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View Full Version : Good news about my HIV+ Boyfriend

March 11th, 2006, 00:02
I've written ocassionally about the progress of my HIV+ boyfriend. I was talking to him on the telephone today and he's had good news about the tuberculosis that nearly killed him early last year. He's now been given the all-clear and has completed his course of drugs.

He was very conscientious about taking his pills and it's paid off. He's now just taking the Anti Virals which he tolerates well.

The next stage will be getting a job so he can start to support himself again.

He's a very determined young man so I hope that it won't be too long before he finds something although he feels he will probably have to move away from his home village to somewhere where people don't know he's HIV+. The support of his family has been very important and it's a little sad if he has to leave the area to get a job.

Kun Jon

March 11th, 2006, 15:22
Thanks Kun Jon, for keeping us up to date with your boyfriends' progress. He must be so relieved to have topped the TB medication, so many tablets every day!! It is great that he was good about taking them, because inadequately treated the TB can become resistant to medication and present a real danger.

From what I hear the antiHIV drugs are much easieer to take these days, and certainly effective. Please take good care of yourselves, and be sure there are many of us wishing you well.

March 11th, 2006, 16:58
Super news Kun Jon......and if you haven't already tell him that we are all thinking of him and admire his inner strength.