View Full Version : Ms Dewey

June 17th, 2008, 10:22
This is a hilarious and accurate new search engine feature by MSN. It shows the same search results as regular MSN search, but it has this really real looking sultry, sassy woman that makes smart-ass wise-cracks about what you are searching for. She looks like this:


If you don't type in anything after a minute or two, she starts making impatient, sarcastic remarks to get your attention.

I love her response when you search for "Gay Thailand" and for "gay Thailand forum".

You can help Beta test her here:


June 17th, 2008, 15:00
OMG. When I asked her about sluts, she started talking about Lunchtime O'Booze! Doris, what could this possibly mean?

And when I asked her about manic depressives, she started prattling on about some former corporal of the British army who now lives in Bangkok. Go figure!

June 19th, 2008, 09:30
Oh, this web 2.0 is just too precious!

My first thought is it reminded me of the new version of "The Time Machine". In the "future" there was a computer
generated librarian in the New Yourk city library played by Orlando Jones who is very similar to Ms Dewey.
Life imitating art?

Does anyone remember an old sci-fi TV show from the 70's called "Starlost"? There was a computer persona who, when you sat in the info-chair, came on the screen and said "May I be of ...assistance?"

I'm still waiting for web 3.0 and the arrival of HAL. :hal