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View Full Version : thai women and cll phones

July 21st, 2008, 08:39
On my way to Festival Mall the other day, I decided to stop at Fatties Restaurant and check it out... (the breakfast was NOT worth the price). When I went to pay for my bill, the "waitress" continued to talk on her cellphone though I was standing waiting at the counter waiting to pay for the cr*p meal. She looked at me but didn't get the idea to just hang up so, I just started to walk out...THEN she turned off her phone. (She was clueless about a customer being more important than her call). Next, I get stuck behind a couple Thai bunnies who can hardly walk while talking on their cll phones..as if they have a cll phone stuck up their butt. Why is it Thai women cannot talk on their phones and walk (not tip-toe) at the same time?

(of course my "favorite" is running into the clerk squatting behind the cashier counter slurping on her soup instead of waiting on the customer at a shop)

July 21st, 2008, 10:03
I think the BKK clerks (most) are trained or just aware how to work in a shop or restaurant. In Pattaya many of the managers/ shop owners just don't spend the time to properly train their staff; thus, the workers in the city have no role working role models to learn from.

July 21st, 2008, 10:40
I agree thrillbill. Quite often in a Pattaya resturant the waiters are not aware of what is going on in a farangs head regarding service because they have never been trained. For example, food comes out to a patron when it is ready and not when all the food is ready, so I may be eating 10 minutes before you. Not cool in farang land, but in Thailand it makes sense to eat while it is hot.

July 21st, 2008, 12:30
On my way to Festival Mall the other day, I decided to stop at Fatties Restaurant and check it out... (the breakfast was NOT worth the price). When I went to pay for my bill, the "waitress" continued to talk on her cellphone though I was standing waiting at the counter waiting to pay for the cr*p meal. She looked at me but didn't get the idea to just hang up so, I just started to walk out...THEN she turned off her phone. (She was clueless about a customer being more important than her call). Next, I get stuck behind a couple Thai bunnies who can hardly walk while talking on their cll phones..as if they have a cll phone stuck up their butt. Why is it Thai women cannot talk on their phones and walk (not tip-toe) at the same time?

(of course my "favorite" is running into the clerk squatting behind the cashier counter slurping on her soup instead of waiting on the customer at a shop)

Cell phones are not only veryyyyyyyyy important here in Thailand among the Thais; they are Number One everywhere.

Ask people to turn off their phones during a class, a meeting or whatever event: They slowly die.
Instead of being convenient, cell phones are taking over control; well at least for some people.
My friend, sleeps with a cell phone: "OMG, something might happen while I'm not around!!"
My friend doesn't understand why I turn off my phone while I'm sleeping: "If it's important, they'll phone back tomorrow!!"

July 21st, 2008, 15:54
This thread is clearly not appropriate for the gay Thailand forum.. :idea:

Furthermore, the thread's title is a gross generalization of half of Thailand's population extrapolated
from one man's experience with one Thai woman.
One could easily extrapolate from his experience that all farangs are rude and impatient and make
gross generalizations about Thai women.

As Joseph pointed out cell phone use and cell phone behavior are almost universal and it is downright
asinine to assert that millions of Thai women are misusing cells phones at work.. :cat:

July 21st, 2008, 16:43
Looks like "Cata" makes generalizations... :cussing:

July 21st, 2008, 17:39
... some of these African women on their cellphones - I recently saw this one in the high street shouting in her voodoo language down the phone - I suspect she would call it a conversation, you would probably get yer head kicked in if you interrupted her.

July 21st, 2008, 19:12
Which is the voodoo language, pray? French, Portuguese?

July 21st, 2008, 20:09
My friend, sleeps with a cell phone: "OMG, something might happen while I'm not around!!"

One of my (ex) regular boys used to take his phone into the bedroom (and answer it rather than attend to business).
That's why he's now an ex.
So rude to speak with your mouth full.

and for 555 try these: Zulu dictionary (http://isizulu.net/) and Swahili dictionary (http://www.freedict.com/onldict/swa.html)


July 21st, 2008, 21:48
This thread is clearly not appropriate for the gay Thailand forum.. :idea:

Furthermore, the thread's title is a gross generalization of half of Thailand's population extrapolated
from one man's experience with one Thai woman.
One could easily extrapolate from his experience that all farangs are rude and impatient and make
gross generalizations about Thai women.

As Joseph pointed out cell phone use and cell phone behavior are almost universal and it is downright
asinine to assert that millions of Thai women are misusing cells phones at work.. :cat:

Why is it not appropriate for a gay forum??? - the thai women he talks of may have been lesbians.

Tongues will wag!

July 21st, 2008, 22:20
This thread is clearly not appropriate for the gay Thailand forum.. :idea:

Furthermore, the thread's title is a gross generalization of half of Thailand's population extrapolated
from one man's experience with one Thai woman.
One could easily extrapolate from his experience that all farangs are rude and impatient and make
gross generalizations about Thai women.

As Joseph pointed out cell phone use and cell phone behavior are almost universal and it is downright
asinine to assert that millions of Thai women are misusing cells phones at work.. :cat:

Why is it not appropriate for a gay forum??? - the thai women he talks of may have been lesbians.

Tongues will wag!

(I didn't know a reader on this forum would get so explosive (another generalization) about the topic...maybe "Cata" thought I was talking about one of his ladyboys. I wasn't. )

July 21st, 2008, 22:40
thrillabilla, my interest in Thai women and in Thai ladyboys/ladymen is the same, zero, but you seem to think that
it is insulting to me to say that I have a ladyboy.
thrillabilla, you appear to have issues with women and with ladyboys and come across as a male chauvinist sexist pig (nothing personal), at least to me.

This thread is inane and has nothing to do with Gay Thailand. I know the moderators don't appreciate when posters
tell them to do their job but aside from the unlikely lesbian angle, this thread doesn't belong in this forum.

I seem to have ruffled thrillabilla's feathers and am using the letter "a" as this poster seems to find adding an "a" and
calling me Cata is somehow a bad thing.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with feminine people, women, ladyboys or ladymen and it is sexist to use them as a negative
when you try to insult or rile another poster.. but I will sink to thrillabilla's level for the moment and once again thank
goodness for the "ignore feature" as another waste of time bites the proverbial dust.. :cat:

July 22nd, 2008, 23:38
I remember the last time I went to a dinner party for gay farang in Thailand. As I walked in, I was interested to note that the general conversation was about something that also interested me: the awful sounds emitted by Thai women when speaking.

I understood what they were talking about instantly -- it still puzzles me today. On the average, Thai boys are much nicer speakers than Thai women.

Irrelevant to gay Thailand? Who says so?

Oh, by the way, I am a male chauvinist. The house next to mine is full of fesbians, my own portmanteau word for feminist/lesbians, who are utterly dedicated to improving the lives of Karen WOMEN. It's a place called WEAVE, and I never have any problems with them. My own house is "The Henry Cate House for Boy Education," and so we have, right here in Chiang Mai, something that US law would attack instantly (can you say "sex discrimination?") Yet, somehow, without the government busybodies, we do quite well.

It's an amazing thing -- another Thai boy pointed out that, in his opinion, men and women don't much enjoy each other's company. Thus the American Indians had the "two wigwam system" -- one for the squaws, and one for the braves.

Alive and living in Thailand, with everyone happy!