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July 1st, 2008, 00:18
Mighty porn magnates spend their nights worrying and chewing their gold chains...

The Internet is eliminating the middleman, once again. Completely free (like YouTube): check out YouPorn, in particular their "special area" called "youporncocks."

Is this posting in violation of something or other?

July 1st, 2008, 00:48
only violation is it has nothing to do with Gay Thailand and should have been posted in another forum..
you asked Henry.... :cat:

July 1st, 2008, 01:07
It's OK here for a while.....

Please don't post direct links to these "disgusting" sites especially.... never mind find it yourself :clown:

July 1st, 2008, 01:27
The guys who need to worry are the little ones in the business and the ones who run pretty general sites with no specific USP.

Profit margins are certainly nothing like they were a few years ago, but there will always be a market for niche products and that is the direction in which the more canny of us have been going since the market downturn began.

July 1st, 2008, 18:50
The Internet is eliminating the middleman, once again.I recall making the same comment about by-passing the bar owners via mobile phones and Internet chat rooms to contact bar boys. It's a world-wide phenomenon known as disintermediation - http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionar ... mediation/ (http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/disintermediation/) . Our Resident Bodhisattva and former Resident Pimp, George, was horrified at the idea. He almost called me a "cheap Charlie" for suggesting such a thing. I guess the backwater known as Pattaya will catch up with the modern world one day. I believe even that old Leftie fraud Noam Chomsky, of whom Marsilius is so fond, has had the odd good word to say about it ... or possibly not

July 1st, 2008, 19:10
The Internet is eliminating the middleman, once again.I recall making the same comment about by-passing the bar owners via mobile phones and Internet chat rooms to contact bar boys. It's a world-wide phenomenon known as disintermediation - http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionar ... mediation/ (http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/disintermediation/) . Our Resident Bodhisattva and former Resident Pimp, George, was horrified at the idea. He almost called me a "cheap Charlie" for suggesting such a thing. I guess the backwater known as Pattaya will catch up with the modern world one day. I believe even that old Leftie fraud Noam Chomsky, of whom Marsilius is so fond, has had the odd good word to say about it ... or possibly not

http://www.davidbowie.com/users/ramoana/coolio.gif I have been quite concerned about you Hommi, it's good to see from your post above that you are almost back to your old self.

Choc Dee,

Your Resident Bodhisattva,

George. http://www.davidbowie.com/users/ramoana/kiss.gif

July 1st, 2008, 19:23
... it's good to see from your post above that you are almost back to your old self.I am, of course, so devastated to see The Lad back in the Forum and wreaking havoc again that I doubt that I'll recover fully any time soon :geek:

July 1st, 2008, 19:27
The world wide wait also facilitates re-intermediation in the form of consolidators like, for example, Expedia. It's a supplementary channel to market rather than the displacement many believed in before the dotcom bubble burst.

July 1st, 2008, 22:16
Well, one can go back and forth with the arguments about the future, but it is a fact that YouPorn is free. Not only that, a number of the videos -- leaving apart the "disgusting" ones -- have one happy quality: they aren't stage-managed, there is no director...simple old male exhibitionism seems to take the driver's seat! My main criticism is that the YouPorn staff seems to be dumb. They surround each and every gay video with pictures of women with gigantic udders. Hmph! (Isn't that dumb???)

This interests me because of a parallel phenomenon I have been following for a decade or more: the "big secret" of gay boys moving the circle-jerk into the 21st century with their 300-baht webcams. This has recently become much more piquant because I have a Thai friend into this scene, and he has the screen-capture software I "generously" pointed out to him. The result is lots and lots of more free stuff -- this batch much more interesting than YouPorn because the actors are Thai. My "agent" :-) sometimes has 3-5 screens up on his computer at one time, and just recently had a 5-minute "breakfast quickie" with a college student over 700 km away.

Imagine my surprise (gasp) when I discovered a vendor of "gay DVDs" who had done exactly the same thing -- his 199-baht DVDs were filled with videos of Thai boys performing for their webcams.

By the way, the main rule to be obeyed in that game is: "Don't Show Your Face."

And it most surely ain't just Thailand. This is happening world-wide (except for places like Cuba and Vietnam, of course).

July 1st, 2008, 22:40
And it most surely ain't just Thailand. This is happening world-wide (except for places like Cuba and Vietnam, of course).

Sorry, the moral corruption has even infiltrated Vietnam. Well, not really that sorry.

July 1st, 2008, 22:41
" ... By the way, the main rule to be obeyed in that game is: "Don't Show Your Face." ... "
Well that's unfortunate.
I'm a 'face' man. My initial ~ and ever after ~ attractions are all about 'face' ... the eyes, the cheekbones, the smile, the hair, the teeth, the little nose, the ability to look deep inside from that football-sized arena alone. Nothing in this world is as much of a turn on as turning my head late at night and watching his face peacefuly asleep beside me.
If I can't see the face, forget it.

Cheers ...

July 1st, 2008, 23:02
" ... By the way, the main rule to be obeyed in that game is: "Don't Show Your Face." ... "
Well that's unfortunate.
I'm a 'face' man. My initial ~ and ever after ~ attractions are all about 'face' ... the eyes, the cheekbones, the smile, the hair, the teeth, the little nose, the ability to look deep inside from that football-sized arena alone. Nothing in this world is as much of a turn on as turning my head late at night and watching his face peacefuly asleep beside me.
If I can't see the face, forget it.

Cheers ...

You're not alone with these feelings. I share them, and so do many Thai guys. They want to see your face, and you want to see their face, and this will generally happen once they are sure you can be trusted.

Otherwise, as you know, such videos with identifying faces would wind up on the Net within the hour. And you just might have giggling students saying, "Oh, look, there is Professor Henry with a cock in his mouth!" Just for example... :-)

My own complaint about cybersex is not so much the faces as the lack of touch. And that can't be fixed, except by exchanging phone numbers and arranging to meet.

July 2nd, 2008, 04:15
By the way, the main rule to be obeyed in that game is: "Don't Show Your Face."As the boy is usually sitting on mine, I don't run that risk

July 2nd, 2008, 11:25
My own complaint about cybersex is not so much the faces as the lack of touch.

Try masturbating with your left hand while wearing a pair of rubber gloves.
Gives the sensation of someone else doing it for you.

July 2nd, 2008, 12:01
If you want to find something on the net you will, its all out there just depends on how bad you want it, personally I like the idea that anyone can post what ever they like, no one can forever monitor all the information. they just do it and then and pop up somewhere else, kiddie porn lubeyourtube caming with each other, nudetube, boy18 there groups are just great and some are illegal, deny ability is the key, I didn't see, it and it plausible, it shared enough for the moderator s to catch all they are wanting to find here, think of galleries of members bogs chat and forums AL in one. God glad its not me.


July 2nd, 2008, 12:09

Try as I may, I can make no sense out of what you have just written. Have you been drinking?

July 2nd, 2008, 12:19
think of galleries of members bogs chat and forums AL in one. God glad its not me.


I think I understand this part, sort of.

It's kind of esoteric, like Bob Dylan lyrics.

It just needs some guitar and harmonica.

July 2nd, 2008, 12:29
think of galleries of members bogs chat and forums AL in one. God glad its not me.


I think I understand this part, sort of.

It's kind of esoteric, like Bob Dylan lyrics.

It just needs some guitar and harmonica.

Yeah, and some hashish!

July 2nd, 2008, 12:39
think of galleries of members bogs chat and forums AL in one. God glad its not me.


I think I understand this part, sort of.

It's kind of esoteric, like Bob Dylan lyrics.

It just needs some guitar and harmonica.

Yeah, and some hashish!

Don't exaggerate, Aunty. Any good weed will suffice.