View Full Version : A quiz

May 10th, 2008, 16:18
10 points if you can tell me in what country this pic was taken in.

100 points if you can tell me the ethnic group of the short guy

1000 points if you can account for the short guy being there


May 10th, 2008, 16:21
10 points if you can tell me in what country this pic was taken in.

100 points if you can tell me the ethnic group of the short guy

1000 points if you can account for the short guy being there

Thailand. Mlabri, or Phii Thong Lueang.

Don't understand the third question.

May 10th, 2008, 16:24
10 points if you can tell me in what country this pic was taken in.

100 points if you can tell me the ethnic group of the short guy

1000 points if you can account for the short guy being there

Papua New Guinea?

May 10th, 2008, 16:39
10 points if you can tell me in what country this pic was taken in.

100 points if you can tell me the ethnic group of the short guy

1000 points if you can account for the short guy being there

Thailand. Mlabri, or Phii Thong Lueang.

Don't understand the third question.

Very good, Singapore Sexpat! You got the country right! But he's not Mlabri or Phii Thong Lueang! :-)

Anybody else?

(Snowkat, not an unreasonable guess. I'll explain why later.)

May 10th, 2008, 16:45
It's you, in drag, Aunty. Your boyfriend is overweight for his age though.

May 11th, 2008, 12:38

Mani ... They are the only Negrito group in Thailand and speak Tonga' (also called Mos), a Mon-Khmer language in the Aslian language group (thanks Wikipedia)

May 11th, 2008, 23:52
The Farang is attempting to learn how to use a blow gun?


May 13th, 2008, 15:44
So, what's the right answer?

May 14th, 2008, 13:42
But, the most burning question: Why is the white guy only wearing one (black!) sock?

May 14th, 2008, 18:29
But, the most burning question: Why is the white guy only wearing one (black!) sock?

It's a religious thing. He's offered the other one to the Sock God.

And if I get the answer right, can I get Air Miles?

There is abundant empirical evidence of the phantom sock God. Who amongst can claim never to have had an odd sock? My belief that socks are spirited away somehow by some ephemeral being is the only truly spiritual belief I have.

May 21st, 2008, 15:24
But, the most burning question: Why is the white guy only wearing one (black!) sock?

Beware of fairies in the bottom of your garden!
Our gal, Pudgy, is preparing to go to battle with a wood sprite.
Previously; Pudge was cruising the infamous boy bushes and met, not a god, but a garden variety Thai forest faerie: the Sock Tucker.
The Sock Tucker has an unusual fetish: tucking socks. Should one bend over to untuck his sock...Well use your imagination, foolish boy!
Pudge hopes to use the blow gun to bend the Sock Tucker over with a dart in the arse--Ala Mrs Sidney--and, while he's down there, force that perverse sock tucker to untuck him--Which is rather as difficult to accomplish as getting unscrewed but Pudge is a rather dim bulb. Case in point: Pudge ordinarily uses that blow gun as a form of safe sex. As they say: Love is a many splintered thing.

May 22nd, 2008, 15:43
So, what's the right answer?

Oops sorry Singapore sexpat, I forgot to come back and answer the question. Well you and Padlom sweep the pool. Padlom is correct. He is a member of the Mani tribe which is found on the Thai/Malay border in Southern Thailand. They are also members of the Negrito (little blacks) that are found in SE Asia in the Andaman's, Southern Thailand and the Philippines. As you can see, these people don't look anything like what we typically think of as an Asian. These look more like pygmy Africans that you would find in Central and Southern Africa. So what are pygmy Africans doing living in SE Asia? Well they are not pygmy Africans and have little relationship to the modern pygmy's of Africa. The Negrito in the Andaman islands have being there for at least 30,000 years and those on the Malay probably even longer.

To cut a long story short, it is thought that the Negrito are the remnants of the first humans who set foot out of Africa and spread around coastal Indian ocean, down though the Malay peninsular, through island Indonesia and into Australia, some 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Caucasians, Asians etc are the descendants of these first humans who over thousands of years have adapted to the environment they were in changing skin/eye/pigment colour and other things e.g., the Mongoloid eye. The Mani were the first people of Thailand, and were their for thousands of years before the Thai even existed. The Thai are a Mongoloid group who have moved down from north Asia since the end of the last ice age.

That big white guy came from people just like that little black guy. That's adaptation/ evolution for you!

So if you want to know what the first humans looked like, you're looking at one.

Oh and there's one thing I forgot to mention. For all those who love Chicken, you should thank people like this guy. The chicken (jungle fowl) comes from Thailand and was first domesticated there (Issan?) thousands of years ago by people like the Mani before then spreading around the entire globe. Colonel Saunders would be proud.

Khor tose
May 22nd, 2008, 19:15
I googled the Mani after your quiz came out and the answers came in. Somehow I missed learning about this group in my continuing education. Thank you for the enlightenment.
Great quiz.

May 22nd, 2008, 23:18
but did they have fighting cocks?