View Full Version : U.S. Senate Lifts HIV Immigration Ban

July 26th, 2008, 23:26

This article is certainly good news, but what about the House? To become law, a bill has to pass both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or, is this not of the nature of being a "law," but something that falls solely under the jurisdiction of the Senate?

July 27th, 2008, 08:42
....This article is certainly good news, but what about the House? To become law, a bill has to pass both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or, is this not of the nature of being a "law," but something that falls solely under the jurisdiction of the Senate?...

Yes, the bill was proposed by the President and the language on the immigration ban was added by the Senate. The House will now pass it's own version of the President's bill -with or without the immigration ban repeal. The bill then goes to a committe that reconciles the two versions and is repassed by both houses. Then it goes back to the Pres for signing or a veto. Yeah, I know it sounds convoluted but I guess that's why we pay these guys so much. :blackeye:

80 to 16 is a pretty lopsided vote in favor of lifting the ban so it looks like it might make it thru both houses. Its unlikely that Bush will veto his own bill over this small rider.

I'm increasingly getting the feeling that fag-bashing is a no-no this election cycle.

Thanks for posting this. I haven't been following this issue was completely unaware.