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April 7th, 2008, 13:25
Hi, I'm the new poster of the day... I've been reading the board as a guest for several months now before coming to Bangkok, but now that I'm here I'm finding the city a little overwhelming in a good way.

I'm still sifting through posts, trying to find the appropriate postings that will can point me in the right direction, but this is taking time, something I'm running out of. Nevertheless, I'm still reading on. I thought asking might be more helpful.

I've taken a shine to the everyday guys I see on the street who strike me as very 'Thai' and very hot. (. i.e. security guards, police, tuk-tuk drivers, food stall/street vendors, canal boat guys).

My question is where do guys like this go to meet other guys? I've seen postings on other boards about malls and parks, but no specifics. I've been to MBK and other malls, and while not looking, didn't really get the impression that anyone was cruising. I've read posts about cruising in parks. I've walked through Lumpinee and again didn't really see anything that resembled cruising.

I've been reading ADMAN5000's posts...thanks for sharing your experience. I'm planning a break from Bangkok to check out Pattaya thanks to your posts.

I appreciate any and all advice, even if I do get bitch slapped one or twice.

April 7th, 2008, 14:06
The security guards can be responsive indeed. In most shopping complexes there's at least one stationed near the escalators and they look pretty smart in uniforms. I almost retraced my steps once when a cute man discreetly signaled from the floor above for me to come up to him. I had earlier exchanged warm smiles with him just before descending, and sensed that something was on. If not for an urgent matter coming up I would have taken the escalators back up to the guy in blue. And then there are those loitering around the shops, waiting to make eye contact, and of course the saunas etc, etc... :colors:

April 7th, 2008, 14:58
How about gay saunas?

www.dreadedned.com/directory/bytype/1/11/ (http://www.dreadedned.com/directory/bytype/1/11/)

and gay discos?

www.dreadedned.com/directory/bytype/1/8/ (http://www.dreadedned.com/directory/bytype/1/8/)

These listing need some updates. DN, once the leader in gay Thailand web venues is a bit out of date. Not sure if the ol' boy ned is still kickin have not seen him in years.

Forget the Parks, that's so 70's and 80's.

Head over to Balcony and pick up all the recent guide books and maps. While at Balcony and other farang resident hang outs, be on the look out for farang residents, ask what's hot and what's not. Some are a veritable fountain of information others a steaming mountain of bull shit.

Have fun and good hunting.

April 7th, 2008, 16:54
I've taken a shine to the everyday guys I see on the street who strike me as very 'Thai'

If you mean the Thai street, this can hardly be a surprise!

April 7th, 2008, 16:57
For me, I just had to be open to the possibilities.

I was in a taxi that couldn't find my hotel in Pattaya. He pulled over and asked a cute guy on a motor bike, who then offered to lead us to the hotel. When we got there, the motorbike guy insisted on helping take my bags to my room....and, well, you know what happened then.

I was at Jomtien Beach and one of the workers at the concession was friendly, had good sense of humor, and cute as hell. I asked him out to dinner and 8 years later we are still boy friends.

On the way back to the condo from the beach two massage boys were headed home, bemoaning they had not had a massage that day. They asked if I wanted a 4-hand massage. Why not, I thought. The massage was excellent and one of them came back for sex for three days following.

The tuk-tuk driver in Chiang Mai ... the waiter at Sphinx. The list goes on. Just be open to the possibilities!

April 7th, 2008, 18:35
Well, Beryl, (I won't go to Pattaya because it's too degrading Hovelturd) likes to wear his baseball cap and go to the cinema in BKK and suck their dicks. Perhaps you could ask him for a few suggestions and the name of a friendly theater or two? He's quite the expert you know.

April 7th, 2008, 18:48
Glad to know my posts were a help.
I think the sauna's and disco recommendation might be best idea for you. It helps to know the best days and times to go. Another idea is to talk to make friends with a gay masseur or barboy who speakds decent English and have him take you around. Then you know some places and it will save time.
Good luck and please let us know how you made out. Feel free to PM me if I can be of specific help. Others will know more about the sauna and disco than I do.

April 7th, 2008, 19:29
Yeah....I've always had problems with my gaydar. It's taken me places I'd rather forget.

Thanks for all the suggestions and encouraging stories....armed with these tips I'll feel more confident smiling at guys.

April 7th, 2008, 20:24
OK meinhell are you ready for the slaps now ?

Welcome to you, it's nice to see new blood posting sensible items.

April 7th, 2008, 23:37
There's always the hard-core standby, CruisingForSex.com. The CFS Thai forum is: http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/forumd ... forumid=82 (http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/forumdisplay.php?&forumid=82)

Since it seems the OP is about Bangkok, one can find threads specializing in suck cinemas, bars, massage places, shopping mall restrooms, pharmacies, hotels and more for that fair city.

April 7th, 2008, 23:42

Are you looking for a relationship, or just quick and easy sex? The advice would vary greatly depending.

April 8th, 2008, 00:04
I was once taken to a disco near the not far from Kao San Road called Sargay it is an old converted cinema and caters for Thai gays. The night I went I was the only farang in the place and they were round me like flies on shit. I was told that is isn't really a money boy place but nevertheless after one came back with me I gave him 1500 Baht and said "your taxi fare" He didn't want to accept it but I made him. Has any body else been to this place

April 8th, 2008, 01:26
The night I went I was the only farang in the place and they were round me like flies on shit.

It's all in the numbers. Tonight, I went to the Suan Lum Issan concert. I came late, the BF was already there. I walked in alone, few if any farangs, in less than the 5 min it took to find the BF, I had clear signals from 3 cute Thai boys, two Thai ladies and one lady-boy.

April 8th, 2008, 06:55

Are you looking for a relationship, or just quick and easy sex? The advice would vary greatly depending.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking for sex, but having a good time, hanging out with someone, making new friends is my intention.

April 8th, 2008, 07:03
I was once taken to a disco near the not far from Kao San Road called Sargay it is an old converted cinema and caters for Thai gays. The night I went I was the only farang in the place and they were round me like flies on shit. I was told that is isn't really a money boy place but nevertheless after one came back with me I gave him 1500 Baht and said "your taxi fare" He didn't want to accept it but I made him. Has any body else been to this place

Went there a few years back. I didn't know it was still around.

How would one find "Sargay"? Sounds intriguing! Is it close to Xanadu?
(First question serious, second dated humour)

April 8th, 2008, 08:15
I was told that is isn't really a money boy place but nevertheless after one came back with me I gave him 1500 Baht and said "your taxi fare" He didn't want to accept it but I made him.

Not content until all Thai boys are prostitutes, I guess.

April 8th, 2008, 08:33
I was told that is isn't really a money boy place but nevertheless after one came back with me I gave him 1500 Baht and said "your taxi fare" He didn't want to accept it but I made him. Not content until all Thai boys are prostitutes, I guess.I have Remote Control on my "watch list"

April 8th, 2008, 08:40
I'm flattered. :pottytrain1:

April 8th, 2008, 08:49
I'm flattered. :pottytrain1:

Believe me, that's a feeling that wont last for very long.


April 8th, 2008, 11:40
In all seriousness, I wonder what allieb was thinking when he foisted 1,500 baht on a non-commercial contact. It seems to me to have been completely unnecessary, and could have caused serious offense.

April 8th, 2008, 12:42
In all seriousness, I wonder what allieb was thinking when he foisted 1,500 baht on a non-commercial contact. It seems to me to have been completely unnecessary, and could have caused serious offense.

To answer this question.

If the boy had looked as if he was wealthy I wouldn't have done so. I know somebody will say how do you know if he is wealthy? The answer to that is we don't for sure but we can get a pretty good idea. I would feel a bit of a cunt having sex with a good looking boy from Thailand 30 years my junior and not giving him anything. If he is a money boy I give money for sex and Taxi fare. If I am unsure of his status I always give a large Taxi fare as a sort of way of making things right.

BTW on one of my early trips to Bangkok I picked up a boy from (he said Malaysia) in DJ station.After short time in my hotel he said he had to go back to his hotel near the railway station and that he was returning to Malaysia the next day. I offered 1,000 taxi fare at which he became most offended and left. The next night he was in DJ again and came straight over to me and said he kept thinking about me and had delayed his return. I was flattered, that is until a nice farang came over and had a word in my ear.

He asked me if I had been given the Malaysia story and if the boy had refused money the first time. He said that the boy was in fact Thai. His technique was to give a free sample and then come back for the kill and demand large sums of money menacingly if necessary.

April 8th, 2008, 12:57
I know somebody will say how do you know if he is wealthy?

1. He picks you up in his Mercedes Benz and tells you the BMW is in the shop

2. He's wearing more gold than the King.

3. He speaks real English.

4. He has a job other than waiter.

5. He has been to Singapore.

6. He's skin is so white, it's blue.

7. He does not like the poor getting in his way.

8. He can pick out Europe on a map but does not see the point of doing so.

9. He has a cell phone that has one of those pick pointer things.

10. He make it a point to tell you he's Thai-CHINESE.

April 8th, 2008, 13:08
allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

April 8th, 2008, 14:21
allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

That's my view as well. Not everyone is looking for a hand-out, many have pride in who and what they are, and what they have accomplished in life on their own. I think one should consider this before handing out cash unsolicited.

April 8th, 2008, 14:32
allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

Looking at most of the farangs in Pattaya or Bangkok ... only a prostitute would have sex with them. If they are being offered it for free then their boy must need psychiatric treatment. Either way the boy needs the money.

These days I only go with guys who I know will want money and I tell them how much they are going to get. Take it or leave it. It makes for a more relaxed session knowing where you stand and that there won't be any of those hurt looks of 'Oh, so you think I'm a moneyboy' or 'Is that all you think I'm worth'. If I'm unsure about a boy's status then I leave well alone. Don't want to cause offence, do I?

And, if a boy makes the point of telling me that he is not a money boy and that he likes me and wants sex (for free) and ... and ... and ... that's when the warning beacons go up and I'm on my guard. I just don't believe in a 'Free Lunch'. I don't want all the phone calls and uninvited visits and then the hard luck stories; and then the costs for university, and then 'Oh if only I had my own computer', and then the fare for the visit back up-country to see a sick relative, and then 'Let's go shopping'.
NO ... I like my freedom and I like variety in the bedroom and I am happy to pay for what I want. :flower:

April 8th, 2008, 14:35
[quote="dave_syd":pso2wf6r]allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

That's my view as well. Not everyone is looking for a hand-out, many have pride in who and what they are, and what they have accomplished in life on their own. I think one should consider this before handing out cash unsolicited.[/quote:pso2wf6r]

Last night at the Suan Lum Issan concert I noticed as usual, a lot of the people that come present roses with money attached to the stem to the performers. There are sellers of flowers and money chains going back and forth in front of the stage. Some skip the flowers and just pass cash. I noticed some 500's and 1000's notes being held up and wondered if the person passing them were plants as is common in the go-go bars--hoping to start a trend.

I was thinking what would happen if a western performer like Sinatra was preforming on stage and someone held up a one dollar bill for him? Quite a different culture.

April 8th, 2008, 14:41
Quite a different culture.

How long did it take you to notice?

April 8th, 2008, 15:07
[quote="I was thinking what would happen if a western performer like Sinatra was preforming on stage and someone held up a one dollar bill for him? Quite a different culture."

you mean a dead performer? :P If they could get Frank singing again it would be worth more than a dollar!

April 8th, 2008, 16:12
Tanao Rd, Kogwau Intersection, Rachdamnoen Rd

I think the spelling in English is Sake or Saki. It was close to a another gay place called TG Street.
This Bangkok street map of the area might help. Can't find 'Kog Wau', but it shows the intersecton of Tanao Rd & Rachdamnoen Rd. A good place to start I guess.


Cheers ...

April 8th, 2008, 19:06
[quote="I was thinking what would happen if a western performer like Sinatra was preforming on stage and someone held up a one dollar bill for him? Quite a different culture."

you mean a dead performer? :P If they could get Frank singing again it would be worth more than a dollar!

OK, then change that to Sammy Davis Jr....no, how about Dean Martin.....no again, OK how about Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, what was their talent?

Speaking of a different entertainment culture. The show last night had this lady midget, with typical midget hip displacement, just walk on stage and roll around and spread her little legs at the crowd with the band hitting a few da-a-bing-da-a-booms. Sent the people in hysterics. Imagine that in USA, next day there would be a law.

April 8th, 2008, 19:25
allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

Well this is a grey area I would prefer buying a gift for a boy who was of unknown status. If he was indeed a money boy he would for sure prefer the cash to a piece of junk from the shops. If he wasn't then what do you offer late at night or early am re a gift. Whatever you do can be wrong I have always found the way to test the water is as I said offer money and say I insist I pay your Taxi of course the taxi fare is a tenth of what I give.

I had a Filipino come on to me here in Saudi and after the sex I offered to pay his taxi home and he was offended and said "I didn't just have sex with you for money I'm not a prostitute " I said Oh I'm sorry I wasn't offering money for the sex, I should drive you home but I can't as I have an appointment to keep right now, the money is simply for a Limo home. His reply was Oh in that case thanks a lot and he took it . ( again about 10 X the taxi fare)

I have in the past also made the mistake of thinking the sex I had just had was free and upon parting company have been asked well where's the money which can be even more embarrassing

How do we know? The chances of a 20 something year old boy fucking a 50 something man isn't often for nothing unless you are the only two people left in the park at 4 am in the morning

April 8th, 2008, 19:28
Great map...I'm definitely going to try and find this place when I get back.

Thanks for going through the trouble of posting it and thanks for the directions too.

April 8th, 2008, 21:22
allieb, isnt it somewhat insulting to infer that anybody who is not apparently weathly and has sex with you must be a prostitute? by offering them money thats what you are doing.

Well this is a grey area I would prefer buying a gift for a boy who was of unknown status. If he was indeed a money boy he would for sure prefer the cash to a piece of junk from the shops. If he wasn't then what do you offer late at night or early am re a gift. Whatever you do can be wrong I have always found the way to test the water is as I said offer money and say I insist I pay your Taxi of course the taxi fare is a tenth of what I give.

I had a Filipino come on to me here in Saudi and after the sex I offered to pay his taxi home and he was offended and said "I didn't just have sex with you for money I'm not a prostitute " I said Oh I'm sorry I wasn't offering money for the sex, I should drive you home but I can't as I have an appointment to keep right now, the money is simply for a Limo home. His reply was Oh in that case thanks a lot and he took it . ( again about 10 X the taxi fare)

I have in the past also made the mistake of thinking the sex I had just had was free and upon parting company have been asked well where's the money which can be even more embarrassing

How do we know? The chances of a 20 something year old boy fucking a 50 something man isn't often for nothing unless you are the only two people left in the park at 4 am in the morning

Agree it can be difficult to know who is and who isnt a moneyboy. But I would expect that a moneyboy will soon let you know that money is required, either before or soon after the act?
I would prefer the embarrassment of the moneyboy having to ask for the money, rather than cause offense to somebody who isnt a moneyboy by offerering them cash or gifts.
Even taxi money can be difficult - 100-200B is likely to be more than the real taxi fare but probably still not offensive - offering 1500B as taxi money is definitely labelling the guy as a moneyboy. I can see why many guys prefer to pick up guys from the gogo bars - at least you know exactly where you stand.

Brad the Impala
April 9th, 2008, 00:54
Under the system of patronage it is quite normal for a richer(especially an older person) to give a younger person a present to help out. The acceptance of it does not by itself mean that the recipient is a prostitute. As a young man in my twenties living in Thailand I usually gave a present to guys with whom I had sex. I can't recall it being refused, or offence being taken, but it was a long time ago!