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March 3rd, 2006, 11:10
Are most of the users of this message center from Britain? It appears that this is so.

March 3rd, 2006, 11:29
Are most of the users of this message center from Britain? It appears that this is so.
Homintern is either from Bletchley Park (according to H*dd*) or Mars (according to Sm*l*s).
John Botting is from some mean streets backwater of a burb of Sydney ... as you can tell from this quote: " ... Boring wanker. Yeah, yeah fuck you darl ... ". But we luv 'im!! :blackeye: :blackeye:
MrSydney is a message board troll from under some dank bridge in a Sunday School play at St Peter's Anglican Church in Norwood, Adelaide, South Australia.

There are others . . .


March 3rd, 2006, 12:17


March 3rd, 2006, 12:21
Wow! a whle six percent! :blackeye:

March 3rd, 2006, 12:47
Hey, I am a Brit, Pom, Limey or whatever, although I have spent 6 out of the last 10 months in Thailand and, even on my own, I am much more than 6% .... :geek:

March 3rd, 2006, 14:06
I understand the question in the original post, since so many of the active posters seem to be Brtis or British ex-pats

It was interesting to see that "US commercial" members account for 24% of the board total - while the number of us Yanks posting seems pretty small. Perhaps all questions are already asked and answered in the archives and my countrymen know all they feel they need to (which seems to be a national disease!)

Of course, in many ways, I don't mind a lack of American voices here - since I get plenty of them on a daily basis

March 3rd, 2006, 14:13
the network people? Aliens? Space travellers passing through? Guys from the matrix? Buddhists from a previous life? :idea:

March 3rd, 2006, 15:32
What can US Commercial be? Male prostitutes?

What does "useage" mean - contributors or a person opening the website. Does it click every time a person opens the site? Could 23% od the US Commercial by Mr ES?

So broadly speaking (as I can't read the numbers clearly) we have

Network/Unknown/Other 60%
US Commercial 24%
Rest of the World 16%

Brits resident in Thailand must count as Thai?

No analysis possible - more input!

March 3rd, 2006, 15:36
MrSydney is a message board troll from under some dank bridge in a Sunday School play at St Peter's Anglican Church in Norwood, Adelaide, South Australia.

There are others . . .


I heard Billy caused quite a fuss when got to do the radio spot (Telly hadn't been invented yet.) for St. Peter's Annual Taffy Pulling Party. He went on the air and announced, "This Saturday, there will be a peter pulling party at Saint Taffy's." It was the best attended event they'd ever held and he was forgiven; they even named him Queen of the May Walk--But the May Walk walked away from him--and he still had to bend over forward for old Father Stickyknickers.
St. Peter's is closely affiliated with my old school, St. Paedophilia's Academy for Young Men.
The Annual Running of the Alter Boys is still held every year from July 7 thru 14 to coincide (What we do if it rains.) with the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain.
Unlike Pamplona; the boys had to be under 18 and drunk, and there are weekly run-offs to determine:
1.] Handicaps: fastest father had to carry the incense-pot, the Bishop got a two-second head start: he got to start giving head two seconds before anyone else, and first dibs. And
2.] The runners 'positions': placement in the race for chasers, chased and chaste (Of which there were none.). ie: Head of the pack--As I was known--or top of pack: always the gorer, never the gored--As I was known.
Marion looked lovely!
And a good time was had by all.

March 3rd, 2006, 16:51
The Annual Running of the Alter Boys is still held every year...........

Oh my. Now is that from or to the Priest?

March 3rd, 2006, 17:53
Come on!! Our county's name is Canada!!

March 3rd, 2006, 18:11
and women from Venus..so I leave it to you to decide from where I hail from although I spent many young years trawling the streets of Yonkers seeking favours from kind gentlemen.

Edith of course is from none of these places and God only knows where..but I think the charming Mr Botting is actually from the UK !!

March 3rd, 2006, 19:02
It at least offers a solution to the question posted by Doug - an alternative name for the USA.
- Network Commerical

March 3rd, 2006, 23:23
and women from Venus..so I leave it to you to decide from where I hail from although I spent many young years trawling the streets of Yonkers seeking favours from kind gentlemen.

Edith of course is from none of these places and God only knows where..but I think the charming Mr Botting is actually from the UK !!

Yo know, Pearl - I have long suspected that you have always been a woman who arranges things...especially when I saw you put your hand in

March 4th, 2006, 00:44
I've always meant to ask you this.. why do you have a picture of Stephen Sondheim for your avatar? Just curious as I am a great, great fan of his work... I think the man is a genius. :bounce:

March 4th, 2006, 03:50
I've always meant to ask you this.. why do you have a picture of Stephen Sondheim for your avatar? Just curious as I am a great, great fan of his work... I think the man is a genius. :bounce:

He is my idol. Perhaps as I have seasoned with age my fervor for him has come within a reasonable range - but I have been fortunate enough to correspond with him and be a guest in his home. I suppose my idolatry came to a head when I had a Hirschfeld characture of him tattoed on my right bicep!

http://upload3.postimage.org/34583/tattoo.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/34583/photo_hosting.html)

pathetic, eh? ( yes, I am referring to my physique as well...)

March 4th, 2006, 08:44

March 4th, 2006, 15:19
I spent many young years trawling the streets of Yonkers...

Telling people she was Yonkersite?...as in Parisite?...Oh, hell, native!...Ethyl Merman--And they believed her!
Then she moved to Tampa for a while.

Edith of course is from none of these places and God only knows where!...

Hush up `bout the 'G' word! You'll get homi all wound up again!

Mum was a cryptic soul; everytime I asked her where I was born, she'd only say, "Beyond the twelve-mile limit." Some gibberish about, 'working her way across the Atlantic...by coming across on the Mauretania.'
Dear old girl...when I introduced her to Pearl; she said, "Get rid of that! God only knows where it's been!"
That's why Pearl is getting her licks in--As she usually does.
And she does her best licks while yodeling the full name of Bangkok!...She's so good she can yodel it and drink a tall G & T, at the same time, without spilling a drop\getting her knees wet.

PS: John; ask Pearlie to show you her sheep suit.