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April 18th, 2008, 14:27
The working boys follow a very distinct business model as follows:


Step One: Bait the Hook
Get the farang to off you no matter what you have to do to accomplish this. Smile at him using those facial expressions you see on the soap operas, do whatever you can to make your cock stiff when you're on stage, if he (the farang) is focusing on your cock just start massaging it slowly to keep his attention. If he buys you a drink, sit with your leg touching his and place your hand on his thigh. No matter what the farang says to you, just respond with "Up to You." If he wants to grab your cock - just let him. Better yet, as embarrassing as this is having someone fondling your cock in public, smile and start groaning softly as if you really like it. Remember, it doesn't matter how old he is or what he looks like, the primary objective at this stage is to position your farang for Step Two.

Step Two: Set the Hook
The first time you have sex with the farang, suck him like there's no tomorrow. Remember to spend a lot of time in the shower so the farang will be less apt to want to sit around and talk, because even if you do understand a little English, he'll make no sense to you anyway. Don't wear your underwear when you get in bed with him. Just come out of the bathroom draped in a towel. This way your underpants will stay fresh for your next farang. Do whatever you can to please the farang at this point, and remember, he's old and won't last that long anyway, so just fu*k his brains out for 10 or 15 minutes and you'll be finished for the night. If the farang wants you on the bottom, than by-all-means try to satisfy his request. If you just can't get yourself to do this (especially you straight boys) just tell the farang he is too big for you. That way his disappointment will be offset by his inflated ego and he will just settle for a good blow job. And remember, farangs like cum. Yes, it doesn't matter where you shoot it, just make sure they see you cum...better yet, try to shoot it right in his face...that will get you a 500 baht bonus every single time. When you're finished with your task, remember to tell him how good he was and start flashing those soap opera smiles again, and regardless how much he tips you, remember to smile and give him a polite wai. Remember, it doesn't matter how much he tips you the first time - the primary objective at this stage is to position your farang for Step Three.

Step Three: Keep em on the Line
Make sure you get a commitment from the farang for another off session. If he seems reluctant to commit just keep asking him the same questions over-and-over until he starts to bend. You can attempt to get the farang to off you for a long-stay (several days or more) but be careful not to scare him away. If the farang says he's not sure what he's doing the next night, just tell him you'll be waiting for him. At this stage you can start easing off on the sex a little as the farang will already have emotional ties to you. Remember that farangs have this thing about being loved and nurtured, so now you have to learn a new English phrase, "I Love Only You." This will help to secure your relationship with the farang even after he's departed Thailand for his home on Neptune. Because of the farangs emotional compulsion towards you, he'll typically start buying you things like cell phones and gold necklaces as an expression of how much he really needs you. Accept these gifts graciously, although you don't have to tell him thank you when he presents them to you. Just give him a shy smile and say nothing. This technique is effective for making the farang feel unwanted, and believe it or not, he'll typically buy you another gift before he leaves town because of his depression. At this point it is acceptable to tell him thank you. Make sure to get his e:mail address and some kind of commitment for money. It will only cost you 20 baht per week at the Internet shop, but usually ends up with the farang sending you money - at least once. Most farangs lie about this, although, if you have 3 or 4 farangs on your line simultaneously, it will reap the dividends.

Step Four: [b]Post Game Strategy
After the farang leaves town send him an e:mail message right away. This is where the third key phrase comes into play: "Miss You Too Much." Tell the farang anything you can to get him to send you money. Some tried and true phrases are; My mother needs operation, the water buffalo died, my brother had motocy accident, but the all time award winning phrase is... I have no money for loom. The reason this phrase works so well is that it gives your farang the impression that you are not going off with other farangs because of your love and devotion for him. If he refuses to send you money - just keep telling him you love him anyway. Eventually most farangs break down and send something.

Step Five: Bait Another Hook
Follow steps One through Four above for as many farangs as you can possible get on your line. If you're successful, you can have anywhere between 3 and 7 farangs on the line at the same time which is the ultimate objective. Hell, some of our super stars need trout lines. Just remember to keep repeating the three key phrases you received during your initial training, e.g., Up to You, Love Only You and Miss you Too Much. When one of the farangs starts getting emotionally upset because you don't tell him you love him or thank him verbally for the Nokia toys, then it's time to use the fourth and last key English phrase...You Think Too Much.

April 18th, 2008, 14:57
This was posted by Dodger two years ago, in a thread entitled Less enthusiasm after repeated offs?, where the last post was made only two months ago. Maybe it would have been polite to acknowledge this?

April 18th, 2008, 15:47
This was posted by Dodger two years ago, in a thread entitled Less enthusiasm after repeated offs?, where the last post was made only two months ago. Maybe it would have been polite to acknowledge this?

but the way danny99 tells it, it is funnier.

April 18th, 2008, 19:40
Insightfully accurate.
I would add the phrase "I can do everything for you" to Step 1, but perhaps it was just omitted because it is a given.

I would also add to Step Two: "Oh, your cock so big".

April 19th, 2008, 01:49
I wonder whether anyone on this site has ever posted anything which goes against this shit. Racist crap, if you ask me (and you didn't)T.
The question arises: if the Thai are bad, and Thai boys are specially bad -- what the fuck are you doing here?

Excuse me, but did you not come here of your own free will? If you don't like the place, then don't let the fucking door slam your ass on the way out.

Or you can sit here, and WHINE FOREVER!!!!!!

April 19th, 2008, 02:17
Racist crap, if you ask me

Racism is a form of prejudice, where you prejudge a person's character based solely on their race. The OP has based his assumptions not on their race, but on their form of employment, and as far as I can see, there is no prejudging in the post at all. In fact it seems to be based very accurately on his own experiences, which most of us can relate to very well.

It is therefore neither racist, nor crap.

If you ask me.

Brad the Impala
April 19th, 2008, 02:37
Racist crap, if you ask me

Says the man in the glass house, who, in another thread, says that Europe is succumbing to sharia law!

April 19th, 2008, 04:07
This isn't racist.
The same can apply to rent boys all over the world with minor modifications.

I didn't detect anyone even implying this was unique to Thais.

April 19th, 2008, 05:13
...............D E L E T E D

April 19th, 2008, 09:29
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Falangs, too long pickled in the Thai 'mai pen rai' attitude to sexuality, eventually end up like this idiot poster....an obsessive re-arranger of the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The reality is; western (christian) culture will very soon rob you of any opportunity to even talk to a boy 20 yrs younger than you..... unless the high price of rice paid to Isaan and other rural farmers gets there first and gives the boys a good reason for not going to Pattaya et al in the first place.

April 21st, 2008, 12:32
This was posted by Dodger two years ago, in a thread entitled Less enthusiasm after repeated offs?, where the last post was made only two months ago. Maybe it would have been polite to acknowledge this?

Afraid I was not using this forum that long ago. I found it on another forum 6 months ago and thought I had lost it. I asked in this forum, about 2 months ago, if anyone had a copy and all said no. Hence when I refound it on a flash disk that I had thought was lost, I reproduced it. As my earlier ask for a copy had produced much comment I thought I was doing people a favour by repeating it as I think it is brilliant.

In my earlier search for it I mentioned an insight similiar to Stephen Leather in his wonderful book Private Dancer....

April 22nd, 2008, 14:45
Hey Danny99

I searched on the board not long ago for this post after I read your request recently. I couldn't find it but it is as good as I remember.

Here is the original thread (Dodgers post is the sixth on this page) and the thread itself is worth reading.

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... t8362.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/less-enthusiasm-after-repeated-offs-t8362.html)