View Full Version : How do you know _ Are you Gay?

July 17th, 2008, 22:33
Since when you know that you are gay? Not everybody was always gay. I know many they have been married before.

July 17th, 2008, 22:43
The quick answer used to be "Examine your bed-partner carefully."

It is also a fact that many gay men get married because of social pressure.

And some men enjoy both sexes.

Finally, the only answer to the question is to look within yourself. One of the most memorable statements I have ever read came from a Thai, who admitted that, ever since he was a lad, he had enjoyed "looking at boys' arms and legs."

July 17th, 2008, 23:01
... from a very young age, when I knew I was interested in football, rugby and hanging around with the lads.

In fact, I was handling it quite well till I started going to gay clubs in my 20's when I started calling everybody Dorothy and Mary and sending for dresses out of catalgoues with the 14 day return option.

July 17th, 2008, 23:23
I can't believe it when I start to like boys - Oh my godness I am gay! I enjoy in sport always the shower afterwards.
Later at home I love to remember the pics from the shower room.

July 18th, 2008, 00:02
I knew I was gay from a very young age, when I knew I was interested in football, rugby and hanging around with the lads.

I knew I was gay at a young age when I realized I wasn't interested in sports but still enjoyed being around the lads.

In fact, I knew when I was four or five that there was something different (or as I now say "special") about me, but had no idea what it was. It would be another few years before I learned that there were unkind names for it.

I had no interest in playing "doctor" with the girls in the neighborhood; there wasn't anything there to play with.

I'm guessing that many who read this can also identify with thinking for at least a while that they were "the only one".

Let's hear it yet again for Judeo-Christian thinking and all the damage it's done throughout history. :cheers:

July 18th, 2008, 01:19
A guy named D'Augelli in 1994 came up with a model of gay and lesbian sexual identity development. It is an interesting model in that is proposes a series of six intersactive processes that lead to gay and lesbian identity. Other models (Vivian Cass, 1979) have proposed what is called a stage process. Individuals pass through a series of discrete stages - the end stage being an integrated gay or lesbian indentity.



IMHO - Intersting stuff but not for everyone.

July 18th, 2008, 01:34
I knew I was gay from a very young age, when I knew I was interested in football, rugby and hanging around with the lads.

I knew I was gay at a young age when I realized I wasn't interested in sports but still enjoyed being around the lads.

"wasn't" - I was taking the piss bao-bao - "was" is exactly what I meant!!

July 18th, 2008, 01:43
I wasn't sure until I got a raging hard on watching a video of El Duo singing Annie's Song (certainly one of the most insipid tunes of all time).

July 18th, 2008, 02:08
A guy named D'Augelli in 1994 came up with a model of gay and lesbian sexual identity development. It is an interesting model in that is proposes a series of six intersactive processes that lead to gay and lesbian identity. Other models (Vivian Cass, 1979) have proposed what is called a stage process. Individuals pass through a series of discrete stages - the end stage being an integrated gay or lesbian indentity.



IMHO - Intersting stuff but not for everyone.

This stuff may be interesting for those who grew up in homophobic cultures.

July 18th, 2008, 06:54
... In fact, I was handling it quite well till I started going to gay clubs in my 20's when I started calling everybody Dorothy and Mary ....
Well, congratulations on being able to leave that gruesome affectation behind. Can't think of any more tedious 'gay' stuff other than Pattaya cabaret shows (lipsynching, drag, wigs, makeup etc etc). One day they'll end soon as well.

Cheers ...

July 18th, 2008, 08:47
Since when you know that you are gay? Not everybody was always gay. I know many they have been married before.

Since well before puberty hit. Never been married, never been interested in being married, and certainly never been at all interested in calling another guy "Dorothy" and/or wearing a frock and lipstick! I'm a man who happens to like other men - though I do have a weakness for slighter guys rather than muscle Marys.

July 18th, 2008, 15:53
... certainly never been at all interested in calling another guy "Dorothy" and/or wearing a frock and lipstick! Unlike our old chum x-in-pattaya, who was sacked for singing Judy Garland songs in the company showers then?

July 18th, 2008, 16:39
I knew my whole life that I'm also more interested in guys and have some experience in Europe. But since I 'm in Thailand I live a free and open gay life. That's what I looking for my whole life. The discussion about how much we spent for the boys is sometimes to much. Many guys I know back in Europe they lost everything when they get devoted from their wife.
So what the different? Here we pay during our fun and the guys in Europe pay when the fun is long time over. And the lost in Europe is often much much higher. Here it's up to you how much you are willing to spend, in Europe a court often tell you how much you have to pay. Month by month when the fun is over. It's good to be gay in Thailand

I enjoy my gay life and have the expenses under control. The condo is my.
Nice picture Thai-Magic

July 18th, 2008, 19:26
I love to remember when I put my dick the first time in a nice softy ass. Oh my God. It was bareback and I never forget.
From this day I was gay 100%. Before I have relations with women too but never so happy like this time.
No more girls anymore I did know what I want from that day.

July 18th, 2008, 22:25
The discussion about how much we spent for the boys is sometimes to much. Many guys I know back in Europe they lost everything when they get devoted from their wife.

Um....that should be "divorced." :-) :-) :-)

It's odd how divorce is always a financial disaster for the man, and almost never a financial disaster for the woman. After all, "men and women are interchangeable parts!"

Of course, heterosexual marriage is something blessed by society and the Church, and nevernevernever involves anything as nasty as money! So says Walt Disney, and so say all of us! :-) :-) :-)

July 19th, 2008, 06:25
Thats the real story:

July 19th, 2008, 09:35
I was married and in College when I noticed I never looked at the women with lust, but every good looking guy turned my head. I figured there was no need to deny it any longer and proceeded to have an affair with the guy that sat beside me in class. He had a wonderfully large dick and a passionate kiss. There was no Turing back, in 3 more years I was leaving my beautiful wife for a tall blond boy next door. I am not sure when I was gay, very young I think. I just assumed it was something I would out grow. Sorry 55 and still love boys of all colors and kinds.


July 19th, 2008, 10:36
There was no Turing backIndeed, and as my niece Aunty, the renowned scientist, will tell you, Alan Turing was himself gay - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing - but perhaps you already knew that?

July 21st, 2008, 04:49
Here a good gay test for the guys you like and not sure about.

July 21st, 2008, 12:28
Yo tambien :cheers:

July 22nd, 2008, 07:10
There was no Turing backIndeed, and as my niece Aunty, the renowned scientist, will tell you, Alan Turing was himself gay - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing - but perhaps you already knew that?

The sadness is that in his great Genius as in yours is to try to find someone to blame for injustice, rather than accepting responsibility for yourself you blame evil on others to justify your own behavior. So, such a loss in as much as this one act of seemingly injustice of some preconceived action of an infallible God gave rise to Atheism rather than acceptance of the fact that there are some things we do not understand. His lack of understanding that good and evil happens to all men ruined his life as a scientist taking upon himself the fact that God was nether involved or created the death of his lover, but simply let nature take its course after drinking some bad milk. To blame God for his drinking of the milk was a way of saying I have found something I do not understand, being such a genius was a paradox for his logic. Thus blame God or assume that there is none makes the injustice right. The truth is if he lived in our age he could have rode bareback got sick and died thus, there is no God since that seems to be the only logical reason for the suffering of man. Facts are God nether stopped him from drinking the bad milk or involved himself in the out come thus there must be no God. Logical admittedly but lacks the basics of all belief in a higher being including Buddhism and that God has a non interference treaty with man. So, transcendentalism can take you into the obvious. Either their is an intelligent design that created the universe then allowed things to take its natural course or, that God created the universe and he is totally responsible for all things good and evil. I think it is more important to smell the milk before you drink it, rather than blame the consequence on God


July 22nd, 2008, 08:11
I think it is more important to smell the milk before you drink it, rather than blame the consequence on GodI'm not sure how you can blame someone that in all probability doesn't exist. I'm much more interested in dealing honorably with my fellow man than living according to the dictates of some monster devoid of all morality who decides that someone is gay (or not), as you do

July 22nd, 2008, 08:30
I am not blaming God at all for my delight in boys of all kinds, whether it was god genetics or mom, thank God or mom or natural selection that I am. I am simply saying that if it is Gods fault I am so happy then thanks, if mom then thanks, if genetics thank God for such a wondrous thing as the human anatomy. You wrongly assert I see this as something bad, it is the reverse. I glory in my life and love it as it is, I m sad for those who live under the burden of the supposition that God mom or anyone is to blame for such a wonderful and full life style.


July 22nd, 2008, 09:23
I am not blaming God at all for my delight in boys of all kinds, whether it was god genetics or mom, thank God or mom or natural selection that I am.This directly contradicts a statement you made last week that since God had made you gay then it's OK to be gay

July 22nd, 2008, 09:29
I see this silly spate has spilled over into two threads. Is it a private spate, or can we ll join in?I thought he was a damn fool much earlier in his posting career and had him on {Ignore}. Then I relented. Now he's back on {Ignore} (as of now)

July 22nd, 2008, 10:19
Jesus, girls, why don't you PM each other with this sparkling repartee?

P.S. By "PM", I didn't mean "private message" but "pre-menstrual", given the girly gaggling going on.

P.S.S. What's sillier than placing the relatively innocuous on ignore is the grand announcement (like somebody gives a shit?) that you're putting somebody on ignore. Lordy, lordy, stop the friggin' world for this one!

P.S.S.S. Sorry for the interruption, carry on......I need to go change my Tampax.

July 22nd, 2008, 11:37
Jesus, girls, why don't you PM each other with this sparkling repartee?

P.S. By "PM", I didn't mean "private message" but "pre-menstrual", given the girly gaggling going on.

P.S.S. What's sillier than placing the relatively innocuous on ignore is the grand announcement (like somebody gives a shit?) that you're putting somebody on ignore. Lordy, lordy, stop the friggin' world for this one!

P.S.S.S. Sorry for the interruption, carry on......I need to go change my Tampax.

I agree, can I help you get your Tampax in. Actually I could care less about the old cunt, he has been sparring with everyone for so long I was surprised he let me get this for before he decided to bore the world with such theological nonsense, Actually I am not the one I am referring to, however if the catholic Filipino's need for God to say they are okay Then let them find an excuse that will let their conscience allow them to play. personally I accepted myself regardless of God mom or genetics long ago.

However you are right, enough is enough, should he reply I will not on either threads.

