View Full Version : Don Plaza has not taken over the lease on the pool.

July 4th, 2008, 18:42
As reported on the Ting & tong Forum the lease for the pool is still available should anyone want it. The owners of Don Plaza have not taken the lease over.

July 4th, 2008, 19:54
So why were the managment and staff of Don Plaza cleaning up the pool area, removing the gate etc the other day? I saw them coming out of the hotel and working at the pool.

July 4th, 2008, 21:46
Perhaps theyve got comunity service orders imposed on them. Or they owe Mrs Sunnee a favour. Or even a ploy to let everybody think theyve got the pool.
Hey lets all stay chilled and wait and see over the next few weeks and months

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 4th, 2008, 22:53
I've said before-this would be a great opportunity for a farang who wants to live and run a small business in Pattaya and have fun at the same time.

In fact only a year ago I considered taking over the lease of Monty's pool-then controlled by the dear departed Peter of Krazy Pub but negotiations became far too complicated -and besides I thought I'd probably just fall in one day when drunk and drown.

It badly needs renovating-the complete thing but it wouldn't cost a fortune. A nice bar, a small eating spot-nice facilities like good deck chairs, showers etc and a bevy of hunky life guards-this pool would be a real goer. So many locals just don't want to travel to Jomtien every day and it's so much easier to go to a pool-but one with some life around it and in Sunne Plaza would be a winner.

July 5th, 2008, 03:27
I think it would cost a lot to turn it back into what it once was. Monty had it about as good as it could be for a morning and afternoon place to sit. Even then there were complaints about the toilets and showers; you never could rely on the health of the swimming pool water, especially with the Thai habit of swimming with clothes on and whether the water was ever changed or circulated. The only possible reason to go there was to watch Thai youth swim about, ideally in small swimming trunks and hopefully playing about on the horizontal pole he had strung across the water. Only at a stretch of the imagination could you pretend you were on Jomtien beach. The only thing they had in common was the sewage in the water. If memory serves. Monty had the idea of installing what he called 'massage and changing rooms'. Dont know whether the idea took off.
At its height, there might be up to about 20 farangs there max. Usually a lot fewer. How many drinks do you have to serve to make money on those sorts of numbers. Yes, I know, some bars in the evening would love to have that sort of numbers, But a beer bar has much fewer overheads and people would be more adventurous in what they drink. In the afternoon, beers and soft drinks are about it.
The best night he ever had there was when he offered prize money to the local teens and organised a sort of swimming gala.
Now of course, those with long memories might think back to the nightly cabaret and dance show they had there. What it lacked in quality it more than made up for in its ability to annoy the hell out of yensabai residents through its noise.
An afternoon AND evening venue might be a better idea, especially if the short cut up the steps into the hotel next door could be reopened. But perhaps not in the current climate in Sunee.

July 5th, 2008, 03:59
Sunne Plaza would be a winner.

would be a great opportunity for a farang

At its height, there might be up to about 20 farangs there max

offered prize money to the local teens

A senior property manager.

A good idea if he brought along some simple kids for the games .

A Sunee plaza winner in this category ! :cheers:

July 5th, 2008, 04:45
i have seen some outrageous prices for bars.
I coould only imagine how much they would want.

July 5th, 2008, 05:32
... I thought I'd probably just fall in one day when drunk and drownI believe it's not a bad way to go - certainly beats throwing yourself off the balcony, and far less messy

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 5th, 2008, 13:43
It was pretty hideous when Monty had it-but not through his fault as only having a lease meant he wasn't able to spend proper money on it but he certainly gave it a good go.

It needs real money spent-a complete makeover-tiles etc and that awful green in the pool replaced with blue. Just like a resort pool. It wouldn't cost anymore than doing up a bar-the basic structure is all there. As a daytime meeting spot it could be fun...and toss in a few Thai lads gamboling in the water for entertainment.

I believe it would make money selling booze and food as people would spend hours which they don't in go-go bars-or where they sit on one drink.

In fact I may still investigate the whole matter again..when I'm sober one day. The owners were asking silly money before as so often happens in Pattaya..but they well be sick of it sitting there as an empty space falling apart.

July 5th, 2008, 18:06
i admire monty, & his entrepreneurism never seems to stop, although he is no young pup & has seemed to have been kicked in the teeth a few times, he is still head strong in this field......

July 5th, 2008, 18:19
luvthai qoute, (from other posting); Don Plaza has not taken over the lease on the pool. It is still available should someone want the lease. It is available for a year and if all is ok the lease will be extended.

thats a bit of a bum deal, so you have the lease for a year whilst pouring your heart & sole into the place, let alone the money it will initailly soak up, (well it is a pool after all!!), then the plug (at the bottom of the pool!!), could get pulled after one year...............hmmmm no thanks

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 5th, 2008, 20:21
"It is available for a year and if all is ok the lease will be extended. '..and this was the problem I encountered with Peter in the middle-the up front money being asked for a pile of old crap and a hole in the ground was rediculous.

July 6th, 2008, 17:20
The only possible reason to go there was to watch Thai youth swim about, ideally in small swimming trunks and hopefully playing about on the horizontal pole he had strung across the water.... If memory serves Monty had the idea of installing what he called 'massage and changing rooms'.

If memory serves it was popular when it was open free to what Monty initially called "local street kids" and referred to as "eye candy" and lost that popularity when he decided to change his moral position, re-named them "street urchins", and banned them.

With what would now appear to be direct competition from Sansuk Sauna for those seeking an alternative to Jomtien, and the previous "eye candy being of questionable moral or legal acceptability, it looks likely to remain "pretty hideous" for a while longer.