View Full Version : Go Go with see thru undies and actually dancing

May 13th, 2008, 07:34
Had an email from a friend that I look out many years ago for a tour of BKK. He told me that on Ting Tong site, in a thread named Pinoy Pinoy Pinoy were a lot of pics of go go boys in see thru. His question what was the bar I took him too that featured see thru. Although many bars had full nudity at least in the show, Super Lex my favourite had a number of go go boys in mesh briefs in the lead up, which I thought was sexier than full frontal

I guess that also makes places like Krazy and others so popular

recent comment re go go boys no longer dancing came to mind, when I was watching the following G rated go go boy video, where the boys actually dance. It is quite a fun video

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it is called the tiny bubble dance

Please tell me how to post embeddded links of videos