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View Full Version : For John Botting: Does Your Dick Rule Your Head?

June 6th, 2008, 10:59
Please see this thread for details, then vote here.

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 15084.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/does-your-dick-rule-your-head-t15084.html)

Which part is in control?

June 6th, 2008, 11:02
JB's just a bit cynical and jaded these days, suggesting that an honest poster would choose only the "sex" answer. Hey, the boys and sex are certainly great but there's a lot more to Thailand to like (if you open your eyes, etc.).

June 6th, 2008, 11:30
I thought you guys didn't like polls?


June 6th, 2008, 11:43
I thought you guys didn't like polls?
I thought you swore up and down 2 or 3 different message boards (in CAPITALS) that Hillary was a shoe-in for the nomination?

Cheers ...

June 6th, 2008, 11:47
I thought you guys didn't like polls?
I thought you swore up and down 2 or 3 different message boards (in CAPITALS) that Hillary was a shoe-in for the nomination?

Cheers ...

he-he :cheers: he-he :cheers: he-he

OBAMA sure winner! OBAMA good for my country too! Clinton big bitch who not like my people!
OBAMA good!

:cheers: he-he :cheers: he-he :cheers:

June 6th, 2008, 11:51
I thought you guys didn't like polls?


I thought you buggered-off?

June 6th, 2008, 12:19
Hey, the boys and sex are certainly great but there's a lot more to Thailand to like (if you open your eyes, etc.).

I agree with you 100 per cent Bob, which I have to admit, comes as rather quite a shock to me. Tell me, is this the first time that this has happened to us? If it is, was it as good for you as it was for me? :thefinger:

Choc Dee Bob,


June 6th, 2008, 13:10
Before voting I would like to see some evidence.

Mr. Botting, please post photos of:

(1) Your head (2) Your dick (3) Your boyfriend's head (4) Your boyfriend's dick

Thanks in advance, etc.

June 6th, 2008, 13:58
Well Bw. May I call you Bw? As I was saying Bw, my bf is the guy in the photo below my handle.

The photo isn't very clear. Can you post a better one, please?

June 6th, 2008, 14:42
What's that white spot in the middle of his hair?
Is he going bald? Looks a little pudgy too.
Have you dated Homi' by mistake?

June 6th, 2008, 15:11
Luckiest fat, bald Laotian boy in the world. Free ticket to the UK and half of Botting's huge assets when it all goes sour.

June 6th, 2008, 15:20
Fat? Certainly not. And thanks so much for your good wishes.

As for it going sour, well who knows. But he dedicated himself to me 110% whilst I was ill and in hospital for over 2 months and continues to nurse me and look after me. He is entitled to something in return don't you think?

The salary of a nurse in Thailand is about 10,000 baht a month. Use that as a start.

Brad the Impala
June 6th, 2008, 15:28
Nursing at home in the UK can cost around a 1,000 Baht an hour.

June 6th, 2008, 18:16

It is amusing to see all your fans come out/pop up when ever you post. You have quite a following. (Good or bad I am not sure)

I had never been to Thailand when I arrived at D/M airport 7 years ago.

I researched places to retire on my salary and Thailand (at the time....42 baht/USD) was first on the list.

I was interested in maintaining my U.S. standard of living on 45% of my ending salary. Thailand delivered.

But at this point, if it wasn't for the P4P scene I would not be here.

Sorry, I forgot the questions for the poll? Big head/small head?

Anyway, I came here for the standard of living, but now staying here only for the P4P.

Guess I am just a S_L_U_T..........But I'm happy !! :cheers:

ps: I voted DICK.

June 6th, 2008, 18:43
Mr. Quisp....Note another very new member who thinks it's OK to post very personnel, uncalled for, supercilious remarks about a relationship that has absolutely nothing to do with him.

I wonder if he is related to your fans from Boyz Town John........

I would think most on here wish you both the very best of luck with your new life together back in the U.K.

June 6th, 2008, 18:54
I like to think that my head is in control and for the most part it is but everyonce in awhile some cute young thing will come along and I just l fall in lust. I wouldn't be human if I didn't have my faults. Also John I wish you the best of luck hopefully a healthy future.

June 6th, 2008, 19:24
simple answer. my head see pretty money boy. my dick follow. work together always head and cock. not fighting like dogs over bone on message board.

he-he :cheers: he-he :cheers: he-he

June 6th, 2008, 19:44
simple answer. my head see pretty money boy. my dick follow. work together always head and cock. not fighting like dogs over bone on message board.

he-he :cheers: he-he :cheers: he-he

ok i've never placed anyone on ignore before, but that did it for me. one too many he-he-he's.

June 6th, 2008, 21:03
I'm just sayin...the poll should have included "the heart" as one of the options, but it ain't there! :-0

June 7th, 2008, 00:58
He is entitled to something in return don't you think?

Indeed I do; sad that all he is getting is you.

June 7th, 2008, 01:00
[quote="John Botting":2h3eebmp]He is entitled to something in return don't you think?

Indeed I do; sad that all he is getting is you.[/quote:2h3eebmp]

sorry but that is just rude!

June 7th, 2008, 01:29
Rude, but true. How much fun can it be to be around Botting when he is so full of bitterness?

June 7th, 2008, 01:55
sorry but that is just rude!

I agree entirely, but it is far less rude than virtually any of his posts about "all" Thais, his former employer, former business partners, former staff, former wife, and even posters on this board in general.

I sincerely and seriously wish Thip the best of luck in the UK, as I think he will need it.

A passing thought: interesting how the number of new members registering, most never to be heard from, rises dramatically at the time of a poll, such as jinks' moderator poll and this dick-head one!!

June 7th, 2008, 10:41

June 7th, 2008, 11:21
Gone Mad you are a CUNT of the worst form. You are a bitter and twisted old queen with nothing better to do really you need to get a life. I may have fallen out of love with Thailand, but at least whilst I was here I actually did something useful. What the fuck have you done here or for the Thai people?

Why don't you come out of your pathetic closet, announce who you are and tells us what you have done for the people of this country. I won't hold my breath waiting because areholes like you never do put their heads above the parapet.

John, I hope you don't mind me offering a little advice to you here, but when you make posts such as this, you shouldn't allow yourself to hold back in what you want to say. Next time, let yourself really go, no holds barred and tell him what you really think of him. :angel4:

Quote: Sounds like two bitter and twisted old queens to me. Why can't these personal feuds be conducted privately?

What, and deprive the Queens here that are even more bitter and twisted, the pleasure of being able to witness what is said. :8(



June 7th, 2008, 11:45
I'm ignoring that shit for now.

What I'm fascinated with now is that Dick is becoming the upstart front-runner in this race!

Go Dick!

June 7th, 2008, 11:57
I'm ignoring that shit for now.

What I'm fascinated with now is that Dick is becoming the upstart front-runner in this race!

Go Dick! :laughing3:


June 7th, 2008, 23:11
What the fuck have you done here or for the Thai people?

I have never made any claims in this regard, so have no reason to satisfy your curiosity.

You can say what you like about me

I believe that, when permitted to do so, I already have.

my record stands for its self.

It certainly does, which is why I have had no hesitation in repeating it here for all to appreciate.

Why don't you come out of your pathetic closet, announce who you are and tells us what you have done for the people of this country.

I have explained why, at some considerable length, twice: once relatively recently and once a couple of years ago. Both posts are easily found - to post the same thing for a third time really would seem unnecessary.