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May 10th, 2008, 09:37

May 10th, 2008, 09:48
Well as I mentioned before my bf will be applying for tourist visa with permission to marry. All the paperwork has been completed and he was put through a mock interview by the agent. He did pretty well without any help from me and has chosen to answer the questions in English should an interview take place. A file has been put together and the bf will be off to VFS to submit the application on Wednesday.

I'll keep all posted here as to how things progress.

Have you considered a pre-nuptial agreement?

A cautionary tale: a buddy of mine did the same thing you are doing. Married bf, took him home, got him citizenship. Three years later, the bf filed for divorce, took the house, the car, and half the cash. An expensive lesson.

May 10th, 2008, 13:30

May 10th, 2008, 16:09
Indeed. Marriage is a serious matter, with serious consequences. Just ask Paul McCartney.

May 10th, 2008, 16:26
PS: it is all the more important if you are starting with little. Your husband will have a legal right to 50% of everything you earn and acquire while you are together.

May 10th, 2008, 16:36
A pre-nup arrangement is the first order of business when you have any wedding plans. Did not know that the UK now allows same sex marriages.

May 10th, 2008, 16:51
Did not know that the UK now allows same sex marriages.

It doesn't, but when I raised the point earlier John informed that the visa forms use the term "marriage" even though the permission is for a "civil partnership".

May 10th, 2008, 22:25
A few comments on this as far as English law goes:

A divorce settlement is not necessarily for 50%. The concept in English law is for "maintenance" - maintaining the partner in the style to which they have become accustomed, if you like. That is obvioulsy dependent on your own means and lifestyle. In addition to this, an assessment is made of any contribution the partner may have made to acquiring the assets accumulated during the marriage. This is widely interpreted to include providing the comfort and support of a home, for example, but does not necessarily mean 50%.

Be sure to count all your assets before you decide you don't have too much to worry about. If you have money saved away for a pension, and especially if that provides for a continuing dependant's pension after your death, then the courts can order a division of the pension. The court will make an order to the trustees/managers of the fund, and it will be divided into two pots, one for you and one for the ex.

If you have made a will, it will be nullified by your marriage. Your husband will become the principal beneficiary of your estate if you die intestate. If you want to, you will need to make a new will.

Assuming that you do wish to make provision in a will for your new husband, then you may want to consider setting up a trust fund. I don't know what Lao boys are like with money, but if they are anything like Thais......

But - life is not a business, and if you don't trust him enough to take some risk, why get married in the first place? I'm not saying throw all caution to the winds, just that nothing in life is risk free.

John, I hope it all works out for you and you will be very happy together. Good luck

May 11th, 2008, 01:04
However as I don't own property in the UK presently and have no plans to do so in the near future I guess it isn't necessary yet? But a good point and certainly food for thought for me.All the Mem'sahibs are well aware they they will be able to divide up the overdraft between themselves equally after my death :idea:

May 12th, 2008, 10:38

May 15th, 2008, 17:12
John its been nearly a week how did you get on with your young mans visa application ???? don't keep us all in suspenders dear

May 15th, 2008, 23:23
I certainly will do a new will as the present one mentions the ex-wife.

John certainly do a new will now, for the immediate future but you will find in UK law it becomes invalid as soon as you go through a civil partnership, when you must make another one dated after the ceremony.

May 16th, 2008, 13:12

May 16th, 2008, 13:25

Brad the Impala
May 16th, 2008, 14:39
No cash, nor personal or business cheques.

Curious. At the British Embassy in Budapest, the visa fees are only accepted in cash!

May 16th, 2008, 18:00
John you should have been able to buy bankers draft at the VFS office albeit for twice the price that a local bank charges.
You should also have been given an application reference number which you can use to track the visas progress on line, it wont tell you if you were granted the visa but will tell you that the passport is ready for you to pick-up, otherwise you can phone them and good luck to you getting through, or you can also drop by to see if its finished, not an option from Pattaya. It will be a nerve racking time for you over the weekend, we can only wait and see how it all works for you both good luck.

May 19th, 2008, 14:30

May 21st, 2008, 17:00

May 21st, 2008, 18:21
Congratulations John...
and Thip too :-)

That is absolutely wonderful news to hear...

Good Luck & Much happiness to you both ...

Please take good care...and,

Stop by this forum...from time to time...
and let us know how both are doing in the UK.


May 21st, 2008, 23:48
My best wishes to you and your partner, John.

I hope the move back to the UK goes well.


May 22nd, 2008, 11:46

May 23rd, 2008, 00:11
Hi John
Congrats to yourself and Thip on the Visa...

As soon as you get settled I'll be over to meet you both for a night on the town in London!

Maybe i should get you to apply for my BFs next visa... You obviously have a better knack than i do!

May 23rd, 2008, 09:39

Brad the Impala
May 24th, 2008, 12:42
Personally JB represents the kind of expatriate view of Thailand that I find most unappealing. The moving to Thailand in the belief that operating a business/life there would be just like doing business in the UK, with the bonus of all those beautiful boys! As if business in any country, even within the EU, is just like doing business in the UK.

The mixing in almost exclusively expat social groups, boyfriend excepted. The unwillingness to learn the language, or approach understanding the culture, the characterisation of the locals as dishonest crooks, while wading through the sewers of Pattaya. The kind of blinkered middle England mind that moves to a foreign country, then complains that it is not more like home.

It is hardly a suprise that this transplanted English rose, has withered and will now return home to where he belongs. Good Luck in Blighty.

May 24th, 2008, 13:20
Personally JB represents the kind of expatriate view of Thailand that I find most unappealing. ...
It is hardly a suprise that this transplanted English rose, has withered and will now return home to where he belongs. Good Luck in Blighty.

Gone Fishing...
and fellow Sawatdee Members

Regardless what you may or may not think of the man JB...
I truly believe that each of us ...JB included...deserves the respect and support of us all..
in our time of crisis and hours of need.

Those hours of need are of JB's now!

This is no time to be chastizing JB for this or that!

Please recognize that JB is fighting for his life...
having discovered last year JB has Colon Cancer..

JB is completing his 3rd stage of chemotherapy at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital...
and it is costly cancer medical care!

And now ...with the funds for such costly medical care now coming out of his own pocket...
for JB ...has and had ....his so-called wonderful multi-million baht "BUPA Medical Insurance" policy...

BUPA stopped paying after JB's medical bills hit 600,000 baht (that is another tragedy...one must always read the fine print in an insurance policy - especially the BUPA policy!)...

It is for JB's personal health care that he needs to return to the UK...
and it is wonderful that his longtime bf ..and soon Partner...Thip,
has been approved for a UK partner visa to be with JB.

JB will need all the proper medical care and loving attention he can get from Thip..
his Mother & Father and Family members back home in the UK.

Friends, when a man is battling for his life...I do not understand...

Why are some seeking to nail him to the cross on trivial issues of past?

It is time...a long time passed the time ..
that we rally around JB ..wish him well..
and keep JB and Thip in our thoughts and prayers.

Life in the UK will not be easy for JB..or Thip...
JB has yet to win his fight over Cancer.

I wish them all well ...and God speed!

Enough said!


May 24th, 2008, 21:45
Row edited out.

CLOSED before someone re-opens it.