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View Full Version : In Memorium - Terry Power RIP

March 29th, 2008, 03:57
I see you have been having fun while I was away.

I have had fun too making an album In Memorium for Terry Power aka wowpow.

It is linked click here (http://www.jinkscorp.com/hols/thai/wowpow/index.htm) and at the top of my Thai site use the www button below.

Have more fun, I'm off to Spain.

Vaya con Dios.

March 29th, 2008, 12:20
Brought back some great memories of Terry. Thanks

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 29th, 2008, 13:48
I only knew Terry from his Pattaya days but from that early picture it looks like he must have been quuite handsome when young..and what..about 6 foot tall !! Wonder if he found plenty of muscle guys in the UK ?.

No wonder he loved Thailand !!

March 29th, 2008, 17:31
Terry was well over 6 foot. A Gentle Giant with a heart of gold.

April 2nd, 2008, 20:48
Just want to say how sad I am to read of Terry's passing.
I never met him sadly, however we corresponded now and again on gay sites and Lonely Planet Thorntree.

Two days ago I arrived in Pattaya with my Indonesian boyfriend and just last night I dug out Terry's mobile number. I came on here to see if he'd been posting as I intended calling him tomorrow if he'd been in Pattaya.

Sometimes things aren't meant to be - I'm just sad I never had the pleasure of the man's company.

Condolances to his family and friends.

April 3rd, 2008, 03:30
I never met Terry personally...but from what I gather he was a happy man, with a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye. Always ready with a knowing smile and a happy laugh. I will miss Terry. RIP.

April 4th, 2008, 08:24
I met Terry a few years back on an inaugural Air Asia flight from Chiang Mai.

We both wanted front row seats and as there was no allocation, we chatted in the lounge while waiting. We spent the flight back chatting, and as I had a few spare days he invited me down to his home in Pattaya.

A place I had never been to. That initial association went on to become quite a valued friendship to me. I often mailed him a bottle or two, of nice red Australian wine, as a surprise, until he asked me to stop last year.

We used to meet when we were in London at the same and we used to go shopping for little designer things together. Terry was a lover of minimalism. I always made it a point to catch up with him when passing through Thailand. He would come up to Bangkok if I couldn't get down to Pattaya.

Last October on the way from Eastern Europe I bought some Baluga Black Caviar in the morning market in Kiev and some pink Champanska.. Terry and I hired a suite each in Bangkok and I have pictures of him licking the tin out with buttered bread in his hand.. "the best caviar I have ever had my dear" I remember him saying.. And he certainly knew as he was a former professional international hotel manager. Afterwards Terry dutifully took all the hotel soap as was his custom, for those lost Farangs who were in Pattaya prison.

He was also a lover of big aussie reds, so I once had a bottle of Penfolds 87 Grange flown in to Thailand for us to share while I was passing through from Europe to Melbourne. Terry lovingly and dutifully collected it from the Post office while on the back of a motorcycle. He told me he held it close to his heart with both hands, whilst sitting pillion, terrified that the shaking would ruin it. More worried about the wine than himself. I went down to Pattaya, and we had a delightful night drinking it together at Mata Hari.

We were both Apple mac fans and I will miss his crusty emails when I was able to get the latest Apple products before he could do so in Bangkok. He was really hanging out for an iphone GSM enabled after we had lunch at the Peninsula and he tried one out.. and I wonder if he ever got that new AIR mac

A man of great style and ever ready to help a new inexperienced person on the Thorn Tree site of Lonely Planet, Terry will be missed by not only his close friends, and the dancing boys and muscle men who knew him as a generous tipper , but by all those that simply knew him as anonymous WOWPOW on the net.

Ted Melbourne

April 4th, 2008, 19:21
There is a thread on Lonely Planet' Thorntree board with words from his friends there too.

Sorry I cannot post the link as the forum does not allow new members to do this for a period of time.

April 5th, 2008, 08:35
Thanks econgdon

That was a great example of the great character that Terry aka TeePee aka Wowpow was...

I'm sure theres loads of travellers out there that have crossed paths with him on their travels over the years and have fond memories of him but still aren't aware of his passing

Whilst i was never a close friend of Terry, unlike some members such as jinks, FoonDee etc. I too was one of the 100's (1000's?) of people that met him several times and have happy memories of times spent with him...

Once again RIP Terry

April 5th, 2008, 10:18
here are spme pics of Terry in London having Oysters and Chardonnay amd my Grange in Pattaya

April 10th, 2008, 05:00
here is Terry after pigging out on fresh caviar from Kiev and pink Champanski from Krim ( crimea)