View Full Version : Pattaya Discos Dudes/Holywood/Body Language review.

July 28th, 2008, 23:54
On my Thailand holidays i do enjoy the late night fun places. But on my visit to Pattaya end June-July i only went to 3 discos. This was because i like Hollywood myself.. Dudes had not long opened and was therefore busy........ and it was only these two venues that my friends and any boy i offered a night out wanted to go. So i didn't get to Xray this time.

I went to Body Language two nights just to check it out as i had never been before... and it was ok.. quite small and not particularly crowed on both nights.. but the show was good both times and there were available boys on both occasions.. but as with most discos it was mostly thai friends out together after the bars closed.
The first time i went alone.. and by the time my first drink arrived there were plenty of boys looking for a partner.. and a few came over to clink glasses 'choek-dee' and introduce themselves.. so if you were alone i'm sure you could have a friend for the night if you wished. The other time i went with a boy i had offed.. as i had gone late [12.30am] to his bar and wanted some time to get to know him and relax before heading back to my room. Because BodyL is totally gay it is a nice place to relax just as a couple and you can cuddle and be close to your friend without any looks from straights, not that it bothers me, i have to add... in fact the only problem with straights looking or staring is my attitude of staring back with a 'what the fuck are you staring at glare' which probably unsettles my partner more than anything else.. but i can't help it.

I really enjoyed Dudes and went a few times.... the mama-san at Dudes is Lek who was mama-san at Xray before it changed... and many of the staff have come from there. It seemed to be THE place to be for gays... not many farangs either... but the music was good, and the show was good... but VERY busy every time i went... and many boys looking for a hook-up. I always went with friends... but the trip to the bathroom which is usually a pain was very enjoyable as on the way to and from many boys were eager to chat and ask if you were alone....

The Coyote dancers are very good.. and very happy to join you for a drink and go off if you get on well.In fact on a couple of occasions a coyote i had invited for a drink asked if i was actually with anyone in my company or was i up for a hook-up... he said no off fee.. i'll finish my stint, change and join you at your table. Unfortunately had to decline...but i will know next time... as not ALL the coyotes were of the manly type..... a few were very cute boys with very lean bodies. So if anyone has enjoyed the look of a coyote and want to take it further.. just invite him over for a drink.. they are quick to let you know if they are gay or prefer the company of a female...or like both......and females happen to be thin on the ground on that particular night..... nothing ventured nothing gained.

Also there is now a dark-room area in Dudes.. it was ready to open just before i was due to return home. The mam-san took me through to see it.. and it is about 12 open fronted cubicles with a soft seat in each i can't remember if there was a curtain or not.. ideal if you wanted to know your friend better or some privacy.. as you face the stage it is on the right hand side next to the stage. I'm not sure how popular it will be... but as with most discos as the night wears on and the drink takes hold it might be fuller near closing time 5-6am. Have any of the board members been there yet?

I also enjoyed Hollywood... a much more mixed crowd probably 60-40 in favour of straight customers.. but no problem for gay boys.. the waiters are VERY flirty.. the show is very good with the usual mix of female and male dancers and a live band playing rock and pop covers.... the venue is large and comfortable.. good aircon and feels spacious. A couple of times we had Heineken Beer Towers with tap instead of a bottle of whiskey.. these came in at about Bt600 a time and lasted around an hour for 4-5 people. Although it does still have some hip-hop, which i absolutely hate...it is only a few numbers instead of virtually a whole nights worth as it had before when hip-hop was on the rise in Thailand. Hollywood closes at 3am.

I recommend all three places... slightly different type of fun in each.