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View Full Version : Economist Article on Thailand

May 30th, 2008, 09:07
I found this article on Thailand interesting....

Yes... Yes... I am sure some the posters on this board will jump in and tell me how smart they are because the article tells them nothing new and damn... it is just so rude for me to post things that are just so apparent to those who live in thailand and know about all things thai. Fuck off the lot of you - there I have offered up my sincere appologies to those with that attitude.

http://www.economist.com/world/asia/dis ... d=11454958 (http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11454958)

May 30th, 2008, 10:26
this is very good observation.

final conclusion written:

"Thailand risks becoming one of those perennially unstable, tragi-comic countries, such as the Philippines, which the outside world overlooks."

May 30th, 2008, 10:47
Yes... Yes... I am sure some the posters on this board will jump in and tell me how smart they are because the article tells them nothing new and damn... it is just so rude for me to post things that are just so apparent to those who live in thailand and know about all things thai. Fuck off the lot of you

Ah, always the optimist! :cheers:

May 30th, 2008, 11:01
The only problem might be, that if the government is going to ask for every 'major' decision the people's opinion (referdum), there will be a lot of weekends without alcohol and/or bar closures, for the rest, I'm not really concerned.

May 30th, 2008, 12:08
You may be surprised to hear it, kittyboy, but I actually found it a well written and informative article, well worth reading.

May 30th, 2008, 12:34
You may be surprised to hear it, kittyboy, but I actually found it a well written and informative article, well worth reading.

Wow, so I wasn't the only one. Thanks kittyboy. :thumbup:


May 30th, 2008, 13:22
I read the article this morning and must say I find it a bit of a worry.

May 30th, 2008, 16:23
Excellent article and spot on. Not to be cynical or anything, but wouldn't it be great if Thailand descends back into being a dictatorship run by inept generals? The instability and lower growth would surely mean an increased supply of farm boys willing to sell their bodies for money. That would no doubt please many posters here.

May 30th, 2008, 18:31
And of course the elephant in the room that nobody acknowledges is what will happen when the inevitable death occurs.

I'm coming to the uncomfortable position that only a strong hand can stop the country descending into chaos when that time comes, which could be literally be any day. Uncomfortable because the only strong hands around are Thaksin and the military. The military won't have the royal blessing the populace assumed they had last time. Prem's power will presumably be much less. So does the country need Manchester City's owner in power again ?

May 30th, 2008, 21:04
well, I'm sure the king trusts Thaksin less than the military.

The problem is that Thaksin is just so polarizing. Some people totally love him and others completely despise him. Samak has proven to be less a puppet than everyone assumed he would be, but unfortunately he is also a buffoon. The quick attempt to rewrite the charter as a transparent means for giving Thaksin a get of jail free card is really too much for the Thaksin opponents to stand.

The whole world has leadership problems these days. Why should Thailand be any different?

May 30th, 2008, 22:22
Excellent article and spot on. Not to be cynical or anything, but wouldn't it be great if Thailand descends back into being a dictatorship run by inept generals? The instability and lower growth would surely mean an increased supply of farm boys willing to sell their bodies for money. That would no doubt please many posters here.

I find this comment very rude and arrogant. I would like it where the "farm boys" could have other oportunities to find "real" jobs and make a decent living instead of pretending they are one day lovers for some fat, aged farang. Yes, they could still choose to go out with someone they're attracted to but not just for the money.... This is how it works in other countries.

May 30th, 2008, 23:34
Excellent article and spot on. Not to be cynical or anything, but wouldn't it be great if Thailand descends back into being a dictatorship run by inept generals? The instability and lower growth would surely mean an increased supply of farm boys willing to sell their bodies for money. That would no doubt please many posters here.

I find this comment very rude and arrogant. I would like it where the "farm boys" could have other oportunities to find "real" jobs and make a decent living instead of pretending they are one day lovers for some fat, aged farang. Yes, they could still choose to go out with someone they're attracted to but not just for the money.... This is how it works in other countries.

he-he :cheers: but who wants thailand to work like other countries???????????? oh no!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers: he-he