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March 7th, 2006, 21:02
One club in Pattaya that gets overlooked is A-Bomb.

If boys under 130 pounds aren't really your thing you'll be pleasantly surprised with the selection at A-Bomb. The management might pester you more than you like (unless you are into too much attention) but there are many nice faces, even more well built bodies and enough space between you and the stage not to feel that you are not on it yourself. The place was pretty busy (Monday Night) by 10:00.

While in Bangkok a few weeks back I dropped into a club that say they specialize in that type of man, but I found the A-Bomb out did them in that respect.


March 7th, 2006, 23:34
I love to visit that place. In the day, you can find some of the guys from that bar strolling up and down the beach or getting a tan.

March 8th, 2006, 00:43
That is amazing Bucknaway - I would never have thought it.

March 8th, 2006, 03:30
by Surfcrest:
"One club in Pattaya that gets overlooked is A-Bomb... The place was pretty busy (Monday Night) by 10:00."

It doesn't sound as if it's being overlooked if pretty busy by 10pm on a Monday night.
I've always regarded it as a popular bar, and as Surfcrest suggests, you can find many an attractive and appealing boy. The Mamasan is charmingly attentive, oft times exceedingly so, but most understanding to one's needs should you prefer privacy and a customary gratuity is proffered. Like many establishments in the entertainment business, the staff respond well to kind treatment.

No cock roaches either when I was there in December.

March 8th, 2006, 10:52
Oh lord, I was in A-Bomb last night. I wondered why, after asking for a very nice young man from Issan to sit and have a drink with me, the Mamasan continued to sit by me until I left. I forgot about THE TIP for her ... oh well, perhaps he/she won't sit by me for quite so long next time.

I have to agree with the above comments. It's a nice bar, handsome men and the mamasan was very helpful in making a choice of a guy to spend some time with.

March 9th, 2006, 11:44
mamasans are like slobering dogs that won't leave you alone. i prefer pigs to mamasans who sit down univited. or even worse mamasans who train their servers to say would u like to buy a drink for the mamasan cause it's his birthday. that's after bringing your drink sio u can't just get up and leave.

March 9th, 2006, 13:21
....mamasans who train their servers to say would u like to buy a drink for the mamasan cause it's his birthday. that's after bringing your drink sio u can't just get up and leave.

How arrogant! Mamasans have a birthday every day! Even Pra Pu├╝m, God of Gods, has a birthdays only every Friday!...and I haven't had one in...several...years. (And don't intend to for several more years.)

March 9th, 2006, 13:37
How arrogant! Mamasans have a birthday every day! Even Pra Pu├╝m, God of Gods, has a birthdays only every Friday!...and I haven't had one in...several...years. (And don't intend to for several more years.)

Ahh Edith, don't you know? You can't hide from the AARP! they will hunt you down and make you watch their commercials. They know....THEY KNOW!!!!!! :bigsmurf:

March 9th, 2006, 14:11
In my case, the A-bomb mamasan was quite helpful. He told me one by one what each of the guys would or would not do. I was keenly looking at Mr. XX. Mamasan said, oh, he only smokes. Ok, next.

I had lots of fun at A-bomb. I was invited to a private birthday party after closing time. Yup, real cake and actual alcohol in my drink. It was nice looking at the guys behaving in a normal way, and not in the hunting eyes mode that you usually see them when they are working.

Tipping the mamasan? Oops, I forgot, but I think was having fun with me. hehe.

__________________________________________________ ___

Since I don't know where else to write this, I'll write this here. Just be careful of the guys at Lek's Boys. It is a shadow of its old self. The mamasan there allowed me to off a guy who did not have an ID card. I was walking with him and realized that I did not ask his age or ID card. He did not have one, making some kind of excuse. So, I send him back.
__________________________________________________ ________

As for ID cards, a guy in Phuket showed me his new ID card. It has a computer chip, and actually has the birthday information in Gregorian years. I am told that all Thais will be having this new kind of ID card by next year.
__________________________________________________ _________

March 9th, 2006, 14:54
How arrogant! Mamasans have a birthday every day! Even Pra Pu├╝m, God of Gods, has a birthdays only every Friday!...and I haven't had one in...several...years. (And don't intend to for several more years.)

Ahh Edith, don't you know? You can't hide from the AARP! they will hunt you down and make you watch their commercials. They know....THEY KNOW!!!!!! :bigsmurf:

And if you don't join at age 50?...you ought to see my mail!
they give your name & address to every retirement home & extended care facility,
wheel chair\zimmer frame\stick company,
Adult diaper manufacturer,
Ace bandage\snuggies\knee-warmer company, (Only knee warmer I'm interested in is a 98.6┬░ (Wee) Knee-warmer!)
Pharmaceutical company: selling 'poker-pills' (E.D. meds.) flatulence meds, anti-acids, prune juice, enemas & laxatives;
company manufacturing dentures, hearing-aids, stiffy-splints,
Lasik & cosmetic surgery--
And the unkindest cut of all: tombstones, cemetery plots, crematoriums & urns, niches & mausoleums.
I thought of having myself dipped (As in, wax. Not as in, "Well, I'll be dipped!").
Instead; I bought this mummy-drag and made arrangements with a taxidermist--Then it's off to the Antiquities Museum of Cairo!--
And before Pearl says it: "If the Museum ever throws a come-as-you-are-party, I'm ready--Without all the drag, stuffing, apple-in-the mouth (?), etc,"
but why scare the poop out of the poor kiddies?
I'm not into poop.
Otherwise; I'd donate my body to Disney World, Japan. I'd (still) be a hellova ride! They could even call me, The Beast of the East--But I'm afraid they might prefer God. (Zilla)

PS: Davey612;
Could we turn mamasan-tipping into a sport? Like cow-tipping?

March 9th, 2006, 15:30

March 9th, 2006, 20:20
I can see that posters fall into two opposite groups concerning mamasans.

For me I call for the mamasan as soon as I've ordered a drink: I want to know who's who and what's what asap. Some mamasans are fools and are quickly dismissed, others like Khun Pat at A-bomb will tell you everything they know - carry a pen and make notes I say.

December 14th, 2015, 08:51
Just to show you that nothing really changes in Pattaya. That's why we love it. Every trip there is both the same and different

December 14th, 2015, 09:05
Thanks for reminding me how funny Edith was (and Pearl and Sanitree).

December 14th, 2015, 09:30
Thanks for reminding me how funny Edith was ...
Right you are. I so much miss Edith.

Did you know Edith was hanging around - schlepping - on Dreaded Ned almost from it's inception [not trying to be too religious about it]. He had a different handle back then, which I have forgotten, but it's on the tip of my tongue. The most witty writer any board could be lucky enough to have. Gone now it seems.

Couldn't help myself; searched for some pithy Edithisms [say that 6 times]. Found 35 pages of them :D
Here's a few;

Post by Edith ┬╗ Fri 30 Dec, 2005 1:15 pm

Smiles: "Oh well, only one way to go ...."
I can think of, at least, four (Ways to go.) plus several too kinky to mention--But I will if you ask me nicely.
I gave my cacklelator your original answer, Smiles, and it came up with this question:
'If it takes a yard-and-a-half of water to make a seal-skin coat for an eel, how far does a rat turd have to fall to bust a shingle?'

I am deeply offended!
Postby Edith ┬╗ Tue 3 Jan, 2006 5:49 pm

objective wrote:
Sounds like he doesn't feel like a special little naughty boy any more. I wonder if, in 50 years, the animal, child and corpse fuckers, not to mention the feces eaters, will reminisce about the good old days of immoral condemnation in the same way?
Leave the corpse fuckers out of this! When you insult me you insult my boyfriend! He's not dead, he's just...lazy.

Re: Cant wait to get back !
Postby Edith ┬╗ Thu 29 Dec, 2005 1:56 pm

mrsydney wrote:
" Cant wait to get back to Montys,cannt wait till i get back to Montys,ooh take me back to Montys will ya,oh take me back to Montys will yaaaaa, Take me back to the paradise,take me back to Montys will yaaa.
Delightful! I've been singing it all day to the tune of Ride of the Valkyrie--With a few Hi-ya-ta-ho-wa's thrown in. Now my roomy, Ginger Vitis is doing it--And Clitoris Leachwoman just joined in on the kazoo! Expect Hildegard Behrens will take it up any day now. Next stop, Covent Garden!...Or an Essarn Dance Fest.

Grassed out.
Postby Edith ┬╗ Wed 28 Dec, 2005 3:19 pm
"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence," ... but it's never greener than the grass on the side of the fence you were on when you finally make it to the other side and are looking back at where you came from.

They seem to be full, sometimes for weeks on end.
Postby Edith ┬╗ Fri 28 Oct, 2005 4:18 pm
[Regarding sneaking out of a hotel]

Yes, the place is very popular! Amazing for a place where no one would be caught dead, isn't it?
(Bing, you traitor! Get with the program! Lie! Mention rude reception, man-eating rice-bugs, stinky drains, mildewed carpet, lumpy matress, slow elevator, broken everything; especially those horrible, horrible hooker boys right in the front yard--And how teddibly annoying when they say, "Hello. You so handsome man. I want...go you.

Re: I am a very nutty boy.
Postby Edith ┬╗ Thu 12 Jan, 2006 5:36 pm
[Regarding sartorial issues]

If you are that concerned with tarnishing your image, as suggested; stay home....

Or, for 1,000 baht, I can rent you a Pearl suit (Pearl name-tag, 60's wig, zimmer frame, powdered alum, bowling ball & a bottle of gin.); nothing can tarnish that image! (More than it already is.)

Edith suit: 1,100 baht. Similar but comes with a halo.

I'm not mad; I love everyone.
Postby Edith ┬╗ Thu 23 Feb, 2006 4:07 pm

Pearl of the Orient wrote:
We can't afford to lose any more..not even Hedda !!!
Did we lose Hedda? 8-}
Are you sure?
My goodness!
(And the world's still turning.)

Re: It takes all kind.
Postby Edith ┬╗ Sat 18 Feb, 2006 2:14 pm

clawdaddy wrote:
Edith - I told you to stop putting wasabi in your mouth before giving head!
I gave that up long ago--For habanera chilies.

December 14th, 2015, 10:31
Edith was LOLA on the dreadedned board (which he told me in a pm stood for Lawrence of Los Angeles). He just used to crackle and fizz with offbeat humour and you could see how one bizarre connection led him spontaneously on to another as he was writing his posts. And not at all malicious with it. Much missed.

December 14th, 2015, 11:32
'LOLA' ... of course :D

Thanks, that was bugging me.
I was thinking more along the lines of 'Laughing Out Loud, ASSHOLE', but on second thought Edith would have been appalled. Hardly Edith-like.

December 14th, 2015, 12:03
Funny. Just before I posted my thread about A Bomb... I skimmed this one. But I didn't dare 'bump' it.... for fear of being attacked for resurrecting a 10 year old thread. I've seen people nailed to the cross for less. :|

How arrogant! Mamasans have a birthday every day! Even Pra Pu├╝m, God of Gods, has a birthdays only every Friday!...and I haven't had one in...several...years. (And don't intend to for several more years.)

Ahh Edith, don't you know? You can't hide from the AARP! they will hunt you down and make you watch their commercials. They know....THEY KNOW!!!!!! :bigsmurf:

And if you don't join at age 50?...you ought to see my mail!
they give your name & address to every retirement home & extended care facility,
wheel chair\zimmer frame\stick company,
Adult diaper manufacturer,
Ace bandage\snuggies\knee-warmer company, (Only knee warmer I'm interested in is a 98.6┬░ (Wee) Knee-warmer!)
Pharmaceutical company: selling 'poker-pills' (E.D. meds.) flatulence meds, anti-acids, prune juice, enemas & laxatives;
company manufacturing dentures, hearing-aids, stiffy-splints,
Lasik & cosmetic surgery--
And the unkindest cut of all: tombstones, cemetery plots, crematoriums & urns, niches & mausoleums.
I thought of having myself dipped (As in, wax. Not as in, "Well, I'll be dipped!").
Instead; I bought this mummy-drag and made arrangements with a taxidermist--Then it's off to the Antiquities Museum of Cairo!--
And before Pearl says it: "If the Museum ever throws a come-as-you-are-party, I'm ready--Without all the drag, stuffing, apple-in-the mouth (?), etc,"
but why scare the poop out of the poor kiddies?
I'm not into poop.
Otherwise; I'd donate my body to Disney World, Japan. I'd (still) be a hellova ride! They could even call me, The Beast of the East--But I'm afraid they might prefer God. (Zilla)

PS: Davey612;
Could we turn mamasan-tipping into a sport? Like cow-tipping?


Now I miss her too....

And I never heard of her before this moment.

That was posted in March 2006.... My first trip to Thailand was November 2006.

Anyone know the story of what happened to her?

Did she ever make it to "the Antiquities Museum of Cairo!" ?

I miss ALL people like this......

Remember when every gay bar...... and every gay house party.... had a least one hysterically funny campy witty soul in attendance.... and was the life of the party.... hands down. ......an as yet undiscovered next Charles Nelson Reilly or a Paul Lynde...?

Has it become a dying art...... an unintentional victim of winning our "gay liberation"....?

That's so sad.
