy for El Duo."

August 4th, 2008, 02:04
" ... Smiles - I just wait for the day you say: "Good to hear that I am happy for El Duo ... "
Obviously touts cannot read either. They can just, well, tout.
Carry on though Toni ...

Cheers ...

August 4th, 2008, 02:24
I was quite looking forward to seeing these two when I visit in September, just for a change, but really I've heard ENOUGH ALREADY!

If you like that sort of thing (and I sometimes do) then it will pass a couple of hours. Harmless fun, surely?

If you don't, why waste your time posting about it?

August 4th, 2008, 03:51
Smiles you have no idea at all. Asking for a feedback is harming them. Some here said similar regarding the work permit before and what you say now? Whats next. Yes I guess Smiles prefer the Chang Beer promotion somewhere in a gogo bar for 69 Baht instead of qualified entertainment. Guess Smiles stop smiling long time already. Forget how to enjoy the life because not one day without any negative from him.
Smiles - I just wait for the day you say: "Good to hear that I am happy for El Duo."

Lol, he'd choke before that ever happens!

August 4th, 2008, 04:17

August 4th, 2008, 05:26
We are starved for entertainment in Pattaya/Jomtien and one more Dolly Sister show and I will end up in the same asylum as aunty. Entertainment is so horrible and amateurish in Pattaya/Jomtien that some people actually believe that the cabaret shows are good and 150 + kilo farangs in blond wigs and tight dresses are worth seeing.. It is a nightmare and cultural desert if one has any other interest than boys in the undershorts.After such an adverisement why do people here still wonder why I avoid Pattaya altogether?

August 4th, 2008, 16:33
I will have a look on Tuesday night. Saturday was the big promoted Opening Night but they have to be good and perfect every time. Will give you my feedback later.