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March 29th, 2008, 18:18
Wondered what the rates are for off fees, I have listed below the ones I know, list yours if you wish.

BBB 400
Birdcage 500
Crystal 400
WWBoyz 400
Dream Boyz 300

March 29th, 2008, 21:23
Getting off fees....errrr off fees........

The Beach areas.... A smile

Big C stores.... A smile

Tesco Lotus stores.... A smile

The jogging park on the hill.... A smile

The Sauna .... A smile

Royal Garden.... A smile

March 29th, 2008, 21:37
new here just wondering how the off thing works
going to thailand soon like to know how things work there

March 29th, 2008, 23:52
Wondered what the rates are for off fees, I have listed below the ones I know, list yours if you wish.

BBB 400
Birdcage 500
Crystal 400
WWBoyz 400
Dream Boyz 300

In regard to the off fee you have quoted above for the Birdcage, that fee only applies to the Coyote dancers. The off fee for the regular go go boys is 300 Baht. The reason the off fee for the coyote dancers is so high, is not in order to rip anyone off, but to discourage anyone offing them, as they are considered and rightly so in my opinion, to be an integral part of the set up at the Birdcage.

Mark was telling me earlier tonight, that he is considering applying the same ruling to the coyote dancers as is applied to the show boys, that being that they can not be offed until the end of the evening. A good idea in my opinion and after all, if your desired coyote boy is worth having, than he should be worth waiting for.

Although that said, I have no doubt that the regular detractors and critics of the Birdcage, will disagree with what I have said most strongly, especially one certain member here in particular. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif


March 30th, 2008, 00:16
I fully understand their point of view. it seems reasonable that they should want to ensure that the main attractions are there til the end of the night

March 30th, 2008, 00:53
...after all, if your desired coyote boy is worth having, than he should be worth waiting forBetter still, get his phone number and arrange to meet before he starts work the next day - cut out the middle man and get a good night's sleep

March 30th, 2008, 01:15
...after all, if your desired coyote boy is worth having, than he should be worth waiting forBetter still, get his phone number and arrange to meet before he starts work the next day - cut out the middle man and get a good night's sleep

We have a name in Pattaya for the likes of those who pull strokes such as the one suggested by you above. I wonder if the same term used to describe them here in Pattaya, is used in Bangkok. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/shake_head.gif

For the record Hommie, doing the type of thing that you have suggested above, is no more than I would expect from the likes of your type. That type being of course, someone who has about as much class, as a barrel load of arseholes. Oh and by the way Hommie, as far as you childlike and very immature antics go, in continually trying to goad me, I assure you that it is something you will tire of a long while before it starts to bother me. That skin of mine, is a little bit thicker than I know you imagine it to be.


March 30th, 2008, 01:42
That skin of mine, is a little bit thicker than I know you imagine it to be. Yes, that's very clear - someone with a thinner skin couldn't have stopped himself from responding :bounce:

March 30th, 2008, 02:37
... he wasn't coming until 0200 and I turn into a pumpkin not long after 12.I just hate it when boys take so long to come

March 30th, 2008, 02:41
That skin of mine, is a little bit thicker than I know you imagine it to be. Yes, that's very clear - someone with a thinner skin couldn't have stopped himself from responding :bounce:

As you Hommie, have once again proved. Must you always throw a tantrum and spit out your dummy everytime you are not able to have the final word? How sad! What a pity it is also, that before you try and take the splinter from the mouths of others, you didn't first of all remove the plank from your own.


March 30th, 2008, 08:23
How many posts ago was it that George was telling us, in a Raksiam context, "Don't feed the trolls"? A friend in Pattaya has asked me to post a recent picture of George so that others may be on the look-out for him. Of course it wasn't that long ago that George himself was Our Resident Pimp. Clearly modern economic concepts such as disintermediation have yet to reach Pattaya - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disintermediation

March 30th, 2008, 08:27
must be ready to explode about now, homnitern?

March 30th, 2008, 08:28
must be ready to explode about now, homnitern?I'm hoping he has a ready supply of blood pressure pills at hand - I'd hate to lose such a fun target

Brad the Impala
March 30th, 2008, 08:45
On the other hand, the owners of bars like the Bird Cage are pimps.

I can see that by this statement of yours above, you are choosing to continue with your abuse toward the owner of the Birdcage, with even more obnoxious insults and name calling being hurled in his direction by you and as I have said before, without any justification in my opinion for you to do so. I wonder how keen you would be to continue with these insults toward him, if the only way it was possible for you to do so, was by having to say such things to his face. Instead of that is, by doing so behind the anonymity of your forum name. Not very keen at all, would be my guess as to your answer to that particular question of mine.

Of course owners of bars that sell boys/girls for sex are pimps. Whether you take that as an insult depends on your view of the sex trade. Personally I don't see it as an insult. It's a simple fact.

March 30th, 2008, 08:49
"I'm only four-and-a-half inches...and some boys don't like it that thick."

March 30th, 2008, 08:49
Of course owners of bars that sell boys/girls for sex are pimps. Whether you take that as an insult depends on your view of the sex trade. Personally I don't see it as an insult. It's a simple fact.Since George was once (briefly, unsuccessfully) in "the business" you can assume you've touched a raw nerve

March 30th, 2008, 09:49
Imitation is the highest form of flattery ... or is it?
What is the shame of having a small cock anyway?

cant believe a guy like you has a small cock must be big for sure
your such a man it must be big

March 30th, 2008, 09:56
tight hole yeah know what you mean sounds familiar
where this athens place

March 30th, 2008, 11:36
must be ready to explode about now, homnitern?I'm hoping he has a ready supply of blood pressure pills at hand - I'd hate to lose such a fun target

No blood pressure pills needed by me Hommie, I assure you, neither is it necessary for you to post any pics either. You see Hommie, unlike those cowards here, of whom I am certain wouldn't be anywhere near as brave in the comments they make, were it not for the obvious fact that they were hiding behind the anonymity of a forum name, it is not only well known who I am, but what I look like also. For the record, I am privileged to know others here, that because they have nothing to hide, also, have no problem with their identity being known.

You keep it up Hommie, after all, in my opinion you are only proving the words of a certain person to be true, when he said: "Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities". http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

You have a good day now Hommie, do you hear. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/cool_shades.gif


March 30th, 2008, 12:02
On the other hand, the owners of bars like the Bird Cage are pimps.

I can see that by this statement of yours above, you are choosing to continue with your abuse toward the owner of the Birdcage, with even more obnoxious insults and name calling being hurled in his direction by you and as I have said before, without any justification in my opinion for you to do so. I wonder how keen you would be to continue with these insults toward him, if the only way it was possible for you to do so, was by having to say such things to his face. Instead of that is, by doing so behind the anonymity of your forum name. Not very keen at all, would be my guess as to your answer to that particular question of mine.

Of course owners of bars that sell boys/girls for sex are pimps. Whether you take that as an insult depends on your view of the sex trade. Personally I don't see it as an insult. It's a simple fact.

How can it not be abuse for someone to be called a pimp Brad, when it implies that they are involved in the act of prostitution? How can that possibly be so, when it a well known fact by us all, that as prostitution is illegal in Thailand, it doesn't exist, does it?. Well. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/shrugs.gif

I am sure that someone with your intelligence Brad, will now see my reasoning, as to why I referred to such a slur being made on anyone, as being that of an insult. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Cheers Brad,


March 30th, 2008, 12:29
"it is not only well known who I am, but what I look like also."

Nothing personal George, but I have no idea who you are or what you look like (I'm sure it would be a treat though). Perhaps I'm one of the very few who doesn't :blackeye:

Me too, but I'm not one of the in-crowd in the gay hi-so Pattaya clicks. I was even classified 4F for the Balmy Army.

I don't know who Hommi is either but I see so many obnoxious acting, fat, old, bald cunts walking (some waddling) around Bangkok, he could me anyone one of them.

March 30th, 2008, 12:34
"it is not only well known who I am, but what I look like also."

Nothing personal George, but I have no idea who you are or what you look like (I'm sure it would be a treat though). Perhaps I'm one of the very few who doesn't :blackeye:

My apologies Fatts, for a statement that could and no doubt will be by some, interpreted as an inflated ego being displayed on my part. I assure you that was not my intention. My statement is true in respect of the majority of ex-pats in Pattaya as well as many from this forum whom I have met during their visits. I hope that this now clarifies what was meant by me, in my post above.

Choc dee Fatts,


March 30th, 2008, 12:49
No problem. I guessed as much - a light hearted post on my part. :bom:

No doubt a lot lighter than your good self hey? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif For the record, I am only able to make this post as a result of the information that was provided to me directly from you. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/tongue.gif

By the way, thanks for gracing us with your presence here, as one of the more pleasant and kinder personalities around this place, which you always show evidence of being in your posts.

Cheers Fatts and by the way, with regard to your comments about it possibly being a treat to meet me, be careful what you wish for as they say, in case it comes true. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Wink.gif


March 30th, 2008, 17:32
You are so funny!! LOL You just crack me up with your wit. Thank God I don't know you.

March 30th, 2008, 22:30
Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocritiesYou do have a sense of humour about yourself, George! Comparing yourself to the divine Oscar Wilde is just .... hilarious

March 30th, 2008, 22:35
How can it not be abuse for someone to be called a pimp Brad, when it implies that they are involved in the act of prostitution? How can that possibly be so, when it a well known fact by us all, that as prostitution is illegal in Thailand, it doesn't exist, does it?I'm pleased to announce that Our Resident Bodhisattva and former Resident Pimp, George ("just call me Oscar"), will shortly be opening the Wilde George School of Higher Learning to teach formal logic to the great unwashed

Meanwhile a little bird (yes, well, Hedda's latest budgie) tells me that Wilde George shops at http://www.pimpcostumes.com/

March 30th, 2008, 23:28
You do have a sense of humour about yourself, George!

Thanks Hommie, I am very pleased that you think so. Perhaps you could point out this obseration of yours on me, to a certain friend of yours. You know the one Hommie, the one with whom you share the private information of other peoples pm's. Also, please ask him this question:

Why is it that he is unable to see in me, something that is crystal clear, not only to you, but countless others here as well. If you do that for me my dear, I will truly appreciate it. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/cool_shades.gif

I am sure that there will be some astonished expressions on the faces of many here on reading this post Hommie, when they learn that you are slowly becoming a big fan of mine. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Cheers Colonel, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif


March 30th, 2008, 23:48
You do have a sense of humour about yourself, George! Thanks Hommie, I am very pleased that you think so. I see you're still working on the sense of irony :idea:

March 31st, 2008, 18:15
In regard to the off fee you have quoted above for the Birdcage, that fee only applies to the Coyote dancers. The off fee for the regular go go boys is 300 Baht. The reason the off fee for the coyote dancers is so high, is not in order to rip anyone off, but to discourage anyone offing them, as they are considered and rightly so in my opinion, to be an integral part of the set up at the Birdcage.

What percentage are Coyote Dancers Goerge (if you know that question of course).

Other bars have shows, Throb, BBB, WildWestBoyz to name a few, and they do not apply that policy. not that everyone should apply the same policy as others. Although I remember one guy saying from a bar "I am a dancer, I should get more money, give me 2000 bht". Erm!!!

Wonder if any of these so called special privilege dancers get offed!!!

March 31st, 2008, 20:53
On the other hand, the owners of bars like the Bird Cage are pimps.

I can see that by this statement of yours above, you are choosing to continue with your abuse toward the owner of the Birdcage, with even more obnoxious insults and name calling being hurled in his direction by you and as I have said before, without any justification in my opinion for you to do so. I wonder how keen you would be to continue with these insults toward him, if the only way it was possible for you to do so, was by having to say such things to his face. Instead of that is, by doing so behind the anonymity of your forum name. Not very keen at all, would be my guess as to your answer to that particular question of mine.

Of course owners of bars that sell boys/girls for sex are pimps. Whether you take that as an insult depends on your view of the sex trade. Personally I don't see it as an insult. It's a simple fact.

Very interesting statement. I don't think so, that a pimp paying his hooker a salary. Called Pimps usually taking the service money. The boys are employed for a monthly salary. So what is the deal?

:diabloanifire: :diabloanifire: :diabloanifire: