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April 29th, 2008, 10:43
I have just come back from a short break in Thailand, eight days of bliss. However something is puzzling me.

Being a man and as such also a creature of habit I always stay at the same hotel. The staff treat me like family and I them. I know them all very well
but this time with one particular room-service guy, a tall beautiful Thai from the islands I was left feeling a bit puzzled.

I gather he has a crush on me but I am not sure, I have to admit to having feelings for him. This has been building up over the years, though to be honest I feel the same about all the room-service boys, and it would be fair to say I love all of them. They are all extremely good looking charming and beautifully groomed, so flirting is the norm. However it is always tongue in cheek as I would never compromise any one of them and perhaps risk their job and or their dignity, they are just too loving and feel more like brothers.

This particular guy however confuses me. He's a bit shy but loves to chat, his mouth gets a bit dry and he gets his tongue in a twist. I call him handsome in Thai as a nick, this is a gross understatement, he could easily consider the runway as a career.
What I found particularly startling, and something I have never seen him do before was turn white, white as a sheet. Like when someone get angry only in reverse. Instead of red his whole face drained of colour. What could this mean? It was only for a few seconds at a time but each time I thought he was going to faint, even his little ears turned ashen though he did keep smiling bravely.

He never did this before and we get on very well, though because he's a bit shy he only recently started calling me by my first name. It just came out once in a whisper, almost like he was practising it to himself while he set out my lunch. It made me smile, but then he instantly turned white as an angry cuttlefish.
However when I left he got all teary eyes and as tongue tie as ever, so risking all principle I lent across and kissed his brow, like you would a little child. His whole face instantly broke out into a radiant glow and he clasped my hand like he didn't want to let go. When he left the room he went backwards bumping into the porcelain umbrella stand his shiny wide eyes glued to mine his smile fixed in delight. What could be going on?

April 29th, 2008, 11:21
Only two possibilities:

1) He really likes you and wants a relationship

2) He's landed another sugar daddy customer :)

April 29th, 2008, 12:03
Only two possibilities:

1) He really likes you and wants a relationship

2) He's landed another sugar daddy customer :)

The first is possible the second not. Im not a sugar anything, we are about the same age. I have never come on to him, and in fact when I tried to give him his usual 200 Baht tip when he brought up my cappuccino he refused it and looked all put out.

Anyway what does it mean when a Thai turns white?

April 29th, 2008, 12:11
Then you must be the only person on this board who isn't old enough to be the father (grandfather?) of the thai boys they hire or date hehe

Don't know the white.. my guy does the usual blush thing.

April 29th, 2008, 12:49
Anyway what does it mean when a Thai turns white?

1, You've said something very significant, good or bad

2. He felt suddenly unwell.

I don't recall saying anything of importance. Could it be flashes of jealousy? I had a friend sleep over on his way to Dubai as I had two beds. He was still asleep in the bedroom, maybe he didn't like that I asked for an extra coffee cup. There was no other way he could know, the bedroom and connecting dressing room where closed.
If I said something good why would he turn white as a sheet?

I hope he wasn't feeling ill, I would feel horrible that I didn't help.
It seemed to me like he wanted to say something but turned white instead. I just don't know. I should have just asked I know. But it's difficult when you are trying to keep a respectable distance emotionally.

April 29th, 2008, 13:55
Anyway what does it mean when a Thai turns white?

Darling, it can only mean one thing. Your amour is hung like an elephant, and every time he receives a longing endearment from you his massive member engorges with so much blood that his very face drains white in compensation. Next time it happens, honey, look down now, ya hear!

April 29th, 2008, 14:20
he turned white?

Probably he saw a ghost, there are plenty in thailand,

or he was hypoglycaemic from overwork, a couple of sugar cubes would do the trick to bring back colour to his cheeks.

chok di

April 29th, 2008, 14:30

April 29th, 2008, 14:33
Cedric, certainly you must be fishing or trolling for the evident truth. He must feel you are so superior in good looks that he has an amazing crush on you and simply can not belive that an adonis of a man would ever kiss his brow. What else could it be???

April 29th, 2008, 14:55
I have just come back from a short break in Thailand, eight days of bliss. However something is puzzling me.

Being a man and as such also a creature of habit I always stay at the same hotel. The staff treat me like family and I them. I know them all very well
but this time with one particular room-service guy, a tall beautiful Thai from the islands I was left feeling a bit puzzled.

I gather he has a crush on me but I am not sure, I have to admit to having feelings for him. This has been building up over the years, though to be honest I feel the same about all the room-service boys, and it would be fair to say I love all of them. They are all extremely good looking charming and beautifully groomed, so flirting is the norm. However it is always tongue in cheek as I would never compromise any one of them and perhaps risk their job and or their dignity, they are just too loving and feel more like brothers.

This particular guy however confuses me. He's a bit shy but loves to chat, his mouth gets a bit dry and he gets his tongue in a twist. I call him handsome in Thai as a nick, this is a gross understatement, he could easily consider the runway as a career.
What I found particularly startling, and something I have never seen him do before was turn white, white as a sheet. Like when someone get angry only in reverse. Instead of red his whole face drained of colour. What could this mean? It was only for a few seconds at a time but each time I thought he was going to faint, even his little ears turned ashen though he did keep smiling bravely.

He never did this before and we get on very well, though because he's a bit shy he only recently started calling me by my first name. It just came out once in a whisper, almost like he was practising it to himself while he set out my lunch. It made me smile, but then he instantly turned white as an angry cuttlefish.
However when I left he got all teary eyes and as tongue tie as ever, so risking all principle I lent across and kissed his brow, like you would a little child. His whole face instantly broke out into a radiant glow and he clasped my hand like he didn't want to let go. When he left the room he went backwards bumping into the porcelain umbrella stand his shiny wide eyes glued to mine his smile fixed in delight. What could be going on?

...... and then you woke up! :cheers:

April 29th, 2008, 14:56
Anyway what does it mean when a Thai turns white?

Darling, it can only mean one thing. Your amour is hung like an elephant, and every time he receives a longing endearment from you his massive member engorges with so much blood that his very face drains white in compensation. Next time it happens, honey, look down now, ya hear!

Aunty :) yes LOL, you have a point but it's the other way around I'm sure.
I can never help myself during these little flirtations. I am often already aroused the minute I have placed my order on the phone. You don't mean to say he turnes pale with envy?
It's quite possible he is well endowed, but I always avert my gaze, I don't want to embarrass him, he does the same I thought, though I caught him starring in the giant mirror behind the coffee table once or twice, I just winked and carried on as though nothing was going on.

He agrees about Tesco's and 7/11.

The idea he might be moonlighting and as such over worked is horrible, I am determined to get to the bottom of this. He does the morning shift. Maybe he had very sad news and wanted to share but he didn't want to cross the boundaries.....Im going to have sleepless nights, I better write Chaiyapon.

April 29th, 2008, 15:23
Cedric, certainly you must be fishing or trolling for the evident truth. He must feel you are so superior in good looks that he has an amazing crush on you and simply can not belive that an adonis of a man would ever kiss his brow. What else could it be???

He's gorgeous, not at all vain. Oh I dont know it could be a thousand little things I suppose. Maybe he can read my mind, and I had some dirty thoughts.

April 29th, 2008, 15:26
I am determined to get to the bottom of this. He does the morning shift.

Good luck with his bottom Cedric. I would try tongue first and see what color he goes.

April 29th, 2008, 15:51
Good luck with his bottom Cedric. I would try tongue first and see what color he goes.

Silly man, that would unleash my heart strings. I would like to live with him for the rest of my life, but not right now, maybe he can sense that. I left a copy of Variety vol6 lying on the table by mistake and he shoved it under the tray in a very demonstrable way.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 29th, 2008, 15:58
"What could be going on?"

what is going on Cedric is that you are finally turning into a bloody old fool like the rest of us ! :crybaby:

April 29th, 2008, 16:52
Drunkbeforelunch I don't know. Maybe I have fallen in love. It's just i dont find anyone more charming than the Thais, and would love nothing better. But it worries me how much will change if we actually act on this. The future and everything. I felt sick to the stomach for a few days after I kissed him, I was so worried I couldn't even eat.

April 29th, 2008, 17:27
I am often already aroused the minute I have placed my order on the phone. You don't mean to say he turnes pale with envy?

I don't know, Cedric? Send me a high resolution photo of yourself and I'll be sure to have a good hard look at it, and I'll let you know. :cheers:

Or better yet, private message me with a full accounting of your unforgivable molestation on a Mumbai train, and I'll count the number of hands!

April 29th, 2008, 18:28
You don't say what the circumstances were when he turned white. Him talking, you talking, him serving, you dressing, or?,
Maybe he was just out of breath from carrying the big farang breakfast up four flights of stairs!

April 29th, 2008, 18:34
... when I tried to give him his usual 200 Baht tip when he brought up my cappuccino ...

Is that a misprint ? I'd be infatuated with you too if you tipped me my daily wage for bringing you a cup of coffee.

April 30th, 2008, 05:24
Cedric, it is obvious this boy is completly in love with you. He is probably turning white when he is imagining making love with you. This fine young man is in love with you and you must take the first step.

April 30th, 2008, 05:34
you just had a wet dream


hes never been with a farang before.

April 30th, 2008, 05:58
this excess of decorum seems a little silly to me. You like him. You think he likes you back. So just ask him out for coffee after he's off work and see what happens. Are you afraid that the fantasy will be shattered if you get to know him better?

April 30th, 2008, 06:23
He has a mild 'hole in the heart' condition that derives his body of oxygenated blood when under duress.
He wants to be the subject of your next paperback about 'lurv in the Land of Smil'.

April 30th, 2008, 08:22
this excess of decorum seems a little silly to me. You like him. You think he likes you back. So just ask him out for coffee after he's off work and see what happens. Are you afraid that the fantasy will be shattered if you get to know him better?

It suddenly dawns on me, I think there could be more to this inner conflict than meets the eye. He could be my half brother?
You see he's not completely Thai. And he comes from an island where my father spent quite a lot of time during the eighties, we both know this, as he has cross questioned me on this quite a few times already, in a very subtle yet purposeful manner and always in a whisper. I gather he hasn't got a father. A real one.

Anyway I am dreaming. But he has the hall mark nose and fiery eyes, perfect teeth and little shell ears kissed by just a few dark soft curls. I would love an older brother, I could only wish it were true. It wouldn't change anything, after all we wouldn't be planning a family would we?

April 30th, 2008, 08:39
I hope you've ensured that he lives in a pure teak house, with no air conditioning, TV, or computer (not a horrid concrete condominium), shops only at wet markets and dusty Mom-and-Pop shops (not at Tesco-Lotus or 7-11 godforbid), wears only traditional Thai silk and cotton clothing (Levi's and Lacoste? Shudder!), with bamboo flip flops (Nike trainers? Egad!), eats only nam prik pla thu and rice with his fingers (these Westernforks and knives -- Western culture is taking over! and McDonalds and Starbucks...the horror!) and rides around in a rickshaw pulled by a coolie (Toyota is destroying Thailand!). That's the way you like to imagine Asia, isn't it?

April 30th, 2008, 09:00
He has a mild 'hole in the heart' condition that derives his body of oxygenated blood when under duress.

he might have a big hole in his butt eager for Sir Cedric to poke him..... :cheers:

April 30th, 2008, 10:07
I hope you've ensured that he lives in a pure teak house, with no air conditioning, TV, or computer (not a horrid concrete condominium), shops only at wet markets and dusty Mom-and-Pop shops (not at Tesco-Lotus or 7-11 godforbid), wears only traditional Thai silk and cotton clothing (Levi's and Lacoste? Shudder!), with bamboo flip flops (Nike trainers? Egad!), eats only nam prik pla thu and rice with his fingers (these Westernforks and knives -- Western culture is taking over! and McDonalds and Starbucks...the horror!) and rides around in a rickshaw pulled by a coolie (Toyota is destroying Thailand!). That's the way you like to imagine Asia, isn't it?

No living in China that's hardly possible, but you paint a very lovely picture. You see because he is just a few years older than me it could be he is afraid he cannot compete or offer me the lifestyle I am accustomed to. I would love to live in his pure teak house, I would live in his corrugated iron squatter settlement for that matter, I don't care, as long as he stopped turning white as a sheet.

I don't want some sad Asian clutching onto Western excesses, like they do in Singapore, pretending to be European or worse. I know he doesn't. He was thrilled about the 'King of Siam" waterlily that I managed to buy, and even new its name.


Lunchtime O'Booze
April 30th, 2008, 11:43
there are several things going on here as I put on my psychiatrists hat Cedric as I read that the great Abert Hoffman-inventor of LSD died today at the age of 102 and as partaker of his wonderful medication at a young age it gave me wonderful insight.

a. you say in one sentence that it's"tongue in cheek" a highly charged sexual reference and then "they are just too loving and feel more like brothers" which gives a disturbing insight to a tendency to incest and with a much publicised Austrian case in the news ( with the rogue holidaying regularly in Thailand) is there something we should know about your cellar back home ??

b. you say "I have never seen him do before was turn white, white as a sheet"..this could be a reference to Thais who believe firmly in ghosts and this lad could unfortunately believe he just saw one-you. I've never encountered a Thai look at me as anything other than a 1000 baht note.

c. "he only recently started calling me by my first name'..get out more Cedric.

d "It made me smile, but then he instantly turned white as an angry cuttlefish. "..that ghostly apparition again !

c." I lent across and kissed his brow, like you would a little child. His whole face instantly broke out into a radiant glow and he clasped my hand like he didn't want to let go"..as he would as this hideous apparition his anscestors had warned him of hadn't just consumed him with fire.

d. "What could be going on?" you are probably barking mad..and I most certainly I am courtesy of Albert Hoffman.

April 30th, 2008, 13:27
Cedric, you are an idiot. No beautiful browend skinned lovely Thai boy is going to love you for you. You are a filthy falang and nothing more.

April 30th, 2008, 14:57
Cedric, you are an idiot. No beautiful browend skinned lovely Thai boy is going to love you for you. You are a filthy falang and nothing more.

He's half and half, Thai mother and Euro father. He's as much an outcast as I am, except my eyes are violet and his almost black.

Look this ghost thing I dunno, it sounds a bit fishy, I remember him one time loosing all colour very dramaticaly while starring at the fruit bowl, maybe a childhood trauma, maybe he was called this fruits name because he is a golden colour and not the usual peanut?
I think he was jealous, because when I told him my friend was still sleeping so we had better tone it down a bit, he huffed and said hmm so wot. He had been trying to teach me the words "you are a very good looking man" in Thai, so I didn't get confuse and say you are a very good looking woman, he insisted I say it repeatedly after him and slowly and all the while he had a sly smile playing across his lips.

I have another theory. My friend went of to Dubai, all was well. Then he stayed again on his way back, the flight was Singapore Bangkok Mumbai Dubai or something. Anyway he didn't know my friend was coming back, so when a few days later after I had told him my friend had left, I ordered a cappuccino and an extra cup with just a pot of hot water, I think he maybe thought I was harbouring a slut in the bedroom. Especially after he found the Variety mag. Very few westerners drink plain hot water, not even my friend, its very popular in China, howevermy friend travels with a jar of Nescafe decaffeinated in his suitcase. I wonder if this is what turned him white as a sheet?

Oh why wont anyone tell me Thais blush in reverse? It's really what I was hoping to hear.

April 30th, 2008, 15:45
Actually, all joking aside, Cedric, turning pale is usually an (our) emotional response to fear/ experiencing fear.

You may want to be careful in rushing in and projecting too much of your own feelings onto him and believing that what you are feeling he is feeling too. He may be thinking and feeling something different altogether! But you are right, he has strong feelings in response to you.

April 30th, 2008, 16:05
Actually, all joking aside, Cedric, turning pale is usually an (our) emotional response to fear/ experiencing fear.

Oh that makes me want to cry. He tries so hard to speak English too.

April 30th, 2008, 16:23
Actually, all joking aside, Cedric, turning pale is usually an (our) emotional response to fear/ experiencing fear.

Oh that makes me want to cry. He tries so hard to speak English too.

Oh Cedric stop farting around. Next time grab him and kiss him passionately on the lips.

April 30th, 2008, 17:04
He could be as afraid as I am. if he was so afraid why would he flirt so much. I never came onto him ever. maybe he is marries

April 30th, 2008, 17:17
I remember him one time loosing all colour very dramaticaly while starring at the fruit bowl, maybe a childhood trauma, maybe he was called this fruits name because he is a golden colour and not the usual peanut?

You think too much.

April 30th, 2008, 19:31
Take him out for a drink or dinner, and be direct with him.As in "What do you eat for breakfast?" or "I hope you don't mind my snoring"?

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 1st, 2008, 10:44
"He's as much an outcast as I am"

well at least you got something right.

May 1st, 2008, 13:32
Actually, Lunchtime, I'm surprised that you haven't given Cedric more advice on the matter. I mean you turn pale every time Mrs O'Booze walks in the room, right?

May 1st, 2008, 14:03
"He's as much an outcast as I am"

well at least you got something right.

Thanks boozehead. We can cling to one another for succour. Both pale faced in terror. I thought love was easy but I feel rotten and all grown up.

I have come down with a horrible summer cold as well. It all started in Suvarnabhumi with the sneezing. I hope it isn't the chickens flu. I was at an informal practise cock-fight just before I left, this surprised me as I thought chickens were banned from metropolitan areas, anyway I never touched a chicken as such.

Yes I think it was the langsart in the fruit bowl all along. It is described as having a "dirty yellow colour". Oh the poor little prince, teased as a boy. I will never let another langsart pass my lips as long as I breath.

May 2nd, 2008, 06:24
He could have thought you were heading towards a cardiac arrest when he turned white. It was fear. You were obviously so smitten by his beauty that your lustful mind went into overdrive. The poor lad must have been terrified by the look on your face.
However. realizing you didn't have your fat wallet on you/near by he took a firm grip of himself and was saved from a fate worse than death.

May 2nd, 2008, 06:58
Yes I think it was the langsart in the fruit bowl all along. It is described as having a "dirty yellow colour". Oh the poor little prince, teased as a boy. I will never let another langsart pass my lips as long as I breath.[/quote]

... maybe you can now pass the langsart thru your other lips :cheers: :drunken:

May 2nd, 2008, 07:07
You were obviously so smitten by his beauty that your lustful mind went into overdrive.

Interesting theory, however sex wasn't on my mind, even though I carry a semi permanent erection you can right it off as just an age thing.

May 2nd, 2008, 08:08

Interesting theory, however sex wasn't on my mind, even though I carry a semi permanent erection you can right it off as just an age thing.
You may consider hormone therapy or cialis to help you with semi-erection and put your mind in the right mood.
Never write yourself off based on age thing.

May 2nd, 2008, 17:05
You may consider hormone therapy or cialis to help you with semi-erection and put your mind in the right mood.
Never write yourself off based on age thing.

Thanks ikarus, but the erection is the problem. I have trouble subduing it, it doesn't mean I want sex just my hormones seems to think I do all the time.

May 2nd, 2008, 21:01
All the boys seem nice , by what you say, whats the hotels name and where?

May 3rd, 2008, 08:23
All the staff are hand picked for their wonderful charming presence and outlook and are impeccably trained to please your every whim. Unfortunately I couldn't compromise anyone of them by mentioning the hotels name. That wouldn't be fair would it? Thats part of the dilema, its very easy to take advantage of that desire to please, something I wouldn't dream of doing.
I would be seriously compromising at least one of them if I now told you where he worked.

Have you tried The Oriental?