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March 6th, 2006, 19:49
I've always wondered how certain clubs in Thailand can remain open after so much time.
Last night I brought a good friend from Hong Kong out to a club not far from Boystown and was surprised to find about 40 sleepy looking boys shifting from foot to foot (with the music). The amount of paying customers tripled with our arrival and this isn't to say anyone snuck in with us.
It wasn't long before my friend noticed that we were not alone.
Crawling towards his beer was a rather brave roach, moving quite more than all the boys on stage combined.
It was as though our eyes became instantly focused on the more brisk moving objects in the club, when we noticed the traffic of similar creatures on other ledges.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that it would be easier for a roach to expand its horizon of the larger vinyl bench than the thin wooden ledge our drinks were perched on.
Need I go farther?
I'll not name this unlucky club by name, but I'm sure there are a few Da Vinci's out there who know which club I'm talking about.
We made out escape quickly after the discovery, hoping that our tiny friends hadn't hitched a ride out of this joint with us.


March 7th, 2006, 03:08
but that does not necesarily mean that the establishment is a breeding ground in and of itself - perhaps it needs an exterminator, however.

as LMTU mentioned - certain climates are very inviting to insects of all sorts - When I lived in Florida and New Orleans, roaches were a fact of life even in the cleanest of homes - they go looking for food - but don't always find it.

March 7th, 2006, 05:15
Oh you guys are so silly

Just stuff all the roaches you can find into a plastic bag and you can sell them to the little lady with the cart selling BBQ bugs. She will even give you 1 baht per 10 bugs.

Reference Crazy horse...Dragon or whatever that place is called, I am a little uneasy with their "proper signage" posted on the entrance.

Let me get this straight........You're allowed to play touchy feely with the boys and staff but you are not allowed in the joint wearing beach attire? Let me guess, the boys are all wearing three piece suits from the Indian tailors?

Sorry, I dislike being told what to wear while on holiday. Mr. Toxin would be proud of your attempts at promoting social order in SP.

Yes Virginia, Pattaya is a seaside beach resort....and yes, there really is a sign saying no beach attire and no drugs allowed inside.


March 7th, 2006, 16:22
As I understand things almost all of the bars in Pattaya are located in South East Asia. In South East Asia there are cockroaches by the billion... the amazing thing is that you see so few. Had a giant one in my bedroom in the Serene, who I regarded as a personal friend, and loads of ants which were very much into peppermint but were killed by flatuance chews... keep promising myself to eat some insects.... anyone tried them... hear they taste a bit like crunchy marmite...just have not yet had the courage...

March 7th, 2006, 16:34
Ha! Ha! I know what you mean! For years I have been daring myself to try some of those delicacies!! I have to say that I have never been with a Thai boy who has eaten them yet, but it is possible that the boys do not want o offend our western sensibilities by eating them in front of us.

One of these days I shall I shall have the courage to try!!

March 7th, 2006, 16:43
"You know you've been in Pattaya too long when:
He's sitting at a bar, eating barbequed beatles--And you're kissing him."

March 7th, 2006, 20:48
After I finished "taking" too many joints, I couldn't help to notice how I don't have any of these critters running about in my apartment here....also in SE Asia.

Anyone that has ever run a successful business knows that it takes as much work to keep a busines going as it does to start one. Cleaning the "joint" up is a basic no brainer.

When you have an empty club like this situated only a few doors or a few Soi's from clubs that are full you can't really blame your troubles on the season.
