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View Full Version : even more drama for Earwig and Ooogleman

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 13th, 2008, 14:27
Oogleman having gone in an apolexy over deemed insults with Pan waving his big stick and stating"

remember rule number 1 please everyone - no personal attacks!!

mel is standing by with his ban stick....hes much less tolerant than i.

he must need new spectacles...

I post reaches me titled "YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED, with this INFO ?" on Ting Tong by Earwig /LMTU( and supposedly 8 other names according to Smiles) written in Earwig's inimtable style giving a pleasant review of Pagoda , Helmut's new restaurant in Jomtien Complex..you can read it yourself and boost Ting Tong's readership and click on his porno advert to boost his web takings..

but what do we see after ...diatribe after diatribe..

Is this guy senile or just nuts??? (wantsome00)

I opened this message and I was very disappointed. You lied to me. ( khor tose)

The sad part is the bloke thinks he is serious ( soi VC slut)

a little consistency please Oogleman.

May 13th, 2008, 16:05
no drama - both threads are now locked and certain parties are no longer members. Im not at the pc 24 hours a day.

Last time i looked this was sawatdee gay thailand. Im sure the owners here love all the free publicity you give to other forums.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 13th, 2008, 20:46
Oh thank you so much for the non-apology Oogleman-your values ( good grace not being one of them) are well noted and are on par with Rainwalkers pompous fantasy that posting on Internet boards is a God given privilege. (look again Rainwalker-it's Oogleman threatening everyone with some boogieman called Mel with a big stick as though anyone gives a flying f**k whether they were a member of one of these boards) Methinks you all take yourselves far too seriously and one day will literally either give yourselves a stroke over Earwig or your head may implode.

Come down out of the clouds you silly queens...as far as I can see these boards are flogging porn and Oogleman has confessed as much.

I hope we at least got you some extra clicks on your "FREE HARDCORE GAY ASIAN PORN & PERSONALS' on Peter's death notice..

May 13th, 2008, 20:53
I hope we at least got you some extra clicks on your "FREE HARDCORE GAY ASIAN PORN & PERSONALS' on Peter's death notice..

I can only hope and pray that there are few free porn offerings on my death notice.

May 14th, 2008, 05:46
Lunch, why don't you just go post stuff (being the kindest word I can presently think of) like this at www.littlegirlsliketogossip.com (http://www.littlegirlsliketogossip.com)?

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2008, 09:37
and Bob why don't you consult a face lift specialist..no need to live with a boat race like that.

...and I don't think it prudent to advertise the fact you visit Internet sites about little girls..I'm certainly not interested.

..besides..you are missing the point here..I'm trying to help out Ooogleman and Ting Tong and drive traffic to their



and with 2 threads and nearly 1700 views I reckon I'm doing a pretty good job..don't any of you people have a business brain amongst you?..the idea is to get people to read your website..not drive them away.

May 14th, 2008, 12:49
Captain Squabbles?

Cheers ...

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2008, 13:45
Smiles..why does that "cheers" send such a chill :shaking: down my spine ?

Rainwalker this is one fly I have no wish to catch..a man who cannot apologize for breaking his own rules and then compounds it by punishing the aggrieved person demonstrates a lack of breeding as I'm sure Homintern, The Colonel and his batman Captain Squabbles would agree.

Ting Tong is certain not the Officers and Gentleman's Club I was led to believe it was and I think I'm well out of it (and usually am after lunch anyway)

The matter should die a death..if the moderators had any decency they would forward a percentage for all the fabulous hits I have sent their way to view the dreadful pornography they are promoting but I won't hold my breath.