View Full Version : a follow up on funeral expenses

July 16th, 2008, 11:48
Since my post doesn't match the funeral expenses topic, here a new one:

In the funeral topic the "loosing face" thing came up. A very important matter which can be very expensive.

One of my earlier bf's managed to get involved in a motorbike accident on the night before his "going home long time" and just after I promised him to take care him until he was at home. I don't know why I promised this, but I did.
After the accident he was rushed to PMH and from there to Chonburi Hospital where he traveled between life and death for several days.
His older brother came to take care of his younger brother, a friend was there once and a while and I traveled almost every day on my motorbike between PTT and CHB.
After 3 days a delegation from my bf's home village arrived: 3 aunts, 2 uncles, mama, 2 nieces and 1 nephew. Most of the delegates went straight to their dearly beloved in PTT and only mama stayed around the hospital. For the first night I arranged some kind of lodging and they took care of the rest.

After a few days of enjoyment, the delegates gathered at the Chonburi Hospital and were waiting for.........yes for what?
After a few hours of waiting, someone got the nerve and the guts to ask me to pay for the minivan home.......to Udon Thani.
I thought about it for a minute and got the solution:
"I promised my friend and your son to take care of him until he would be at home. If you insist on me paying for your bus fares, that's okay, but than I'll return home instantly and won't pay any attention anymore to your son! Make your choice!"
After half an hour debating and throwing very nasty 'eyes' in my direction, they came up with the idea to pay for the bus fare themselves. Problem solved.

After 3 weeks my bf was pronounced........fitt enough to be moved to Udon Thani Hospital, so an ambulance was arranged to take care of this transport. I paid for the ambulance: THB 14,000. Another 3 weeks later he was able to return home and I took care of it too. I bought some special furniture, a proper bed, some children toys with a lot of colors, a fan and some small stuff.
Oh don't start thinking nasty things with the children toys: My bf suffered from a swollen inner-brain which caused a state of being 3 or 4 year old. Speaking, reading, walking were things which should be thaught again.

In the first 2 years after the accident, I visited my friend several times and always left some cash, goodies or other necesaary things behind. At some point, the family organized a new years party and about 40 people joined in. Some monks were there and I was symbolly-wise bounded with my friend. It looked very like a marriage and some Thai told me afterwards that it was in fact a marriage-ceremony (bwaahh).
The parents of my friend explained that they were very angry a lot of times when my bf didn't get any money to send home, or when I refused to pay for the minivan from Chonburi to Udon Thani, but at that moment they compared me with a Buddha. If I wasn't in the hospitals to take care of things he would have died. It's not the money I spend, but more the fact that I forced people to act and told them to do what they should do.

It's now more than 4 years ago since this happened, and I decided to cut off the weekly contact. My distant friend is able to walk and talk, but he will always be disabled.

July 21st, 2008, 19:22
wow... that's really sad what happened to such a young guy.

It's good that you took care of him as long as you did.