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June 23rd, 2008, 18:52
So, that was the day. About 70 people attended in total, so 30,000 Baht for the food, beer, 3 liters of JW Black, the marquee, table and chairs and music system wasn't a bad deal.

And you got married too. Congratulations and best wishes for a happy and long life together. Are you going on a honeymoon?

June 23rd, 2008, 18:53
So, that was the day. About 70 people attended in total, so 30,000 Baht for the food, beer, 3 liters of JW Black, the marquee, table and chairs and music system wasn't a bad deal.

And you got married too. Congratulations and best wishes for a happy and long life together. Are you going on a honeymoon?

June 23rd, 2008, 19:24
John, a great story (except the throwing up). It is nice to see you met someone that cares about you so much and vice versa. I am sure it was an amazing day and a wonderful feeling. Best wishes to you for a happy future together.

June 23rd, 2008, 22:38
All the very best to you and Thip, and I hope the move to the UK goes more smoothly (less throwing up!).


Lunchtime O'Booze
June 23rd, 2008, 22:38
only joking !!!

well that is a nice tale..and you kept it a secret !..isn't it marvelous..imagine this happening even 20 years ago--we would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town !!

I hope you are very happy and find a nice little sea-side cottage in the UK to settle in !!

good luck..

June 24th, 2008, 00:58
Best wishes to you both for the future.

June 24th, 2008, 01:58
Hi John
Congrats to yourself and Thip on the wedding!
Hope you realise now that you are married you will have to keep those 3- pieces of string on your hand until they rot off!

Of course Thip can cut of his whenever he wants! :cheers:

Gone Fishing: you are in danger of replacing a certain fat ozzie as the official board troll and nincompoop, give it a rest

June 24th, 2008, 02:17
John, your wedding sounds absolutely delicious!! I cannot wait until I marry my 19 year old future husband. This will be happening in the next few months and I shall post all the lovely details for all to enjoy with me.

June 24th, 2008, 02:25
Cheers to you John Botting and to Thip also. I do love a wedding.

I hope now the visa for Thip will be coming post-haste and you can get on with the rest of your lives.

Just as well you got married Laos rather than UK/Europe - I guess you won't have half a dozen toasters and 5 steam and dry irons to return to the store.

Good luck with your next venture JB.
krobbie :cheers:

June 24th, 2008, 04:25
Good luck, John and Thip. John, enjoyed your story but, for whatever reason, I didn't really get the feeling you were
all that happy about the events. Hope the future goes well for you.

[Cat, your post was ignorant, childish, and inappropriate. But, on the other hand, you sure are consistent]

June 24th, 2008, 05:26

Congrats to you and Thip.

I went through a similar bonding ceremony on the Thai side of the border about 6 months ago. Our relationship is now totally fucked up, but the ceremony was fun.

My BF and I actually followed the monks instructions regarding the lucky date for the ceremony, and gee, our relationship lasted a whole 5 months. Maybe we should have asked his mother instead...555

During your honeymoon you may want to serve him Fruit Punch.

Good luck to the both of you in all seriousness.

June 24th, 2008, 06:13
I didn't really get the feeling you were
all that happy about the events. Hope the future goes well for you.

what are you a Witch?? :idea: :idea:

June 24th, 2008, 09:53

June 24th, 2008, 09:59
John, maybe what I sensed was more the weariness versus unhappiness. But can understand getting occasionally pissed with your Thai (or Lao) boy (it only happens to me a few times every day I'm in LOS.....).

June 24th, 2008, 13:24
Nice report, I have done the same a few years back, and it was fun. I arrived the evening before the wedding, and drank a lot of Beerlao with my father in law, and some of his friends, after this evening I went to bed, only to be pulled out of bed at 7 in the morning, since the ceremony was about to start. Unfortunately I needed to leave around 2 PM, as I had to go north of Chiang Mai for yet another wedding (not mine !) But it was fun, and similar to your report. Incidently the wedding cost me a total of 10.000 baht, which (together with the money from the guests) was more then ample for the wedding.

One thing I didn't like was the slaughtering of the little pig, but I did eat the meat afterwards :)

June 24th, 2008, 13:51

June 24th, 2008, 14:09
Congratulations and best wishes for a life together that gives you even greater joy.
Thanks for letting us in on your experience---interesting and informative.

June 25th, 2008, 00:17
Your description is in keeping with hetro weddings. Same as one I went to last year. The one thing I doubt you received was a wedding certificate

June 25th, 2008, 02:50
Great that Thip already has visa for UK. Now your civil ceremony will be all sorted also. What a picture that will make at City Hall. Please get someone to take a picture and post here (please try an be bothered). I know there would be many who wish to send congratulations.

I arrive BKK exactly 1 month after you leave. Bugger! My timing has never been good.

I wish you and Thip much happiness.


June 25th, 2008, 16:22
John, being a reader rather a contributor, it seems to me that most posts tend to wander from the topic and occassionally deteriorate into a 'who has the best put down of another poster' session. Fortunately, I like many others tend to skim read these as they are mostly boring and refer only to those posters who have something to say about the topic.

Having digressed enough and to get back on topic, congratulations John an interesting post, on your blessing and on finding a partner so suited to you. I wish you and your partner well in all your future endeavours.


June 25th, 2008, 18:56
Those wandering from the topic replies now have their own thread in Global Forum.


July 30th, 2008, 03:31
Dear John,

Great to read your good news and I hope all continues to go well for you.

Let me know when you are coming to London and we can meet for a drink/dinner??


July 30th, 2008, 03:51
Best wishes and good luck to you both.

John will you be attending the big get together in Birmingham June 09 ?

July 30th, 2008, 06:56
John, Pleased to read that all is well in the U.K. Just remind Thip that English pounds are not Thai baht so don't go crazy when he goes shopping with your nieces.

Hmmm, lets see just how enamoured with the Queen's own country when Winter arrives.

Glad to see that the health system has kicked into action quickly ... no time to dally.

Work already. I guess you don't like down time or do you feel 4 weeks is enough? Take it easy.

Cheers to you both,
krobbie :cheers:

August 2nd, 2008, 17:40
Those wandering from the topic replies now have their own thread in Global Forum.

Surely, jinks, where all the posts following this should be, including yours, as they have no valid connection with either the original topic or Gay Thailand.

September 8th, 2008, 10:41
Congratulations, wish you both a long and happy 'marriage'.

Are you suggesting that John should start cheating on his new partner ...... like you do?
[image removed-E.S.]

I think we should be told.

Looks to me like we have a new troll on board and even more potentially dangerous than those
of the past..
Making accusations about men cheating on their new partner is just tacky and none of
our collective business. Certainly nothing to do with this forum and almost certainly
another sick puppy with an agenda against one of our fellow members.

I think Bissell should be told exactly what we think of him and instead of
picking up a new stalker, I will take the easy road and just put Bissell on IGNORE and
hope our moderators will respect our individuals rights of privacy from what sure
looks like an underhanded sneak attack.

It would be nice if I was wrong about this but so often newbies with a handful of postings
write about individuals and try to expose their personal business for their own sick

I, for one, am not a moralist (food for aunty to nibble on) nor will I condemn any man for cheating on anyone and
certainly would not post such information on the world wide web and with a photograph..

Anyone else think this is below the belt and shouldn't be tolerated?? :cat:

September 8th, 2008, 12:07
If you read the 4 posts Bissel has written on this Board ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... or=Bissell (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/search.php?search_author=Bissell) ) you will understand what kind of a low life you are dealing with. Each post has the same gossipy and juvenile 'feel', and each is implying something which Bissel's little mind seems to figure the rest of the Board should really want to know.

Agree with Cat ... this dude is not long for this Board.

Cheers ...

September 8th, 2008, 20:44

Congrats to you and Thip.

I went through a similar bonding ceremony on the Thai side of the border about 6 months ago. Our relationship is now totally fucked up, but the ceremony was fun.

My BF and I actually followed the monks instructions regarding the lucky date for the ceremony, and gee, our relationship lasted a whole 5 months. Maybe we should have asked his mother instead...555

During your honeymoon you may want to serve him Fruit Punch.

Good luck to the both of you in all seriousness.

Ah damn, sorry to hear that Dodger. What happened? Last I read, your relationship was.... interesting.... but not totally stuffed.

September 8th, 2008, 20:47
Hello all from a very hot and sunny UK. No I am not joking, 29C today!

Well been here now for 4 weeks. Thip sailed through immigration with his marriage/CP visa. Immigration just asked him, "are you here to get married?" "Yes" he replied. Stamp in passport and off we went. From landing on the tarmac to meeting my parents in terminal 3 arrivals took a staggeringly short 60 mins.

I am pleased to say Thip loves the UK. He really does. He tells everyone he meets. His only complaint so far has been that it is too hot!!! We move into our own 2 bed riverside flat this Friday which will be great. My family have all taken to him and my nieces want to go shopping with him.

We have booked our CP/marriage ceromony for the end of August and after we are going with family to our local Thai restaurant.

I will update you all after that event.

As for me, I am happily in the good old NHS system. I have been amazed at how quickly I have been treated. Got a CT scan today. I have also got work to start next month all being well.

Do I miss Thailand? Not at the moment.

Hey John, congrats on the marriage. And even more congrats on having a family who has taken to Thip so warmly, and on Thip for being so enthusiastic with this new country.

I'm curious... is the move permanent? What will Thip do in the UK? Not being occupied is unhealthy for a young guy.

September 8th, 2008, 22:41
My congrats to all of the above. Sometime in the future would you pass on to us how Thip is doing with the weather in England? One of my Thai friends has moved to Germany, and so far can take the climate change, but he has not yet faced the winter.

September 9th, 2008, 02:30
My congrats to all of the above. Sometime in the future would you pass on to us how Thip is doing with the weather in England? One of my Thai friends has moved to Germany, and so far can take the climate change, but he has not yet faced the winter.

Haha... a quick sample of the Winter weather and these Thai boys will instantly realise why so many farang head for Thailand!