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View Full Version : El Duo live and Thank you

July 15th, 2008, 14:08
Hi guys
Just to say thank you to discus our performance in the future so much. Thank you for visiting our website. Thanks for your e-mails and for sure we will try to follow up your song requests starting from August 2nd in Cafe Royal.
On July 20th we will have a show at the 3 Divas Night at Cafe Royal.
On July 26th we will try to say hello on the GayTingTong party.
From August 2nd we are regular at Cafe Royal and hope to see you there regular to sing with us.
Feel free to send us an mail with your special requests or inform us by mail if you come for a birthday, anniversary or other
special event.
So we will prepare our self a little bit and make this evening unforgettable for you .
See you soon on July 20th in Cafe Royal

Richard & DK
El Duo

July 15th, 2008, 14:42
dont forget to drop into Bangkok now and again!

July 15th, 2008, 14:48
When I register for the newsletter on

When and how often you send a newsletter.
Guys you are so great. I am looking forward to see you soon in Cafe Royal.

July 15th, 2008, 16:36
Maybe its better to move afe Royal to the indoor sport stadium in Jomtien.
By the sounds of it, CR might have a problem from the 2nd of next month.

Tip for Richard & DK: stay behind the piano guys.........

July 15th, 2008, 17:22
I look forward to seeing you guys perform in the near future..
One friend of mine was very impressed with your rendition of "achy breaky heart" and eager to see
you guys perform again.. I will arrange a group of us to catch you at Cafe Royal..

One bit of caution: There are several trolls who reside on this forum, so you should be prepared if they
behave boorishly and act like jerks.. Just put them on ignore and they will disappear... choke dee . :cat:

July 15th, 2008, 20:05
I am sure the 2 guys are strong enough to take some comments with humor but I am sure too that most of all here are respect them too. Doesn't matter how ever they think about there shows and performance.
It will be a great time with them - hopefully for a long time.
Did you load down the music of them for free? Or even the videos.


July 15th, 2008, 21:13
One bit of caution[/color]: There are several trolls who reside on this forum, so you should be prepared if they behave boorishly and act like jerks.. Just put them on ignore and they will disappear... choke dee . :cat:

and for these bored pathetic old farts shamelessly behaving like gigling high school girls in heat - anything less than a praise for the (not so) fabulous duo is considered Trolling..... get a life :puke:

July 15th, 2008, 21:30
I am sure they are strong enough to handle that all.

July 15th, 2008, 22:33
I take it that El Duo are two Thai singers... are they from the area or what? What kind of songs do they sing?

July 15th, 2008, 22:41
They are 2 Philippines and singing nearly everything - But they very good in RnB
watch the videos and listen the miusic on there website. In moment you can load down all of that for free.
They happy when you enjoy the music.

Have a look:

July 15th, 2008, 22:45
Does anybody know if they are boyfriends? Maybe they are a couple?

July 16th, 2008, 15:19
Thanks for the feedback and we will answer your questions soon here.

Richard & DK
EL Duo

July 16th, 2008, 18:06
Hope you answer soon El Duo - cant wait so long.

July 16th, 2008, 18:11
I could be wrong but from your picture Tony.. I think they do more than just sing - this could be your lucky day Tony! :idea:

July 16th, 2008, 18:15
for sure and this guy too.
More you can see and hear on www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com)
Nice website

July 16th, 2008, 18:19
Believe me - they just sing. No more. But very charming nice and friendly.

July 16th, 2008, 18:20
for sure and this guy too.
More you can see and hear on www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com)
Nice website

Nah!! I like the 1st one... this guy is a bit plump - you can have him :alien:

July 16th, 2008, 21:11
yes, they are both cute young gay guys. they both have profiles in gayromeo. so what? it doesnt have anything to do with their stage show. arent they entitled to a private life? and what have they done to deserve some of the personal remarks in this thread? (and to pre-empt the expected replies, no I am not personally involved with either of them)

July 17th, 2008, 11:11
Thanks for the feedback and here some answers to your questions:

We will send our first newsletter during the next couple days. We want to inform our fans and friends always first in the future and keep this as a way to keep in touch with you where ever you are in the world.

Here you can register http://www.el-duo.com/fanzone.php
or send us an e-mail info@el-duo.com

The song "achy breaky heart" as you wrote we will bring as our new video soon. You will be informed by our newsletter.
For the time being enjoy our other videos:

We (Richard & DK) are not boyfriends. We are very good friends like brothers and partners for the job. Read our story on our website "About us" http://www.el-duo.com/about.php

Dave, thanks for your support. Our job is to entertain and if we also entertaining here in this forum we are fine. We know who we are and what are we doing. No problem for us. For all the rest who never meet us come and talk to us we not dangerous.

We are looking forward to hear from you again and see you on Sunday night in Cafe Royal

Richard & DK
EL Duo

July 17th, 2008, 13:42
Means they are both single? Soooo will try my best next time in Cafe Royal.

July 17th, 2008, 16:26
sounds good - pascal, one for you and one for me. Will be fun next in Cafe Royal.

July 17th, 2008, 17:09
... in the event I miss your first show (and I don't want to miss it), just to let you know "I had a wonderful time".

July 17th, 2008, 17:16
WhiteD what event you mean?
Guess these follow videos are from last year at Jomtien Complex live?



July 17th, 2008, 17:37
So who was it -- gaydestination or toni6969 -- who wrote this little bit of gushery on the El Duo website?

When I first met Richard I knew I was in the presence of a dynamic personality. Though he was performing with thel charity group he stood out a mile as a distinctive person who should, if he already hadn't, go far. Calm, cool and confident he performed ballads and songs that we "oldies" fondly remembered and were able to sing along with. St George's Day will never be the same again!

In conversation between sets he revealed that he had a partner DK who was not around that night but back in the Philippines and that they performed under the name as El Duo. My mind boggled, if DK was anything like Richard then they had a fan for life. It was sometime later that I was to meet DK and there was no disappointment. I watched one of His performance and I was amazed with His lovely high voice, because he put a lot of soul in His song, and I say that was awesomeтАж

El Duo are no new-comers to the entertainment business. In the Philippines they were members of a group called "The Toys" rather like NSYNC, WESTLIFE with a live band from 2000 - 2004. They were also in the boy group D POINT Guyz. They played, surprisingly, singers in the movie Kiliti (Tickle) and are featured on a Christmas Album "Kiliti ng Pasko" , Richard Claudio and Dean Kristopher (D.K.) both class themselves as ballad singers with Richard calling himself a Sexy Balladier (and quite rightly to, DK admits to liking R and B but both can throw themselves in to pop and rock. Rather different from their original chosen careers and qualifications from College Richard in Communications and DK with AB in Political Science and would have followed by further training as a lawyer.

Since arriving in Thailand back in May/June last year they have wowed the Bangkok scene and Richard and Dk has travelled around Chiang Mai, Pitsanaluk, and Bangkok. Not surprisingly Richard says that many people throw not only themselves into their presence but also are very generous with their presents.

Having become hearthrobs for the older generation they are little changed from the people who arrived here, on the scene, so to speak a year ago. DK has two sons back in the Philippines and Richard enjoys his freedom still. Both retain that wonderful air of eternal youth and DK admits to being 25 and Richard says as 23 (Think he needs to check on his counting there, looking back on what he has done since leaving school!) No one can blame them for accepting that they have captured the hearts of many, male and female alike, especially recently in Pattaya.

They certainly threw themselves into their set at the Pattaya, Festival Street Party earlier this year and gained many new admirers. When asked about how they saw differences between Thailand and the Philippines, Bangkok and Pattaya it was interesting that they first noted how generous people were in Thailand, and Bangkok in particular, then the open friendliness of the people here in Thailand. They have voted the shows better here in Pattaya, but tips much better in Bangkok - so you guys out there put your hands a bit deeper in your pockets next time you see them.

Looking to the future they enjoy life here saying that the cultures are different between the two countries and things are more open here and the people seem friendlier and out-going. Which helps them enjoy the adulation they have received. They would like to be more creative again, would like a keyboard player at least to join with them and maybe cut some more discs. e-mails at info@el-duo.com

We wish them well with their continued charity entertainment gigs and, speaking no doubt for many, hope that they will be around for a long time and hope they might make some music videos/discs here soon.

Don't forget if you want to have them perform for your party/charity night e-mail them on info@el-duo.com

July 17th, 2008, 17:38
One further question: do the lads have work permits to allow them to perform legally in Thailand?

July 17th, 2008, 17:56
One further question: do the lads have work permits to allow them to perform legally in Thailand?

huh? :idea: Work permit? :idea: What's that? :idea: :drunken: :drunken:

July 17th, 2008, 18:02
One further question: do the lads have work permits to allow them to perform legally in Thailand?

huh? :idea: Work permit? :idea: What's that? :idea: :drunken: :drunken:

As suspected. The gushing farang groupies here would therefore probably be doing them more of a favor if they kept things a little more low profile. I'm sure the lads would be very popular at the Suan Plu immigration lock-up, though.

July 17th, 2008, 18:04
[quote="Chao Na":1rwaemny]One further question: do the lads have work permits to allow them to perform legally in Thailand?

huh? :idea: Work permit? :idea: What's that? :idea: :drunken: :drunken:

As suspected. The gushing farang groupies here would therefore probably be doing them more of a favor if they kept things a little more low profile. I'm sure the lads would be very popular at the Suan Plu immigration lock-up, though.[/quote:1rwaemny]

maybe they will change the name to "El Do Us?" :colors:

July 17th, 2008, 18:08
Or, possibly "El Du-O My God We're in the Big House Awaiting Deportation".

July 17th, 2008, 18:17
Chao Na on one other topic I ask someone not to call you "asshole" but what I try to find out is what's wrong with your life that you are always so bad thinking and posting? Something wrong in your life? You not happy or just jailous for people who are able to enjoy the good side of life? Why you acting like this? You are not stupid. I guess your problem is much deeper. Try to get some help.

July 17th, 2008, 18:21
I do not wish these young lads ill. But their farang promoters are putting them at significant risk by their over-the-to gushing. I'm calling this to their attention in an effort to help prevent them from getting into any trouble. The more you put the spotlight on someone, the higher the risk that other people (Thai entertainers, other bar owners, possibly) might seek to cause trouble. This warning is meant in the boys' best interest.

July 17th, 2008, 19:11
One further question: do the lads have work permits to allow them to perform legally in Thailand?

just ask the lads if they have fond memories of Hua Hin - the answer to that question should be the opposite of the answer to your question.


July 17th, 2008, 19:38
What's in Hua Hin?

July 17th, 2008, 19:59
Thanks for the compliment Chao Na but this report is not from me. Wish I could write like that and I would answer here much more often with some stories. Good luck for you I am not.

As I know the Cafe Royal applied for a work permit for both of them. Richard & DK informing every time the Immigration when they going to sing for a charity event and get permission. In this case now (from August 2) that is business and regular and there for the application for the work permit is in procedure. They have looked for a job like that more than 2 years now in Thailand. In Bangkok they used to sing in 2006 in a bar without anything and just a tip.
And THANK YOU very much to Cafe Royal to spend the money for 2 new work permits, trust and counting on them.
Believe me they will not perform on August 2nd if the dont have any blue book with there permission. They did learned there lesson. But as I know everything is running fine.
They rehearsal a lot and going regular to the gym (California) in moment to be in the perfect shape for all there fans.

July 17th, 2008, 20:17
Thanks for the compliment Chao Na but this report is not from me. Wish I could write like that and I would answer here much more often with some stories. Good luck for you I am not.

As I know the Cafe Royal applied for a work permit for both of them. Richard & DK informing every time the Immigration when they going to sing for a charity event and get permission. In this case now (from August 2) that is business and regular and there for the application for the work permit is in procedure. They have looked for a job like that more than 2 years now in Thailand. In Bangkok they used to sing in 2006 in a bar without anything and just a tip.
And THANK YOU very much to Cafe Royal to spend the money for 2 new work permits, trust and counting on them.
Believe me they will not perform on August 2nd if the dont have any blue book with there permission. They did learned there lesson. But as I know everything is running fine.
They rehearsal a lot and going regular to the gym (California) in moment to be in the perfect shape for all there fans.

Hmmmmm, Tony you sound more and more like their promoter/manager... how much is your cut? :geek:

July 17th, 2008, 20:55
A fan is also always a promoter. The different is the fan as promoter pay mostly and a real manager/promoter receiving benefits. I'm not. Go and ask Cafe Royal the guys dealing direct with the management. Usually it's the job of Cafe Royal to promote them. Not just a flyer and hope anybody comes.
How ever I hope they have a great and successful time with Cafe Royal and hope you all going to support them - they deserve it. I will be there for sure.

July 17th, 2008, 21:01
A fan is also always a promoter. The different is the fan as promoter pay mostly and a real manager/promoter receiving benefits. I'm not. Go and ask Cafe Royal the guys dealing direct with the management. Usually it's the job of Cafe Royal to promote them. Not just a flyer and hope anybody comes.
How ever I hope they have a great and successful time with Cafe Royal and hope you all going to support them - they deserve it. I will be there for sure.

I can't seem to get a grip on this one but your supper hipe promotion seems somewhat Niddy's-Nook-ish when they were promoting the Best Hambuger in town. I hope you have a work permit as a promoter :geek:

July 17th, 2008, 21:12
That's why I am not the promoter or manager. But I have a work permit too. I am not retired. Maybe when they both founding there own entertainment company they will hire me as promoter? smile But I am expensive!

July 17th, 2008, 21:14
Maybe when they both founding there own entertainment company they will hire me as promoter?

Hopefully, they'll have enough sense to hire someone who at least can spell.

July 17th, 2008, 21:18
That's why I am not the promoter or manager. But I have a work permit too. I am not retired. Maybe when they both founding there own entertainment company they will hire me as promoter? smile But I am expensive!

Well I'm not expensive :drunken: so maybe you can hire me... and here's my moto:

July 17th, 2008, 21:27
I hoope Chao Na when I am at the end of my life like you now I will be same perfect as you. But at the day you are already in the temple or whereelse I am still here in this forum.
If you want a perfect gramma let continue in Dutch or German. Hope this forum is not only for British and Americans?

July 17th, 2008, 21:29
I hoope Chao Na when I am at the end of my life like you now I will be same perfect as you.

Is this some kind of sick threat on my life?

July 17th, 2008, 21:34
Didn't take long for this thread to deteriorate into a few nasty swipes, now, did it?

Why question whether the lads have proper visas to perform in Thailand? And, of course, why insinuate that they don't? All, of course, under the cover of looking out for "the boys' best interests..."

Especially, when in fact, it seems they DO have the proper visa.

I know, I know: DFTT !

July 17th, 2008, 21:35
No threat - You must be at the end of your life otherwise you would not acting like that. Only biter old grandfathers acting like you. Thats why. Retired, no future anymore and regret about all the activities you not did in your life. But dont worry You are not the only one.

July 17th, 2008, 21:37
Not old and not retired. Two strikes for you, Toni.

And based on how you're swooning like a schoolgirl over these two nominally talented Flip twinkie boys, I'd guess you're around 12.

July 17th, 2008, 21:43
New here and a friend told me I should join this forum but what kind of guys you are? Why you not discus the topic. I don't care how old are you. What makes this elduo so special?

July 17th, 2008, 22:29
Does that mean after all of these years Cafe Royale is finally replacing Khun Toi? (Nothing against the soloist but after a while it was like watching a re-run (just like the cabaret -if you call it that- at BoyzBoyz) :wav: :wav:

July 17th, 2008, 22:38
What passes for entertainment in places like Pattaya/Jomtien( if one leaves go go bars and boys in their undershorts aside),
are 1950's type homosexual stereotypes drag queen acts.
Lip-syncing drag queens and glitter, feathers, boas, sequins and unfortunately most of the farang entertainers are painful
on the eyes and just tedious..
If 60 or 70 y.o. drag queens of massive girth are not your thing, then you have the more attractive Thai kateoys lady-boys
lip-syncing and althou they are younger and a third the kilos, it is not entertainment but torture inflicted on gay men by
those gay-men with their mindset in the late 1950's- early 1960's.

So it is the movies or bowling or the karaokes/discos and sometimes one needs to do something a little different..

To have attractive young men singing in English is a pleasure that many of us eagerly await.. Years ago, Toi at Icon and later Cafe Royal
was the star of the piano bar set but how many times can you listen to the same entertainer..
If El Duo can handle "achy breaky heart" to the satisfaction of my Cajun friend, then they are worth going to see and supporting..

Unfortunately, they threaten some of the posters here as they are young and attractive and have talent and they don't wear
tight dresses with high heel pumps and tons of makeup..

What makes them special is their relative uniqueness in this desert of musical entertainment.. sometimes you just want to do something
different and I am eagerly awaiting their run at Cafe Royal.. The silly geese who criticize and leer at the duo, can keep the Dolly Sisters and Madame Jim and live in the distant past.. :cat:

July 17th, 2008, 23:01
The silly geese who criticize ............. and Madame Jim and live in the distant past.. :cat:

Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil4: :evil4: I thought we are suppose to mention...that!.... that!!!........ WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry8:

July 18th, 2008, 02:50
Just to share a nice pic with all you guys.
More on
www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com)

July 18th, 2008, 03:18
Tony is ur name Antoine by any change?

July 18th, 2008, 03:38
I am not from France. Who is Antione and by the way whats your name? I mean even it would you could ask a question like that also in a private message.
I know only Antoine de Saint-Exup├йry - The little Price

July 18th, 2008, 04:14
What passes for entertainment in places like Pattaya/Jomtien( if one leaves go go bars and boys in their undershorts aside),
are 1950's type homosexual stereotypes drag queen acts.
Lip-syncing drag queens and glitter, feathers, boas, sequins and unfortunately most of the farang entertainers are painful
on the eyes and just tedious..
If 60 or 70 y.o. drag queens of massive girth are not your thing, then you have the more attractive Thai kateoys lady-boys
lip-syncing and althou they are younger and a third the kilos, it is not entertainment but torture inflicted on gay men by
those gay-men with their mindset in the late 1950's- early 1960's.

So it is the movies or bowling or the karaokes/discos and sometimes one needs to do something a little different..

To have attractive young men singing in English is a pleasure that many of us eagerly await.. Years ago, Toi at Icon and later Cafe Royal
was the star of the piano bar set but how many times can you listen to the same entertainer..
If El Duo can handle "achy breaky heart" to the satisfaction of my Cajun friend, then they are worth going to see and supporting..

Unfortunately, they threaten some of the posters here as they are young and attractive and have talent and they don't wear
tight dresses with high heel pumps and tons of makeup..

What makes them special is their relative uniqueness in this desert of musical entertainment.. sometimes you just want to do something
different and I am eagerly awaiting their run at Cafe Royal.. The silly geese who criticize and leer at the duo, can keep the Dolly Sisters and Madame Jim and live in the distant past.. :cat: i can not wait tos ee them ,hope they will be still around in september ,i am sure it will bringa little life back to pataya,it certainly needs something new right now,to drw those customers back ,and i think this will be just great .Good luck guys

July 18th, 2008, 07:59
Hello to all. My name is Tom Kalb and I am the Manager of Le Caf้e Royale. I have read with interest all of the posts recently in regards to El Duo and I wanted to make sure that the correct information is known to all.

Le Caf้e Royale is proud to announce that Richard & DK will be performing 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) from 9:45 pm. to 1:00 am. beginning on August 2nd. We want everyone to know that we have gone through all the legal paperwork and associated expenses in order to get them work permits. We are currently awaiting the final approval from the labor department. We would never put them or our hotel in jeopardy by having them perform without the proper paperwork. The addition of El Duo will be a wonderful asset for our Piano Bar as well as being a venue where El Duo will have the opportunity to shine. Along with El Duo, Toi will still be singing full time at Le Cafe Royale and we are very pleased that we will now have more variety for our guests and customers.

We are currently building a new stage for El Duo and are working with them to facilitate their lighting and sound system requirements. We hope that with the addition of El Duo we will be able to offer all of you a new option for your evening entertainment.

This Sunday (July 20) we are having a PGF charity event with "The 3 Divas." El Duo is also scheduled to perform as they are getting special permission to work that night from the immigration department while their work permits are being processed. Dinner begins at 8:30 and the show begins at 10:00.

We look forward to seeing you at Le Cafe้ Royale and thank you all for your support of El Duo.

July 18th, 2008, 09:05
The manager of Le Royale Cafe says: " Along with El Duo, Toi will still be singing full time at Le Cafe Royale ..."
Let's hope there is more of a variety of songs/ music between the two acts.

(Yes, Boystown needs to change their old, worn out entertainment venues...)

July 18th, 2008, 16:14
Thank you Tom Kalb. That shows me you are care these guys.
Wish you all the best with El Duo and hope the people of Pattaya will appreciate it.

July 18th, 2008, 16:40
What passes for entertainment in places like Pattaya/Jomtien( if one leaves go go bars and boys in their undershorts aside), are 1950's type homosexual stereotypes drag queen acts.And you still don't understand why sensible people recoil from going there? :cyclopsani:

July 18th, 2008, 18:33
Very good statement and makes everything clear to all the guys who thinking about your business and all the paper work.
Thank you so much for supporting these 2 EL DUO guys and YES for sure Cafe Royal have a new "promoter"
Everybody should know that Cafe Royal spend the money for change and new entertainment in Boyztown.
Guys if anybody of you have ever been in business you know how hard it is to make things run. Let show all the others that it makes senses to go new ways and invest in new entertainment. In the end it will be your benefit too.
Richard told me yesterday: "We are not just singer we are also dancer and will have a surprise performance on Sunday Night in Cafe Royal." So move your body and show up.
Tom, to you and your team GOOD LUCK

July 18th, 2008, 19:42
So toni6969 Now Cafe Royal took action. Guess someone told them your advise to promote them. This Tom Kalb just registered for this answer i guess. But anyway it's sounds all fine and we will see how it's going on.

July 18th, 2008, 23:29
2 days an they are back on stage in Pattaya.
For all who cant wait to see them, go on

www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com)

and you will find all the music and video you need for a lonely Friday night.
The follow pic is El Duo on Tour in the Philippines

July 19th, 2008, 00:16
Never met these guys from El Duo but now I will have a look on Sunday night. But toni if they are not that good as you promoting here better don't show up here on coming Monday.

July 19th, 2008, 06:11
Dear El Duo
Thanks for answering my mail and hope to see the new videos soon on your website. Better is for sure live tomorrow. I will be there.

July 19th, 2008, 08:25
wow these two guys are so cute
i like the videos of them so much. hope i will see them live soon.

July 19th, 2008, 08:36
Four pages of over wrought gushing by many brand new posters over two decent-looking Asian dudes who sing a whole bucketful of shmaltzy lounge lizard songs from the 70's. John Denver!??

Good luck to 'em. Anybody smell a flood?

'Snoopy' - 2 posts
'Gaydestination' - 22 posts
'Thai Magic' - 4 posts
'Toni6969' - 38 posts (most of them in this thread)
'Pascal' - 12 posts
'Tomkalb' (Himself) - 1 post
'El Duo' (Themselves) - 3 posts

Cheers ...

July 19th, 2008, 09:32
Four pages of over wrought gushing by many brand new posters over two decent-looking Asian dudes who sing a whole bucketful of shmaltzy lounge lizard songs from the 70's. John Denver!??

Good luck to 'em. Anybody smell a flood?

'Snoopy' - 2 posts
'Gaydestination' - 22 posts
'Thai Magic' - 4 posts
'Toni6969' - 38 posts (most of them in this thread)
'Pascal' - 12 posts
'Tomkalb' (Himself) - 1 post
'El Duo' (Themselves) - 3 posts

Cheers ...

What about moi & Chao Na????? :idea: :idea: I think they should hire that guy from Niddy's Nook to (Shamelessly) promote these lads :pukeright:

July 19th, 2008, 10:40
I think they should hire that guy from Niddy's Nook to (Shamelessly) promote these ladsYes, whatever happened to Chris and the hamburger from hell?

July 19th, 2008, 10:44
I think they should hire that guy from Niddy's Nook to (Shamelessly) promote these ladsYes, whatever happened to Chris and the hamburger from hell?

He now runs a small hamburger joint called "Mc Death" next to "Hell Taco" :alien: in Sunee

July 19th, 2008, 10:50
He now runs a small hamburger joint called "Mc Death" next to "Hell Taco" :alien: in SuneeA friend of mine wants to run a combined Big Mac McDonalds/ Dairy Queen franchise and aim at the pink dollar by calling his place "The Size Queen"

July 19th, 2008, 10:56
He now runs a small hamburger joint called "Mc Death" next to "Hell Taco" :alien: in SuneeA friend of mine wants to run a combined Big Mac McDonalds/ Dairy Queen franchise and aim at the pink dollar by calling his place "The Size Queen"

It certainly would be if your fat arse wobbled in.

July 19th, 2008, 11:16
... thanks to the poster who PMed me the content of Aunty's latest offering within milliseconds of it being posted. My fans are legion. Tourette made the same remark about my undulating posterior at the family Christmas lunch a couple of years ago. I knew there'd be problems when family members of mine started posting in Forums I had considered my own preserve. I understand that Aunty claims to be "mad Beryl's obsession". You have to wonder whether the obsession really lies with my niece and not with me. The family Christmas this year may turn out to be interesting after all

July 19th, 2008, 15:11
I can get a bite out of the old fool every time!

July 19th, 2008, 15:33
Smiles, Thank you so much for your statistic.
But whats wrong with, when people joining a forum or a topic. The forum live from that.
For you now one more picture of these 2 nice guys "El Duo". Hope to see you there tomorrow because the 3 Divas are acting also there - Maybe it's more your taste.
There are many guys who like the music of El Duo and you will see by tomorrow what they are able to do more.
Sorry but nobody really want to discus any "Cabaret Show" as special entertainment anymore. New entertainment in Pattaya means also new interests. Sorry if it's not your taste.
Enjoy this picture and if you want to see more of them you know the website
www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com)

July 19th, 2008, 18:04
Four pages of over wrought gushing by many brand new posters over two decent-looking Asian dudes who sing a whole bucketful of shmaltzy lounge lizard songs from the 70's. John Denver!??

Good luck to 'em. Anybody smell a flood?

'Snoopy' - 2 posts
'Gaydestination' - 22 posts
'Thai Magic' - 4 posts
'Toni6969' - 38 posts (most of them in this thread)
'Pascal' - 12 posts
'Tomkalb' (Himself) - 1 post
'El Duo' (Themselves) - 3 posts

Cheers ...

Sorry Smile! I am new here and no idea that I need to get your permission to post a comment on this topic. Will ask you next time first.

July 19th, 2008, 19:53
For all who like the pics of El Duo here one more to down load.
Have a good Saturday night and sweet dreams with these pics. Hope you load down the videos and music of them from www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com) (is free of charge)
See you all live tomorrow in Cafe Royal

July 19th, 2008, 20:18
For all who like the pics of El Duo here one more to down load.
Have a good Saturday night and sweet dreams with these pics. Hope you load down the videos and music of them from www.el-duo.com (http://www.el-duo.com) (is free of charge)
See you all live tomorrow in Cafe Royal

To be frank this over the top promotion of El Duo is starting to give me the shits.
I understand the need to advertise but please you can overdo it.

July 19th, 2008, 21:22
Have any of you other guys recognized the 'new poster' using many different handles? gushing about El Duo?. For members who have been around for a while, think back to 'Only 100 baht, how do they do it for the money' think, small insect, and various other handles, all written in the same illegible style.

July 19th, 2008, 21:30
He is doing these boys more harm than good. They will ultimately become laughing stocks when the truth gets out that they are neither especially good-looking nor talented. Human Niddy burgers.

July 19th, 2008, 22:03
He is doing these boys more harm than good. They will ultimately become laughing stocks when the truth gets out that they are neither especially good-looking nor talented. Human Niddy burgers.

I've seen these boys performed on the beach here in Jomtien for a fund raiser for PGF - believe me and I'm NOT making this up: They were NOT harmonizing well. Maybe it was just a off night, or maybe they just couldn't hear themselves with that particular PA system, but whatever the problem was - These LADS were nothing to get excited about.

July 19th, 2008, 22:10
Just watch the clips on their website. It is almost unbearable. Bad karaoke versions of bad songs.

July 22nd, 2008, 02:12
Just watch the clips on their website. It is almost unbearable. Bad karaoke versions of bad songs.

Dear El Duo,
what ever is saying bad about you in this forum is not true. I hear from so many people tonight in boystown about your good show last night and many looking forward to see you next regular in Cafe Royal.
I will try to be there if not on August 2 for sure any day afterwards. Sorry for last night I was so busy.

Chao Na - if EL Duo is just Karaoke - its the best Karaoke I ever see and listen. But its only your taste. Thats ok.

July 22nd, 2008, 02:27
Thats not NIce ,have you actually seen them LIVE ,and dont you think BOYS town needs a lift ,i think they will do great jsut there and i am sure they will have lots of Visitrs around to see them,not every one in boys town is looking for a shag ,some like a bit of entertainment also,and i am sure this will be very well recieved .i will certainly look forwrad to seeing them in my return on 1st september ,DONt you just get tired of those same boring old shows that dont really change that much ,i would rather see a live singer any day ,good luck guys ,i am sure you will be well recieved there .

July 22nd, 2008, 14:19
[quote="Chao Na":2dk22xhf]Just watch the clips on their website. It is almost unbearable. Bad karaoke versions of bad songs.

Dear El Duo,
what ever is saying bad about you in this forum is not true. I hear from so many people tonight in boystown about your good show last night and many looking forward to see you next regular in Cafe Royal.
I will try to be there if not on August 2 for sure any day afterwards. Sorry for last night I was so busy.

Chao Na - if EL Duo is just Karaoke - its the best Karaoke I ever see and listen. But its only your taste. Thats ok.[/quote:2dk22xhf]

Oooh I'd love to see them any time in Bangkok Thai Magic. Im looking for some one for a birthday party actually. You are invited of course. Please PM me your private details.

July 23rd, 2008, 02:56
Sorry Smile! I am new here and no idea that I need to get your permission to post a comment on this topic. Will ask you next time first.

Hey Peanuts man.
First, his handle is "Smiles" not "Smile." (his real first name is Melvin, Bartholomew, or something like that).
Second, he's Canadian.
Third, he's in a pissy mood because he's 7000 miles from the love of his life (something culinary like pots and pans).
Fourth, when you ask, probably wise to say "please" or to be singing "Oh Canada" at the same time.
Fifth and last, don't worry, he won't bite (although at his age, he might gum you).

July 23rd, 2008, 03:16
Sorry. Add me to the list of farang who live here who were kind of curious about Duo and looked forward to seeing them but after the relentless self promotion gave up on the idea.

July 24th, 2008, 19:44
Sorry. Add me to the list of farang who live here who were kind of curious about Duo and looked forward to seeing them but after the relentless self promotion gave up on the idea.Yeah, El Duo has been relenteless in their self promotion: 3 posts. One per day on the 15th, 16th and 17th. Please tell them to stop! (not)

July 24th, 2008, 21:51
Yeah, El Duo has been relenteless in their self promotion: 3 posts. One per day on the 15th, 16th and 17th. Please tell them to stop! (not)

Someone can tell me whats wrong if they inform and say thank you? They did 2 posts and one short update to answer soon. One post was from Cafe Royal.

How would you guys be informed if not in this forum?
They said nothing about all the attacks some guys did here.
Ones they said thank you and second they answered some questions of members here.

Whats wrong with that? Maybe they are happy now to entertain you now?
I will support them when they starting to sing on August 2 in Cafe Royal. They are good guys.

Guess nobody of all them here never needed support in there life to make things running and successful.

July 25th, 2008, 01:08
I could understand criticism if the boys were hyping themselves as the greatest and the best but they are not doing
any hyping, just letting people know when and where they will be performing.

Granted, some newbies (always suspicious) have carried on a bit about them but they are counterbalanced by the
Chao Na and others negativity about the guys.. I recall years ago when Toi was singing his heart out at Icon and
some hated his act and were relentless in their bad reviews but for others, Toi was someone who sang well in English,
was easy on the eyes and the show was for the price of a drink..
Far superior to watching/listening to lip-syncing farang drag queens with slipping dentures
and sagging chins,any day..

Frankly, drag queens lip-syncing is was passes for musicial entertainment in most gay establishments in Pattaya and I will listen
to cute guys singing in English anytime over the usual Dolly Sisters and/or any of the grotesque creatures that
get up on a stage looking like obese old men in red gowns with curly wigs and as ugly as sin..
I just can't take any more of this horror show and somehow. the Brits, especially think that this is entertainment..
Lets give the Duo a break and why not jump on the bashing the Dolly Sisters bandwagon or is that what those like Chao Na
really want to look at with a full stomach.... :cat:

July 25th, 2008, 03:13
I bumped into the boys after their gym session today at major cineplex. God they are so damn gorgeus. Whatever lucky guy manages to catch one of them earns my lifelong envy.