View Full Version : Love

July 18th, 2008, 09:31
For some this might simply be indicative of the silly season, but for me its love.

I decided to to stay at the Sukhothai hotel last week as I found I was in a potentially compromising situation with a member of staff at my other and thought it better to give it a cooling off period so we could know how much we truly miss and for his job.

I did truly miss, but I also fell in love with someone else. It would be fair to say I now desperately love two wonderful people, they are my joy and passion. One is a man, tall and handsome who works at my usual hotel, the other a student like myself, nineteen, a boy not even Caravaggio could've imagined in his wildest dreams.

It all started with an innocent kiss by myself during a massage a few months ago arranged by a friend at an exclusive house in the leafy suburbs. We had the whole house and pool to ourselves. The massage suddenly took a turn into passionate love, neither of us had any control and were only too delighted I had thrown into my bag a box of large size condoms that morning. We went through all twelve. One ending up as a balloon in the pool. I realised of course I had been fixed up, a date.

After we were finished I woke up to find myself entwined with an angel looking deep into my eyes offering his full sweet lips to mine. His body perfect, with skin so flawless a smile so enchanting and eyes so full of love I melted and with a kiss on his moist bottom lip it all started over again. Though this time somewhat limited by the size of his condoms. Whatever else transpired one thing is for sure I am no longer a virgin and nor is he much to my utter amazment.

Well that was a few months ago, however last week I went back and found nothing had changed if anything we were even more eager. I still avoided my other hotel and chose the Sukhothai. But this time I realised for the very first time, and much to my astonishment that I hadn't realised before that he couldn't speak English, only to say shyly the tattoo was "washable" as it had disappeared from his perfect left cheek.

The fact that he cannot speak English might be a problem. He has learnt a few words and when he speaks them my heart erupts in joy, so perfectly and carefully are they pronounced, each short sentence spun in gold, but they are too few, too few.

I wonder has anyone had a relationship that has lasted like this. I have so much I want to tell him and he me but we just look into each others eyes and laugh instead. It could be years I suppose before we can have a proper conversation, who knows.

July 18th, 2008, 09:37
Once you live with the partner day by day...month by month...year by year- you'll know if it is real LOVE, love that includes understanding of both parties --not just based on hot passion.

July 18th, 2008, 09:53
IT IS REAL LOVE. I sure its real love. We can bear to be alome.

July 18th, 2008, 10:13
The real problem, Cedric, is that these steamy hot love affairs are often situations where only one person is in love/lust and
the other just having a fling and a shot at the jackpot of winning another patron to maintain their lifestyle until they start
to lose their looks.
Falling in love/lust is an addiction and one that is highly enjoyable as long as you can afford it and survive the down periods.

The oldest and fattest and baldest and ugliest of us have all fallen in love/lust with perfect specimens of youth and manhood
and only the very fortunate few find there is anything real about the Thai boys love/lust ,after a while, but hope springs eternal
and we keep falling in love/lust and keep believing the impossible dream.
Being able to communicate in a common language is no hindrance when the stars are in your eyes and sanity leaves your mind.. :cat:

July 18th, 2008, 10:54
"I wonder has anyone had a relationship that has lasted like this. I have so much I want to tell him and he me but we just look into each others eyes and laugh instead. It could be years I suppose before we can have a proper conversation, who knows."

I have my doubts that this is a serious story, but if I'm wrong then - you will find that your partner will learn English very quickly if he's really in Love. Any you will want to learn Thai so that you can talk to him, if you're in Love, and not just obsessed, as it sounds to me.

Catawampuss no money was exchanged. Big sigh. I know. Whatever happens it will remain a long distance thing I only ever get over to Thailand every three months or so. Maybe it will stay fresh for a long time.

Yes fatbastard he is learning English, and I am not "obsessed" just delighted.

When he tilts his head up to one side hesitantly hoping I will thrust my tongue into his ear hole he does it out of pure joy, not for cash. We have awakened in each other the joys of sex yes, but also we love each other body and soul. If anything he seems obsessed with my cock and nipples, like they are some sort of novel food item. At first he only tasted it with tip of his tongue then much later stuck it right in his mouth, I did the same to his tight throbbing little cherry waiting to explode. In fact we copied each other all day and night.

Yesterday I was just thinking about him and I burst with cum in my pants. I had to buy new undies.

One thing I am surprised by is he is now sporting a large diamond ear stud that he didn't have before....so maybe he has a part time job he can't tell me about due to our language difficulties. Sigh. He's born and bred in Bangkok. His name is Owen. Sigh.

July 18th, 2008, 12:27
" ... I burst with cum in my pants. I had to buy new undies ... Sigh ... "
You could just wash them. Sigh.

Cheers ...

July 18th, 2008, 12:35
Smiles I was at Uni in the library where I am now. Had to buy disposables from Watsons. Hardly likely to start washing them in the WC.

July 18th, 2008, 13:11
If you are staying at the Sukhothai you could go round to Candle T Spa and find out yourself about the fate of the "cute guy with bruises and cuts".
A ten minute walk.

July 18th, 2008, 16:05
Yes Bwana it is but a ten minute run perhaps through that awful Lumpini night market seething with drunken idiots on cheap bucket deal hollidays , but no I AM ALREADY BACK IN HONG KONG. Besides it's much longer than ten minutes to walk. If its OK with you where I spend my money I would use a taxi.

July 18th, 2008, 16:43
"I wonder has anyone had a relationship that has lasted like this. I have so much I want to tell him and he me but we just look into each others eyes and laugh instead. It could be years I suppose before we can have a proper conversation, who knows."

I have my doubts that this is a serious story, but if I'm wrong then - you will find that your partner will learn English very quickly if he's really in Love. Any you will want to learn Thai so that you can talk to him, if you're in Love, and not just obsessed, as it sounds to me.Indeed, I have no doubt that it will be a matter of mere months before the role of chaos theory in forming economic plans, for example is a matter of easy intercourse between the two of them

July 18th, 2008, 17:22
Cedric if I understand your story correct you are also 19years old? Using 11condoms in one night (1 as Ballon in the pool)?
I hope you share them. If you are 19 and he is 19 years too I believe you that could be a kind of love (I want to know what love is) Sometimes the Thai guys having a same age bf and enjoying real good sex with them before they going to give there bodies for diamond and other values. Enjoy these feelings as long you can but be careful afterwards is coming a hard time for you and it could hurt you much more as it makes you happy in moment. Control your emotions and you are more save.

July 18th, 2008, 17:37
Cedric if I understand your story correct you are also 19years old? More like 19 * 2

July 18th, 2008, 17:48
....the other a student like myself, nineteen...... - Hope he will answer soon. But with 19 it's ok to fall so deep in love. We all have these experience.

July 18th, 2008, 17:51
....the other a student like myself, nineteen...... - Young Master Cedric works in an office in Hong Kong

July 18th, 2008, 21:51
One little item caught my attention -- on your first night together, you didn't quite notice the fact that he spoke no English. My guess is that you didn't notice because you were having so much fun.

I had a love like that, too (cue "Hello, Young Lovers..."). His name was Ridha and we met in Tunisia when I was a Peace Corps volunteer and he was aged (?) -- working in a hotel, no less! Good luck or bad luck? He was my first lover. I didn't start recovering until ten years later.

I then had abundant time to think back on our amazing, passionate love affair -- and several interesting facts emerged. The most interesting was that the only thing we ever did together was get naked and have wild passionate sex for hours and hours. We never went out and had a meal together; we never went to a movie together; we hardly even spoke because the sex was just too good.

Another thing was that he suddenly walked out on me...vanished literally overnight. Months later, I caught up with him and he confessed that his girl-friend had made him choose -- her or me.

So that was why we met every two or three nights. Ridha was having sex continuously (when he wasn't working)!

By the way, he continued this pattern in his later life, switching between male and female partners with complete indifference. I think he was mainly in love with himself, and, if you had ever spent a night with him, you would probably understand this better.

So congratulations to you, Cedric. You're a very lucky man. What's going on is obviously very real and very thrilling. You think I'm joking, but take some notes. There will come a time when you begin to forget all of those wonderful details, and you will get curious... ("Did we really go through eleven condoms?") Yes, it's actually fairly easy when you're young and horny. A mere three times before sleep takes you, and then just another three in the morning -- perfectly simple! :-) :-)

If taking notes is too boring, just keep posting the details here! :-)

July 18th, 2008, 22:06
"I wonder has anyone had a relationship that has lasted like this. I have so much I want to tell him and he me but we just look into each others eyes and laugh instead. It could be years I suppose before we can have a proper conversation, who knows."

I have my doubts that this is a serious story, but if I'm wrong then - you will find that your partner will learn English very quickly if he's really in Love. Any you will want to learn Thai so that you can talk to him, if you're in Love, and not just obsessed, as it sounds to me.

Catawampuss no money was exchanged. Big sigh. I know. Whatever happens it will remain a long distance thing I only ever get over to Thailand every three months or so. Maybe it will stay fresh for a long time.

Yes fatbastard he is learning English, and I am not "obsessed" just delighted.

When he tilts his head up to one side hesitantly hoping I will thrust my tongue into his ear hole he does it out of pure joy, not for cash. We have awakened in each other the joys of sex yes, but also we love each other body and soul. If anything he seems obsessed with my cock and nipples, like they are some sort of novel food item. At first he only tasted it with tip of his tongue then much later stuck it right in his mouth, I did the same to his tight throbbing little cherry waiting to explode. In fact we copied each other all day and night.

Yesterday I was just thinking about him and I burst with cum in my pants. I had to buy new undies.

One thing I am surprised by is he is now sporting a large diamond ear stud that he didn't have before....so maybe he has a part time job he can't tell me about due to our language difficulties. Sigh. He's born and bred in Bangkok. His name is Owen. Sigh.You raelly should write a book ,it certainly would be a best SELLER, then maybe you can buy hima real diamond for his finger

July 18th, 2008, 23:29
" ... I burst with cum in my pants. I had to buy new undies ... Sigh ... "
You could just wash them. Sigh.

Cheers ...
Your comment is a classic Smiles, you deserve an award!

July 18th, 2008, 23:44
I don't usually believe in posting pictures of your boyfriend on the Internet. As crazy Plato wrote:

All I said was тАУ Alexis is gorgeous. Now
Everyone stares, ogles him everywhere.
Dear heart, why show the dogs a bone? You'll care
Later. Remember? Ph├жdros went that way too.

But in this case I can make an exception! :-) Ridha must be nearing 60 by now!


And this photo was taken some 5-6 years after I met him.....

July 19th, 2008, 00:25
.....I had a love like that, too (cue "Hello, Young Lovers..."). His name was Ridha and we met in Tunisia when I was a Peace Corps volunteer and he was aged (?) --

?Peace Corps volunteer? ... for non-Americans read Draft Dodger

July 19th, 2008, 00:38
.....I had a love like that, too (cue "Hello, Young Lovers..."). His name was Ridha and we met in Tunisia when I was a Peace Corps volunteer and he was aged (?) --

?Peace Corps volunteer? ... for non-Americans read Draft Dodger

...and non-Americans should give a toss, because?

July 19th, 2008, 00:50
I joined the Peace Corps in 1968 because I didn't want to kill Vietnamese boys. Even way back then, I knew I wanted to kiss them.

In any case, when I came home in 1970, I was drafted, and presented with the following form:


[bla bla]

23. Have you now, or over, been involved in homosexual relations?

Well, what else could I do, as a patriotic American, but answer "Yes" to question #23??????

In those days, so many people lied about question #23 that I was required to provide evidence. I did.

I didn't dodge the draft, Bwana, the draft dodged me.

But thanks very much for the kind thoughts.

July 19th, 2008, 07:06
wow i was just born that time. not sure as gay already

July 19th, 2008, 09:26
I did read the whole story and with great envy.


July 19th, 2008, 10:39
.... I didn't dodge the draft, Bwana, the draft dodged me.

But thanks very much for the kind thoughts.

So 9 years earlier when President John F. Kennedy said in his Inaugural Address:

"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what can you do for your country"

you said to yourself: I'll let my fellow American's get shot at while I'm bending over for the enemies of my country.

Henry - a true patriot

July 19th, 2008, 10:43
One little item caught my attention -- on your first night together, you didn't quite notice the fact that he spoke no English.He thought it impolite to talk with his mouth full

July 19th, 2008, 11:22
Seems like being "LEGALLY" gay in the US military is slowing changing (to a more realistic approach)... This month it has been a discussion topic on BBC, CBS' 60 Minutes, and even...Fox News. (IT seems) having gays in the military isn't a big deal to the military "brass" and the guys in the trenches--just the conservative, flag waving "religious" American population that isn't in the military.

Henry, you said:"In those days, so many people lied about question #23 that I was required to provide evidence. I did." How would you provide "proof" back then?

July 19th, 2008, 20:52
.... I didn't dodge the draft, Bwana, the draft dodged me.

But thanks very much for the kind thoughts.

So 9 years earlier when President John F. Kennedy said in his Inaugural Address:

"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what can you do for your country"

you said to yourself: I'll let my fellow American's get shot at while I'm bending over for the enemies of my country.

Henry - a true patriot

Huh? Are you telling me that I should have committed perjury?? And how do Tunisians count as "enemies of America????" And what makes you think I was bending over for anyone?????

I'll try to make it easier for you, and go very slowly: in 1970, it was illegal for gay men to join the military. It was a crime. As I recall, homosexual acts were still a criminal offense throughout the United States. Homosexuality was not only a crime, Bwana, it was a mental illness and a mortal sin as well.

My reaction to being excluded from the military was very simple (I had almost been kicked out of Peace Corps training for the same damned issue). After years of being reviled and spat upon and hated for the terrible crime of being gay, I was now being refused entry into the military because I was a defective human being. So I told them the truth, they gave me dirty looks, and I went and did something non-military.

Maybe I should close by reminding you that your apparent hero, John F. ("I bought the White House") Kennedy, was the man who created the Peace Corps, in direct support of his call for Americans to do something for their country.

July 19th, 2008, 20:58
Seems like being "LEGALLY" gay in the US military is slowing changing (to a more realistic approach)... This month it has been a discussion topic on BBC, CBS' 60 Minutes, and even...Fox News. (IT seems) having gays in the military isn't a big deal to the military "brass" and the guys in the trenches--just the conservative, flag waving "religious" American population that isn't in the military.

Henry, you said:"In those days, so many people lied about question #23 that I was required to provide evidence. I did." How would you provide "proof" back then?

Well, more "supporting evidence" than "proof" -- a letter from a university counselor I had been having long heart-to-heart chats with. He knew I was gay and was not just making it up to stay out of the Army, and wrote a nice official letter on university letterhead presumably saying so. (The letter was sealed.)

July 20th, 2008, 13:00
Politicians are the folks who start wars ...In a vacuum, of course, and completely unsupported by public opinion :cyclopsani:

July 22nd, 2008, 11:56
One little item caught my attention -- on your first night together, you didn't quite notice the fact that he spoke no English. My guess is that you didn't notice because you were having so much fun.

I had a love like that, too (cue "Hello, Young Lovers..."). His name was Ridha and we met in Tunisia........................... :-)

Henry I love you and I love Ridha. Seems some others here just cant remember quite as well or just never had love. Like Smiles forever in the laundrette on his own on his knees scrubbing old stains from his yellowing boxers.

I love you that you remember. I'll not forget Im sure of it. Im not exactly nineteen though. I mean I am a student like he is, I'm in my mid twenties.

Yes you are quite right we never needed to speak first time. It really took me surprise when I realised he had very little English.

Forever will be in my memory when I left, the way he ran away to the back of the garden and waited in the pool room for the taxi to arrive while I got my things together. When he saw the taxi I saw him stand up wiping tears from his eyes as he stood in the door way, I was mortified. Then suddenly a big smile came to his lips. He rushed back inside coming out with a big umbrella, rushing to my side he took my hand gently and walked me to the car holding the umbrella high over my head so I wouldn't get wet in the rain. Smiling up at me like we owned the world. I kissed his nose gently and was gone.

Lost forever in love.

That short walk to the car, a passage of love I will just never forget.

July 22nd, 2008, 13:13
Yes you are quite right we never needed to speak first time.

So he didn't need to say "Oh, you toooo big"

July 22nd, 2008, 13:44
No he never said oh you too big, he closed his eyes and gently worked it all the way up to his eyeballs, he took as long as he wanted. And I must say its not that comfortable either even his little sturdy number was extremely sore up my arse when it was my turn. When i looked down i couldnt believe he had my cock so tightly wedged up his little arse. Second time it was easier etc.

Anyway think thats about all you need to know.

July 22nd, 2008, 23:19
I see no reason why anyone should complain about so called draft dodging. Politicians are the folks who start wars, and they should be the ones facing off against each other, not a bunch of innocent 20 or whatever year olds. I would offer a very limited exception to my comment, such as in WW2, but few other wars are truely justified.

So...let's see...Osama Bin Laden was a politician?

July 23rd, 2008, 09:30
....So...let's see...Osama Bin Laden was a politician?

Actually, yes, as Islam does not distinguish between secular/political and religious issues.

July 23rd, 2008, 10:08
Sorry state of the world, yes he's definitely a politician which ever way you look at it. Bush was a war lord.

But how a love thread can become......oh any way. More of the same same.

July 23rd, 2008, 13:25
So...let's see...Osama Bin Laden was a politician?

which war did Bin Laden start?

July 23rd, 2008, 15:20
Perhaps when he started blowing things up... a war does not have to be declared to be a war.

For which, oddly enough, he has not been indicted.

July 23rd, 2008, 16:08
Perhaps when he started blowing things up... a war does not have to be declared to be a war.Only in the mind of Americans. The "war" on drugs, the "war" on terror

July 23rd, 2008, 17:07
Nobody will ever find Bin Laden because he live in the guesthouse of family Bush and nobody will ever search there. Smile
September 9/11 was created by the Americans self. No building will ever crash so controlled down like the twin tower. Everbody know but nobody will say it. Watch the movie 9/11.

July 23rd, 2008, 22:39
Nobody will ever find Bin Laden because he live in the guesthouse of family Bush and nobody will ever search there. Smile
September 9/11 was created by the Americans self. No building will ever crash so controlled down like the twin tower. Everbody know but nobody will say it. Watch the movie 9/11.

Oh, gaydestination is a Troofer. There is no point in arguing with Troofers. EVERYTHING goes into the pot and proves them right. Just like the JFK assassination theorists, the Intelligent Design goof-balls, the Trilateral Commission nuts, the people who have been kidnapped by aliens: the list goes on and on...

Somebody, somewhere, made a good point: when something happens which absolutely shatters your world-view, you are quite likely to go into denial about that particular thing. A case in point: an American Communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, assassinated Kennedy. This particular FACT was so shattering to some on the left that they have spent their lives on the grassy knoll. Another case in point would be the terrorist attacks on 9/11 -- when a bunch of Arabs (mostly Saudi) made an unprovoked mass-murder attack on NYC and Washington. This was absolutely shattering to the world view of the multi-culti pacifist gang, so they went into denial. And they aren't coming out, they're just getting crazier. Sure, Osama Bin Laden is a guest of President Bush, and nobody knows...except (!) gaydestination!!!!!

July 23rd, 2008, 22:45
Perhaps when he started blowing things up... a war does not have to be declared to be a war.

For which, oddly enough, he has not been indicted.

The idea that one should INDICT Osama Bin Laden for the crime of mass-murder, and send the cops after him, is a particular failure of vision linked with the Clinton presidency. It's generally called the "law-enforcement" view of anti-terrorism. It doesn't work.

It's a much better idea to send the Marines. Oddly enough, since that happened, nobody has seen OBL or heard from him.

July 24th, 2008, 01:57
It's a much better idea to send the Marines. Oddly enough, since that happened, nobody has seen OBL or heard from him.

This, "oddly enough" has HC's usual ring of truth to it - zero.

The Marines are not looking for OBL. Task Force 88 (previously Task Force 145) are, and this does not include any American Marines.

Not seen or heard from? Try again.

July 24th, 2008, 07:25
A rather odd claim. Do you really believe the US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens and destroy two major landmarks, just to point the blame at Bin Laden? Bizarre. Don't forget the Pentagon.

Thus are myths made!

The combined total for all nationalities killed (at the Pentagon, the WTC and on the four flights) is less than 3000. Of the total, the figure for American citizens is fewer than 2500, and the remainder comprise citizens of more than 25 other countries.

July 24th, 2008, 09:45
I'm not an American and no great lover of US policy, but I do not believe that the US government would deliberately destroy major buildings in large cities and kill large numbers of people, whatever the statistics and whatever the nationalities. Nitpicking does not change facts.

Nitpicking inherently requires fastidious, meticulous attention to detail, and the Devil is in the detail.

July 24th, 2008, 13:26
Oh, gaydestination is a Troofer. There is no point in arguing with Troofers. EVERYTHING goes into the pot and proves them right. Just like the JFK assassination theorists, the Intelligent Design goof-balls, the Trilateral Commission nuts, the people who have been kidnapped by aliens: the list goes on and on...

Somebody, somewhere, made a good point: when something happens which absolutely shatters your world-view, you are quite likely to go into denial about that particular thing. A case in point: an American Communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, assassinated Kennedy. This particular FACT was so shattering to some on the left that they have spent their lives on the grassy knoll. Another case in point would be the terrorist attacks on 9/11 -- when a bunch of Arabs (mostly Saudi) made an unprovoked mass-murder attack on NYC and Washington. This was absolutely shattering to the world view of the multi-culti pacifist gang, so they went into denial. And they aren't coming out, they're just getting crazier. Sure, Osama Bin Laden is a guest of President Bush, and nobody knows...except (!) gaydestination!!!!!

Henry, you forgot to mention religion. Read The Lord's Prayer and you will see "Thy will be done"

So the terrorists were being directed by God (or at the very least God knew what they were going to do) so God is as guilty as Osama's driver who apparently knew where the 4th plane was headed and is now on trial in Guantanamo.

Send the Marines after God and all the bull-shitting preachers and mullahs everywhere and you might achieve something.

July 24th, 2008, 16:22
Hey gay destination, IтАЩm with you! A government which deceives the world by faking moon landings on a sound stage in Hollywood is certainly able to mastermind the 9/11 affair.

You make the decision to employ the тАЬIgnoreтАЭ option an easy one.

July 24th, 2008, 18:26
I joined the Peace Corps in 1968 because I didn't want to kill Vietnamese boys. Even way back then, I knew I wanted to kiss them.

In any case, when I came home in 1970, I was drafted, and presented with the following form:


[bla bla]

23. Have you now, or over, been involved in homosexual relations?

Well, what else could I do, as a patriotic American, but answer "Yes" to question #23??????

In those days, so many people lied about question #23 that I was required to provide evidence. I did.

I didn't dodge the draft, Bwana, the draft dodged me.

But thanks very much for the kind thoughts.

How did you provide evidence? What did they accept as evidence?

Just curious ;-)

July 24th, 2008, 18:53
How did you provide evidence? What did they accept as evidence? Just curious ;-)I've always envied (gay) Lytton Strachey's answer at his hearing to be considered a conscientious objector during the First World War (a much more honourable stance that draft-dodging)

Military Officer: "What would you do if you saw your sister being raped by a German soldier?"
Stratchey: "I would attempt to interpose myself between them"

July 25th, 2008, 01:44
I'm not an American and no great lover of US policy, but I do not believe that the US government would deliberately destroy major buildings in large cities and kill large numbers of people, whatever the statistics and whatever the nationalities. Nitpicking does not change facts.

Nitpicking inherently requires fastidious, meticulous attention to detail, and the Devil is in the detail.

What are you, cottman -- in real estate? OK, OK, so a mere 2,974 innocent civilians died. That's a really huge discrepancy from 3,000. Of course, we aren't counting the 19 hijackers themselves, or another 24 missing and presumed dead. Why, that would make 3,017 dead people.

So these are the details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks. But, even though people like to run around mouthing cliches such as "The Devil is in the details," I don't see any Devil presented by you. I only see idle nitpicking.

Very much like saying that only 5 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

July 25th, 2008, 01:52
I joined the Peace Corps in 1968 because I didn't want to kill Vietnamese boys. Even way back then, I knew I wanted to kiss them.

In any case, when I came home in 1970, I was drafted, and presented with the following form:


[bla bla]

23. Have you now, or over, been involved in homosexual relations?

Well, what else could I do, as a patriotic American, but answer "Yes" to question #23??????

In those days, so many people lied about question #23 that I was required to provide evidence. I did.

I didn't dodge the draft, Bwana, the draft dodged me.

But thanks very much for the kind thoughts.

How did you provide evidence? What did they accept as evidence?

Just curious ;-)

Well, if you were genuinely curious, you just might have read my answer to this very question, already posted.

July 25th, 2008, 01:59
Few people (as yet) realize that the U.S. and its allies toppled Saddam Hussein for one simple reason: they desperately wanted to recover a crashed UFO spacecraft.

If you doubt me, read the Troof here! --> http://english.pravda.ru/main/2003/01/31/42821.html

July 25th, 2008, 10:20
I'm not an American and no great lover of US policy, but I do not believe that the US government would deliberately destroy major buildings in large cities and kill large numbers of people, whatever the statistics and whatever the nationalities. Nitpicking does not change facts.

Nitpicking inherently requires fastidious, meticulous attention to detail, and the Devil is in the detail.

What are you, cottman -- in real estate? OK, OK, so a mere 2,974 innocent civilians died. That's a really huge discrepancy from 3,000. Of course, we aren't counting the 19 hijackers themselves, or another 24 missing and presumed dead. Why, that would make 3,017 dead people.

So these are the details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks. But, even though people like to run around mouthing cliches such as "The Devil is in the details," I don't see any Devil presented by you. I only see idle nitpicking.

Very much like saying that only 5 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Oh Henry - another one who can't understand what he reads, and chooses instead to insult - or try to insult - the poster! Even when you link to Wikipedia you still don't understand!

My posting was a response to one by fattmann that questioned whether [quote] "US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens" [end quote]. This figure of "3,000 citizens" has assumed the status of religious belief and is wrong - the total figure for ALL nationalities was 2974 - or 2998 if the missing are included - of whom the majority but not all were American citizens. In fact, more than 90 countries lost citizens on 9/11, which was the point of my posting but which you obviously missed - or ignored.

And if you're going to try to ridicule me, at least try do so with wit - and not with the half-witted comment at the end of your posting! I thought everyone knew (even those who'd been in the Peace Corps) that the accepted figure for the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was an estimated 5,709,329 (see http://history1900s.about.com/library/h ... bldied.htm (http://history1900s.about.com/library/holocaust/bldied.htm)) which is generally rounded up to 6 million.

July 25th, 2008, 12:54
....It's a much better idea to send the Marines. Oddly enough, since that happened, nobody has seen OBL or heard from him.

Well since this topic has gone so far off course I might as well just add this...


July 25th, 2008, 13:11
LOL :drunken:

July 25th, 2008, 13:49
....It's a much better idea to send the Marines. Oddly enough, since that happened, nobody has seen OBL or heard from him.

Well since this topic has gone so far off course I might as well just add this...


I guess that if (or perhaps when) the US/Israelis nuke Iran because the Iranians may have a bomb or two, you'll link to "We will all go together when we go"?

July 26th, 2008, 02:42
I'm not an American and no great lover of US policy, but I do not believe that the US government would deliberately destroy major buildings in large cities and kill large numbers of people, whatever the statistics and whatever the nationalities. Nitpicking does not change facts.

Nitpicking inherently requires fastidious, meticulous attention to detail, and the Devil is in the detail.

What are you, cottman -- in real estate? OK, OK, so a mere 2,974 innocent civilians died. That's a really huge discrepancy from 3,000. Of course, we aren't counting the 19 hijackers themselves, or another 24 missing and presumed dead. Why, that would make 3,017 dead people.

So these are the details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks. But, even though people like to run around mouthing cliches such as "The Devil is in the details," I don't see any Devil presented by you. I only see idle nitpicking.

Very much like saying that only 5 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Oh Henry - another one who can't understand what he reads, and chooses instead to insult - or try to insult - the poster! Even when you link to Wikipedia you still don't understand!

My posting was a response to one by fattmann that questioned whether
"US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens" [end quote]. This figure of "3,000 citizens" has assumed the status of religious belief and is wrong - the total figure for ALL nationalities was 2974 - or 2998 if the missing are included - of whom the majority but not all were American citizens. In fact, more than 90 countries lost citizens on 9/11, which was the point of my posting but which you obviously missed - or ignored.

And if you're going to try to ridicule me, at least try do so with wit - and not with the half-witted comment at the end of your posting! I thought everyone knew (even those who'd been in the Peace Corps) that the accepted figure for the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was an estimated 5,709,329 (see http://history1900s.about.com/library/h ... bldied.htm (http://history1900s.about.com/library/holocaust/bldied.htm)) which is generally rounded up to 6 million.

And your point is what? That fattmann was wrong by four or five hundred? Or that he made a tiny mistake in typing "its own citizens" instead of "innocent civilians?" I ask again: what Devil, in what details?

If you're going to go through Internet postings looking for these kinds of errors, you're going to be a very busy man!

I'll give you another hint: I don't edit my postings, I just send them in. This was not the case when I was writing for e.g. The Bangkok Post, and earning the princely sum of 1.5 baht per word.

Why not? you may ask, and thump your desk.

Well, it's because the pay for posting here is so very low.

Myself, I'd rather go through Internet postings and look for speling misteaks.

July 26th, 2008, 03:38
Quoth the cottmann:

I guess that if (or perhaps when) the US/Israelis nuke Iran because the Iranians may have a bomb or two, you'll link to "We will all go together when we go"?

Oh, Tom Lehrer is funny ("And I'm learning Chinese, says Werner Von Braun.")

But there is a disconnect here, somewhere, because I am willing to bet 50 baht that YOU, cottmann, get all hot under the collar about "a bomb or two" when they are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Am I right?

July 26th, 2008, 07:24
Quoth the cottmann:

I guess that if (or perhaps when) the US/Israelis nuke Iran because the Iranians may have a bomb or two, you'll link to "We will all go together when we go"?

Oh, Tom Lehrer is funny ("And I'm learning Chinese, says Werner Von Braun.")

But there is a disconnect here, somewhere, because I am willing to bet 50 baht that YOU, cottmann, get all hot under the collar about "a bomb or two" when they are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Am I right?

Yes ! It's the end of the week . :clown:

July 26th, 2008, 08:12
Quoth the cottmann:

I guess that if (or perhaps when) the US/Israelis nuke Iran because the Iranians may have a bomb or two, you'll link to "We will all go together when we go"?

Oh, Tom Lehrer is funny ("And I'm learning Chinese, says Werner Von Braun.")

But there is a disconnect here, somewhere, because I am willing to bet 50 baht that YOU, cottmann, get all hot under the collar about "a bomb or two" when they are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Am I right?


July 26th, 2008, 22:29
Quoth the cottmann:

I guess that if (or perhaps when) the US/Israelis nuke Iran because the Iranians may have a bomb or two, you'll link to "We will all go together when we go"?

Oh, Tom Lehrer is funny ("And I'm learning Chinese, says Werner Von Braun.")

But there is a disconnect here, somewhere, because I am willing to bet 50 baht that YOU, cottmann, get all hot under the collar about "a bomb or two" when they are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Am I right?


You seem not to care very much about nuclear weapons, as long as the victims are counted accurately. :-0

Every day is another surprise!!

July 26th, 2008, 22:55
Much as I hate to quibble with fattman, who is a very decent person, I believe that there is no way that the British government could have labelled George Washington as a "terrorist."

The first reason, and most obvious one, is that George Washington was not a terrorist. He was a general in charge of rebel troops, but there is no evidence that he murdered innocent civilians at random to begin a Reign of Terror.

Which leads to the second reason: the real Reign of Terror occurred under the Jacobins during the French Revolution, a few decades later. It is from that time and place that the English word "terrorist" dates -- not before then.

There was a very real difference between the "Enlightenment" as known in England, and the "Enlightenment" as known in continental Europe. This difference is still playing itself out. (For details, see Robert Conquest.)

July 27th, 2008, 05:49
the real Reign of Terror occurred under the Jacobins during the French Revolution, a few decades later. It is from that time and place that the English word "terrorist" dates -- not before then.Arguably, according the original meaning of the word, it is George Bush who is a terrorist - http://pragmasynesi.wordpress.com/2007/ ... terrorist/ (http://pragmasynesi.wordpress.com/2007/10/29/the-origin-of-the-word-terrorist/)

July 29th, 2008, 16:31
Interesting path of discussion considering the title of this post is "Love."

July 30th, 2008, 22:15
Interesting path of discussion considering the title of this post is "Love."

Well, just you try sending in a post called "Broiled Catfish" and see where it goes!

You may even wind up with people shouting "Nazi!" at one another!!! :-)