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May 9th, 2008, 22:33
I was wondering if it helps to get a professional exterminator in (if there are any in Pattaya) to spray ones apartment for those small micro-ants that can detect anything sweet laying around...even if it is packaged up. Has anyone had their condo/house sprayed? (I'll call them "gay" ants so this topic isn't moved.)

May 9th, 2008, 23:40
Actually, lady-boy ants might be more accurate or neuters, no sex organs, just worker ants. It must be their time of year to breed.

I got them too. Going to Phuket next week, so just when I plan taking everything out of the kitchen and nuke the room with some whatever Big C has in a big spray bottle, seal it up and leave.

I don't know if this is of any help in Thailand:

www.bugsaway.com/pest/ants.htm (http://www.bugsaway.com/pest/ants.htm)

May 10th, 2008, 00:16
My first condo and the one I am in now are both over 30 years old and both had ant problems. The 2nd condo I rented had none and the building was brand new; thus, I think the older ones have more time to get established ants, termites,and what ever. I"ll just go out and spray the #hit out of this one and see if it makes a difference. Hopefully the ladyboy ants, dike ants, queen ants, butch ants, top ants, bottom ants, versitile ants, money boy ants, comercial ants, beach boy ants, dike ants will all survive after I spray. :colors:

May 10th, 2008, 02:22
(I'll call them "gay" ants so this topic isn't moved.)

OK it stays until the other expert, ex-pat, ex-mod and ex-board owner complains.

May 13th, 2008, 16:19
there is one particular spray that works wonders but sadly the name escapes me. Monty told me about it a few years back and it kept the room ant free for more than a week without irritating me at all.

May 13th, 2008, 17:10
When I had a condo and then a townhome in pattaya I used ant granules ( I brought them form the states) to kill the ants. It is a granule that they carry back to the nest as food which the queen eats and the whole nest is destroyed. It worked very well and I only had to put the granules down once a trip. I don't think they are available in thailand and I only carried a small packet of them so as not to alert inbound customs.

May 13th, 2008, 17:28
I only carried a small packet of them so as not to alert inbound customs.

Yes, I'm sure ant granules are right up there with drugs, weapons, and pornography on Customs' list of priorities.

May 13th, 2008, 19:40
I only carried a small packet of them so as not to alert inbound customs.

Yes, I'm sure ant granules are right up there with drugs, weapons, and pornography on Customs' list of priorities.

I think what luvthai means is that he doesn't want to have a large quantity of these granules mistaken for drugs and go thorough the hassle and stress of waiting for them to be tested and proved not to be.

Although again with the situation of a customs officer loosing face and being mistaken, they could well be swapped for drugs whilst in the hands of the customs. This is Thailand

May 13th, 2008, 19:44

the granules you refer to are available from Foodland; called NiBan granular bait, a 180gm container costs 158 baht. They are stocked in the mosquito repellent area. A similar product is sometimes available from HomeWorks, in the garden section.


there used to be a Rentokil firm at the junction of Central Pattaya and Sukhumvit Road, in the side-turning next to the main Yamaha dealership; if they have moved, there are a number of pest control agents who advertise in the Pattaya Trader and similar periodicals, but I have no personal experience of them.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 13th, 2008, 21:10
Well I think it's bloody cruel to kill the ants after all they have as much right to inhabit this earth as you do ( possibly more)..but of course they can be irritating.

So just use the old farmer's trick. You put a bowls of sugar outside the door and then bang and bang loudly everywhere you can without trying to send the neighbors crazy. This does send the ants absolutely nuts and they will flee in colonies towards the sugar which you move further and further and further away..possibly to someone else's condo.


May 14th, 2008, 05:48

Anybody got any lunchtime granules?

May 14th, 2008, 06:04
I had an Australian gay aunt ('till she died ... not of poison though).

Cheers ...

PS ... Talking about gays ... I notice that Out-T'-Lunchtime has a big raging hard-on for Ting Tong Board now. What's that all about? :cyclops:

May 14th, 2008, 07:46
OK, for the umpteen-zillionth time:

They don't have to be gay ants to be in this forum, they just have to be ants in Thailand! :violent1:

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2008, 09:58
It's anything but a "hard-on" Smiles..the very thought sends me floppy ( have you ever considered starting an on-line psycho-therapy consultancy as you seem to be able to assess characters without ever meeting them ?)..although I think Bob has one for me but with a face like that he'd have one for anything.

May 14th, 2008, 10:21
There is also a chalky substance that is easy to apply and lasts a while.
The small yellow cardboard container says STOP ANT and the rest is in Thai.
It works well on the larger ants and one just needs to notice where the ant trail is and apply.
I have visitors who come in thru the window and this chalky substance deters them and they
don't cross over it..

If only someone would invent STOP TROLL... I know some rats that need exterminating.. :cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2008, 12:01
There are numerous on-line so-called behavioural rules that vary in degrees though one states :

"The Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.["

one could be most unkind of course and accuse many of the posters on this very thread of being a "troll" as per that definition..ie as in Smiles of "don't feed the trolls" fame who introdes a weird comment about his gay aunt and my hard-on

Bob and his"Lunchtine granules"


or dare I even say it Catawampus and his "STOP TROLL... I know some rats that need exterminating"

all of which have nought to do with the original posters request on how to rid his condo of ants.

But that would be just churlish of me..wouldn't it ?