View Full Version : The Russians

May 26th, 2008, 13:30
The Dutch are now offering "Russian Free" tours. Seriously. In other words, you'll stay in hotels that are guaranteed not to have Russian tourists. You know, the types who snatch the bacon from your breakfast plate. Wouldn't it be nice if they also cordoned off a section on Jomtien beach for Russians only?

May 26th, 2008, 13:37

May 26th, 2008, 14:39
Of course, when one complains about the Russians, this is a gross generalization about Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Moldavians etal..
The Russian identified tourists (former SSR included) are now able to travel with oil wealth and a strong currency and make the
crude mistakes of first time tourists..
The most irritating ones, invade the boy bars in large groups and take over physically and verbally.. I stopped going to the Pattayaland
boy bars with shows last high season as the "Russian hordes" made it impossible to have a good time.
Some of us, assumed that certain tour operators worked out deals with certain boy bars but for whatever reason the hordes were
reduced this high season and there were less problems, mainly alcohol related..

There have been many times when German speaking men behaved boorishly and they could have been Dutch, or Swiss or Austrian but
they were generalized into Germans.. When they became loud and demanding and acted crudely, many disparaged the Germans..
I have even heard some English speaking farangs call the "Russians", the new Germans...

We are fortunate that the "Arab" hordes don't frequent the boy bars. On one or two occasions, I witnessed really boorish behavior
like excessive grabbing and slapping and this was when one of the Arabs used the restroom and his friends moved in on his boy..

Many decades ago there was a book called the Ugly Americans and it became a code word for Americans who expected everyone in the world
to understand them or the natives were idiots butthe Americans were truly boors..
They still exist in every nation and when they are flush with cash and booze, watch out... :cat:

May 26th, 2008, 17:06
[quote=asiagayboy]The Dutch are now offering "Russian Free" tours. Seriously. In other words, you'll stay in hotels that are guaranteed not to have Russian tourists. You know, the types who snatch the bacon from your breakfast plate. Wouldn't it be nice if they also cordoned off a section on Jomtien beach for Russians only?

Yeah, maybe we can put the blacks, Jews, and gypsies there, too. Oh...and the homosexuals.

What a nice guy you are! BTW You missed out the pakkies.[/quote:3ombkn4x]

Not so fast! What about the Gooks and the Japs...

May 26th, 2008, 17:51
well it was a good winning result at the eurovision song contest, can you get that, its called the EUROvision contest & russia wins it !!!!!!!

May 26th, 2008, 18:04
This is surely a slippery slope. Discrimination and generalizations are ugly no matter what kind of charismatic spin you try to place on it. IMHO, once one sect is singled out for scrutiny it somehow justifies singling out others in the name of conformity.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 26th, 2008, 21:26
they do tend to congregate on a particular section of the beach titled Little Odessa by the locals just as many gays gather around the usual spot on Jomtien.

It's not unusual for people to gather around others who are familiar with themselves. You must forgive Russians-they have come out of a long period of hard times. The newly emerging middle class is just that-it's all new to them so you cannot expect similar behavior to what you may be used to .

Personally I used to love Spain and now I'm mortified by the place-overrun with boorish and yobish drunken young Brits with older ones demanding nothing more exotic than fish and chips-and the Spanish fall over backwards catering to them.

As for me , I have one Russian grandmother who I always thought was very weird and standoffish but she was anything but-they just seem like that. Underneath they are people with hearts as warm as gold. It was the Irish grandmother I found was as crazy as an old bat.

And remember-along with those Russian hordes will come handsome Russian teen boys. You should be so lucky to have your bacon nicked by one. !!

May 27th, 2008, 00:37
We'll take the niggers and the chinks, but we don't want the Irish!

God, what a great film that was. Couldn't never be made today, of course, with all the snivel-nosed political correctness out there.

Mel Brooks is one of my favorite entertainers who happens to be Jewish. He humorously showed us in Blazing Saddles that all races can be retarded at some point in time. Therefore, get over it, get along and grow.

I do think that too many people bring their social and racial hang-ups to LOS. Leaving your reservations in your homeland should help you enjoy all the fun that Thailand has to offer.

May 27th, 2008, 00:54
well it was a good winning result at the eurovision song contest, can you get that, its called the EUROvision contest & russia wins it !!!!!!!

It has previously been won by a transexual representing Israel, which is probably not in Europe either.

"Eurovision" is an operating name of the European Broadcasting Union which is an alliance of broadcasting companies mostly concerned in getting market leverage and technical co-operation on international sporting events. The Song Contest is well past its sell-by date, having become a very sad joke. This year's result merely demonstrates that Russia has more migrant workers throughout Europe than anybody else.

Do you notice that Italy doesn't participate. That's because nobody in Italy has any understanding of music - at least in the way "music" is understood by the participants of that "song contest".

May 27th, 2008, 01:14
Heres the wiener!


May 27th, 2008, 01:26
Beautiful photo Oogleman...He can work on my house any day.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 27th, 2008, 12:07
ahhh but she wasn't a Catholic fattman-just bonkers.

but the great mass of Russians are just (were) ordinary peasants who can look gloomy but will still invite you in and give you their last bowl of soup and after a few vodkas become as warm as anyone on this planet.

May 28th, 2008, 17:36
Report on Russia Today states that there have been 70 racial killings in Russia already this year.
It would appear that they are worse inside their country. At least in Thailand we only have to put up with their rudeness, ignorance and loud mouths.
They seem to think that they have a right to block your way when you are trying to pass them. Best thing is to walk straight into them. It works every time !!!!

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 28th, 2008, 23:40
"70 racial killings in Russia already this year. "..doesn't sound like many in a country of nearly 200 million !

May 29th, 2008, 09:40
I travel a bit and everywhere I go the Russians have a bad reputation. Not only are they accused of being rude, but many times they are called thieves and crooks. Apparently living in an oppressed country has not made them shy.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 29th, 2008, 11:29
I travel a bit and everywhere I go the Russians have a bad reputation. Not only are they accused of being rude, but many times they are called thieves and crooks. Apparently living in an oppressed country has not made them shy.

there is no denying they have a "reputation". My last western b/f was an East German and he used to fume when describing Russians he encountered while on holiday in France or Italy. But really all he was doing was describing himself..just a couple of generations before.

mind you he could get quite rude and heavy with me but I sort of loved it.

May 29th, 2008, 12:10
Report on Russia Today states that there have been 70 racial killings in Russia already this year.
It would appear that they are worse inside their country.

There have been almost as many xenophobia killings in South Africa in the past TWO WEEKS. Does that mean South Africans are even more irritating than Russians when travelling?

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 30th, 2008, 00:18
let's put an end to this....here is another pic of Eurovision winner Dima from his reputed escort days..if you don't want Russians like him visiting Thailand you have rocks in your head :geek:

May 30th, 2008, 01:25
90% of young Thais are nicer than this guy.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 30th, 2008, 08:04
90% of young Thais are nicer than this guy.

he'll make up for the other 10% then :cheers: