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March 4th, 2006, 03:20
Been away for a few weeks. Got back on the forum today to find that this guy " sing shortie sing" seems to have tried to steel my id as a few people are mixing him up with me. Mrsydney seems to think it was he who mentioned a certain kitchen in Sunnee but in fact was me.
The point to this is that people that do know me in Pattaya dont think its me bad mouthing areas off with slurs such as pedophiles and drug dens and getting a knife in your back in Sunnee. Thats all my point is

March 4th, 2006, 03:25
Hi Buddy nice to see you back. Hope you had a good holiday. I think most of your friends in Pattaya will know its not you bad mouthing people or places off.
Take care and i will send you a message latter

March 5th, 2006, 20:03
hey hey

lofty what a back slapper you are , ----------I have never made comments about "DRUGS DENS"- I have never seen any in Pattaya ,

-------I didn't even know that your pseudonym existed, So how can you suggest I'm trying to pass myself off as you ?- do I sense a complex

LOFTY---its a long cry from SHORTY,------you are you, and I am ME, no confusion what-so-ever , its like MR SMITH -and MR JONES-does the MR part confuse you,--------because they are both MR does make it cause problems ,grow up man,

,I didn't see suggestions of any Mix up posted ,

you defending the pedophiles then,--------at least i have the balls to condemn them on their own home ground , Are you Not aware of Soi Sunnee plaza's WORLD renowned Reputation as a paedophile paradise, hey walk around it any night look at all the Old smiling men with little boys sitting with them , ALL THE GARY GLITTERS ,

-------the remark I made about a certain restaurant being dirty was justified----------hey if it was a MC Donald's or KFC outlet that had animal feaces on the floor would you defend it ? I think not ,

Just because it's one of your mates place's , it doesn't mean that I am being malicious ,FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a wonderful thing to have ,

And actually you don't get that in Thailand ,ex pats and paedos rip one to pieces if you call their mates a spade, with out giving a thought to the reality of whats being said,because they are so smug in their little worlds that they regards the way they live and think as being normal ,

-hey any one here see the Gary Glitter case this week ,imprisoned for pedophilia offense's in Vietnam for 3 years,Did you see him on telly screaming

INNOCENT ?????????? Dirty old pedophile he is, He has convinced himself that what he thinks and does is OK,

I read a report that he will be arrested on his return to England ,under the new international laws -that say Pedophiles can be tracked and evidence compiled and photographed at airports and then arrested on arrival on home soil ,No hiding place now,
Has any one also noticed that all visitors are photographed on arrival at the immigration desks , Did you ever wonder why ? ,

its all part of the world wide crack down ,

"keep your friends Close -keep your enemies even closer "

March 6th, 2006, 19:29
Hey Shortie, you really seem to be freaked by pedophiles as nearly every post you are ranting about them. I dont care for them myself but hey! shit happens and it has for hundreds of years. The few bar owners ive met in Pattaya always have seemed nice to me and as im a tourist i dont get involved in any of the seedier parts of the bars. Two very nice Gentlemen i met were from Sunnee Plaza and there bar was Memroies. These were 2 nice American chaps with a Thai Manager and they didnt seem like child molesters to me.
You really have got a hang up either with Sunnee Plaza and Child molesters, peronaly i dont think about that sort of thing. Maybe if you were interfered with as a kid you should go get yourself some counceling.

March 6th, 2006, 21:55

SSS has a hangup about Peds etc. I believe he once disclosed on this forum that he was abused as a child - so he probably feels that he has an axe to grind.

I was sexually abused as a child (for 3 years) it's not pleasant, it can completely f*** up your life, but I learnt to live with it with the help of my loving family. I eventually put it behind me and moved on. I have no shame, no guilt, but I will never forget it. I believe dealing with it has made me a stronger person.

I had 13 years of marriage and it wasn't until my late forties that I became aware of my gay tendencies. Did being abused as a child have anything to do with this? I don't know. I am also not part of statistical evidence which suggests that the abused often grow up to be the abusers.

PS. At what age did you readers realise that you were gay?

March 7th, 2006, 15:38
PS. At what age did you readers realize that you were gay?

GAY (As good an explanation as any.):
1939 (Film) Bringing Up Baby--
"Naked, except for a fur-trimmed gauze negligee and waddling about in bare feet, Cary Grant announced to Mae Robson that he was so attired because he had gone "gay"--And the word, "gay" publicly entered the English language."

Since I didn't know what "gay" was until I was 11, I suppose it was then.
Early experiences, at age 4, age 6, age 10 were all with, and at the instigation of, older boys: ages 5, 9 and 17 respectively.
5; I don't know if he married or had children but, in his teens he was certainly queenie\hissy-pissy acting.
9: Married, two children--and hit the "bars" regularly.
17: Married, three children. The wife, at divorce action, swore she caught him 'at it' with the youngest.
The others admitted he'd forced them, also.

I believe (true) paedophilia is a terrible thing...however...
The trend, currently, is to call it paedophilia if the younger is anything under voting age, and much more seems to be made of it if the younger party is male...Not often one hears of Lesbian paedophiles. (Thank Victoria?...for believing lesbians didn't exist: because "NO women would do such a thing!"...Therefore, no sanctions in British law against bumpin' pussys...or whatever they do. If muff diving had been explained to Vicky years earlier, Albert might have outlived her--Or been smothered to death years earlier...under silk bombazine!)
I must wonder if this (age-raising) is the result of the 'religious' "right" attempting to tie paedophilia to homosexuality: as another, nastier, brush to tar us with in their (ig)noble crusade to prevent homosexual people from gaining equal rights\marriage. Since many of us follow right along, like sheep with their noses up the arses of the holy-holies, it looks as though 'they' are gaining.
"With the invention of the species, 'homosexual', intolerance created it's quarry. Once a prejudice is set up, it traps within it's boundaries a heterogeneous group of individuals whose single common denominator is determined by the prejudice itself. The color of ones skin, ones varying degree of alliance to ones faith, a certain aspect of ones sexual preferences, can and do become the obverse of an object of desire--An object of hatred. No logic governs these choices: Prejudice can couple an Indonesian lawyer and a Rastafarian poet as "colored people" and exclude a Japanese business man as an 'honorary white"; revile an Ethiopian Jew and an American Hasid yet pay homage to Solomon and David as pillars of the Christian tradition; condemn a gay adolescent and poor Oscar Wilde but applaud Liberace and ignore the homosexuality of Leonardo da Vinci and Alexander the Great.
Thus the group created by prejudice comes into existence not by the choice of the individuals forming it, but by the reaction of those outside it. The infinitely varying shapes and shades of sexual desire are not the pivot of everyone's life, yet gay people find themselves defined through that single characteristic--Their physical attraction to others of the same sex...." -- Alberto Manguel

Now that; in many communities over the world homosexuality, of itself, is no longer enough: It has become ho-hum, so what, a non-issue--'Well, let's throw pedophilia on the dying embers and fan the flames!
And, if that's still not enough, we'll add beastiality--And Barney's, Pottery Barn, quiche, track lighting....'

Now I must hurry off to the Matsumoto Funeral Parlor. I need sneak in because if "they" see me, they'll say I'm, "going for a cold one": the curse if liking older, Asian men.