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View Full Version : Ballet Dancing - Cambodian King May Abdicate

June 7th, 2008, 10:58
On the BBC website

Cambodia's King May Abdicate (http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=128040)

On a state visit to Czech Republic a couple of years ago, he spoke in fluent Czech - apparently had spent years there studying and performing classical ballet.

From the report, Quote: "I will hire a small room and stay with my wife". Why am I having trouble believing the above statement by King Norodom Sihamoni? :confused4:

This news doesn't surprise me in the slightest. He is far more cut out to be a classical dancer than he ever was to be a King. Were it not for the questionable behavior of his rogue brother, currently in exile as a result of some property fraud he carried out, I don't believe he would have ever taken over when his father abdicated.

He always comes across as an extremely intelligent and genuinely nice man, who needs more to satisfy him in his life, than being the King of Cambodia would ever be able to give him. If he does abdicate and move overseas, Choc Dee to him.

On a seperate issue, I have a feeling that this thread may be moved and if it is, I guess it will be a correct decision.


June 7th, 2008, 11:03

June 7th, 2008, 11:49
"On a seperate issue, I have a feeling that this thread may be moved and if it is, I guess it will be a correct decision"

Not that it matters to me, but posting in "Any other country" seemed .logical. I seem to be one of the few who doesn't really care what is posted where, as I read them all anyway.

I am also one of those few fattman and agree with what you have said. To clear something up in the statement I made, which you have quoted above and no doubt one which confused you, it would have me; I have an apology to make to you. When I read this post of yours I mistakenly thought I was in the Gay Thailand forum when instead, I was obviously in this forum. Hence my bingo comment, as I thought it had been moved here after my post.

Do you think that there is any hope left for me? What a senile old fucker I can be at times. :geek: Oh well I must go, the nurse will be around with the medication shortly. Yeaaaaaa, always my favourite time of the day :hello1:

Cheers fattman may see you later after my nap, ;)


June 9th, 2008, 07:51
If anyone thinks Thai politicas are rediculous they should take a look at the basket case of Cambodia. I finally gave up on that country after the elections of '03 where the parties compromised by essentially doubling the number of cabinet posts so the 2 major parties each had member in the cabinet.
The origin of this rumor is Old King-Prince-King Sihanouk who is, well... a bit of a nut. If the King of Thailand is an example of how a modern monarch should act and weild power, Sihanouk is the exact opposite and an object lesson for all aspiring monarchs. His whole carrer has been one blunder and bad decision after another. What he's playing at right now I'm not sure.

There are a couple of things in the article I would take issue with.
First off, Sihanouk's abdication was not a big surprise. It was widely expected and viewed as his bid to name his successor. If he had died as King the succession would be decided by a "Throne Council" which is basically in the pocket of Commie-exKhmer Rouge-Strongman Hun Sen. Sihamouni was a dark horse candidate but pushed by his mother Queen Monineath and accepted by Hun Sen since he was not viewed as a threat. Ranariddh was not really in the running as he was the head of the opposition party and could be a challenge to Hun Sen and also he's the son of a former wife of Sihanouk and the current Queen wouldn't support him (Palace politics).

The second point I would take issue with is this :

"Sihamoni's half-brother and Sihanouk's son, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, is currently in exile after being convicted for breach of trust in absentia and sentenced to 18 months in jail for his role in selling the headquarters of his former political party, Funcinpec."

While this is factually correct it is not quite clear that these are trumped up charges that were part of a campaign by Hun Sen to discredit and nutralize his biggest opponent since 1992. Ranariddh and FUNCINPEC actually won elections in 1997 but Hun Sen engineered a coup and forced Ranariddh into a power sharing agreement. Ever since he's been running cricles around his opposition and after 28 years still controls the country (and is robbing it blind).

I'm not sure what Sihanouk is up to or what the politics are about. Its possible that he's "un petit gaga".

BTW Sihamouni is widely reputed to be gay and is not married.

June 10th, 2008, 22:02
exKhmer Rouge-Strongman Hun Sen

Hun Sen can be accused of many things (ruthless, brutal, etc), but he was never a "Strongman" in the Khmer Rouge. He was at most a relatively junior member who left before the major atrocities occurred and before he himself was "purged", fleeing to Vietnam.

Ranariddh and FUNCINPEC actually won elections in 1997

And in 1993 under UNTAC's administration, but these were never enforced by the UN, so leaving the way clear for Hun Sen's supporters to kill, torture and "re-educate" the oppositon.

BTW Sihamouni is widely reputed to be gay and is not married.

As his mother has said so publicly, it could be more than just a rumour!!

June 12th, 2008, 08:18
exKhmer Rouge-Strongman Hun Sen

Hun Sen can be accused of many things (ruthless, brutal, etc), but he was never a "Strongman" in the Khmer Rouge. He was at most a relatively junior member who left before the major atrocities occurred and before he himself was "purged", fleeing to Vietnam.

Yes, you're right. My description was a bit confusing. I was trying to say he is the current Strongman of Cambodia.

Ranariddh and FUNCINPEC actually won elections in 1997

And in 1993 under UNTAC's administration, but these were never enforced by the UN, so leaving the way clear for Hun Sen's supporters to kill, torture and "re-educate" the oppositon.

And don't even get me started on the 2003 elections and the Sam Rainsy Party.

BTW Sihamouni is widely reputed to be gay and is not married.

As his mother has said so publicly, it could be more than just a rumour!!

I hadn't heard that. Like I said, I gave up following the politics after 2003.

Nice place to visit though. :flower:

June 12th, 2008, 23:09
I gave up following the politics after 2003. Nice place to visit though. :flower:

In my case it was 1993, when I left - and I agree with your final point!:flower:

When he arrived in Thailand for the king's celebrations, my Thai friends referred to him as "The Queen of Cambodia".

Better than the Sultan of one Middle East country where I worked, who was known by the Southern tribesmen as "The Sultana"!