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View Full Version : The top 3 worst bars in Pattaya, if not the world.......

June 15th, 2008, 11:16
Recently did the rounds of the Pattaya bars and with the Olympics coming soon below is in my opinion the top 3 worst bars in reverse order:

3. The Birdcage:

Arrived at this place at a time when it should of been at its' busiest.
Instead no customers, and like a funeral parlour with a few disillusioned boys prone on seating, starting to rouse themselves when they saw us: too late ....we left.
Surely on its' last legs, RIP.
Bronze medal (out of sympathy)

2. Dynamite:

Up the stairs to find a motly collection of ugly and totally uninteresting boys, most of whom looked like they would be prefer to be back in their rooms Yabaa-ing with their girl friends.
What a waste of time!
Silver medal.

1. BBB:

What idiot decided to change the seating so that the centre of this hole has punters looking at customers rather than the stage?!
Mind you those on the stage look like aged gorilla's trying to be macho but really showing they are fed up and bored.
What with drinks starting at the rediculous price of 150/160 baht, never again.
Formerly this 'institution' is now down right awful:

Wins the Gold.

June 15th, 2008, 11:33
I went to birdcage last night at 930pm. 12 very sexy guys on stage - ALL dancing. Couldnt stay too long as i had company but will be going to have anohter look at some of the new guys again.

June 15th, 2008, 11:35
Disagree with this bitchfest.
BBB much better bar since they remodeled and moved the stage. I had heard that they lost many boys recently due to a lack
of offs and wonder if there isn't something going on at BBB.
As of a couple of weeks ago, BBB had an incredible range of guys from twinky to oversized muscle boys and everything in between.
I don't care for the management and have found some of the waitstaff irritating at times but it is one of the great boy bars, albeit
not every day and there maybe something amiss currently. I haven't seen the show in years and cannot comment on it..

Dynamite Boys also had better days when mamasan Rose ran the show but it has come back from being an "ashtray" bar with very loud
music to a decent and better than average boy bar. Again, as of a week or two ago, there were plenty of hot dancers with eager eyes
and the bar was a fun place to be.. Granted, the show is now all Tiffany ladyboys/ladymen and not my choice, but I disagree strongly with
the character assassinations of the boys.. Certainly not my impression..

Birdcage, I cannot defend.. Mistakes were made, it was overpromoted, it was badly managed, it was foolishly hyped and failed to deliver.
They never understood that it was about the boys and not rehashing old material into pathetic attempts at a show..

(This sentence added, after just reading oogleman's review and maybe just maybe, they got the message and realized it is about the boys but it may be way too late to make any
difference in the long run.. ):cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
June 15th, 2008, 11:41
"The top 3 worst bars in Pattaya, if not the world....... "

oh my dear I would vehemently disagree with you not only regarding Pattaya but the world ?

As one who has made a major pastime of seeking out seedy and /or glamorous bars throughout every country on the planet ( and still working on it) I could point to far worse examples -or far better than would take the title as "the worst in the world".

I've had fun in most of them as well. :drunken:

June 15th, 2008, 12:04
Recently did the rounds of the Pattaya bars and with the Olympics coming soon below is in my opinion the top 3 worst bars in reverse order:

3. The Birdcage:

Arrived at this place at a time when it should of been at its' busiest.
Instead no customers, and like a funeral parlour with a few disillusioned boys prone on seating, starting to rouse themselves when they saw us: too late ....we left.
Surely on its' last legs, RIP.
Bronze medal (out of sympathy)

2. Dynamite:

Up the stairs to find a motly collection of ugly and totally uninteresting boys, most of whom looked like they would be prefer to be back in their rooms Yabaa-ing with their girl friends.
What a waste of time!
Silver medal.

1. BBB:

What idiot decided to change the seating so that the centre of this hole has punters looking at customers rather than the stage?!
Mind you those on the stage look like aged gorilla's trying to be macho but really showing they are fed up and bored.
What with drinks starting at the rediculous price of 150/160 baht, never again.
Formerly this 'institution' is now down right awful:

Wins the Gold.

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: Whether it was intended by you or not zinzone, or whether it is as a result of my extremely warped sense of humour, I found the above post of your to be absolutely hilarious and one that gave me a bloody good laugh. I can tell you that after the trials and tribulations of my past week, that good laugh that your post gave me, was one that I was very badly in need of. Let me also say to you, that the type of humour that I saw in your post, was one that is similar and which I have only seen displayed by one other member here, that member being Dodger of course.

My thanks to you zinzone, even though you are probably thinking to yourself on reading this post of mine, that the humour seen by me in your post would be one that could be shared by you, if it were not for the fact that your account of those bars above, just happens to be one which you believe to be a true one. In spite of this, thanks again anyway. :thumbup:


June 15th, 2008, 14:19
I find his post rather pathetic and lacking in logic.
"The top 3 worst bars in Pattaya, if not the world" ....... it depends on your taste and thankfully all of us don't share his opinions.

His definition of a bar is a gay gogo bar. What about all those places that sell drinks but don't have semi-naked rent boys on a stage. If they are not bars then what are they?

Worst in Pattaya? Has he tried every bar in North, Central & South Pattaya, from the beach back to the Sukhumvit Road, all the gay bars, all the girl bars, all the tourist bars ... Are his 3 bars really worse than that place in Soi Bukao where customers get stabbed by the barmaid?

Worst in the world? Clearly he has vast experience! How would he compare El Abasto in Montevideo to Yate's Wine Lodge in Preston? Or what about U Mal├йho Glena in Prague compared to the Spitfire Bar in Alexandria? Please let us have your considered opinions on those and others.

.... or maybe he's just a prick?

June 15th, 2008, 15:07
My twopence worth on the bars mentioned - while the first critique may be a bit overstated as being the worst in the world it really is a matter of personal taste ( believe me I stumbled into some horrors on the last trip), but the nature of this board can be such as to stir up a hornets nest, albeit with good humour intended - most of the time.

The Birdcage when visited a couple of weeks ago was as dead as you can get. I felt sorry for the performers on stage, because, yes most of it is a rehash of old numbers, but it must be really disheartening to do a performance in such a cold environment. I think the main problem with this bar is its location, it is just too out of the way. Whoever has money to burn and buys this bar has got to really get something spectacular to draw people in.

I was taken to Dynamite by one of the boys I met up with on the street, having not seen him for a few years and was pleasantly surprised. Ok the decor needs a bit of paint, but there was a mixed bag of boys - lots of them and the show was not bad- the usual caberet but with little changes and differences that made it worthwhile. Found the staff and mammasans no more pushy than anywhere else.

BBB - If compalints are only coming in about the stage positioning now - where have you been as it has been like that for a while. I personally prefer it as, when it was in the middle you ended my looking at the back of someone through the shows. (didn't mind looking at the backs/ backsides of boys ). I enjoy the show and although it is the same stock and numbers a lot of the time, it is pretty slick and always entertaining. Except on Saturday nights - all due respect to a lead performer (without name as I am sure we know who it is) but one really should know at what age to hang up the frocks and leave it to slicker and more accomplished performers. That aside it is till a good place. Inside the bar the prices are not much more - if anything above other bars. There were on my visit a lesser selection of boys were available but being low season I think a lot go away or move around .

June 15th, 2008, 15:49
Birdcage, I cannot defend.. Mistakes were made, it was overpromoted, it was badly managed, it was foolishly hyped and failed to deliver.
They never understood that it was about the boys and not rehashing old material into pathetic attempts at a show. :cat:

I believe the above comments to be more than just a tad harsh on your part Cat. In fact, your criticism that The Birdcage was "badly managed", "foolishly hyped" and "failed to deliver", was not the case I believe, when it was initially opened. I am certain that your comments of the Birdcage being "badly managed", were not aimed at a certain gentleman who was responsible for the concept of the Birdcage and someone whom I believe, that no matter whatever else may be levied at him and in some instances, has already been done so by some, is someone that you could ever accuse in a million years, of being guilty of bad management.

If the above were the case, I am certain that there would be many here, who would like to be equally as bad at managment as he has been. I am also certain, that by badly managing the many businesses he has had in the past, has been the untold secret all along, of why he was so incredibly successful in them. :8( Please exuse me for having been a little facetious in that last comment of mine, but if any one believes that any business in which he has been involved, was ever badly managed by him, perhaps that facetiousness of mine is deserved by them.

Because of circumstances beyond his control and ones totally unforeseen by anyone, as to whether or not he would have turned the Birdcage into becoming a commercial success, something for the record that I believe and have no doubt whatsoever that he would have done, is now something that as a result of those events that unbelievably took place back in April, is a question that none of us will ever know for certain what the answer would have been, had the circumstances have been different, to those ones which transpired.

Because it is a human trait, that as a result of having a personal dislike toward someone, it can often cloud our judgement and tends to make the opinions we form, ones that can be extremely biased. In addition to this bias, we sometimes fail to see other significant factors which can be responsible for the failure of any establishment to succeed, instead of believing unfairly, that it is the sole fault, of just one person, as I know to have been the case in a certain situation I am highlighting here.

If we are all honest with ourselves, something that I don't believe some are at all times and in every situaion, such an opinion that is formed by looking at a situation through eyes, that as a result of already being biased, are further impeded from being able to attain an honest appraisal, by those very eyes being used for this appraisal, being ones that are looking in only one direction, as a result of those eyes having blinkers on.

I believe this to have been the case where this one particular person is concerned and one where I might add, there have been more than just a few here who have been guilty, of wanting to nail this person to the cross for the shorcomings of everybody, including some, who were equally as guilty at the very least, of failing to have carried out
their responsibilities where the Birdcage was concerned, as well as this person.

I am not saying that all of the criticism that has been pointed toward the direction of this particular person was unjustified, not by any stretch of the imagination, because there is no doubt that some of it was. I am just saying that he wasn't the only one to blame. Now that this person is history as far as the Birdcage is concerned and can no longer be blamed for anything that takes place from now on, isn't it time to stop talking about him, as well as also being time, for everyone to make a concerted effort, in which to move on?

Tam is now the one that is solely responsible for running the Birdcage and I know as a result of hearing first hand from Aaron, that both Tam and himself have had extensive talks, in regard to trying to ensure that they give their customers what they want. As a result of those talks, Tam will be endeavouring to do everything he can to provide and certainly as far as the foreseeable future is concerned, the type of club that it has been strongly indicated in the opinions that have been expressed by many, as the type of club that they would most would like to see.

So how about everyone giving Tam a little support, along with a little breathing space too in his attempt to try and please everyone, by his aiming from now on, to make the boys at the Bircage the number one priority, instead of shows, which were always the number one priority in the past. Come on now guys, is this really asking too much of anybody?


June 15th, 2008, 17:32
George, in an ideal world the owner would be healthy and be ironing out any birthing problems he was having.
I believe the owner would have managed to make the necessary changes, if he had the time, but his loyalty was his
undoing. Hindsight makes it easy now to criticize but ultimately the owner makes the decisions and is responsible..

Endless criticisms have been made about the rehashed shows and the wrong direction this bar took.. It was overpromoted
and couldn't live up to its hype. I won't belabour the now departed former sidekick, but many bad decisions were made..

I would love to rub a magic lamp and wish that everyone was healthy and the bar was a roaring success but it doesn't work
that like.

I don't know Tam but even if he is the nicest man in the world, it is a very uphill battle and only multiple sincere positive reviews
will help.. :cat:

June 15th, 2008, 18:09
I think the guys at BBB are hot (I was there last night). At least they try to act butch, compare that with so many other bars. To each his own, if you are looking for young skinny nelly things, this surely isn't the bar. I'm sure you're happy in many Pattaya gay bars. If we all liked the same things, we'd be fighting over the boys anyway.

June 15th, 2008, 18:57
This post shows how differently people can view the same things. Just because a bar does not match our individual and different tastes is not a reason to trash the bar and the boys.

I found Dynamite to be one of my favorite bars on my last visit.

Helpful Mamassan who appeared to treat the boys decently
Many good-looking and well-built boys
Friendly but not pushy staff
Offs provided good service with no problems
Great lighting
Excelent stage alignment which provided a clear view with the boys facing you
Music at a decent level

For Boyz Boyz Boyz, I liked the stage alignment compared to my previous visit.

The Birdcage was not open yet when I visited, but based upon your comments, I will surely visit there next time since our viewpoints are so opposite.

June 15th, 2008, 19:09
In all my trips to Pattaya over the years I'd never visited the "Day Night" area at all although I do always spend some time in "Electronics City" which is very close by.

I'd seen some flyers so I visited "Birdcage" about a week ago. I got there for what was advertised as show time. There were no customers in the bar at all and only one boy on the stage. People began to rush around in the background when I entered but I doubt that there was going to be a show and I'm afraid I didn't stay.

I'd like to be loyal to "Dynamite Boys" as a friend (Khun Aum) works there but it wasn't very interesting when I visited, also about a week ago.

June 15th, 2008, 21:44
For a while, I thought "Fan Club" in Chiang Mai qualified. But the world is an awfully big place.

Come on, now...let's think....

OK, my real nomination goes to a forgotten "gay bar" in Canberra, Australia -- a small conforming town for famblies, which also happens to be the seat of government. Being stationed in Canberra, I naturally went out to "the local gay bar" after a while, and discovered that all the boys were so closeted that they came with "beards" i.e. phony girl-friends. Not only that, the boys were so closeted that they didn't dance, but their phony girl-friends (probably lesbian) DID. So I was treated to the horrible sight of females with giant udders cavorting with one another on the dance floor.

I may have lasted ten minutes...in a place called "Heaven." :-0 http://www.oz.dreadedned.com/source/venue/canberra/canberra.htm

Now, your nominations? Is there a "special place" in St. Louis? A "great place" in Edinburgh?? :-)

June 15th, 2008, 21:54
I once visited a UK bar where the beer was so foul, another punter spat it onto the floor.

Now this was a place that was in business just to serve beer, with not the remotest possibility of go go dancing or other such attractions.

June 15th, 2008, 22:04
Could we have a nomination for the three worst bars in Bangkok as well?

I vote for:

1. Futureboys: too many druggies and the most ugly, obnoxious and disgusting touts.
2. Hotmale: potbellied old men with scars in the cheapest one-size-fits-all Tesco underwear.
3. Tawan: more potbellied old men who pretend to be musclemen.

June 15th, 2008, 22:47
Could we have a nomination for the three worst bars in Bangkok as well?

I vote for:

2. Hotmale: potbellied old men with scars in the cheapest one-size-fits-all Tesco underwear.

So that's the customers, but what do you think about the boys?

June 16th, 2008, 00:06
Could we have a nomination for the three worst bars in Bangkok as well?

I vote for:

1. Futureboys: too many druggies and the most ugly, obnoxious and disgusting touts.
2. Hotmale: potbellied old men with scars in the cheapest one-size-fits-all Tesco underwear.
3. Tawan: more potbellied old men who pretend to be musclemen.

I assume you have never been to Nice Boys, Super A and Nature Boys?

In Thailand, 'one-size-fits-all' means it don't fit me.

June 16th, 2008, 16:30
Hehe, Naughty But Nice. I was really really referring to the boys. Hotmale is truly an exhibit of misfits right out of the Canterbury Tales. The same goes for Tawan.