View Full Version : Delicious gossip for you Asian boy fans

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 4th, 2008, 21:21
my attention is drawn to a dramatic blog run by a Sydney florist and ex-lover of a rich Manila lad Delfin Justiniano Ocampo Montano II who he calls "The Talented Mr Montano"..and his exploits in the Philippines-from which he has now fled back to the safety of Koala land . He is dropping a bundle on the high society and gay life of Manila and it makes for all sorts of juicy tit bits and reading.

Anyone who knows me personally knows how much I abhor passing on gossip so I'm not posting any details..you will just have to read it all for yourself here :

http://delfindjmontano.blogspot.com/200 ... campo.html (http://delfindjmontano.blogspot.com/2008/03/dj-montano-delfin-justiniano-ocampo.html)

** one dramatic piece I note-a tooth whitening kit was stolen from his room !!!

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 4th, 2008, 21:41
oh it all sounds so much like Pattaya..be warned !!!!!

At one point, I pushed him off me and he hit the corner of the bed falling to the floor, where he literally screamed like a little girl. It was truly pathetic to watch. I was shocked because he immediately started to scream assault. Evil little creature. I believe in my heart of hearts, he pre-planned the entire thing. He had to get rid of me... but somehow keep my money. Clever little critter.

( is the "fell of the balcony" scenario big in Manila as well ??)

Panic attacks my ass. Lay off the drugs mate. And cut down your anti d intake mate. ( what's anti d?)

He deserves so much better then that carnival of sideshow freaks and illusionists he was around for awhile.

Trick mirrors everywhere in their world.

Poor Celine Lopez. The girl needs major rehab. Its why they think they are superior to others. When in fact, they cannot function without coke.

This coming from a person who can barely stand upright in the morning without a big fat bump of cocaine. Tragic figure she cuts. But she got hers when her ex fiance dumped her ass because of her shocking addiction to cocaine.

But she us as transparent as a piece of dripping tissue after a nose blow.

Cruelty is his middle name. All very one dimensional and incredibly unforgiving to those whose eye's may not be fully open to the sheer audacity of it all.

Gnarly little jabberjaw!

The lies that came out of that jagged toothed orface still shocks me. Thousands of lies.

My prince turned ack into a frog. A fat slippery poisonious thieving little toad.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 4th, 2008, 21:57
the bad news is that the talented Mr Gorrel's cute puppy ( below) has received murder threats...

the good news is that there is talk of making the whole saga into a movie.

April 5th, 2008, 07:31
my attention is drawn to a dramatic blog ...

What's got me wonderin' is what the hell kind of Google search you were doing to find this little tidbit....and how far down was it in the results? :geek:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 5th, 2008, 07:58
my attention is drawn to a dramatic blog ...

What's got me wonderin' is what the hell kind of Google search you were doing to find this little tidbit....and how far down was it in the results? :geek:

like Lois Lane or Clark Kent I would never reveal my sources ( except perhaps after a long lunch)

### the comments from readers in the section about the others alleged to have been conned by Mr Montano are so deliriously bitchy they seem to leave make our Sunnee Plaza and Boyztown lot sound like thorough gentleman !

I love the one who suggested the movie be titled "Swindler's List "

April 5th, 2008, 14:31
And movies come & go faster than my boy friends when mama's home waiting for cigarettes!

the bad news is that the talented Mr Gorrel's cute puppy ( below) has received murder threats...

Murder threats! What they gonna do?... Turn it the asso...mutt...into dogie adobo?... Puppy pancit?
(Anyone want my recipe for barbequed bitch?)