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View Full Version : Why different tips in Boyztown vs Sunee?

May 11th, 2008, 01:15
Hi guys,

I'm new to the Pattaya scene, and I've been reading and hearing from various people (including a boy I know well) that boys in Sunee are tipped less than boys in Boyztown; any explanation for that? I haven't seen any good one so far, and I really don't see why it should be like that. Wondering if anyone has ideas about it?

Thanks :)


May 11th, 2008, 04:03
not true - its up to you.

May 11th, 2008, 04:04
First , tip is "Up to you." Tip what you think the service is worth. Second, don't be shy talk to the boy and find out what he expects, and if you think it is too much negotiate the price. Contrary to common rumor business is slow and the boys are very open to listen to whatever you have to offer. Third, a lot of the price expected will have alot to do with how attractive the boy thinks you are handsome, good hearted, clean, well dressed, sober, etc. Fourth, Boyz Town has become a tourist trap and a place for the folks that are afraid of Sunee , so they try to jack up the price just like any good capitalist would do.

As a personal observation, I find the boys in both Sunee and Jomtien Complex to be much less "full of themselves" and I have a much better time just hanging out chatting, flirting, and teasing a bit. Of course, you should leave a nice tip after chatting with a boy, and if you take a boy off he should be treated well and paid fairly.

May 11th, 2008, 04:50
1000~1100 short time seemed to be appreciated by both Sunee & Boystown guys last year.

Also at Jomtien Complex, I was specifically asked for a 1000 bht tip, so he wasn't expecting more either.

May 11th, 2008, 08:38
I think in Boyztown, it is supposedly "the" main place to be and many of the lads won't do it for 1000, well certainly the good looking ones, however, a lot will also.

May 11th, 2008, 13:16
Is this about tips or short time fees.
2 different things imho.

May 11th, 2008, 18:34
Is this about tips or short time fees.
2 different things imho.

Really I would like to know what you think the difference is. IMHO they are the same

May 11th, 2008, 18:36
Maybe he's talking about bar fines vs. tips.

May 11th, 2008, 18:40
Is this about tips or short time fees.
2 different things imho.

Really I would like to know what you think the difference is. IMHO they are the same

hmmm. lets see.

short time 1 1/2 hours approx. he leaves a nd goes back to friends, family, or just takes the rest of the night off

lonh time he spends the night and has to do the same in the morning/afternoon. may get meals and go
shopping. 10x the time involved.

May 11th, 2008, 20:38
Hey guys,

thanks for the answers - I know the tip is up to me (and I hardly ever go below 2000 B), but it still doesn't say why Sunee boys tend to get less tip than Boyztown boys - maybe this is not true in the first place, but I did hear or read that many times.

Maybe WhiteDesire and Soi 10 Tom's explanations that Boyztown is more "in trend" is an explanation, but it seems a little weak, no?

May 11th, 2008, 20:44
Perhaps it is because Sunee Plaza can be considered off-broadway to Boystown's Broadway. The boys are less polished, less experienced, and -- some would say (I would definitely say) -- lower quality. Some may eventually make it to Broadway, but for the moment they cannot expect to be paid as much as their uptown cousins.

May 11th, 2008, 20:51
This is my OPINION which this forum is about... To me, Sunee Plaza if for the 60 or older crowd that is into the "young" boys...the younger, the better. And true, the "boys" there are younger; thus, not charging as much since they are new into the game and not as commercial. The guys in Boyztown are mostly a bit older, more "commercialized; therefore, charging more. In Boyztown, it gets more of the tourist than the farang who lives here for a year or during the winter; thus, they're use to getting the price they ask... but, they are mostly a "quickie". They may look more buffed and pour on the smiles, but in bed they're a joke... If you are into the skinny, nellie types, then you go to Sunee... if you are into the more mature buffed look, then you go to Boyztown.

May 11th, 2008, 20:55
This is my OPINION which this forum is about... To me, Sunee Plaza if for the 60 or older crowd that is into the "young" boys...the younger, the better. And true, the "boys" there are younger; thus, not charging as much since they are new into the game and not as commercial. The guys in Boyztown are mostly a bit older, more "commercialized; therefore, charging more. In Boyztown, it gets more of the tourist than the farang who lives here for a year or during the winter; thus, they're use to getting the price they ask... but, they are mostly a "quickie". They may look more buffed and pour on the smiles, but in bed they're a joke... If you are into the skinny, nellie types, then you go to Sunee... if you are into the more mature buffed look, then you go to Boyztown.

I agree with you, but there is no reason I can think of that "skinny/nellie/young" should be cheaper than "buffed/masculine/a little older".

I still think it is the fact that Sunee is the bottom drawer of the boy industry. Any emaciated, drug-addicted waif of questionable age can walk in and get a job there. The Boystown bars are more slective, their quality is higher, thus the expectation for tips is higher.

May 11th, 2008, 21:09
i would say that BT guys mostly give a better service being that bit older than the sunee guys, & thats why i generally tip BT more, & i've always had 700bt excepted with no problems this being Short time

May 12th, 2008, 01:30
i would say that BT guys mostly give a better service being that bit older than the sunee guys, & thats why i generally tip BT more, & i've always had 700bt excepted with no problems this being Short time

A "big tipper" is always appreciated by the boys.

May 12th, 2008, 02:06
A "big tipper" is always appreciated by the boys.Although the difference in service will be indiscernible

May 12th, 2008, 02:13
Singapore--I agree with you that that is what it seemed to be for so many years--that Btown lads had a better "quality" to them and the bars were more selective in whom they hired, but many recent visits over the past several years certainly demonstrates that this is changing--you can find a great deal of the skinny, nellie types in BTown bars and not the buff, older types, but the long in the tooth, past their expiration types in certain Btown bars. I think it remains true that those looking for young, younger and the youngest still head off to Sunee.

May 12th, 2008, 09:37
OK. Still, all things being equal, wouldn't you expect younger boys (mostly from Sunee) to get better tips than older boys (mostly from Boyztown)? I'm talking legal age only here.

May 12th, 2008, 09:41
OK. Still, all things being equal, wouldn't you expect younger boys (mostly from Sunee) to get better tips than older boys (mostly from Boyztown)? I'm talking legal age only here.

Yes, malexan -- I certainly would. The issue is that most of the offerings down in Sunee Plaza are trash. Runaways, drug addicts, street urchins, and other marginable "boys" who wouldn't be allowed in a Boys Town bar.

May 12th, 2008, 09:48
Is this about tips or short time fees.
2 different things imho.

Really I would like to know what you think the difference is. IMHO they are the same

Tip: boys sat with you for the time that you're in a bar. Usually around THB 200 or even less if you just give a dancer on stage THB 20 as a guesture.
Off fee: the fee, you have to pay to "off" a boy. Usually between THB 200 and THB 600 depending on location and position.
Boys fee: (short time fee - long time fee): the fee you pay to the boy for the services offered and used. Short time fee from THB 500 up to ........ you, and long time fees from THB 1000 up to ......you either.

So that's a tip, off fee and boys' fee. IMHO different things.

Why there is a difference between BoyzTown and Sunnee? Ask a boy from BoyzTown and the answer will be: "Boys in Sunnee are bad boys, take yaabaa, young boys" , and and and everything that's bad. So, basically the BoyzTown boys think that they are of a better "quality" and a well known fact is, that better quality has its price.

May 12th, 2008, 10:09
Singapore & Joseph: you guys are a little harsh (by that I mean quite harsh :) ); I have trouble considering what the "quality" of a group od people might be; everybody is different, had their own path in life, made their own choices. I don't think it makes much sense to talk about the "quality" of one group vs another? Or even the "quality" of one person as if it was somehow objectively measurable.

May 12th, 2008, 10:12
Singapore & Joseph: you guys are a little harsh (by that I mean quite harsh :) ); I have trouble considering what the "quality" of a group od people might be; everybody is different, had their own path in life, made their own choices. I don't think it makes much sense to talk about the "quality" of one group vs another? Or even the "quality" of one person as if it was somehow objectively measurable.

Let's put it this way, malexan. If you are qualified to work as a waiter at La Tour d'Argent, you certainly don't accept a job as a floor mopper at McDonald's. Likewise, if you can get a job in Boystown, you take it. The dregs float back down to Sunee Plaza.

May 12th, 2008, 10:34
OK. Still, all things being equal, wouldn't you expect younger boys (mostly from Sunee) to get better tips than older boys (mostly from Boyztown)? I'm talking legal age only here.

Yes, malexan -- I certainly would. The issue is that most of the offerings down in Sunee Plaza are trash. Runaways, drug addicts, street urchins, and other marginable "boys" who wouldn't be allowed in a Boys Town bar.

Singapore, while I agree with you about the boys in several of bars in Sunee you have over generalized to make a point and in doing so you have made your post totally inaccurate and misleading to the new visitor. Many of the boys in in Sunee used to work in Boyz Town as Go Go Boys and have chosen to put their clothes on and work in the host/beer bars of Sunee where the local expats and long time visitors generally hang out. Once the boys have learned English they no longer need to dance in their underwear to attract business; they can use charm and conversation. Two of the boys I know who used work in Sunee are college graduates with excellent English language skills and has found love; one now lives in Norway and the other in Germany. One of the boys has a degree in Civil Engineering and another a degree in History. The boys, also, think that they have a better chance of finding "love" in a host bar where they decide who they talk with, drink with and leave the bar on an off with. I know several Farang that find the host bars intimidating because the boys don't have to talk with them, drink with them, or leave with them. Insecurity has made more than one of them bitter about visiting Beer/Host Bars of Sunee.

Rather than pass judgment on Sunee from an antiseptic distance, as you obviously have done, I would suggest that you visit bars like Come In Bar, Green Chairs or Oud's new bar when it opens shortly in Sunee before you mouth off in ignorance and generalize about what a terrible place Sunee is and what trash the boys that work their are.

May 12th, 2008, 11:44
Rather than pass judgment on Sunee from an antiseptic distance, as you obviously have done.

I was in Sunee Plaza as recently as three days ago, so there is no distance.

While there may be a few diamonds in the rough there, I stand by my generalization.

May 12th, 2008, 15:43
Singapore & Joseph: you guys are a little harsh (by that I mean quite harsh :) ); I have trouble considering what the "quality" of a group od people might be; everybody is different, had their own path in life, made their own choices. I don't think it makes much sense to talk about the "quality" of one group vs another? Or even the "quality" of one person as if it was somehow objectively measurable.

If you read my post correctly, you could have read, that boys from BoyzTown have the opinion that they're kind of upscale, superior or even of a better quality compared to the Sunnee boys.

May 12th, 2008, 15:52
Singapore & Joseph: you guys are a little harsh (by that I mean quite harsh :) ); I have trouble considering what the "quality" of a group od people might be; everybody is different, had their own path in life, made their own choices. I don't think it makes much sense to talk about the "quality" of one group vs another? Or even the "quality" of one person as if it was somehow objectively measurable.

If you read my post correctly, you could have read, that boys from BoyzTown have the opinion that they're kind of upscale, superior or even of a better quality compared to the Sunnee boys.

As I said in another thread, the wolf pack here has very poor reading comprehension.

May 12th, 2008, 19:52
Singapore & Joseph: you guys are a little harsh (by that I mean quite harsh :) ); I have trouble considering what the "quality" of a group od people might be; everybody is different, had their own path in life, made their own choices. I don't think it makes much sense to talk about the "quality" of one group vs another? Or even the "quality" of one person as if it was somehow objectively measurable.

If you read my post correctly, you could have read, that boys from BoyzTown have the opinion that they're kind of upscale, superior or even of a better quality compared to the Sunnee boys.

OK - I had assumed you endorsed that opinion, my bad.

Singapore - why would a runaway get a smaller tip than a non-runaway for example? What would that have to do with anything?

May 12th, 2008, 20:24
I've been spending some time in TopMan bar in Sunnee Plaza. I think the boys there are, generally speaking, good looking and personable. I see no need to generalize about the Sunnee Boys and say that just because they're working in the Plaza they're 'second rate'. Lulu has added a number of very nice looking boys to his group. If you want tattooed, he's got a couple. If you want boy next door, he's got them too. The lady boy I saw a week or so ago is gone. There's even a muscle boy for those that like that sort. None are too old. None are underage.

I've been offing a couple of them, and were it not that i'd get my eyes scratched out, I'd take #39 off for an audition.

Generalizations are ok, but they don't always apply to every venue in Sunnee.


May 12th, 2008, 21:06
Singapore - why would a runaway get a smaller tip than a non-runaway for example? What would that have to do with anything?

Boystown had nicer, more presentable boys. That is why they are more expensive. Anyone can work at a Sunee Plaza bar, you only need two arms and two legs. You can have head lice, scabies, and kennel cough, and you can still work there. Standards are higher in Boystown. And that's the truth.

May 12th, 2008, 21:10
Boystown had nicer, more presentable boys. That is why they are more expensive. Standards are higher in Boystown. And that's the truth. And their shit smells like roses too... :colors:

May 12th, 2008, 21:11
Boystown had nicer, more presentable boys. That is why they are more expensive. Standards are higher in Boystown. And that's the truth. And their shit smells like roses too... :colors:

Perhaps not, but they are more likely to have changed underwear in the past 24 hours.

May 12th, 2008, 21:33
Singapore, where do you get this "more expensive"myth from??? Higher standards, more presentable???

If you want to gereralize, BoyzTown is where first time tourist go to get ripped off by boys that know how to work the newbies. BoyzTown is where you can go and be observed like a monkey in a zoo by the straight tourist and laughed at by the homophobic ones. BoyzTown is where the Chinese tour guides lead their charges down the street like mother ducks lead their ducklings while holding their little flag in the air, and then stop at BoyzBoyzBoyz so they can look through the door and giggle. BoyzTown is where stright women go to take a boy off for the evening. BoyzTown is where the stale, jaded and over the hill men work...when they discover that they can't make a living with their clothes on.

How's that for some generalizations????

May 12th, 2008, 21:39
Pretty fair.

It's also pretty fair to say that the boys there expect higher tips, which was the main topic of this thread.

May 12th, 2008, 21:47
Pretty fair.

It's also pretty fair to say that the boys there expect higher tips, which was the main topic of this thread.

I think we should all go to Jomtien Complex.... the boys are dirt cheap and Monty's Burger is the best in town! :alien:

May 12th, 2008, 22:19
Soi 10 says: .
BoyzTown is where straight women go to take a boy off for the evening.

-That's because many of the fellows in Boystown look and act masculine. Why would women go to Sunee Plaza for a fellow that looks like a worn out skinny dog..and fem at that? (true,not all do but the majority do). Both places suit different folks with different strokes...

And when the Chinese tourist scuffle through Boyztown, all of us sitting outside of the Boyztown cafes/ bars , should all stand and point at them and laugh. That would be a fun activity. (also at soi 4 in BKK with the straight couples that are there to just "sight see". )