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March 28th, 2008, 17:01

March 28th, 2008, 17:17
^A picture tells a thousand words.

March 28th, 2008, 17:57
And if you push or pull the right buttons at the right time, it always pops out some cash...

March 28th, 2008, 18:13
...and some have a higher daily limit than others.

March 28th, 2008, 18:30
for the average gogo boy, it's a job, the farang is a customer, who hopefully can be easily parted from his money

March 28th, 2008, 18:38

March 28th, 2008, 18:50
^ Nice one :)

brighton man
March 28th, 2008, 20:20
Well i disagree with all these comments i know they they genuinly love all of us .

March 28th, 2008, 20:48
I imagine their thoughts on us are exactly the same as most people think of their boss. They'll tell you what a wonderful person you are, laugh at your jokes, make you tea/coffee, and generally try to be your best friend. And why not? You pay their wages. Similarly, when they meet up with their friends at the bar and your not around, I'd imagine it being no different to a works canteen. They'll all compare notes on each others 'boss', and generally slag you off till you call them on the mobile (the bell rings) and it's time to go back to work again.

It's a job, and you're their employer. Why should it be any different to any other job or you any different to any other employer?

March 28th, 2008, 20:48
My issue with the question is that it assumes there is a unified attitude among bar-boys towards a block of identical customers--ie farang. Many of us have moved well beyond this assumption of prejudice. Considering there are only two certain and powerful uses for prejudice--humor and hatred--I should think you'd be happy to see the thread skewed to one as opposed to the other.

It's impossible to answer your question, because no thinking human being can accept the assertion--certainly not without joining in the prejudice or admitting their own ignorance.

Instead, I will attempt to give you a few examples obliquely related to the question and hope you will not take them as proof of the existence of barboyism.

I've known W** for more than 15 years. He left his hometown (which is about a two and a half hour drive from Bangkok on modern highways) when he was 15 with his school uniform and 40 baht in his pocket to make his way to Bangkok on foot. Along the way, he was fed and provided water from Thai people, and did any number of small odd jobs until by some means unknown to me he was introduced to the bars.

Within short order, he could speak passable English as well as a smattering of other languages ranging from German to Japanese and became fluent in the Lao-Issan dialect common amongst most of his Friends at the bar.

Considering that the first encounter he had with Farang was with them ogling and selecting either him or one of his mates to be taken out of the establishment for whatever purposes, he has a fairly high view of farang in general. He also has a high view of black men (from positive images in mass-media, Michael Jordan, etc.) and makes fun of Japanese (his own prejudice).

He is quite happy to go with Thai customers, but cringes when certain Thai lady-boys enter the bar and has latched onto me at times merely to avoid them--even when it cost him an off.

The only nationality he refuses to go with are Arabs.

He sees little of the differences which may exist between English, American, German, French, Italian and other 'white people'. I get the impression that he views Faranglandia as having different provinces like Thailand where customs and language may be different, but we are all essentially the same. He's smart enough to know that is not the case, but in his little world with his frame of reference, I think that's the way he 'understands' it.

Most of the customers (farang and others) he has had are nice, or nice enough. A few times he has been abused or cheated. I have been cheated on the job, but can't say I've ever been beaten and raped.

What others have said, and with which I agree, is that most customers are just that--customers. What others say about wishes for long term financial support are also true--and why shouldn't they be? What gets left out of the either-or is a genuine friendship--albeit Thaistyle--where two people can cross the divide and enjoy spending time together beyond the expected and develop some trust.

I'm a small 'd' democrat and can breach that gulf easier than he can. Station in life of friends means very little to me. It means much more to him.

Age is also a gulf easier to cross for me than for him, although I was in my very early 30's when I met W**. He has brothers my age, and was happy to be the younger brother to me and others in our entourage--that role-playing is more important to him than to me.

He also considers me something of a Papa (since his is dead) and given the fact that I also have never given him long-term material support is a role-play we have exchanged from time to time.

I guess the long and short of it is this: I'm much more concerned with what this guy thinks about me than I am what 'barboys' think about 'farang'. The former I have to earn over time, but is at least as real as any other relationship. The latter is a figment of imagination.

If I can be so bold as to suggest this; if your query (and the many that have proceeded it) is genuine, this is what you should be asking of yourself. "What do I think of him, and how can I move closer to understanding what he thinks of me." As I've said before, there is no 'them' and there sure as fuck is no 'us'.

If you don't want to commit to that, then remain a customer (or not) and a nice one. At least you know where you stand.

March 28th, 2008, 23:16
Full marks for the ATM pics, very funny.

Also, please ignore the unwarranted criticism from you know where.

March 29th, 2008, 01:01
Hello, I am from Luangprabang , LAOS. I have been living in the US for a long time.
I will try to answer your question as honest as I can since the culture of the Thai and Laotians are not much different.
Actually the word FARANG came from LAOS. During the French occupation of Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam)
When the Laotians see the french people, they call them Frang or Farang, because FRANCE was pronounce like Farang in
Laos. So it sticked on , whenever we see caucasians we always called them farang.

To answer your question "what do we think of farangs?" so here is my opinion.
1. If a straight boys that you are involved with, you are just a meal ticket, an ATM machine, the boys just do it for the money. Most of these boys dont like to be bottom, but will be flexible if the money is right. Eventhough you have a relationship with these type of boys it wont last. I think it happened in all cultures not just Thai or Laos.

2.If you are involved with a gay boys, it depends on the boys how they think of you.
a. maybe a meal ticket just want to have fun until the next tourist come to town.
b. maybe want father type figure who could provide fund for school, help family, etc...
c. see you as a dumb tourists and try to get as much as they can from you.
d. can have a lasting relationship just like every place on earth depend on you and him.

3. If a ladyboy that you like. Well ladyboys will act like a housewife, like to do cleaning, cooking for you.
you have to provided money though, otherwise the relationship dont tend to last, then they will seek out other farangs
to be a husband-bread winners role.

That's it for now, cannot think of more to say maybe next time.

March 29th, 2008, 05:07
If one has had many encounters with Thais - bar workers or otherwise - and doesn't have any insight into how they think (about falang or whatever), that to me is just a reflection on the falang [either he's using them for an hour for sex (a time period hardly conducive to real communication) or his empathy skills are somewhat in the bookend category].

Most of them, in my experience, will actually talk to you if you give them a chance and show them a little respect. That interaction is more valuable to me than the 20 minutes of sex (well....I may be exaggerating the length of time there..... :cyclopsani: ).

March 29th, 2008, 10:41
Bloody good subject, have not given it much thought until i read all the replies. Have always thought that the main objective of anyone (Thai or foreign) up on a stage selling their arse was cash, in my not so limited experience I have yet to come across a go go boy who will not take it up the arse, all depends on how much cash is offered and on how you sweet talk them, I prefer to off the so called straight / top only/ "me man" boys, presents a delicious challenge; no fun in buying a confirmed bottom...no challenge!!
Secret is to respect them....yes respect them and keep your mouth shut, no gogo boy wants his friends to know what he did last night; well some might but not the "me man" types.
If you looking for a relationship or a "normal" pick up which does not involve cash you gotta frequent gay bars; not go go bars; even G.O.D or DJ station present a viable alternative where a Thai with a normal job (and probably good income too) can be picked up, much the same way one would in Amsterdam or Paris.

March 29th, 2008, 14:45
As customers. And all customers are different. They all have different needs and requirements. So the good gogoboy tries to figure out what the customer wants. A good gogoboy is selling you a dream, not his body.

March 29th, 2008, 16:24
in fact, I have not been with, go go boy, in 10 years. And it was a disaster. If you are handsome (as in any country), you wil find many guys.
I still remember the first time in Pattaya, he choose me, I was happy, we had the best sex in my life, did he want anything? no, something from the store, very cheap, All his Friends waved at us when driving with his thai friends, Have ├ЕI been to Pattaya since. Yes. But i prefer bkk or cmm,

March 29th, 2008, 18:15
wellcome to this board

I find the Lao people to be very friendly. In fact I "love" them.
I am going to Lounang Prabang in may, maybe we can meet? :-)

March 29th, 2008, 18:51
Well...I can't speak for anyone else, but I know how one X working boy feels about one farang.

We were married last November...he left the working scene...I left the butterfly scene....and we're going to be just fine.

I never viewed him any differently because he was a working boy and always treated him with respect and compassion - as a friend that I truly adored. In return, he treated me the same way. That friendship, and the mutual respect we had for each other, grew over time until the point that we started to bond.

Because of my attraction to the feminine lady boy types, and the fact that my BF is of that composition, we seem to have found the harmony we were both looking for.

His perception of the farangs he interacted with during his working days is both simple and logical. There were some very jai dee farangs he met - and some were pigs. Ironically, his perception is no different from those of any other race or culture. Good people are viewed as good people - and pigs are pigs.

The reason that most working boys view most farangs simply as "walking ATM's" is because the majority of farangs are simply that. Most working boys are there for one reason - and one reason only, and that's to make money, and most farangs are there for one reason - and one reason only, to buy sex. Gee...there's another one of those balancing things again!

Here's how I view some of the farangs I see through my eyes:


- Drags his date to a bar to sit and listen to himself talk for hours on end, while the boy sits there with an empty glass staring at the wall.
- Flags the boy off the stage and starts playing with his cock in front of everyone in the place.
- Offs #12 several times telling him how much he loves him - and then returns to the very same bar and offs #27.
- Offs the boy for an entire night expecting him to do cart wheels on the bed - and then tips him 300 baht.
- Acts like a total gentleman in the bar - and then attempts to shove frozen fruit up the boys ass back at the room.
- Looks like a pig - smells like a pig - and acts like a pig, and expects a beautiful young Thai boy to sleep with him - and enjoy it.
- Tells the boy he will send him money when he returns home to help him survive - and doesn't send him a penny.

I could go on like this all day.

If you want to know how the working boys perceive US...just look at yourself in the mirror and you will have answered your question.

mai pen rai

March 29th, 2008, 19:02
Excellent post Dodger, and right on mark.

I am learning how one ex working boy feels about one farang... it's early days... and much earlier than I expected or wanted.

if you look at them as your boy for the night then are you surprised that they look at you as their ATM for the night!

March 29th, 2008, 19:52
Excellent post Dodger, and right on mark.

No. I disagree. This is just another typical Dodger post (and yes, I├втВмтДвve read a lot of them). Well written but rambling off topic full of self-centred, self-congratulatory twaddle laced with damp-eyed, yet tough-jawed romanticism about his katoey ├втВм╦Ьhusband├втВмтДв designed to seek another round of oh├втВмтДвs and ah├втВмтДвs from the usual acolytes.

The subject is ├втВм╦ЬWhat do go-go boys really think about farangs├втВмтДв not what Dodger thinks about farangs. Do the boys really think all farangs look act and smell like pigs? Do all (or any?) farangs push frozen fruit up boys asses? Where did that perverse thought come from?

Dodger said: [i]├втВм┼УBecause of my attraction to the feminine lady boy types, and the fact that my BF is of that composition, we seem to have found the harmony we were both looking for├втВм

March 29th, 2008, 21:40
"Thai boys remain a mystery to me, what is really going on in their brains?"

In my three years living in Thailand I learned that most of the time the answer to that question is, " _________________". NOTHING.

Thai people are not taught to think. They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Empty your mind and learn how to just BE in the moment. I can't tell you how many times my former BF told me, "You think too much." and I replied, " You don't think enough."

Just learn to accept that your Thai boy is not the companion with whom you will have deep philosophical discussions. He does have other positive qualities ; ) but thinking is not one of them.

I taught in the Thai school system, very prestigious private school kids but the idea that the "Tallest poppy gets cut first" is still very true. The saddest part of the Thai education system is that curiosity and questioning are beaten out of the children at a very early age.

- ajarntrade

P.S. I still keep in touch with my former BF, though we are not together any more we remain close friends. He's dieting and preparing for the Mr. Thailand Body Building Competition. I still care for him deeply but I know that our relationship can only continue as friends, and that's ok with me.

March 29th, 2008, 23:39
They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Thanks, ajarntrade. That has explained Our Resident Bodhisattva, George, to me

March 30th, 2008, 00:11
Well...I can't speak for anyone else, but I know how one X working boy feels about one farang.

Exactly. Precisely. Dodger, you have hit the nail on the head, and have also managed to demonstrate the stupidity of the original question. There are thousands of bar-hosts in Thailand, and thousands of gay farang. Why should we be looking for one size which fits all?

Some bar-boys are shits, beyond all doubt. And yet, in my experience, some can be priceless treasures. I have already made reference to Mr. Diamond, who opened a Shan restaurant in Chiang Mai, and is one of my best friends. In fact, I am going off to Fang tomorrow to be part of the Shan Poy Sang Long festival in that little town.

And there is no doubt that some farang customers are shits, as well. But some are nice.

I know that it is now customary to explain everything with the metaphor of the ATM machine. But that has been around for so long that it has become hackneyed. Try to think in Thai terms: "status hierarchy" is one translation of a key Thai concept. [Did you really expect your penniless Thai boyfriend to be giving YOU money?"] Another key concept is "liang dek" (เลี้ยงเด็ก) -- to raise a child, to support someone: for example, to keep the boy in school (NOT to keep the boy in drug money).

Oh! Poy Sang Long! Have you ever seen this wonderful festival??


March 30th, 2008, 03:01
What's the matter Minimee...did you glance in the mirror?

March 30th, 2008, 03:56
I completely understand all this 'up to you' concept, and I'm not complaining about it, but it does tend to be a little annoying sometimes. If I take a boy off to go and do something like, say, go to the cinema, I want to know that he also wants to go to the cinema, or at least doesn't mind going. Similarly, when choosing which film we watch, I don't want him to sit through a film he's not going to enjoy. I know that he thinks I'm paying for his time, so it's my prerogative what we do, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I don't like being that much in control, and it makes me feel weird when I am.

I know it's just something that's part and parcel of the whole Thai experience, and I'm better off just getting used to it, but apart from anything else, when many so many questions are answered with "up to you", it can sometimes leave you with not much left to talk about. Deciding what to do or where to go can often be a good conversation in itself.

And as a flip side to this thread, I wonder if Thai boys ever ask on their own forums what we think about them? Do you think they 'spy' on us here to see what we're talking about, and go back to their own forums to report on it? Also, does anyone here who can understand Thai ever go to their forums to see what they're talking about? It would be interesting to know..

March 30th, 2008, 04:38
Yes, it can get a little annoying hearing the phrase at times. But in reality, it's just good manners...and it beats the absolute opposite wherein he hijacks your holiday or schedule to suit himself.

If pressed, most guys I've known will break down and be 'rude' enough to choose. I'm almost always happy when they do--not just because it takes pressure off me, but because they tend to know better spots.

March 30th, 2008, 06:35
"Thai boys remain a mystery to me, what is really going on in their brains?"

In my three years living in Thailand I learned that most of the time the answer to that question is, " _________________". NOTHING.

Thai people are not taught to think. They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Empty your mind and learn how to just BE in the moment. I can't tell you how many times my former BF told me, "You think too much." and I replied, " You don't think enough."

Just learn to accept that your Thai boy is not the companion with whom you will have deep philosophical discussions. He does have other positive qualities ; ) but thinking is not one of them.

I taught in the Thai school system, very prestigious private school kids but the idea that the "Tallest poppy gets cut first" is still very true. The saddest part of the Thai education system is that curiosity and questioning are beaten out of the children at a very early age.

- ajarntrade

P.S. I still keep in touch with my former BF, though we are not together any more we remain close friends. He's dieting and preparing for the Mr. Thailand Body Building Competition. I still care for him deeply but I know that our relationship can only continue as friends, and that's ok with me.

As someone that totally disagrees with your analysis that Thai boys are incapable of thought or conversation, it wasn't until I got to your PS at the end of your post above, that I understood what your problem really was in your relationship with your ex and why, you think as you do about Thai boys.

What beef cakes, regardless of their nationality, such as those that enter body building competitions similar to the one your ex b/f will, so you tell us, be entering, have ever had anything between their ears that would give them the capability to be able to think, as well as the ability to be able to have deep and philosophical conversations? I have certainly never known of any.

The only thing that any of these guys seem to be knowledgeable about, is steroids. Despite the knowledge that they have of steroids, the majority of them normally end up by allowing themselves to become fucked up as a result of taking too many of them, for which later, when they are finished with the bullshit of entering such competitions, suffer the consequences for their actions.

So you see ajarntrade, it had nothing to do with the fact that your boyfriend was Thai, that wrongly misled you into believing that he was incapable of so many things, but was due to the fact that he was a beefcake instead, that was responsible for the way he was. Are you able to see this, now that I have explained it all to you? However, who knows, he could prove us both wrong in our opinions of him, by going on in the future, to become the Governor of some American State or another. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

Arnie already having done this, by displaying for us all to witness, the amazing intelligence and incredible intellect he possesses which was obviously necessary in order for him to be elected as the Governor of California, proved by doing so, that even in the case of beefcakes, there are exceptions to every rule. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif Only in America as they say, are such things possible, hey ajarntrade. Something I may add, for which I give thanks to Buddha, every single day. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Choc Dee ajarntrade, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Wink.gif


March 30th, 2008, 07:14
What's the matter Minimee...did you glance in the mirror?

No, not at all Dodger. There are no similarities between those frozen fruit fetishist farangs you describe, and me.

If any nerves have been touched, I think it is I who has touched yours, by challenging your comfort zone of lascivious monologues centred on your infatuation with a young katoey, designed to allow you to bask in the admiration of members of this board time and again.

But let├втВмтДвs not take this off-topic once more ├втВмтАЬ which was my main complaint about your original post. The subject of this thread was about how Thai boys view farangs, not an invitation for you to fanaticise about stereo-typical sex tourists. Or were you talking from the experience of your butterfly days?

March 30th, 2008, 07:53
What's the matter Minimee...did you glance in the mirror?

No, not at all Dodger. There are no similarities between those frozen fruit fetishist farangs you describe, and me.

If any nerves have been touched, I think it is I who has touched yours, by challenging your comfort zone of lascivious monologues centred on your infatuation with a young katoey, designed to allow you to bask in the admiration of members of this board time and again.

But let├втВмтДвs not take this off-topic once more ├втВмтАЬ which was my main complaint about your original post. The subject of this thread was about how Thai boys view farangs, not an invitation for you to fanaticise about stereo-typical sex tourists. Or were you talking from the experience of your butterfly days?

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/luxhello.gif http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/luxhello.gif http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/luxhello.gif Yay, yet another post by someone claiming to be a "newbie" yet who already seems to know so much about the forum, as well as one of our members. What's it all about than Dodger, what have you done in the past to upset Mini? Or more appropiately, should I say the person that normally posts under another name here and for which they are better known by, than Mini. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whispersecrets.gif

If you haven't already worked it out for yourself Dodger and still haven't done so withing 48 hours, I will pm you the name of whom I think they are. I guess I had better batten down the hatches in preparation of Mini switching from his attack on you, to an all out assault on me now, don't you Dodge? What have I done? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/scared.gif

Choc Dee Dodger, not long now, I bet you are counting down the hours. Have a great flight mate and hope to see something of you whilst you are here.

All the best,


March 30th, 2008, 08:15
I guess I had better batten down the hatches in preparation of Mini switching from his attack on you, to an all out assault on me now, don't you Dodge? What have I done?Paranoia and a thin skin! Whatever next?

Brad the Impala
March 30th, 2008, 08:50
"Thai boys remain a mystery to me, what is really going on in their brains?"

In my three years living in Thailand I learned that most of the time the answer to that question is, " _________________". NOTHING.

Thai people are not taught to think. They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Empty your mind and learn how to just BE in the moment. I can't tell you how many times my former BF told me, "You think too much." and I replied, " You don't think enough."

Just learn to accept that your Thai boy is not the companion with whom you will have deep philosophical discussions. He does have other positive qualities ; ) but thinking is not one of them.

I taught in the Thai school system, very prestigious private school kids but the idea that the "Tallest poppy gets cut first" is still very true. The saddest part of the Thai education system is that curiosity and questioning are beaten out of the children at a very early age.

- ajarntrade

P.S. I still keep in touch with my former BF, though we are not together any more we remain close friends. He's dieting and preparing for the Mr. Thailand Body Building Competition. I still care for him deeply but I know that our relationship can only continue as friends, and that's ok with me.

As someone that totally disagrees with your analysis that Thai boys are incapable of thought or conversation, it wasn't until I got to your PS at the end of your post above, that I understood what your problem really was in your relationship with your ex and why, you think as you do about Thai boys.

What beef cakes, regardless of their nationality, such as those that enter body building competitions similar to the one your ex b/f will, so you tell us, be entering, have ever had anything between their ears that would give them the capability to be able to think, as well as the ability to be able to have deep and philosophical conversations? I have certainly never known of any.

The only thing that any of these guys seem to be knowledgeable about, is steroids. Despite the knowledge that they have of steroids, the majority of them normally end up by allowing themselves to become fucked up as a result of taking too many of them, for which later, when they are finished with the bullshit of entering such competitions, suffer the consequences for their actions.

So you see ajarntrade, it had nothing to do with the fact that your boyfriend was Thai, that wrongly misled you into believing that he was incapable of so many things, but was due to the fact that he was a beefcake instead, that was responsible for the way he was. Are you able to see this, now that I have explained it all to you? However, who knows, he could prove us both wrong in our opinions of him, by going on in the future, to become the Governor of some American State or another. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

Arnie already having done this, by displaying for us all to witness, the amazing intelligence and incredible intellect he possesses which was obviously necessary in order for him to be elected as the Governor of California, proved by doing so, that even in the case of beefcakes, there are exceptions to every rule. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif Only in America as they say, are such things possible, hey ajarntrade. Something I may add, for which I give thanks to Buddha, every single day. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Choc Dee ajarntrade, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Wink.gif


So all beefcakes are brainless? Seeems a bit of an over simplification!

March 30th, 2008, 13:16
"Thai boys remain a mystery to me, what is really going on in their brains?"

In my three years living in Thailand I learned that most of the time the answer to that question is, " _________________". NOTHING.

Thai people are not taught to think. They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Empty your mind and learn how to just BE in the moment. I can't tell you how many times my former BF told me, "You think too much." and I replied, " You don't think enough."

Just learn to accept that your Thai boy is not the companion with whom you will have deep philosophical discussions. He does have other positive qualities ; ) but thinking is not one of them.

I taught in the Thai school system, very prestigious private school kids but the idea that the "Tallest poppy gets cut first" is still very true. The saddest part of the Thai education system is that curiosity and questioning are beaten out of the children at a very early age.

- ajarntrade

P.S. I still keep in touch with my former BF, though we are not together any more we remain close friends. He's dieting and preparing for the Mr. Thailand Body Building Competition. I still care for him deeply but I know that our relationship can only continue as friends, and that's ok with me.

As someone that totally disagrees with your analysis that Thai boys are incapable of thought or conversation, it wasn't until I got to your PS at the end of your post above, that I understood what your problem really was in your relationship with your ex and why, you think as you do about Thai boys.

What beef cakes, regardless of their nationality, such as those that enter body building competitions similar to the one your ex b/f will, so you tell us, be entering, have ever had anything between their ears that would give them the capability to be able to think, as well as the ability to be able to have deep and philosophical conversations? I have certainly never known of any.

The only thing that any of these guys seem to be knowledgeable about, is steroids. Despite the knowledge that they have of steroids, the majority of them normally end up by allowing themselves to become fucked up as a result of taking too many of them, for which later, when they are finished with the bullshit of entering such competitions, suffer the consequences for their actions.

So you see ajarntrade, it had nothing to do with the fact that your boyfriend was Thai, that wrongly misled you into believing that he was incapable of so many things, but was due to the fact that he was a beefcake instead, that was responsible for the way he was. Are you able to see this, now that I have explained it all to you? However, who knows, he could prove us both wrong in our opinions of him, by going on in the future, to become the Governor of some American State or another. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

Arnie already having done this, by displaying for us all to witness, the amazing intelligence and incredible intellect he possesses which was obviously necessary in order for him to be elected as the Governor of California, proved by doing so, that even in the case of beefcakes, there are exceptions to every rule. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif Only in America as they say, are such things possible, hey ajarntrade. Something I may add, for which I give thanks to Buddha, every single day. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Choc Dee ajarntrade, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Wink.gif


So all beefcakes are brainless? Seeems a bit of an over simplification!

Was this post of yours above Brad, a subtle attempt on your part to be humorous in pretending you read my post as one in which I was being serious? To be perfectly honest with you, as you are someone I have rarely witnessed since becoming a member here, if ever, of making any attempt to be subtle by what you have to say in your posts, I am really not sure. My apologies should this be the case. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/smile_blush.gif

If it was and it was wasted on me, perhaps if you were to show more of this same subtlety in your future posts, any which is used again by you, will have less chance flying over my head again, in the same way as it did this time.

If on the other hand you were being serious, than it is you that needs to purchase a safety net in which to affix over the top and back of your head and not me. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

Cheers Brad,


March 30th, 2008, 13:48
They don't see great value in contemplating... any thing. This mostly comes from Buddhism, I think. Thanks, ajarntrade. That has explained Our Resident Bodhisattva, George, to me

Keep it up Hommie, consistency such as your comments above about me, is as they say, the last refuge of
the unimaginative. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

By the way Hommie, when you go out, do you waddle along as opposed to walking? The reason I ask is, I haven't been able to get this silly grin of my face, ever since I read of the possibility that it may well be true that you do, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif


March 30th, 2008, 22:03
By the way Hommie, when you go out, do you waddle along as opposed to walking? Absolutely, dear boy - ask my niece Aunty, who has previously confirmed that every word I write about myself is true, or boygeenyus (another incarnation should be along any moment now) who has previously confirmed that every word others (including you) write about me is also true. Or you could ask Curious, who thinks I'm cottman - just as, apparently, you think (per a previous PM) I'm Curious. The list goes on - and every word is true

March 31st, 2008, 01:13
Was this post of yours above Brad, a subtle attempt on your part to be humorous in pretending you read my post as one in which I was being serious? Be careful Brad. Wilde George ("just call me Oscar") has now told us that he thinks that anyone who reads his posts is in need of psychiatric help ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 14493.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/did-you-know-t14493.html) ). I'm inclined to agree

March 31st, 2008, 20:35
We may need more dummies like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Beginning as a 96-pound weakling in Austria, he pursued a body-building career with enormous success. Having exhaused the possibilities of that job, he set his sights on Hollywood and began with B-movies like "Conan the Barbarian." After a while, his success with the "Terminator" flicks had made him a major Hollywood star.

Having risen to the top of his second profession, he decided to run for Governor of California, put together a team to do it, ran, and WON.

Pretty fucking stupid, huh?

The U.S. Constitution prevents him from making a try for the Presidency, but it is somewhat amusing to wonder whether one would prefer to have Billary, Barack, or Arnold in the White House. :-0

March 31st, 2008, 20:58
We may need more dummies like Arnold SchwarzeneggerThe rest of the world believes American politicians are really, really dumb (Dubya, for example, or Hoppalong Reagan) and this is just another example that proves their point. Clearly you don't need anything except a good political machine and lots and lots of money to get elected there

April 1st, 2008, 00:41
Hello, I am from Luangprabang , LAOS. I will try to answer your question as honest as I can since the culture of the Thai and Laotians are not much different.


an insightful post and one which I agree with based on my own experience. Some, such as El Presidente, see things very differently however!

April 1st, 2008, 08:58
...., he decided to run for Governor of California, put together a team to do it, ran, and WON.

Actually it would be more accurate to say he was the Front Man for a cabal of rich Republican operatives who saw an opening to take down an unpopular Democratic Governor.