View Full Version : Has anybody been to Shanghai?

May 21st, 2008, 23:58
Dear friends,

I'm planning a stay in Shanghai soon.
Has anybody experience about the "procedure" ? Like finding hookers for short-time?
Do they have gogo-bars or anything to compare with Thailand?


May 22nd, 2008, 01:07
Would also be interested to see the replies. I've been to Shanghai for short stays with business associates to visit trade fairs but have never had time to explore bars etc. Apart from once being quite vigorously propositioned by a guy in the walking street shopping district, I did not experience any visible gay life although have heard there is a thriving gay scene. Going again in September.

May 26th, 2008, 02:20
I've been to Shanghai twice. in the last 3 years. On both occaisons I linked up with an internet 'friend' before I arrived. To my mind it's worth the effort of making that contact... there are enough sites with thousands of Chinese gay hopefuls you can contact. Best to assure yourself of some fun before you arrive, right!
There is to my knowledge only one gay bar in Shanghai. Been there. Enjoyed it. As a closeted community, Chinese gays have to be discreet so you'll only find the brave in the bar. No different from any other gay bar in London or anywhere else... but you won't find go-go or anything like you see in Thailand. It's just a pub with sorry looking farangs and fit Chinese guys having a drink and making the most of a contact point that the bar provides.

May 26th, 2008, 02:42
Well at least I bothered to contribute with constructive first hand information... as recent as October 2007... 6 months ago.
You make a crtical remark Strontium-40 but don't have the courtesy to explain or correct with supposedly more recent info as might help the original poster.

Sen Yai
May 26th, 2008, 02:47
There is to my knowledge only one gay bar in Shanghai.

Times have changed since you've been there!

Yep. Take a look at Fridae's City Guide to Shanghai (http://www.fridae.com/cityguides2/guide.php?p=4) for a flavour of how things are.

Like most listings, it's probably not fully up to date, but it will give an idea of how things are these days.

I've been to Shanghai many times, but always on business trips with no time to go off exploring on my own. However, I do know that Shanghai is rapidly becoming a modern, sophisticated city and the wealthy, modern and sophisticated population are enjoying the benefits of development.

May 31st, 2008, 04:53
Thanks to all for the infos.

BTW do they have anything like Pantip Plaza?

May 31st, 2008, 05:45
Well at least I bothered to contribute with constructive first hand information... as recent as October 2007... 6 months ago.
You make a crtical remark Strontium-40 but don't have the courtesy to explain or correct with supposedly more recent info as might help the original poster.
Dick, Mr Strontium is the long-gone handle of Boygeenyus, and as such has not changed.

His sole reason for participating on this Board is to self-confirm (continually) his self-image (i.e. being vastly superior to all and everyone). He's a thoroughly needy man (very much the same as BadBoyBilly), and cannot stop attempting to fulfill his needs by going a-trollin' on message boards.

I think you probably played into his hands on this one by writing that Shanghai has only one gay bar. I would rather doubt that myself, as Shanghai and environs has a population in the 20 million range and that miniscule number (of gay bars that is) really just doesn't compute. I would be willing to bet that there are probably dozens (maybe even hundreds) of small gay bars in Shanghai which are unknown (and perhaps unknowable) to farang visitors, or even to be found by searching the internet.

But the point of this is that Strontium found himself an easy target in your statement, and zeroed in on it for the reasons above . . . i.e. not to inform, but to ridicule. A totally unpleasant character on all levels.

Cheers ...