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View Full Version : How was 3 Divas Show in Cafe Royal

July 21st, 2008, 01:54
On an other topic was this event so much discussed and how was it now? How was the dinner, show and EL Duo? Was it full?

July 21st, 2008, 15:20
Maybe 40-50guest. Not full. Divas same all the time but fun. Lucky draw with many prices. El Duo sing at the end of the show 3 songs. The last song was the best one. I guess the first 2 songs they are nerves because the MIC said good bye to everybody and than the Manager jump to the micro and informed that El Duo will sing now. Not well organized but ok. Was a nice evening.

July 21st, 2008, 21:18
Nobody can say anything because nobody was there of the guys who know here always everything. For all the guys who join the show - they knew that El Duo is good for the Cafe Royal and I look forward to see them there regular with the full program and entertainment. And even the Divas was fun. Maybe the PGF going to think about some new events because its always the same and maybe thats the reason why not so many came. Last year was much better - even El Duo was better. They have been part of the night. Yesterday it was a wrong program to put them in the end. How ever, it was a good money for the PGF and that was the main target.

July 22nd, 2008, 02:00
Just stock in the rain on my way back home from Boyztown - The people who watched the show last night give a good feedback. As I hear they did a lot of money for the PGF

July 22nd, 2008, 13:22
No offense to all the newbe posters but, not one credible review from an established (hated or loved) Pattaya poster? Where are they all, staying in, avoiding the rains?